Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 65: The Origin of the Giant

Chapter 65: The Origin of Giant

The previously so-called mountains are actually formed by the floating soil piled up in the uplift around the edge of the underground city and condensed into a whole by mysterious forces. As for the wild wilderness where the plants are too dense and the creatures in it are too dense, it is just an enclave attached to the "shell" of the huge underground city.

It can be imagined that if the underground city wakes up again, all this will disappear in an instant.

"This day will never come." Zhang Shen looked into the distance, and his eyes were occupied by a dark green and muttered.

They just came out of the underground city and left from another exit. It happened to be the top of a hill, about one or two kilometers away from the place they entered. Standing here and looking far away, they could see a piece of silver.

"Let it continue to sleep. It does not belong to this era. Perhaps, in the distant future, it will be discovered and excavated again, but if it belongs to the future, it will be given to the future. Now, let it continue to sleep.

Or talking to himself, or talking to Li Jingli. After saying that, Zhang San sighed, deeply suppressed some emotions in his heart, casually folded a branch, and began to paint into arrays in a relatively flat place.

The embryos refined into arrays are more casual than before. The outermost circles are a little irregular, but when they look closely, they give a sense of natural success.

Zhang San's hands kept moving, and symbols appeared one by one, either simple or complex, beautiful or poor, waving from the heart and freely.

For a moment, Zhang Shen took a serious look, and a trace of joy swept away the haze hidden in his eyes.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Shen squatted down, half knelt, folded his hands, looked solemn, as if he were a devout believer, and as if he were in the festival a great civilization that had been extremely prosperous but suffered to death.

lian into an array and start!!

In an instant, it seemed that the sky and the earth were upside down, and endless thunder spewed out of the array, crossing kilometers away and sinking into the previous valley.


The earth shook again, and the collapsed and rolling earth and rocks violated the laws of physics. They quickly climbed from a low place, returned to the mountainside, and gradually covered the silver shell from the underground city.

Under the control of Zhang Shen, the earth and rocks of the mountain are more solidified and integrated. Even if there is more than a dozen earthquakes, they will not want to collapse and reveal the body of the underground city.

Li Jing and Li Ji stood behind him silently, quietly watching this scene, feeling the heavy thoughts emitted by the man in front of them, and sighed in the same way.

It is more like witnessing a civilization from weakness to glory and finally going from desolation to destruction. This kind of spiritual shock is more difficult than for outsiders.

Between the two women, a local dog lay on the ground, with his left front leg supporting his chin, and his right front leg claw pulling a piece of dirt. His eyes were full of boredom. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like a human in dog skin.

For a long time, Zhang Shen turned around, and all his heavy thoughts disappeared. He was still the heartless guy a few days ago.

"Okay, let's go."

"It's been several days since they came out. If they don't go back, Captain Blue should be worried."

"Although Captain Blue is here, I'm still a little worried about Hina's situation."

He looked at the local dog, opened the corners of his mouth and scolded, "Wang Cai, a dog needs to look like a dog. Stand well!"

Wang Cai, a local dog, jumped up suddenly and shouted loudly. He quickly shook his tail and trotted to Zhang Shen's feet, rubbed his trouser legs flatteringly, and kept blinking at the three people, showing a pitiful expression.

This speechless appearance made the three of them twitch at the corners of their mouths. Where did you go?!

That's right, this cheap native dog was a foreign beast that followed Zhang Shen into the underground city and fought with three people after a chase and escape war.

Its source is the local dog that Zhang Shen failed to refine.

In fact, it is not a failure, because the self-exploded and dead local dog has actually given birth to a mutilated soul. Supported by a strong desire to survive, it controlled the yellow dog panicked in the sea of fire, and completed its transformation by swallowing a large number of humans and giants, becoming today's wealth.

Zhang Shen can't figure out the mystery of this. I only knew that after the mad beast was severely beaten by himself, it was inexplicably subdued.

He can be sure that its submission is from the heart, which is a mysterious feeling, and more than the spiritual connection generated by the contract of ordinary magic pets. It is an indescribable and wonderful feeling.

At present, his strength is insufficient, and Zhang Shen is too lazy to pay attention to it. As long as he knows that the local dog is sincerely subdued.

After that, he gave it the great name of "Wangcai".

Wang Cai, who had never seen anything in the world, accepted the title very happily and did not notice the strange expressions of the two women beside him, because for it, it meant that the creator recognized himself.

Wang Cai's original appearance was too ferocious. Although Zhang Shen felt cool and sentimental, at the strong request of the two women, he had to order Wang Cai to maintain the appearance of a local dog at ordinary times and act like a local dog.

However, this guy is so wise that he will make such a move from time to time, which makes people laugh and cry.

On the way down the mountain, Zhang Shen and the three took turns to teach Wang Cai "the way to be a dog".


"Let's go back the same way." Arriving at the foot of the mountain, facing the inquiry of the two women, Zhang Shen said casually.

Wow! Wang Wang!

