Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 31: Making trouble Next

Chapter 31: Making Trouble (Part 2)

[PS: One million... One more chapter, evening]

When Zhang Shen appeared in the sight of the Ellick brothers and others, he was greeted with vigilant eyes.

Especially when Ska appeared, these eyes added some malice. The latter knows the cruelty of the national alchemist Roy Marstein and others. If there is not a series of changes, most of them are trying to arrest Skar at this time.

"If you are here to save us, it is recommended to destroy something in the prison that suppresses alchemy first, otherwise we won't be able to run far." Roy shrugged his shoulders and talked and laughed freely. "I believe you don't want to waste your effort."

Zhang Shen glanced at the people in the prison and confirmed that the round-faced young man in front of him was the leader of this group. He waved, and a bright red stone broke through the air and fell into his hand obediently.

"Do you mean this thing?"

Roy Marstein's heart trembled but just smiled quietly: "Yes, it's..."

"The Stone of the Sage!!" Edward Ellick exclaimed and looked straight at the red stone in Zhang Shen's hand. He has been looking for this thing, hoping to restore the body of his brother Alphonse with the power of the Wise Stone. In fact, because something was found in the process of finding the stone of the sage, people will end up in prison.

The dense footsteps are getting closer and closer.

Roy took a deep look at Zhang Shen and nodded to Alex and others: "The guard is about to arrive. Let's talk about it later. Let's leave here first."

"Major Armstrong, what are you doing?" Lisa's angry voice sounded, "Please put on your clothes!"

Entering Zhang Shen's sight is a muscle โ™‚ meat man of the upper body**...

Alex made a quite artistic โ™‚ aesthetic action to perfectly show his chest muscles: "Ah, long-lost muscle art! It's really unbearable not being able to create art at will. With that, his upper body muscles glowed brilliantly, and the tendons rose one by one, expanding in an instant.

He held the two iron bars with his hands that had become bigger than the fan, exhaled, and directly bent the iron bar, forming a large hole enough for two people to walk in parallel.

"Alex Louis Armstrong, the alchemist of the rich wrist... used alchemy on his own body..." Seeing Alex shouting "muscles are art" while quickly freeing everyone, Zhang Shen was thoughtful.

The noise of miscellaneous footsteps from the upstairs suddenly weakened a lot. Obviously, there was a net waiting for Zhang Shen, a group of bold thieves, to throw themselves into the net.

"Coloner Marstein, it's up to you next." Zhang Shen glanced at several people who stood in a group to guard against himself and Ska, and said something that surprised the latter. "I saved you out to make trouble for some people. If you behave disappointingly, maybe I will have some other considerations."

Although he didn't say it, the full malice revealed by Zhang Shen still made everyone understand his unfinished words at the first time: If you can't do it, just die here!

"How can you do this?" Alphonse's childish juvenile voice came from the helmet, full of unconcealed surprise. Edward knocked on his brother's arm with his remaining left hand to signal him not to speak.

From the eyes of everyone, Zhang Shen knew that his evil character image had completely taken shape.

Roy took a look at Zhang Shen and began to quickly arrange: "Alex, Alphonse, you two guard the entrance. The others, help Edward find his mechanical right arm first." Except for a genius who is dedicated to research or Edward, other national alchemists will choose to specialize in one or two alchemy. In addition, for combat needs, they will directly draw formations on themselves or some equipment - such as Alex and Roy.

In this way, it is more convenient to fight, but it also imprisons itself in disguise.

Roy chose to "fix" Edward at this time because the latter's skilled and comprehensive alchemy could make them better break through.

Fortunately, Edward's removed right arm was placed in an underground prison without much attention.

Unfortunately, this mechanical right arm is quite finely constructed, and special tools are needed for disassembly and assembly... Obviously, no one will prepare this kind of thing in prison.

"Oh, it's a good thing that aroused my interest." Zhang Shen walked over, casually drew a formation, refined a few pieces of copper and iron into screws, and directly... welded to death!

Edward's mouth twitched straight. If it hadn't affected his flexibility and was in prison at the moment, he would have wanted to hit it with a fist.

"Guys, be careful!!" Alex and Alphonse suddenly ran back, "They dropped a lot of bombs!"

With a collision sound, more than a dozen black and green things came into Zhang Shen's sight: "Damn it, it's fierce enough." With so many bombs thrown down, Kim Bradley and others wanted to bury everything directly, not even the lives of Gratoni.

