Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 95: Convergence [Subscribe!!]

Chapter 95: Convergence

Guard's space.

In the small tent where Blue Phoenix lives.

Blue Phoenix, Yi Chao and Zihao sat opposite each other and said no. Blue Phoenix clenched a purple-gold scepter, and Yi Chao gently wiped a ferocious black sword. Zihao wore a pair of silver-white fist gloves, and three sharp blades poked out of it, and the sharp light flowed.

The air is full of a faint generosity and tragedy, as if soldiers are about to rush to the battlefield of life and death.

"Let's go, it's time." Blue Phoenix smiled and said, "The mistakes we have made should be ended by us. No matter what the result is, at least, it has a clear conscience.

Yi Chao's wrist moved, and [Jiyue Ghost Refining] fell into the scabbard behind him: "Sister, we are fully prepared. It's just some giants infected with the T-virus. It's just a matter of minutes to destroy them."

Zihao frowned and wanted to say something but gave up. Then he stood up and pretended to be heroic and said, "Let's go, don't be a mother-in-law. You always have to face what you have to face."

With all their thoughts away, the three looked at each other and smiled, walked out of the tent together, aiming straight to the boundary gate.

Not long after, the three came before the boundary gate.

The gate is still magnificent, emitting the awe-inspiring power and the unchanging power of the years.

The three blue phoenix walked together, and then the white light flashed and disappeared into the boundary gate.

.........sp... cut......... line......

In an independent small space connected to the guardian space.

This is the world of the ocean. In the boundless sea, a reef pierces the sea and is independent.

Ouyang Tianqi stood quietly on the reef, holding a knife in both hands, and the blade turned to the sky, like a sculpture, motionless.

The surrounding wind and waves are noisy, but there is no trace of sea water within five meters, as if the reef has left this space, independent and exists in another timeline.

His breathing is very slow and light, but every breath seems to echo the ups and downs of this ocean, or the ups and downs of this ocean have been controlled by his frequency!

I don't know when the shadow of a knife appeared over the Ouyang Apocalypse.

It was an ordinary knife, which only showed the handle and the small half of the blade, and the rest seemed to be in another world and could not be revealed.

After the shadow of the knife appeared, this small world suddenly condensed!

The sharp knife spirit quietly spread, moistening every inch of space in every corner of the small world. Suddenly, the world changed into a world of knives.

The wind is like a knife, and the rain is like a knife. Every leaf is a knife, and every drop of seawater contains a strong sharp knife. The reef at the foot of Ouyang Tianqi is more like an independent knife. The knife rises to the sky, as if to pierce a hole in the sky!

On the contrary, Ouyang Tianqi is more ordinary. The knife spirit that originally permeated his body quietly disappeared. Even if he no longer wiped his eyes three times to stare at him, he could not detect his existence.

However, just as the whole human presence of Ouyang Apocalypse was about to completely disappear, a crack suddenly appeared in the blue sky, and then a soft white light fell from it.

The "transformation" of the small world came to an abrupt end!

It was like luck at a critical moment, but it was suddenly disturbed, and the knife shadow behind Ouyang Apocalypse was broken in an instant!


Ouyang Tianqi spewed out a few meters away with a mouthful of blood, and his body was soft and was about to fall into the ocean.

The white light condensed and turned into a beam of light, covering him and disappearing from this small world.

A small world full of flowers and trees.

On a throne woven by countless strange flowers, Bu Lichen's beautiful eyes were gently opened, his jade hands supported his cheeks, and he leaned lazily against it. His body was surrounded by fairy light, and the fragrance floated, evolving countless strange scenes.

From the planting of flower seeds to the withering, the life of the flower circulates on the side of Bu Lichen's body. With each cycle, the concentration and purity of the surrounding essence quietly rise by one point.

Endless flowers and trees converge and condense into a substantial airflow, ling among the mountains, forests and willow streams.

Wsps of fragrance, with her shallow breathing, merged into the surrounding area and lingered around.

The mixed vegetation essence, accompanied by her breathing sound, was absorbed by the Phoenix seat under her body, purified the essence, and sent into the body, following the transportation route of eight magical power, refining the [cold smoke and ink coral] and [nine-leaf fairy cloudzhi] in the sea of Dantian gas. At the same time, [fog alfalfa] has also become stronger in the warmth of this pure vegetation.

From the perspective of "grade", among the three plants currently owned by Bu Lichen, "nine-leaf fairy cloudzhi" is the highest, followed by "cold smoke ink coral" and "fog alfalfa" is the lowest.

The eight-pin magic power is a top martial arts with strong compatibility. There is no pressure to absorb the fog alfalfa, and the cold smoke ink coral has the same source as it (all items in the Thunderbolt world. The prototype of the cold smoke ink coral is the coral branch in the hands of Confucianism). However, Jiuye Xianyunzhi is It is a spirit of heaven and earth in a fairy world, which is limited to the difference of plane laws. Although it has been "processed" by the great will, it is still difficult to walk.

Practice does not count years.

