Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 69: Adrian's plea [Subscribe to subscribe!]

Chapter 69: Adrian's Pleading

Edrien has gradually changed since he was successfully counterattacked by Gong Yu's design.

The most obvious thing is that the eyes are completely silvery at this moment, and there is no trace of color. Secondly, his emotions gradually became "rigid".

In short, he is becoming more and more like an intelligent robot with limited AI.

He is naturally on the side of human beings, but the established "procedures" in his consciousness make him unable to interfere too much and can only watch the beginning, occurrence and end of everything.

Finally, he can't stand it!

Or the "real" Adrian can no longer stand it!

His body trembled violently, and a large sweat slipped from his hair, and his whole body was immediately soaked.

The battle for outsiders is fierce and short, and the victory or defeat can be divided in an instant.

A trace of clarity flashed in Adrian's eyes and let out a long sigh.

Sadness, remoration, reluctance, determination, anger... All kinds of emotions are combined in this inexplicable long sigh, saying all the complex thoughts of Edley's peace of mind.

This is a portrayal and epitome of his life.

He slowly raised his right hand, closed his five fingers, and slowly pressed down on the void in front of him.

That action seemed to push an extremely heavy door with all his strength.

This is indeed a door.

Gate of Truth!!

Or, the projection of the law of the world's operation is displayed in the form of a "door"!

If Zhang Shen is here, he will definitely rush up with a ecstatic face and shout.

For alchemists, the door of truth is undoubtedly the highest pursuit in this life!!

The door of truth is for alchemists, and the field of law is for practitioners. They dream of wanting to have it, even if it's just for a short time.

The "Gate of Truth" appears, and Adrian's movements are getting slower and slower. Every step of his movements must be exhausted to burn his own spirit and even the source of his soul.

As the law of the operation of the world, the door of truth cannot be touched by anyone. If the soul realm is not enough, the self-knowledge of the world is not enough, and those who try to touch the door of truth will pay a painful price.

For example, Adrian.

As the door of truth is opened little by little, there is less and less "Qingming" in his eyes. Everything belonging to "Adrien Helmris" is gradually disappearing and being erased from this world!

When the door of truth was pushed open a gap enough to reach into a palm, the "nothing emotions" in Adrian's eyes completely disappeared and returned to the previous mechanical state, indifference, ruthlessness, overlooking the world.

"Mechanized" Adrian regained control of his body and seemed to want to "regret", but the residual obsession of his body forced him to continue the unfinished business.

His right hand came through the crack of the door of truth.

There is a wonderful world behind the door!

This is the concrete projection of the laws of the world. At a glance, it is gray and empty, chaotic. In the void, the light of truth is like a meteor that cuts through the sky, flashing away, crystal and seductive.

Adrian has five fingers and one hook, just like playing the strings.

That string is the truth of a certain law of the operation of the world!

Large sound!

The invisible pulse came from the door of truth and spread all over the world in an instant!

The wind stops in an instant!!

"Why did the wind stop?" Damn, am I dreaming?" Damn, it was so windy before, but now it's suddenly gone. The wind is calm. This is unscientific!!"

As far as the eye can see, it looks like before the hurricane. It is quiet, only the "gentle" sea breeze with the smell of the sea that flies from time to time.

Tang Tian had some doubts about his vision. It was not until he received the image from the steel ring that he had to "face" the reality with a strange face. However, after thinking about it, Kim San and Sam thought of the factor of Adrian.

"Tut, are you finally willing to do it... However, even the 'that' who pays most attention to the balance of nature has intervened. It seems that this disaster is really extraordinary."

The action of "playing" cost a large part of Adrian's spirit. After solving the hurricane, he immediately released it and began to slowly pull out his right hand and leave the door of truth.

At this time--

A figure suddenly appeared in the control room and appeared behind Adrian!

It's Zhang Tianxin who hasn't been seen for a long time!!

The situation of his "Buddha and Demon Community" has disappeared. At this moment, his eyes are black, like an abyss, devouring everything in the world. Obviously, he failed!

His Buddha nature, heart and fruit are assimilated by the deepest dark negative forces of people's hearts, and the title of "Spirit Light Bodhisattva" is no longer applicable, just like an irony.

Zhang Tianxin looked at the weak Adrian and couldn't help showing a ferocious sneer and murderous intent.

For the latter's overflowing malice, Adrian still pulled his right hand away from the door of truth wholeheartedly.

It costs a lot to try to pry into the truth of the world with the body of mortals!

Although Adrian's identity is special and protects himself at the cost of the disappearance of "Adrien Helmis", the Gate of Truth is not a public toilet. It is difficult for you to come in and go, and it is difficult to come out.

It's not that he doesn't want to defend and fight back, but he can't!

Although Zhang Tianxin was "magicated", his eyesight was still there, and he could see Adrian's predicament at a glance. In fact, he has been lurking for a long time and chose to appear at this time, which is also a good point.