Roy grabbed Lisa and retreated: "That's a gas bomb! Edward, it's up to you!!"

Poisonous gas bomb? It seems that the people above are not so crazy.

"Leave it to me." Xiaodouding was still very reliable at the critical moment. His palms were close to the ground, and the solid rock ground began to rummate. Then a three-finger-thick stone wall rose from the ground and pulled up to a few meters in the blink of an eye.

"Sneak", a rapid jet sound, thick white fog spewed out, crossed the stone wall, and quickly spread to this side.

Damn!! Edward was so angry that another stone wall rose.

However, the speed of refining the stone wall was not as fast as the spread of poison gas, and the white fog behind him was about to catch up and devour everyone.

This reflects the defects of alchemy!

Even if Edward is a "all-talent", he is still helpless in the face of this targeted means.

"Forget it, I'll do it." Zhang Shen shook his head, thinking that he had really underestimated the president's means. Or underestimate the means of the world. Since alchemy is extremely developed, there will naturally be many means for alchemy.

The words fell, and Roy and others suddenly felt that the air around them began to flow.

Under the control of Zhang Shenyi, an "air wall" appeared, reaching the ceiling and connecting the floor, tightly stitching across the center.

Amazing scene appeared in front of Alphonse and others.

Although they can't see the invisible gas wall, as long as they look at the "opposite" white with yellow fog and the wind and clouds on this side, they know that there must be some "something" in the middle.

Zhang Shen stood up, and there was a smile in the little fox Roy's eyes. If he is really forced to a dead end, he can also refine flames to produce similar effects... Of course, it is more dangerous.

"This is the alchemy of the Qing Dynasty." Roy put away the little pride in his heart so that someone wouldn't get angry.

"Good insight. Edward, refine a ladder to connect to the ceiling. Alex, you open it and we will go straight up from here. Followed by a lot of oil bottles, there is no way to walk through.

With the cooperation of Edward and Alex, a spiral stone ladder leading to a layer was formed, and light and noise were introduced together.

Alphonse, who was not afraid of bullets, took the lead. As soon as he appeared, he was found. Then the sound of "dangdang" bullet hitting the iron armor sounded, which made people panic.

Edward followed closely and directly launched alchemy. Stone pillars came out from all directions and hit the guns in the soldiers' hands very accurately.

The group rushed out under the leadership of the Alik brothers.

Roy doesn't want to hurt people without using his own specialty - flames are refined, and Alex also restrained seven points, not to mention the Ellick brothers.

Both Roy Marstein and Alex Louis Armstrong are very famous generals in the military in Central City. They put an end everywhere, and most of the encircled soldiers also reprocated and openly rowed.

Zhang and Ska were behind the team, leisurely looking at everything, and a decision quietly fell in their hearts.

With the joint help of "internal and external", Zhang Shen and his party finally succeeded in getting rid of the pursuers.

Presidential Palace, Study.

"What a wonderful... farce." The woman crossed her legs and sneered, "Mr. President, don't you want to say anything about it?"

Kim Bradley sat in the president's exclusive chair, with a straight waist and a warm smile on his face. However, there is still no human emotion in his right eye, like ten thousand years of ice.

"It's just a clown. There's no need to care about it."

"Wow, you're really sure~~" The woman smiled charmingly and showed her romantic style, but unfortunately she was shown to the blind man.

Du Du Du!

There was a knock on the door.

"Father, it's me." A child's voice sounded.

Kim Bradley's unchanging expression quietly changed, and his eyes flashed... fearful!

"Oh, it's Selim. Come in." The voice of His Excellency the President is full of the warmth of his father. At first glance, he is a good father who spoils his children.

Selim Bradley, the adopted son of President Kim Bradley, looks like a cute little Zhengtai, but his real identity is an artificial man, Pride among the seven deadly sins.

The door of the study was pushed open, and Xiao Zhengtai, dressed in a white shirt and a small light brown vest, entered the study with a smile on his face.


The door of the study closed, and the smile on Pled's face closed, and the temperature in the study seemed to drop by more than ten degrees in an instant, turning into a cold winter.

"Enwei, you are very leisurely." Price's indifferent eyes fell on the woman who quietly put away her legs and sat upright. Because of his height, he obviously looks up, but any normal person will involuntarily have a feeling that he is "looking down".

Being swept by his eyes, Envi (envy, jealous, ever-changing, can become anyone's appearance) was stunned, honestly changed back to his original state, dare not reply, dare not dare not look at him.

This is the first of the seven deadly sins, Pride!