Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 44: Breaking the City

Chapter 44: Breaking the City

Jiang Chaohui and other newcomers climbed the wall with the soldiers of the kingdom.

The request to act with Zhang Shen and others was rejected, and they were not frustrated. They came to the wall carrying their "ash" card giant* as usual.

The ability extracted by Jiang Chaohui is [body alienation], which can control the body for partial alienation, such as making his nails sharper like beasts, his upper limbs as powerful as ape, and his lower limbs with super bouncing power like kangaroo, etc.

After turning this ability into his own, after more than a month of crazy exercise, Jiang Chaohui has been able to use it freely. For example, now he has made a preliminary alienation of his arms so that he can easily use the crazy super*.

Without the annoyance of recoil, Jiang Chaohui's shooting speed is about to catch up with the ordinary * used by soldiers, and the attack speed is more than three times that of the wall cannon.

He closed one eye and narrowed the other eye slightly. He aimed the bullet at the bridge of the eyebrows and nose of the giant who rushed up through a simple version of the auxiliary sight designed by Zhang Shen.

The forefinger and the middle finger pulled the trigger fiercely, and the powerful recoil was transmitted into the shoulder along the stock of the gun body and was dispersed. At the same time, a firelight was emitted from the gun. In the dazzling firelight, a sharp tapered fine steel warhead held a fing roar, cut through the air and shot out, leaving a light white mark visible to the air. .

The eyes strengthened by Jiang Chaohui's "power of alienation" have super dynamic vision. In the sight, the blazing steel bullet accurately hit the giant's eyebrows, and the huge impact instantly shred the defense of its skin.

In the splash of minced meat, the round skull with extraordinary defense was also broken by steel bullets and rushed into the semi-solidified brain!

The steel bomb is stuck in the skull on the other side, but the high temperature and impact energy it carries have destroyed most of the giant's brain.

The giant died on the spot, and his huge body continued to move forward driven by kinetic energy. After a few steps, it lost its balance and fell to the ground, and then became a stepping stone for other giants. If it hadn't been for the hard land under his feet, I'd be trampled into the soil.

The dead giant soon emitted high-temperature steam, which was melting and dispersing, revealing the white bones.

Jiang Chaohui did not notice the unique spine. Even if he glanced at it, he did not care. Instead, he was happy that the low steam concentration did not hinder his sight of shooting.

"another second-class giant, haha." There was a trace of joy in Jiang Chaohui's eyes.

"The mission requires killing ten first-level giants and five second-level giants. I have exceeded a lot!"

"The first-level giant killed too much and forgot, but the second-level giant killed at least 30 heads, and the third-level giant also had four heads!!"

According to Zhang Shen, the excess amount will be evaluated higher, so as to obtain more 'general points' and even 'world contributions'. The number of these two things is directly related to the number of exchangeable items..."

"At my current level, I don't know how much I can get... According to my observation, my data is the highest and best of all newcomers..."

"Well, if I can return to the real earth, maybe I can also be a deputy or a political committee member..."

Thinking about messy things in his head, Jiang Chaohui's movements in his hands did not stop at all. Although every shot could accurately hit the heart, an average of three or four shots was enough to end the life of a giant.

"Although these giants are full of stupid meat, they are really weak." Recalling that he had just come to this world and was embarrassed by an ordinary giant, Jiang Chaohui couldn't help sighing.

"Ha, the big fish is coming!"

The giant army suddenly became violent, and all the characters were at level two or three. Jiang Chaohui was not surprised but happy and was refreshed.

The next move of the giants made him a little dumbfounded.

They actually picked up the spine left by the same kind from the ground and waved the long white and round jade-like thick bones, like a hooligan gangster fighting on the street, pulling down the gate and city wall in front of them fiercely!

Before Jiang Chaohui woke up from the previous "weird and ridiculous" scene, the next scene immediately scared him to pee.

The white bones fell on the thick city gate and solid wall bricks, and the strong and violent energy spewed out from it. Under the violent collision, it triggered bursts of explosions, which were connected with the strong explosions of cannonballs.

The loud explosion completely covered the sound of the shell* and resounded in the square circle, covering the area near the city gate. Every inch of space was filled with bursting sound waves, causing waves of ripples.

The first hit are the walls and gates.

The vibration spread along the tall and thick blue-black wall bricks, and Jiang Chaohui, who was almost lying on the women's wall, suddenly had bad luck.

He had not recovered from the hum formed by the violent explosion, and the remaining vibration entered the body through the wall bricks. A feeling of chest tightness and nausea immediately occupied all his senses. The chaotic sense of balance made him stagger. If he hadn't hugged a wall in front of him, he would have sat down on the spot. It's on the ground.