I don't know how long it took, the cold smoke and ink coral has been completely refined. The breath in Bu Lichen's body was quietly a little cold and fierce, and the charming face of the past quietly increased a bit of awe-inspiring prestige, as if she sat in a high position touring the country.

In the sea of Dantian gas, the misty alfalfa and the cold smoke and ink corals are intertwined, and the breath is intertwined. At the same time, it also releases unique psionic energy to assist the refining of Jiuye Xianyunzhi.

With the support of endless vegetation essence and the spiritual power of fog alfalfa and cold smoke ink coral, the refining of Jiuye Xianyunzhi has finally come to an end and is about to be completely refined into Bu Lichen's body and become a part of the eight-pin magic power.

Bu Lichen, who was in a semi-sleeping state, sensed this situation and appeared with a light smile.

At this moment, the clear sky cracked a crack, and a white light fell straight down, covering Bu Lichen.

The light of receiving!

The passage of vegetation was cut off at the moment!

With the loss of infinite essence support, the eight magical power was unsustainable, and the refining was immediately interrupted.

What's more troublesome is that this nine-leaf fairy Yunzhi is originally the perfect state of nine leaves. After being irrigated and warmed by the essence of heaven and earth for so long, it has given birth to a simple spiritual knowledge. It is only half a step away from the "demon" and has an instinct.

The instinct of survival! Evolutionary instinct!

Before, its instinct was suppressed and could not resist the refining of the eight magical powers, but now, the opportunity has come!

It abandoned its body and launched a brazen impact on the soul of Bu Lichen!

Without any preparation, Bu Lichen's soul was suddenly damaged!


With a muffled hum, Yin Hong's blood flowed out of the seven orifices of Bu Lichen.

Jiuye Xianyunzhi's simple consciousness is naturally not the opponent of Bu Lichen - even if the latter is in an unprepared state, its consciousness collapses in the impact, but it has successfully given Bu Lichen's soul to be hit hard and the soul is unstable.

Losing the control of the soul, Dantian Qihai in Bu Lichen's body, who was in the beam of light, suddenly began to *, and the internal air full of sharp ice and coldness rushed around in the meridians, making her worse and her injury became more serious!

"The light of introduction?!"

"Why does this kind of thing appear in the world of cultivation?"

"What the hell happened?"

.........sp... cut......... line......

Real world, Xia Guo.

A secret research institute under the name of the dragon group.

Here, it has become a mess.

Thick smoke, flames, gunfire and scolding filled this huge five-storey underground research institute.

Hundreds of security personnel with live ammunition, in the form of a team, under the leadership of their respective captains, widened their eyes and did not let go of any corner of the institute that could hide people.

Huang Haoxing is the captain of the SB-250 team. He was still going to the toilet when he received the order from his boss. The tone of the order was very urgent. In desperation, he could only wipe it casually, then put on his trousers, put on his whole body equipment and began to carry out the search mission.

When walking in quickly, Comrade Huang Qixing always feels that a certain part is a little uncomfortable and sticky...

Suddenly, he saw a dark shadow flashing past the door.

He was in awe-hearted and didn't care about the unpleasant feeling. He lowered his body and made several gestures to his teammates at the same time.

After receiving the captain's instructions, the five people looked at each other and had a good tacit understanding that they surrounded them in a few seconds and surrounded the small room in front of them for debris.

Huang Yuxing received the order to catch as much as possible. If the other party's resistance is fierce, he will be killed on the spot!

Huang Qixing knows the reason for this riot. Two "experiments" somehow suddenly broke free from the heavy restraints and escaped, and killed several researchers and released other "experiments" by the way.

The research institute suddenly became a mess.

Other experiments have been recycled one after another, and now only the two culprits are still absconding.

Fortunately, they have not escaped from the scope of the research institute.

"The two tests are dangerous" is the boss's original words.

Huang Haoxing knows that this "certain danger" actually means "very dangerous"!!

This is also the reason why the boss can be killed on the spot.

Thinking of the scene in the laboratory that I accidentally saw, Huang Yuxing's tense nerves tightened again and instinctively touched his waist until the familiar touch came through the skin that he felt more at ease.

Although each of these "test products" is very powerful, they have been tamped in the body in advance. As long as they smell or are contaminated with a special gas, they will instantly lose their resistance and be slaughtered by others.

The bullets of Huang Yuxing and others are specially made. When the bullets are fired, they will release this kind of gas. At the same time, the * hanging around his waist is also containing this gas, and the concentration is high enough to turn the test product into fish in an instant.

However, Huang Qixing and others who slowly approached the half-covered door did not find that the shadow under their feet seemed to have been thrown into the surface of the stones, ripples.

A little Lori in a simple white cloth came out of the shadow and appeared behind the yellow star.

"The 33rd."

Little Lori bent the corners of her mouth and showed a cruel and cold smile.

[PS: The last two characters in the protagonist team are welcome!]

[PS2: As a great loli lover, if there is no loli in the book, won't it put the cart before the horse?! ^-^】

[PS3: The next volume of Attack T Giant, I really want to write a hundred chapters]