Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 42: How the storm was refined [please subscribe to the red ticket comment]

Chapter 42: How the Storm Is Made

Under normal circumstances, after the giant's dead skin turns into steam and disappears, the white bones left behind will soon become fragile, just like rocks that have been weathered for decades, and will break as soon as they lose their luster.

Shamefully, Zhang Shen and Li Jing did not notice the change of the bones on the ground at all, but listened to Ai Yi's words before they looked at it. At this time, even if they saw something was wrong.

The skeleton left by the giant - to be precise, it should be the spine, which is weird!

The surface of the spine bone is like glazed exquisite white porcelain, which is delicate, smooth and shining. At first glance, it is a unique and exquisite handicraft, which makes people happy. However, the bones in other parts, as usual, are pitted and white, just like sandstone that has been eroded by wind and rain.

In addition to the difference between appearance and hardness, Zhang Shen also noticed that when he stared intently, every spine showed a faint "heavy" feeling.

The specific reason is unknown, but both of them have a bad feeling——

The inconspicuous spines on the ground are mostly the "killing moves" made by the cabbage these days!

On the wall, the artillery fire has not been broken. With sufficient shell support, the soldiers filled the shells into the cannonballs with hatred, ignited and fired them. The barrage composed of artillery fell overwhelmingly and bombed the area of the city gate back and forth.

The field gun designed by Bo Jue can adjust the shooting angle and are also transported to the wall, forming the second wave of the third wave of artillery barrage.

The shelling wave after wave formed a huge net. The giant who entered the attack range of the artillery seemed to enter the fish in the net. Although he could avoid several attacks with his own flexibility, he still could not avoid the huge and fine net. Later, he was directly hit by the artillery or was involved by the explosive waves, and finally I can't escape.

Without the assistance of the mysterious law of the blue phoenix, the steam generated by the injury and death of the giant became stronger and stronger. At first glance, it seemed that the sky and the earth reversed and fell, covering the area of the city gate, which was hazy and unreal.

This has caused some trouble for the gunners on the wall, and the accuracy of the bullet screen has been reduced, but it is not a problem.

There were a lot of cannon fodder of the giant army, and at least hundreds fell in just half an hour. The pothole ground full of burning smoke was covered with a thin layer of bone sand, but if you look carefully, you can see the round and smooth white jade spines.

The three hid underground and observed the changes on the battlefield through props refined according to the principles of periscopes and telescopes. Due to the influence of steam diffusion, they could only see the approximate shape of the giant, and could barely distinguish the number of abdominal muscles.

"The strength of the attacking giant has begun to change!!"

The new wave of attacking giants has slightly increased the average number of abdominal muscles compared with before. This discovery has boosted the spirit of some boring Zhang Shen and Li Jing.

The cannon fodder in Datoucai's hands is gradually running out, and it's time to be "regular soldiers" and "elites".

"This vague horizon can't continue, which is too unfavorable for us." Zhang Shen looked at the white picture in the camera and couldn't help but feel irritable.

"But Captain Blue is not here. In A Jing's ghost spell, there is only a hurricane used against the enemy. Ai can't do nothing. It seems that I can only come by myself..."

It is not difficult to create natural phenomena such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning through alchemy. As early as in the world of Diablo, a lifeless guy used alchemy to create a big fire - as a result, he almost burned himself into a piece of coke...

The difficulty is - control!

Take "wind" as an example.

In different worlds, the causes of "wind" are different. But there is a rule that is universal in most of the worlds--

High-density air areas will always flow towards low-density areas.

In the world of science and technology, it is defined as "pressure". As for the world on the cultivation side, it may be elemental strength, aura concentration, magic energy density and so on. Let it go for the time being. In short, the basic principles are similar.

Although there are such unscientific artificial organisms as giants in this world, they still tend to be in the "technotic" world, and the theory of "pressure" can work.

At the current level of Zhang Shen, it is not too simple to use alchemy to create air pressure differences to form a wind current, but the problem is how to control it after creating wind.

The size of the wind, which side to blow, the change of the wind... and so on, it's very troublesome.

It is even more difficult to create hurricanes that can hurt the enemy.

To be honest, Zhang Shen would rather study the cultivation of life than have anything to do with natural phenomena...

What's more, the war is approaching. Although such a large consumption of mental energy can be supplemented with medicine, it is "three poisons" and excessive drug use is a very taboo thing in any world.


"I really want to know what the cabbage wants to do... Forget it, the sequelae are sequelae..." Zhang Shen asked Li Jing to protect himself, took out the pen and began to draw into a formation on the ground of the cave.

The circle symbolizing the cycle of all things;

symbolizes the six mysterious hexagons in the world;

The diamond of the oval "fire" symbolizing "water";

A series of complex and mysterious symbolic formulas.

lian into an array and start!!

Silver and white thunder burst out of the array, penetrated the soil above the cave and sank into the air.

The air near the gate, affected by the high-temperature steam and gunpowder combustion caused by the death of the giant, should have been heated, but with the shock wave caused by the explosion, the airflow in that area has been messed up.