The weak life in Jiang Chaohui's body can flow instinctively, which will eliminate most of the chaotic feeling that fills the brain in his body.

shook his head hard, and as far as his eyes could see, there was a lot of chaos on the wall, and many new recruits panicked. If it hadn't been for the scolding and comfort of the veterans and the pressure of the generals, it wouldn't have been surprising that there would have escaped.

Looking sharply at the city, Jiang Chaohui was suddenly refreshed.

The explosion just now not only affected the city walls, gates and kingdoms, but also had a great impact on the giants, which has just slowed down.

They raised the white bones in their hands again.

Even if there is white fog, it can't cover the jade white luster emitted by the spine.

This is a beautiful color, but at this moment, Jiang Chaohui is the eyes of all the soldiers.

"It's not good!!" Jiang Chaohui's pupils suddenly condensed into a little, and the excellent instinct brought by his blood licking career for most of his life made him not hesitate to throw a big shot, with one arm, and hugged a bulge in front of him tightly.


Another earth-shaking explosion sounded.

Even if life can protect the main parts of the brain and heart in advance, Jiang Chaohui still turbulent in his abdomen and almost spit it out.

In the ear, the sound of vomiting is endless, full of painful muffles.

In the chaotic voice, Jiang Chaohui heard the sound of brick cracking!!

He was cold all over for a moment, and he only felt that his heart fell into the bottomless abyss.

It's over... I can't keep this city...

I thought it was a happy upgrade to fight monsters, but as soon as I went out, I met the bottom BOSS, which could not be played at all.

Jiang Chaohui's brain was in chaos. He heard the roar explosion not only in the city gate, but also everywhere else. The five-way army had prepared this hand, so that the wall of Hina could not be defended at all!

The third and fourth explosion sounded.

Jiang Chaohui ran to the entrance of the city wall with his hands and feet.

The wall has long been in chaos. When the third explosion sounded, the real veterans and generals could no longer suppress the despair of the new recruits. Especially when the sound of bricks cracking clearly came to everyone's ears, even the veterans and generals were panicked and at a loss.

Get out of here! Get out of here! Get out of here!!

Jiang Chaohui's face was ferocious and his eyes were red. After the alienation, he pulled his powerful hands hard and pushed away the people in front of him, as if crazy.

The soldier pulled away by him fell to the ground. Before he could get up, he was trampled down by his companions who caught up behind him. In just a dozen breaths, he no longer breathed, leaving a soul full of resentment.

When Jiang Chaohui rushed to the door, he suddenly woke up: If the wall suddenly arrived when I entered the stairs in the wall, wouldn't I be buried alive??

A thrill, like a basin of ice water suddenly poured down, cooling his dizzy brain.

Jiang Chaohui then turned around and ran back, running and looking around looking for the man.

I found it!

As soon as his eyes lit up, Jiang Chaohui crossed his arms in front of him and launched a charge. Soldiers who had seen his brave and fierce side consciously avoided him and dared not collide with him.

The person I was looking for was wrapped in a crowd and his face was full of panic.

What he is looking for is Liang Pin who extracted the "Flying Feather Art". This spell can be added to many people and makes people as light as swallows. Although it can't fly freely in the air, it is enough to ensure that a person will not fall to death when jumping from a 100-meter-high wall.

With the powerful ability of "floating feather art", how can Liang Pin not think of it at the first time, but his physical quality is not good, and he has been wrapped here by the surging of people, and he has no chance to use it at all!

Jiang Chaohui squeezed to Liang Pin's side, grabbed him with one hand, and turned into animal claws with the other hand. He attacked fiercely. The splashing blood made others dare not approach, and the two successfully reached one side of the women's wall.

"Brother Jiang, I'm here, I'm here!" Brother Jiang, and me, help me!!" ......

The pungent smell of blood and screams attracted many eyes, and other newlyweds shouted loudly.

Jiang Chaohui did not respond, with a calm face and secretly calculated whether it was worth doing so.

At this moment, a familiar silver electric light suddenly broke out in the distance.

"It's Zhang Shen!" Jiang Chaohui was stunned, and then his mood became heavier. "Looking at his position, it is clear that in the army of giants, he is afraid that he will be surrounded by giants, and most of them are difficult to protect themselves..."

"Forget it, don't think so much. It's important to save your life first!" Jiang Chaohui is also a hero. He just escaped from the situation of death and immediately began to calculate the benefits that can be obtained by saving others.

Just when he was about to let Liang Pin perform feathering for himself and leave the city wall to save his life--


The gate was blown open by waves of terrorist explosions and was broken!!