Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 33: Anatomy Madman Zhang Shen

Chapter 33: Anatomy Crazy Zhang Shen

Stone Mountain outside Reyes.


Bu Lichen tried his best to stretch every green leaf and absorb the energy from the sun and the free energy between heaven and earth, so as to bloom as soon as possible and get out of this cage as soon as possible.

The crystal clear flower bones are facing the wind and are particularly eye-catching under the warm sunlight, especially the trembling pink stamens, which can't help but create a feeling of care.

Bu Lichen leaned on the colorful throne as usual, bored and dazed.

There is hostility!!

Undisguised malice woke up Bu Lichen, his beautiful eyes condensed, and a trace of awe-inspiring flashed.

Looking in the direction of hostility, a figure gradually appeared on the rugged mountain road.

A giant!

The Titaness named "Hathaway" by Ani!

Her big eyes are still pure, like a clear blue sky, but at this moment there is a trace of anger and jealousy!

It's like a wayward child, witnessing that part of his own care has been separated, instinctively giving rise to anger and jealousy.

There is no doubt that Bu Lichen or the flower in front of him is the culprit who separated Ani's care for himself.

If such a thing happens in the human world, there will probably be a bear child war. However, in this world, the source of the new Titan is finally a fierce giant, and the cruel factor is deeply engraved in the bones. The first thing that comes to mind is -

Dish it!

Simplicity does not mean stupidity, and coherent words are not clear, and it has nothing to do with intelligence. In fact, Hathaway and all the Titans are very smart, but they focus on different aspects.

Ani's recent abnormality was seen by a group of naughty children such as Hathaway. After they had their own way of expressing their concern and secretly recording Ani's route, today, Hathaway, as the first Titan representative, sneaked over while Ani was out to see what made Ani care so much.

She saw this flower, a strange flower that was beautiful alone on the cliff.

The strong smell around the strange flower made her understand that the flower in front of her was the culprit!

Titan's facial features are keen, but it does not mean that their aesthetics are the same as human beings. In Hathaway's eyes, the flower transformed by Bu Lichen is no different from the weeds on the roadside.

A cold murder appeared on Hathaway's face.

She came slowly, and the shadow of the fall was getting longer and longer, like a ferocious demon.

Bu Lichen shook the buds, at the cost of damaging the source that had not been fully recovered, releasing a wisp of cool breath and fragrance. Unfortunately, in front of the murderous Hathaway, she only let the latter stay in place for a few seconds.

"Is it this smell that makes Ani linger?" Such an idea made Hathaway more murderous, "Ani is ours, and no one can take it away!"

Hathaway's pace became heavier. Every step fell, and the vibration that followed made the stones on the mountain road begin to roll, and even the extremely developed roots of the flowers transformed by Bu Lichen trembled lightly.

Bu Lichen sighed: "I didn't expect to die in the hands of such a giant. It's really - ridiculous!"

Hathaway clenched her fists and hit the huge crystal buds. The incisive fist wind rubbed the air and made a sound of gas explosion.

Suddenly, an angry shout came.

" Stop!!"

It's Ani!

Dongdong, Ani took a big step and rushed up the mountain road in the blink of an eye, looking at Hathaway angrily. The latter was like a little girl who was found to have done something bad by her parents, hiding her hands behind her, lowered her head, pouted her mouth, and looked at a loss.

"Hathaway, what are you doing?" When Arnie saw her appearance, his anger suddenly subsided.

Hathaway secretly glanced at Ani and muttered, "Ni~~ I don't see... We... find... sad..."

Ani, who was familiar with the way they spoke, understood what Hathaway meant, and his anger suddenly disappeared. She stepped forward, stretched out her hand and touched Hathaway's head, and said softly, "I understand what you mean. I will pay attention to it in the future."

"You go back first. I'll be right back."

Hathaway narrowed her eyes comfortably. Although she still wanted to destroy the flower in her heart, she was "lost" in the gentleness brought by Arnie's "touching her head" and left along the mountain road in a daze.

Ani saw Hathaway leave and stood silently for a long time.

Suddenly, she sighed faintly, full of sadness and confusion.

"Why... why..."

With a bitter smile, Ani slowly walked to Bu Lichen's side, sat down, and was silent.

At this moment, Bu Lichen deeply felt the sadness, loneliness, helplessness and confusion of the "girl" beside him.

The deep emotion hit the softest part of Bu Lichen's heart, making her forget the identity of the Ani Giant, no longer have a hostile mind, but has a trace of pity.

