Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 51: Horror Empire 2 [Happy National Day!]

Chapter 51: Empire of Terror (2)

[65th National Day, wish me Greater China stronger and stronger!]

It is winter, and the daytime is shortened. It was only five o'clock in the evening, and the sky had faded. In addition, the infrastructure such as domestic street lights is not perfect, and it is relatively desolate here. It feels like walking at night in summer. If it hadn't been for a little starlight in the sky, I'm afraid the visibility would not exceed five meters.

Li Shien and Shen Yunhan, who acted as *, walked slower and slower, gradually releasing a strange power fluctuation.

"What's the situation between you two!" Zhang Shen shouted angrily and was secretly alert. Did he go his eyes? Have these two people been acting?

There is no answer.

Without a few steps, the two completely stopped and stood straight, a little more straight than a pine tree, just like a sculpture.

Zhang Shen stepped back a few steps, put his palms together, and his spiritual power connected the aura of heaven and earth, ready to go.

The breath released from the two became more and more obvious, and the short film turned into a thin smoke barely visible to the naked eye, emanating from all over their bodies, wisps of which were extremely strange.

This breath... Zhang Shen's pupils suddenly shrank and his heart was awe-inspiring.

The taste of death!!

Zhang Shen remembered clearly that the breath from the gray-black smoke was a symbol of death and death. When Yan Tailor was manipulated and enslaved by the sword spirit of the white bone sword, he also emitted a similar atmosphere all over his body.

The scene in front of him suddenly reminded him of a movie he saw a long time ago, and the people in the film also had similar characteristics--

Be a man during the day and be a ghost at night!

"*Korea's unification... Great * Empire... Kim Sanqi is suspected of being promoted to the 'law' territory...* is blocked by the world..." Is there any intrinsic connection between all this?

When Zhang Shen was thinking, the dead air from the two stiff men became stronger and stronger. They circled around them and finally turned into a gray-black cocoon to wrap them separately.

The fog cocoon dissipated as soon as it was formed, and the figures of the two were revealed again.

No, it can't be called a "human" at this moment!

The heart-shaking death always explains the changes in their identity--

Inhuman! Non-ghost! Not a corpse! Non-magic!

The two monsters slowly turned around stiffly, like a robot that had not been maintained for a long time, rattling.

Their faces today are reflected in Zhang Shen's sight.

The general shape has not changed, but they seem to be semi-finished mummy, and the whole body has become quite dry, and the skin is surrounded by a faint dead gray. In addition, their only eyes without "dehydration" have lost the color of the whites and pupils, and the dark black circles, and only a little dead white in the center, which looks particularly strange in the dark night.

"Tut, this effect is that you can't scare a lot of urine if you go to make horror movies." Zhang Shen is no longer the loser who dares not watch horror movies alone. He has slaughtered many zombies, and there is no pressure in this battle.

No matter in which world, this irrational "corpse clan" has a "thirst" for human beings. These monsters are no exception.

The dry throat made a leaking sound. They rushed towards Zhang Shen. At the beginning, they were slow and more proficient in a few steps, and they had reached the walking speed of normal people.

Alchemy · Tujia!

The earth's atmosphere in the area of hundreds of meters was mobilized, the ground was turbulent, and the soil seemed to rush towards the two fast-moving monsters. In the blink of an eye, they covered their whole body except their heads, covering them with thick earth armor.

The power of the monsters was amazing, and the two-finger thick earth armor could not be restrained. Finally, they simply wrapped them into two big mud cocoon and could no longer struggle.

Zhang Shen walked in and observed carefully. The more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

Not only the body, but also the breath of death in the body, even the soul has changed!!

It is not an illusion, or other special method of life-and-death conversion, but it really reverses the origin from an ordinary yellow race to a dead ghost!!

"If all this is really done by Jin San..." Zhang San's face was gloomy, and his heart was beating hard.

It can transform at least 70 million people into this strange state of * South Korea's two-in-one empire... Zhang Shen can't understand what this means.

"Life and death are deadly. All I have to do now is to ensure the safety of the two little guys!" Throwing the mixed thoughts out of his mind, Zhang Shen began to draw and refine them on the surface of the clay cocoon.

"Before that, I would like to see what kind of existence you are!"

The analysis into a matrix was quickly successfully drawn.

Dragon vein alchemy, start!!

Under the enhanced microscope, the body structure of the ghoul Li Shien is gradually displayed in front of Zhang Shen.

After a while...

"The body structure is exactly the same as that of humans, but all the blood vessels are dry. Sure enough, the problem is still the soul!" Zhang Shen can only see the general idea of its soul and cannot analyze it in detail. What's more, the soul is a very wonderful existence, and it is impossible to be proficient in this aspect and not have enough time to accumulate it.