Wang Cai suddenly barked, bit Zhang Shen's trousers and pulled it aside.

"What do you want to do?" Because he knows that Wang Cai has the wisdom that is not inferior to ordinary people, Zhang Shen regards it as an equal intelligent creature between his words and deeds.

"Wang" barked for a while. Wang Cai saw that the three still could not understand his "deep meaning". He was furious. He stretched out his right front paw and pointed in a certain direction, then lay on the ground, kicked his four hoofs, spit out his tongue, and pretended to be dead.

"You mean there are many dead dogs in that direction?" Zhang Shen laughed.

Wow! Wang Cai turned over and nodded in a hurry. Although it is a little uncomfortable for the "dead dog" in the main population, let it go~~

"I also feel that there are many remnant souls... There have been huge deaths there recently." A trace of solemnity appeared in Li Ji's voice, "The number is very large. Be careful. Don't go there."

Zhang San shook his head: "In this deserted place, there are suddenly a large number of deaths, which is likely to be related to giants. We'd better go and have a look, but everyone should pay attention to safety. Let's go."

Under the lead of Wang Cai, the three walked towards their destination.

Not long after they left, the expressions of Zhang Shen and Li Jing became solemn.

A strong smell of blood!

The heavy smell of blood!!

Even the giants broke through the wall of Hina and killed a lot in it, but there was no such a strong smell of blood! How many creatures have died to produce such a frightening smell?!

For a while, Zhang Shen couldn't help playing drums in his heart and felt that he was a little too bold.

"It seems that getting those things makes me a little too inflated." Zhang Shen was secretly alert in his heart and regained his state of mind.

Soon, a beast corpse entered the sight of three people and one dog.

This is the group that first clashed with Titan. Because Titan never had the habit of landfilling corpses, it was placed in the open air. Fortunately, it is now late autumn and the temperature is low, and Titans either use blunt hands or blunt devices, otherwise these corpses will stink and decay.

Even so, when the three approached, they still "shocked a pool of flies"...

Looking at a large group of flies flying towards her, the indescribable nausea made the two women take action brazenly.

"Fifty-four of the broken road · waste fire!!"

The high-temperature flame spewed out thinly, and the control of Li Jing turned into a sea of fire, destroying all the flies that rushed and were about to jump over, burning so that there was no slag left.

Zhang Shen drew a refining array when the two women killed the flies.

"In order to prevent any plague, it finally spread to the Hina area and kill human beings. I'd better fill them all."

"Refining into an array, start!!"

Thunder burst out of the array, spread in all directions, and sank into the earth, and then the ground began to rise.

The soil under the beast's corpse became like quicksand, slowly swallowing up a large number of corpses above. In just ten minutes, the scene of the corpses everywhere before seemed to have never existed, and it was replaced by fresh soil with a trace of moisture.

"There is a city ahead..." After a forest, the outline of Reis City entered the view of the three people, and at the same time, it was mixed with the smell of cold blood.

"There is a city in such a place... It should be what they said was left in the pioneering period."

"If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of giants, I'm afraid they might have discovered the existence of underground cities now."

For a while, a strangeness also appeared in Zhang Shen's eyes.

He guessed some about the origin of the giant, but the real situation is more bizarre than what he guessed, which can be called a brainstorming.

Sintler's act of creating a "new race" was successful.

However, the next changes are stunning and appalling.

Originally, according to Zhang Shen's vision, Sintler's race is a fairly perfect race. They are strong, have a long life expectancy (average of more than 200 years), hardworking, brave, kind and willing to study...

But all this changed after the emergence of the new race "Taylor Motan" - meaning "creation"!

arst, greed, lust, jealousy, laziness, greed, anger... It seems that Pandora's magic box has been opened and the seven sins have been released, making his people sink little by little. Except for Bernard and a few top scientists, everyone in the whole country has changed their appearance and become hateful.

A few scientists such as Hitter and others who remained "awake awake" racked their brains and tried their best to save their own people.

Even, they used extreme means to arrest all the "Taylor Mortan" and die secretly! use!

In the legend of the earth, there is also something called "hope" at the bottom of Pandora's magic box, but that is just the reality that human beings blur and distort with their desire for a happy ending.

Since it is called "Magic Box", how can it leave hope!

Seeing that his persistent companions were desperate one after another and sinking one after another, until he was the only one left, Sintler was so sad and angry that he returned to his laboratory, opened the security code, and took out a blue reagent.

It was the product of a failed experiment. When Hitter tested its effect when he was bored, he was scared to death and quickly disposed of all the information and sealed it in the deepest part.

He didn't even dare to deal with it, because he was afraid of his delusions, which triggered an irreversible reaction. In case it spread out, he would become a sinner in the clan, and it was hard to blame.

"Sinner?? That's it." The white-haired Sintler cried and broke the blue reagent in despair.


Since then, there has been a huge creature in the world. Their bodies are perfect but mentally incomplete, but they instinctively maintain their resentment against human beings.