From Ani's previous self-spoken, Bu Lichen learned a lot about her.

Bu Lichen's eyes became gentle, and for the first time, he sincerely released the fragrance of Jiuye Xianyunzhi to ease Ani's mood.

Zhang Shen is very busy.

He rejected the requirement of Darris and others to refine the armament and improve the city wall;

He rejected the newcomer's request to refine Bo Jue's newly designed chariot;

He also rejected the requirement of Blue Phoenix to refine glass mirrors on the outside of the city wall;

He even rejected Li Jing's request of "Captain, accompany others to fight monsters"...

The reason why I don't even care about my future sexual life is to--


At this moment, Franklin, Madame Curie, Einstein and other gods possessed Zhang Shen completely turned into a scientist who died for science. The soul of research was burning, and there were only two words left in his eyes--


Anatomical giant!!

25 giants have become 25 viable, tenacious, leather-skinned mice in Zhang Shen's eyes, allowing them to dissect, decompose and shredding...

Zhang Shen found an empty place and used the control soil to wrap the 25 unconscious giants into "terracotta figur" - the thick soil on them was enough to make them unable to move even if they woke up halfway.

Even, a crazy person turned to bury the giants in order to prevent them from suddenly going crazy...

Zhang Shen didn't believe that these guys only had their heads and necks exposed, and other parts were buried deep in the earth, and they could still make trouble in such a state.

"Oh, unconsciously, I have finished three heads~~" A strong sense of hunger awakened Zhang from fanaticism. He looked at the 22 "big radishes" that were still buried in the ground and sighed.

A complete giant skeleton was placed on a huge experimental platform behind him. Farther away, in the area used as a garbage dump, two giant bones were torn apart and thrown to the ground.

Take out a "pigu elixir" from the storage equipment that is popular in countless cultivation planes and throw it into your mouth and swallow it. The entrance of Pigu elixir will melt, turning into a warm current around the whole body, quickly eliminating the feeling of hunger.

Zhang Shen once again focused on the experimental results.

"Once you die, it will turn into a skin that disappears from high-temperature steam..."

"Set the same viscera..."

"After death, the bones will quickly calcify and become brittle..."

"Semi-solidified brain..."

Three giants were dissecected one after another, and Zhang Shen had a certain understanding of the basic structure of the giant.

In general, the internal body structure of the giant is not much different from that of human beings, if you ignore its exaggerated self-healing ability and the strange setting that once the three-dimensional will disappear or weaken.

However, according to the data obtained so far, the giant's internal organs are more of a kind of decoration - Ya's heart is not mobilized!!

In addition, probably because there is no blood, the giant's blood vessels have been alienated and turned into solid objects. At first glance, it looks like the meridians in martial arts novels... In fact, after testing, these things play a great role in the giant's body, just like bowstrings to bows and arrows. Without these things, the giant estimates I can only wriggle on the ground.

Zhang Shen cares most about the giant's brain.

Many previous phenomena show that the brain - to be precise, it should be the brain - is the weakness of the giant. Once the head is blown up, the tougher giant will not be arrogant.

In order to protect his brain, the giant's skull has also changed.

Their skulls are almost completely closed - from the jaws to the back of the head are connected, smooth and flat, and very strong.

The giant's brain is protected by such a skull, and it is very difficult to attack. In addition to being completely broken, there is only the * way of Zhang Shen if you want to take a shortcut.

In addition to the volume difference, the appearance of the giant brain looks similar to that of the human brain, but it is in a strange semi-solidified state, giving people the feeling that it will completely fall apart into a pool of debris, which is very strange.

In fact, it's almost the same.

Because of this, he cut three heads in a row, but Zhang Shen still didn't study anything.

However, Zhang Shen still found something.

At the moment when the skull was peeled off, a bright light suddenly appeared in the back of the giant's brain, flashing away, as fast as lightning.

For the first time, Zhang Shen thought it was his own illusion, but the second and third time it was the same, which had nothing to do with the illusion.

Scientist's pseudo-intuition tells him that this is a very important factor related to the success or failure of the whole research!

However, this light is too fast to capture at all.

Moreover, even if the giant's brain is completely cut and broken afterwards, nothing related can be found, as if it is really your own illusion, which has never existed.

This is unscientific!

muttering a few words, Zhang Shen raised the butcher knife, ah, it was a scalpel and walked towards the fourth giant.

"I don't believe that I can't find a hiding place for that light spot!"

"Give me your body obediently!"