Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 1: Unpleasant Start [Chapter 8, One Chapter Owehuan]

Chapter 1: Unhappy Opening

[Thank you for the support of Beiming, thank you]

On October 12, 2004, Boston, a city on the Atlantic coast of the northeastern United States.

There is a factory area near Serute Street. It covers a wide area and was an indispensable part of Boston's urban development 20 years ago. However, with the crazy development of technology, it has now been eliminated by this era.

As early as ten years ago, the originally bustling factories here were closed one after another. But the completeness of capital did not completely waste this area. Tramps, bankrupts, gangsters, gamblers, addicts, *... Their arrival has restored some popularity and even produced a deformed prosperity to the abandoned land.

Of course, this is also a high incidence of crime. Every minute and every second, life disappears extremely cheaply, or dies from gang fights, or inexplicable battles in the streets and alleys.

In a word, life is trembling here.

However, recently, perhaps in this week or two, the situation has changed slightly.

A man came here.

He was dressed in a combat uniform, armed from beginning to end, and his upper body was printed with white skulls no matter which combat uniform it was.

The white skeleton stared at the two black holes and looked at this evil world with a ferocious smile.

He calls himself a "punisher"!

[PS: After reading the information all afternoon, I found that Marvel series heroes, DC series heroes, aliens, iron blood and so on did not match at all! In addition, Marvel's view of the multiverse is also awesome. If you want to write it in, most of this volume will have to end... So, after struggling for a long time, we cut off a large number of elements directly with a knife!]

[PS2: Among the indigenous forces, the following are tentatively required: decent - Fantastic Four, Avengers, X-Men, Punisher, Spider-Man; villain - Dr. Destruction, Rocky, mutant "fraternity", Lord Man, Red Skull, Dr. Octopus]

[PS3: Yes, even Superman was cut off by us... Basically, those who have something to do with cosmic aliens have been cut by me... Please don't complain about time. In addition, the American setting in this world has little to do with reality]

[PS4: Lessons learned from Volume 3 2012, this time we plan to cut in from a small place. If you have any suggestions, welcome to put forward]

In a dilapidated and dirty unmanned room, the space rippled, as if the water lines rippled away, making the shadows in the room tremble. Then fixed his eyes, and several figures appeared out of thin air.

It was Zhang Shen and his party of six.

"Captain, there are many people nearby." Li Jing's words made Zhang Shen frown. What is the big will doing? Is it deliberately to cause a fight with indigenous forces?

"What's more detailed? Are they all ordinary people or do they have extraordinary powers?" Bu Lichen frowned and was a little dissatisfied with Li Jing's simple message and asked.

The latter was stunned and a little shy, adding: "In an area of 500 meters, a total of 144 people are ordinary people." With that, she also drives spiritual power and converges into a very clear three-dimensional projection, which is more convenient and faster than scientific and technological detection.

Zhang Shen opened the auxiliary information panel: "Leady them first and see what this big will says."

[Mission Information]

[Only task: survive! - Survive in the world for three years, and when the time comes, it will automatically lead back]

[Warning: The world has its own plane law. Any prop that does not conform to this law will fail. In serious cases, it will even cause plane counterattack. In the specific situation, please explore by yourself (the defender's own ability will not be suppressed, but the "effect" means that the impact on the world after the ability is released will be affected. "Correction")

[Face information (friendly gift)]

[World Name: Iron Blood; World Type: Technology, Magic, Magic, Myth Mix; World Level: High]

[This is a powerful world, with developed technology and powerful powers, and the power of magic and mythology should not be underestimated. In this world, the boundaries of black and white are blurred, justice and evil are difficult to determine, heroes are famous all over the world, and evil is rampant in the world.]


The short message given by the great will made Zhang Shen a little chill. Survive! The two simple words are like the entrance of the Blood Sea of Shura. If you listen, you can hear the roaring waves on the other side, waiting to devour life at all times.

"Technology, power, magic, myth," Bu Lichen's eyes fell on the plane information given by the great will and friendship, chewed carefully, "For good, although there is some influence, at least it will not be suppressed too much."

