Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 15: Danhui · First Round

Chapter 15: Danhui · First Round

Under the arrangement of the Treasure Pavilion, Zhang Shen successfully jumped into the Li ethnic group and became one of the scattered alchemists who signed a cooperation contract with the Li ethnic group and temporarily worked for them.

As the top 50 surnames, the Li family also chooses to cooperate with many alchemists. In a small but highly-profile party, there are actually more than 30 people.

At that banquet, in addition to the alchemists and senior officials of the Li nationality, there were also supporters of the Li clan - Prince Yao Xing.

It is also to let Yao Xing and the alchemists get to know each other. After all, even if Yao Xing can't become an emperor, a prince can't run away. According to the "practice", most of the alchemists present will still choose Yao Xing.

Prince Yao Xing is the seventh son of the old emperor Yao Zhen. He is 37 years old this year. Zhang Shen was a little surprised when he first saw him. Looking at his loyalty and majesty, he really doesn't look like he can become an emperor.

However, for alchemists, in addition to material abundance and physical and spiritual enjoyment, they also choose to cooperate with the top 50 surnames, but also to obtain some resources for their own continued exploration of Dandao. Therefore, they do not care too much about how much benefits the supporting families can get in the change of the throne.

Of course, out of professional ethics and everyone's desire to win, no one will be absent from the Dandao feast, which is rare in more than ten years, let alone show weakness.

The alchemist is not an unhuman idiot. The Li and Yao Xing have given enough face. This small banquet was also regarded as the joy of the guests and ended successfully.

"Master Zhang, Xiao Wang is polite." Zhang Shen tried to keep a low profile, but Yao Xing took the initiative to come over and could only be false.

Zhang Shen jumped in line halfway, other alchemists were not clear, and the vast majority of people of the Li clan did not know, but the senior management of the Li clan and Yao Xing were like a mirror in their hearts. Although I don't understand his intention, it's definitely not easy to get involved with the Treasure Pavilion!

"You're welcome, prince." Sensing the curiosity and unconvinced eyes that fell on him, Zhang Shen smiled helplessly.

After patiently talking with Yao Xing, Zhang Shen's attention was significantly increased. Especially when the senior officials of the Li clan also came one after another, Zhang Shen helplessly found that he had become the focus of the living room, and his eyes fell on him. There are dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, but there are more curiosity and doubts.

At the end of the banquet, the alchemist returned to his residence, and Zhang Shen also walked towards his small building.

"Brother Zhang, please stay." Just as Zhang Shen was about to step into the door, someone else shouted in his ear. Turning around, a round-faced young man was walking towards him quickly.

"Are you Li Wei and Brother Li?" Zhang Shen remembers that he is also a member of the alchemists. He always smiles at small banquets and can talk with almost every alchemist. He is very popular.

Li Wei's figure was moderate, his round face smiled, and his eyes narrowed into a seam: "Brother Zhang is really honored to remember me."

The two exchanged a few words, and Li Wei asked, "Where are Brother Zhang from? I've been in the Li family for a while, and I haven't seen him before."

"People from Wenxian County. I entered the Li family just because of a favor. After all, for those who are dedicated to pursuing Dandao, where are we, who we cooperate with, and what does it have to do with? Brother Li, don't you think so?

"Haha, of course, of course. Brother Zhang is also a little tired, so I won't bother you. I'll say goodbye first.

"Bear by the way, during the period before the start of the Danhui, there were almost every small exchange meetings with alchemists in Xiyuan. I wonder if Brother Zhang is interested and would like to go with them?"

"Well, it's all right, so let's go together."

Arching his hand to Li Wei, Zhang Shen closed the door and returned to his temporary building.

He glanced at the fence and seemed to be able to see through the obstacles all the way to Li Wei.

"Ha, it's coming. The movements and feelings of the behind-the-scenes hands are really sharp.

In the information collected by the Treasure Pavilion, it is mentioned that some scattered alchemists and smart martial artists have an unclear relationship with the behind-the-scenes black hands, and this Li Wei is one of them.

According to the analysis of Zhenbao Pavilion, the goal of the behind-the-scenes gangster seems to be the change of the throne this time. That's why Zhang Shen intends to watch across the shore first. As long as those guys ask for something, they will definitely expose themselves.

Zhang Shen is confident that when they are exposed to the sun, they will never escape their palms!

"Let you jump for a while first."

Thinking like this, Zhang Shen withdrew his eyes, slowly went upstairs and returned to the bedroom.

The exchange meeting in Li Wei's mouth is actually a small gathering of dozens of alchemists within the Li family to exchange some experience. It is held every two or three days, and everyone is very motivated to participate.

For those alchemists who have not joined Kunlun for 12 days, this opportunity to communicate with their peers is not rare but absolutely rare. How can they not cherish it?