With his fingers bent into claws, Zhang Tianxin grabbed Adrian's heart with one paw.

In his hand, the holy Buddha's light has turned into a pale black strange light, like a living thing, tossed endlessly.

Adrian's chest was penetrated by Zhang Tianxin's claw, but strangely there was no half a drop of blood splashed out!

"Hmm?!" Zhang Tianxin's face changed dramatically from the touch of flesh and blood, "No, I'm fooled!!"

The gecko broke its tail, and Adrian's right hand broke from his shoulder, turned into a blood light, and rushed into the door of truth.

The door of truth suddenly trembled violently, and a heavy breath came to his face, like the top of Mount Tai, making Zhang Tianxin unable to make any follow-up actions and his body stiff on the spot.

Adrian, with one arm, was not affected by this power from the origin of the world at all. He stood up and his left arm was wrapped in a powerful and domineering armed arm armor, and a three-and-a-half-meter-long blade popped from the top. There was a cold light, and there was an illusion of being torn at a glance.

Adrian waved his left hand and cut Zhang Tianxin's head.

The strong life-and-death crisis made Zhang Tianxin's eyes widen, and the coldness made him goose bumps and penetrated the origin of his soul. He knew that if this blow fell on him, he would be disabled if he did not die.

"Buddha's heart - first regret!!!"

Zhang Tian's belief was fixed, extremely cruelly abolishing his Buddhist power that he had practiced for so long, resisted the waves of boundless pain, and smashed the relics in his body!!


A Bodhisattva fruit relic created by hundreds of years of painstakingly cultivating countless spirits of heaven and earth suddenly collapsed, and the magnificent Buddha's power tore up Zhang Tianxin's meridians, spewed out from every pore of his pores, causing a huge impact, making the magnificent pressure of the gate of truth condensed!

Gaining freedom, Zhang Tianxin, with the help of the power of Buddha's explosion, his body retreated rapidly, turned into a retreat and disappeared.

Zhang Tianxin disappeared, and the momentum of the "enemy" who tried to touch the origin of the world to leave the door of truth also convered.

This is a tragedy!

Adrian can't resist the explosive Buddha's power at all, let alone this is just a control room forged by mortal steel.


There was a loud noise in Zhang Shen's ear. At a glance, Ark 01, as the flagship, was blown up with a big hole, smoke and dust, and there was a tendency to continue to spread around.

If it goes on like this, Ark 01 will immediately be silent and sleep on the cold seabed forever!

In connection, hundreds of thousands of people will die together.

Most of the flagships are senior officials of the coalition government. Although many people may look forward to their death, if they really die together, without the fixed figures who can suppress the situation, there will certainly be a lot of defamy disturbances and even internal struggles in the future, which will consume the little power left by human beings in the future.

What's more, the most elite and potential group of human scientists are also on the flagship!!

If these people really die, even if the other 16 arks survive, human civilization has stopped for at least 200 years, and there is even a scene of civilization regressing!!

For the defender, if you sit back and watch the flagship silence, the "off evaluation" will definitely fall to the limit, which is equivalent to the world being killed several times and death passing by in vain...

But the key is--

Even if you want to do something, everyone is powerless!!!

The impact of Buddha's power came too fast and too strong, and the structures in the ark were connected to each other. It was impacted by the majestic Buddha's power, like a domino, and a large area around it fell into a rapid collapse!

Although it will not affect the whole ship, you should know that such a huge ark is suddenly missing a large piece, and the destroyed center of gravity is enough to plunge it into doom and fall into the sea!

Everyone looked at themselves and the huge ship in front of them, looking blank.

Even Tang Tian, an arms maniac, has nothing to do... Not to mention that his supplies are 70% or 80% less, even if all of them are there, he can't think of any way. High technology is not omnipotent.

Just as everyone looked at each other and wanted to cry, a figure rose to the sky and appeared in front of everyone in the black smoke-filled flagship.


The armor from Gong Yu pierced him, with two silver-gray wings stretched out behind him, which was very handsome.

"Is there nothing you can do..." The last glimmer of hope between Jin San and Sam was dashed, and their faces were full of self-deprecating and wry.

Adrien went straight to Zhang Shen!

He rushed to Zhang Shen and grabbed it with his left hand.


Ouyang Tianqi flashed and cut it off with a knife, when he blocked it.


The abyss cannibalism was summoned by Zhang Shen and beheaded with two knives. Adrian, who had no combat experience, was cut down and flew out.

"What are you going to do?" Shocked by Adrian's explosive appearance, Zhang Shen's eyes were about to stare out. Isn't he a native of this world, a complete ordinary person? He is such a bunker for Mao!!



A strange voice came from Adrian's mouth.

The meaning of pleading in it moved Zhang Shen.