Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 68: Repuls

Chapter 68: Repuls

Zhang Shen didn't see Yan's arrogant attitude in heaven and earth.

The breath revealed by Yancai is indeed very powerful, but Zhang Shen doesn't care too much, because the world is very limited to extraordinary power. On the contrary, the sword behind him makes people feel palpitated.

Inexplicably uneasy.

" Grab it, destroy it, and exterminate this uneasiness!"

Thinking about it, Zhang Shen took the lead in making a move and starting the huge refining array under him.

The silver light rushed out of the ground and sank into the ground again. A mysterious fluctuation enveloped half of Reyes City.

Yancai raised his eyebrows and drew a trace of surprise in his eyes: "Is this method of drawing out independent small areas... No, no, this is impossible. He is clearly just a mortal scum who knows alchemy."

A cluster of sharp thorns shot out from the ground and hit Yan Ji.

He had no intention of resisting the fight. He just stamped his foot gently, and the sword lake under him rippled. Dozens of fierce swords flew out, cut it on the yellow-brown thorn, cut it into a pile of broken earth and sprinkled it down.


Several bursting sounds, and several yellow short spears shot out of the ground, as fast as lightning, plunged into the gray lake.

The short spear was undoubtedly swallowed up, but it also caused a considerable amount of waves.

Originally, when Zhang Shen used alchemy to manipulate the earth to attack the enemy, he could not leave the ground, otherwise he would return to the essence of the soil. Now the short spear can still maintain considerable lethality when shooting from the ground, which shows his progress.

The quantity and quality of spiritual power are still the same as before, but it has undoubtedly reached a big step in terms of manipulation.


It seemed that the rainstorm hit the banana leaves, and the waves of the gray-white sword lake became more and more violent, and finally evolved into a huge wave, making Yancai unable to stand any longer. After all, this magnificent sword lake is only used by him to pretend to be cool.

He still chooses the fast sword.

The speed has exceeded the limit of Zhang Shen and others's eye capture. He could only vaguely see his hand and seemed to have made a sword swing. The next moment, a cold light suddenly appeared. As in the myth and legend, the royal mother pulled out the hairpin and drew an endless line of the Milky Way between the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. This sword, Also draw an invisible skyline!

The short spear that exploded hit the transparent barrier, broke and collapsed, and the gravel fell.

"Five of Breaking the Road · Storm!!" Yincheng, Li Jing shouted softly, and a sheep horn whirlwind appeared out of the air, making a "hissing" roar. The strong suction force made the Jianhu under Yancai's feet have a tendency to collapse.

A dark green beam of light followed, completely penetrating the Sword Lake.

Yan Zai seemed to have been greatly insulted, and her lips trembled angrily: "How dare you do this... I just wanted to kill you, but now I have changed my mind! I want you to live worse than die!"

After saying that, he turned into a streamer and a combination of human and swords. Suddenly, Zhang Shen and the three saw a cold and sharp light flying towards him. In an instant, they arrived before a blink of an eye. The cold sword and the dark killing lock made people palpitate.

His speed was so fast that Li Jing only had time to release a small triangular light shield.

Bang! The crisp broken sound made Li Jing's heart cool.

Li Ji quickly released a power-enhanced version of the flash, which was also ruthlessly torn and swallowed up by the streamer.

A mass of frost and white cold air roared, and it was the cold air of the Tianhe River from Bu Lichen!

Because she devoured a large amount of blood, her extraordinary power was suppressed and weakened by the least. The power of this group of cold air is only 30% less than that of the full version.

The sword light is affected by the cold air, the speed is slow, and the flight trajectory falls into Zhang Shen's eyes.

Air · Refining!!

Zhang Shen's eyes lit up, and his mental power was activated into several nodes in the array, quickly driving and compressing the air within a radius of more than ten meters at a speed second only to thinking, and refining it into a thin invisible and qualitative air shield!

The second version of Yan Cai seems to have some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He spared no effort to sweep away the cold air of Tianhe before continuing to "go on the road". Although the speed is still extremely fast, it has lost traces.

The sword light hit the air shield.

Mars splashes, and the invisible air shield is compressed to reveal its shape. Where the streamer touches it, it splashes the starting point of Mars. The sharp breath comes through the air shield.


The slightly darker crack spreads to both sides, centered on the contact point.

"The carriage of the star-studded beast's bone spike tower and red crystal steel wheel is the wind stop, that is, the sound of empty guns fighting each other is full of the virtual city"

"63 of Breaking the Road · Thunder Roar!!"

The moment when the air shield turned into countless crystal star spots disappeared, Li Jing's broken road formed, and the power integrated a beam of thunder light rushed against the sword light, the tip of the needle to the wheat light, coupled with the inherent restraint of thunder and lightning against the negative breath, suddenly, the sword light showed its shape!

A bayonet that is more like an enlarged version of the big head nail came into everyone's sight. The whole body is gray and white like the bones of the years. In a trance, you can hear the crying of countless resentful spirits, as if you are in hell, and all kinds of horrors.

Li Jing's mind was deterred, and his control of the thunderlight was loosened. The thunder column with slightly reduced cohesion was broken and torn by the sword light, and the awe-inspiring sword spirit pierced Zhang Shen and several people's faces hurt.

Although Yancai became a little inexplicable, he still knew that he had killed Li Jing, which was the most harmful to him. He pointed straight to the latter's eyebrows. Before the sword light arrived, the soaring sword spirit cut off a wisp of her hair.

The ground at Li Li's feet suddenly burst, like a cannonball, and then it came first and punched Yan.


The shocking gas explosion spread all over Reyes. Li Ji was shaken back and flew back. His right hand was full of blood and soaked through his black robe. In a blink of an eye, there was a small pool of red blood on the ground.