Inspiration is supposed to flash in the collision of thinking.

Zhang Shen was idle and left. He attended every party and quickly conquered everyone with his knowledge and became the object of alchemists competing for teaching.

Of course, he also gained a lot from arguing with others.

Time passed quietly.

Danhui has begun.

Before the palace, there was an extremely vast and flat square, which was the size of three football fields, which was the location of the Danhui.

There are two steps between the square and the main hall of the palace. There is also a ribbon platform between the two steps.

On the platform, there are the senior officials of the 50 surnames and some other top figures of the Qing Dynasty.

Upward, before the main hall, the old emperor Yao Zhen, dressed in a dragon robe and sat on the dragon couch, surrounded by his wife and concubines and children on both sides. His face was full of majesty, and there was no trace of emotion in his deep eyes.

Between the two groups of people and horses, the strong guard was armored to block any factors that might be unfavorable to the emperor.

Look at the square again.

Hundreds of cases are placed in the square, which was originally empty. The gap between the case and the case is piled with all kinds of messy medicinal herbs, which are common herbs, but there are many kinds of medicinal farmers who have collected herbs for a lifetime.

In the attention of the public, the figures slowly stepped on the square under the guidance of the bodyguards in the gradually bright sunshine.

is the alchemist who participated in this elixir meeting!

There are nearly 1,000 participants in this Danhui. There are highs and lows in Dandao, especially the cultivation of "the art of all spirits". Naturally, it is necessary to choose and compare.

The layout of the square is the first round of the Danhui.

Extract "medicine gas" and refine it into a crude embryo of elixir!

Zhang Shen came to a case a few times ago under the guidance of a bodyguard.

"Master, the herbs in this area belong to you." The guard pointed to a pile of miscellaneous herbs in front of the case and reconfirmed the requirements of the first round of rules.

"You need to extract all the 'medicine gas' in all herbs within the specified time and condense it into a crude embryo of elixirs before passing this first round of screening."

"I know." Zhang Shen nodded.

The bodyguard did not leave, but stood aside to prevent some insufficient alchemists from taking risks to cheat.

It's humiliating to say, but no matter which group in the world, there are always some garbage that is not capable enough but always wants to be opportunistic.

Zhang Shen turned his eyes to the pile of herbs in front of him and frowned slightly.

The herbs given to each alchemist are "carefully prepared", with almost the same quantity, variety and weight, and they are very carefully mixed together. At first glance, they look like a pile of weeds.

What Zhang Shen needs to do is to extract the "medicine gas" of the same medicinal material and refine it into a crude embryo of elixirs.

This round of assessment criteria, first, whether the task has been completed within the specified time; second, whether the medicinal properties in the crude embryo are pure enough and whether they are doped with other medicinal herbs.

The sound of gongs, Dan will start the first round of screening!

About one-sixth of alchemists rushed into the herb pile quickly and quickly classified them;

The remaining two-thirds began to use alchemy, control the airflow of heaven and earth, turned into invisible hands, and classified the herbs in front of them;

The last part is not classified at all. It directly uses alchemy to extract the medicinal properties from medicinal materials and become elixir!

Zhang Shen undoubtedly belongs to the third category.

Zhang Shen began to alchemy.

The first step, perception.

It couldn't be simpler. The spiritual power separated and spread. The next moment, the distribution of the atmosphere of heaven and earth in the square entered Zhang Shen's mind, which was extremely clear.

The second step is to breathe.

Extract the medicinal properties from herbs, and the qi of the five elements can be used. However, the most suitable thing for this situation is the qi of wood and the qi of water.

More than four-fifths of the third type of alchemists choose the above two qi. After all, the herbal medicine itself has five elements of yin and yang, and there are so many. The use of wood qi and water qi not only avoids harming the herbs itself, but also is not easy to confuse them.

Zhang chose decisively in order to show his operation--

Five elements together!

These low-level herbs belong to the five elements. Zhang's mind moved, and dozens or hundreds of five elements are ready to be on standby.

The third step, loop.

Before, Zhang pulled the five elements of the spirit and was seen by many alchemists. Now they all want to see his jokes and see how he completes the cycle of the chaotic five elements.

Zhang Shen showed a high profile and quickly guided his spirit. He saw that the hundreds of five elements were cleverly connected in the order of the five elements, completing the cycle!

The surge of the air of heaven and earth instantly calms down and the cycle is completed.

The fourth step is to integrate.

Zhang Shen divided his spiritual power into five strands and put it into the five elements of the circle. He suddenly felt that he was integrated with it. As long as he moved his mind, he could perfectly control every action.

The fifth step is to refine.

At the top of the important thing, Zhang Shen looked solemn and changed his mind. After melting, the five-e elements of circulating airflow bombarded and shrouded the herbs.

Pharmaceutical, extraction!!