It was an hour after the study of the two corpses last night.

The night completely pulled down, and the dark clouds gathered, completely covering the originally sparse stars.

On such a night, the only light source is the hazy light in the distance.

The lights of thousands of families are very warm, but at the thought that at this moment, there are ferocious ghosts dancing under such lights, Zhang Shen can't help but have an impulse to curse his mother...

"No more*, it's really troublesome." With a wry smile, Zhang Shen followed the direction they said before and followed the lights in the dark night.

The so-called "space storm" encountered by Zhang San is not a real space turbulence storm. After all, its source is only an inexplicable space crack, and the real power is mostly less than one hundredth of the body.

Moreover, this incomplete space* is also "strong when you are strong". Among the seven people, Zhang Shen's strength (comprehensive strength, mainly energy system and soul realm) is the strongest, and the "treatment" he naturally gets is also the best, so he can't even open his eyes for a long time.

Ai Ai's strength was mostly on the contract elves and was involved in the space storm with little impact.

Jiaoyi Railway Station in Jiangdong County is where she "landed".

Jiangdong County is next to Pyongyang. Before South Korea was unified, it was an economically developed region with a large resident population and a large floating population. As the largest railway station in Jiangdong County, Jiaoyi Railway Station's passenger flow can also be imagined.

In the bustling crowd, a cute girl suddenly fell from the sky! Little Lori with a ponytail!

If it is in Japan, the dead houses that have been baptized by various two-dimensional products will rush up at the first time, trying to carry out some strange "recognition ceremony" to harvest a servant cute Loli...

*The people are very honest and pure.

Ai Ai's fall from the sky caused a large range of chaos, and all the people who saw it immediately screamed and turned around and ran away.

At the moment of falling, Ai Ai opened her eyes and glanced around indifferently. Although she was not clear about the situation, she also realized that she had become an "alite".

The superpower swept away like a sea tide and launched an illusion. The noise suddenly stagnated and was silent!

She can't tamper with so many people's memories in a short time, but there is still no problem to create chaos.

When Zhang Shen's message came, she had changed her less conspicuous clothes and sat in the waiting room (she has never been*, but I think the railway stations in the world should be almost the same structure, probably) and waited quietly.

What are you waiting for?

Ai Ai was a little confused and vaguely looking forward to it.

This is the first time since she was born alone and in a foreign country. It is inevitable that she is a little panicked.

Until someone's solemn voice sounded in my mind.

"It's really talky." Ai Ai squeezed the corners of her mouth, and the void in her heart was quietly filled.

The big clock hanging on the wall, time passes quietly in the rotation of the minute hand and second hand.

Inadvertently, it got dark.


Time to step on the brakes, and the whole world freezes at this moment!

The next second, the atmosphere of the whole railway station will change!

Ai suddenly jumped up, threw away the snacks in her hand, wiped her little hand around her waist, and three elf balls were sandwiched between her fingers. At the same time, the power of superpower is ready to go, and the transformation of mental power, illusion and spiritual power is round and free, receiving and sending from the heart.

The same process was found at the railway station.

First, it solidified like a sculpture, and then hundreds of people in the waiting room began to emit a deep breath of death, surrounded by gray-black fog, and even the ceiling and the lights around them seemed to be infected by this deadly atmosphere and became devious.

Ai Ai's pupils shrank, her heart was awe-inspiring, and she fled!

She jumped and landed lightly on the window of the waiting room, and then rushed out of the station in the shortest time with the help of wires, pipes and other things outside.

Ai knows that fighting against thousands of unknown enemies alone in a place like the station is definitely looking for a dead end!

The eyes are as beautiful as electricity, looking around.

Outside the station, there is a large square, divided into several blocks, including parking buses, waiting for passengers to relax and so on.

In the sight, there is a tallest building with more than ten floors, and the five words "Jinyang Hotel" outside are shining and very dazzling. In terms of specifications alone, it should be the most luxurious hotel in this area.

also means that there won't be too many people inside.

Ai Ai chose it as her next hiding place.

She remembered Zhang Shen's instructions - don't run around and wait for me to come there.

The straight distance between the station and the square is about 300 meters, and there are many people.

When she chose Jinyang Hotel as a hiding place and was ready to go, the ghosts woke up!

The dead white eyes stared at Ai Ai, and the strange "ho" sounded one after another.

Being stared at by hundreds of strange eyes, Ai Ai's body trembled and got goose bumps all over her body.

"Come out!"

"Psychic Stone! Candles! Totem bird!"