Even if she couldn't see her expression, it could be seen from the tightness of the small half of her cheek under her hood that Li Ji was seriously injured.

Yancai was also shocked, and the state of human and sword unity was broken, showing a human figure.

He floated three inches on the ground without touching the ground, and seemed to be so arrogant that he did not want to stain the dirt on the ground.

"Woman, for your ability to repel this seat, I will tell you mercifully." Yan Zai's attitude is still high, but his eyes looking at Li Ji seem to be more serious. "You have been killed by the sword of this seat. There are only the last three days of life. After three days, you will die!"

"This seat gives you the opportunity to exit the battlefield." Yancai's face showed a trace of compassion, "Enjoy your last life."

Funny! Zhang Shen cursed secretly, and his mind moved. Dozens of mud ropes drilled out of the ground and wrapped them around Yan. As for Li Ji's injury, he is not worried at all. He believes that someone will never sit idly by!

Sure enough, the fragrant wind came, and the familiar temperature and breath arrived. It was Bu Lichen.

She annoidly goug out a person with a proud expression. With a wave of her sleeves, the power of Jiuye Xianyunzhi was stimulated to the extreme, faintly showing the form of a grass. The fairy wind was ethereal and there were three leaves, emitting a coveting strange fragrance.

A breath of clear air was introduced into Li Ji's body. The latter suddenly felt that his body and mind were clear, and the raging sword spirit in his body was suppressed, and the scattered energy veins torn by the sword spirit instantly returned to normal!

A gray airflow was spewed out by her and fell to the ground, and the vitality in a small area was destroyed!

The so-called "death sword" in Yancai's mouth is so horrible.

Yancai, who was wandering in the attack of Zhang Shen and Li Jing, saw this scene, and a touch of curiosity flashed by, and then his body was shocked and turned into a strong greed and desire!!

It's not good! Zhang Shen caught this inexplicable emotional change, and his mind was in awe. He had been attacking dozens of dirt ropes that restricted Yan Jian quickly merged into one. Then, a demon-like arm grew out of the ground, holding a wide-edged tomahawk in his hand.

The tomahawk is cut down!

Yan Cai's left fist met him, and the axe blade cut his fist, making a sound of gold and iron.

"Eleventh of Broken Road · Thunder and Lightning!"

Li Jingyu pointed to the virtual point, and a thunderbolt spread along the devil's arm to the tomahawk and fell on Yan's left fist.

"Zizi" flashed, the lightning dissipated, and half of Yan Jie's left arm was burned black.

Yancai scratched a trace of impatience in his eyes. As soon as he spit out his strength, his left fist suddenly exerted force, and the strong force instantly shattered the pure physical tomahawk. At the same time, a gray-white air mass gushed out of his body, and his left arm, which was blackened by lightning, returned to normal again and took a new look.

"It's like this again." Zhang Shen's eyebrows were locked.

He found that Yan Jian's strength was actually not very strong. The more troublesome thing was the speed after the combination of other people's swords and the degree of resistance to beat him as if he were immortal.

As long as the four of them cooperate tacitly, they can be more cautious. As for the latter--

"We must find the source of the gray gas!"

The tomahawk collapsed, and Zhang Shen was about to make some action. Suddenly, Ani, who recovered a little from his injury, rushed over, grabbed the handle of the axe, pulled hard, and tore off half of the demon's arm.

Ani grabbed the remaining half of the toma axe and cut it down fiercely. The powerful force pushed it to produce a "histing" sound of air tearing. The power of this axe is really amazing.

Unfortunately, the crude axe couldn't stand her to toss around like this. Before she met Yan Shi, the tomahawk completely collapsed, turned into a pile of gravel, and hit her face to face to face.

Zhang Shen has an impulse to cover his face.

Yancai flashed a stone, took out a sword, and stabbed her in the eye.

Ani's fierce star, did not dodge, and punched Yan Tailor's heart.

Although Zhang Shen was very happy to see the scene of the dog biting the dog, his heart softened when he thought of Bu Lichen's sad eyes and ordered Wang Cai, who had been waiting for a long time to launch an attack.

Wang Cai suddenly rushed up silently and bit Yan Zai's left calf. At the same time, the ferocious bone tail was thrown, pointing directly at the sword behind him!

Yan Cai immediately changed his color and forcibly reversed the sword. With a finger, the sword passed through his armpit and pointed sharply to Wang Cai's forehead. With his angry sword, Wang Cai suddenly burst into yellow hair, and his bones and tail turned to block the situation.

Wangcai's bone tail is stronger than steel. However, when he was hit by a sword, it was suddenly broken from it!

Although Wang Cai is the shape of a local dog, it is essentially a brutal artificial life. The pain of the broken tail stimulated its fierce nature. It did not dodge, but it accelerated again. The upper and lower jaws closed, and bit Yan Jie's left leg. At the same time, it was also passed through the neck by Yan Jie's sword, through a thick blood hole of the thumb, and the blood burst out. .

The left calf was almost bitten off, and Yan Zai's expression remained unchanged, as if it was not the person who was bitten. He shook it hard to throw Wang Cai away.

Wang Cai bit him to death. Even if Yan Zai stabbed more than a dozen blood holes in his body, he didn't seem to be aware of it, but the violence in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and the force in his mouth increased.

With a click, Yan Tailor's leg bone was bitten off by it!

Ani's fist fell and connected with Yancai's left fist.


The muscles on Yan's left arm suddenly burst, revealing a white arm bone.

He took the opportunity to retreat 100 meters.

The leg bone was bitten off, and the left hand was full of flesh and blood, but Yancai still looked like a cool and explosive sky, full of funny momentum.

"We will see you again."