More than ten seconds after the silver electric light disappeared into the air, the temperature and airflow in this area quietly changed.

The temperature suddenly dropped in the cave where Zhang Shen and three people were hiding in the middle of the battlefield!

The natural reaction of the air sinking in the cold was strengthened by alchemy. Suddenly, it seemed to have been bitten, and a huge "hollow" appeared in this space.

Under the guidance of alchemy, the hot air on the battlefield began to flow this way to fill the hole. At first, the speed was very slow, but as time passed, it became faster and faster, and in a few minutes, a visible airflow movement was formed -

The wind has formed!

This wind has changed from small to big, and soon evolved into a strong wind that can blow the vast white fog!

was blown by the wind, and the hazy battlefield suddenly became much clearer.

Although the big head dish does not know mental attack, spiritual detection and other skills, except for instinct, the use is very rough, but in terms of the "quantity" of spiritual power, it is still quite considerable, at least someone can't reach.

The cabbage is quite sinister. In order not to expose its identity, it even abandoned its mount, one of the largest giants among ordinary giants.

It made such a big "sacrifice" to buy time, or delay time, let more cannon fodder be killed, and consume the storage of the kingdom's shells for a different purpose.

The movement made by Zhang Shen was quickly detected by it.

Big head dish is furious!

In particular, I felt the fluctuation of alchemy in the air. Recalling the recent "humiliation" defeats, the big head was even more angry. The natural violence soon filled the brain, and the "sacrifice" and procrastination were all thrown away by it.

A small team of more than a dozen giants rushed out of the giant army, aiming at the place where Zhang Shen and the three of them were hiding!

"No, captain, a giant is coming this way!" Ai saw this scene from the camera, and the violent momentum changed her face. "They are all senior giants with more than 30 abdominal muscles!"

Seeing that the strong wind had formed the general trend, Zhang Shen gave up continuing to guide the airflow, glanced at the giant quickly running this side in the lens, and casually drew a simple formation on the wall of the cave on one side.

"The goal has been achieved. Let's continue to observe in another place." Although it is extremely likely that Datoucai is hidden in this army, Zhang Shen still dares not make a conclusion and inform Lan Fenghuang and others without seeing it with his own eyes.

"Just sending a team of giants, it seems that the excitement is still not enough."

"There's another big one to push it out!"

While thinking, Zhang Shen's movements did not stop, activating the new painting into a formation.

Ai was surprised to find that the solid soil under his feet and around him began to rise. He seemed to be standing on the transmission belt, and the soil in front of him automatically separated to form a passage, and he didn't know where to go.

She looked back and saw that the cave she had been in had been sealed again. It seemed that the giants who ran over were going to be empty.

Such a magical power makes her look forward to the "shadow assassin" promised by Zhang Shen.

"The eldest, wait for me..." The white palm quietly clenched his fist, and Ai's eyes sparkled.

The movement of the "transmission belt" under the feet is controlled by Zhang Shen. Seeing the direction of the giant team coming, he took a detour and quickly approached that position.

"Ajing, Xiaoyi, we are going to take a risk."

"It may be under their feet. Are you afraid?" Zhang Shenchong's two women blinked.

Li Jing has long been used to someone's crazy behavior from time to time. He rolled his eyes and made his mind clear.

"With the captain brother and sister Li Jing, Xiao Yi is not afraid!" Ai Yi once again used the usual cuteness* and brushed his favorability. That kind of resolute momentum made Li Jing couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

He opened the corners of his mouth and covered his face and ran away.

"Oh, doesn't this method apply to everyone?" Seeing that the usual method of brushing goodwill was wrong, Ai Yi, who lacked common sense, was a little puzzled and secretly wondered whether he should change to a cute method...

The ground moves very fast. Zhang Shen dares not use mental scanning unscrupulously because he is worried about being felt by the cabbage, so he can only walk and stop. Through the least dynamic spiritual power detection method to determine the position of the big cabbage or the giant army "middle army" ——If the giant has the concept of "China Army".

This is it!!

The sudden invisible power made Zhang Shen's mind. Ai Yi and Li Jing suddenly had a sense of weightlessness similar to that of the elevator. When they looked at it, the cave was indeed moving down.

kept moving down nearly 50 meters, and it was not until he could no longer feel the invisible and ubiquitous pressure that Zhang Shen loosened his palms.

"Be careful, the top of our heads should be the location of the giant elite." Zhang Shen looked serious, frowned slightly, and thought about the next move.

Human soldiers gather into an army with military power, and the giants themselves are powerful, and when they gather together, there will be a constraint leader, which will naturally produce similar invisible deterrence.

What Zhang Shen just sensed was the "military power" of the giant's elite.

"It seems that I'm really a little bold."

"Confirm first, and then inform Blue Phoenix and the others."

Zhang Shen didn't know that while he sensed the giant's "military power", he also sensed the breath of the three people!

The big brown and black eyes of the cabbage burst out a cruel light.

A command, come out!