Among the six people, there is no power system with very extreme attributes, and it can barely be regarded as all-round development.

Zhang Shen took a step forward and pushed open the empty door: "I'm going to stay here for three years. Let's say hello to the world first."


just opened the door, and a smell mixed with all kinds of inexplicable smells came towards him, and almost didn't let Zhang Shen spit it out!

Damn it! Zhang Shen mobilized the air to cover his mouth and nose. For the first time, he felt that his sense of smell was too sensitive was not a good thing.

Scanning around, you can see all kinds of garbage, packaging bags, beverage bottles, rotten fruits and vegetables, needles, and even excreta everywhere. No one cleans up the messy garbage. I don't know how long it has been piled up, and the taste of "brewed" is really...

"How dare you throw us into the garbage dump." After slandering his great will, Zhang Shen was about to use alchemy to isolate these smells, but he saw Bu Lichen's plain hand raised, full of fragrance, like an invisible mask helmet, completely isolating the stench of the outside world.

Within a few steps, Zhang saw the first indigenous people in the world.

Five men are not old, wearing dirty clothes, two short hair, and the other three whose hair is dirtier than the chicken coop. **'s arms, shoulders and even necks are full of meaningless tattoos.

Three people lay against the wall, one leaned against a thick square load-bearing pillar, and the last one lay directly on the dirty ground, spreading into a "big" shape.

The five people have one thing in common: they all have intoxicated, satisfied and fairy expressions on their faces.

There are several pieces of tin foil in the corner, with unburned white powder left on it. Looking at the pinholes in their hands, the answer is already very obvious. These are five addicts, and from the weakness of their qi and blood and the loss of their viscera, most of them are terminally ill and hopeless.

Li Ji's face changed slightly, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent. What she hates most is drugs. Even if most of her obsessions are eliminated, she also has a murderous intention to clean up social scum.

"Sister." Li Jing's voice came to her ears and felt the temperature and emotions from the palm of her hand. Li Ji's eyes flashed, suppressing the floating mind as if she didn't realize it.

Zhang Shen and his party did not hide their footsteps. He was happy, but he was woken up. The five people opened their eyes one after another and their faces were full of irritability.

However, when their eyes fell on the five women other than Zhang Shen, something unexpected happened to Zhang Shen!

A little bulge, directly appearing in their lower body. At the same time, the light of ** burst out of their dark eyes, which was a hundred times more energetic in an instant, more effective than taking high-purity drugs.


Zhang Shen's pupils were enlarged, his fists were clenched, his bones exploded, and his murderous intention came out violently.

"Look for death!"

"Alchemy · Air crushing!!"

The ferocious roar rushed out, hundreds of meters in an area. Suddenly, the wind roared and howled, and the cement floor broke cracks, and the vegetation and gravel were swept away by the storm and hit the wall like bullets.

The five people who faced Zhang Shen's anger were stunned and were about to beg for mercy. The huge force squeezed from all directions made them lie on the ground one after another, and the ubiquitous wind pressure made them afraid to open their mouths.

The pressure increased little by little, and the five people were completely pressed down, and blood flowed from the corners of their eyes, mouths and ears, which looked quite miserable.

The bones gradually emit unbearable moans, and even crack and collapse. Their skin and muscles have also cracked one after another. It can be seen that their internal organs have completely turned into meat sauce under such a huge pressure.

They are not dead yet. Zhang Shen made a trace of spiritual strength to mobilize the spirit of heaven and earth to protect their last breath, so that they could see themselves die little by little.

The five women of Bu Lichen quietly looked at Zhang Shen's movements and had no intention of interfering.

This is the first time they have seen Zhang Shen so angry.

Li Jing and Bu Lichen are sweet in their hearts. Ai Ai takes it for granted and is also a little happy. Ai Yi feels warm, but only Li Ji shouts happily in his heart but also has some doubts.

When did Zhang Shen become so cruel?

Yes, although he had also refined millions of people into the stone of sages in a big city in order to save Li Jing and himself, it was just an idea, and this will crush the life without resistance a little bit.

The former can only be said to be "crazy" and the latter is completely "cruel"!

"Maybe I should talk to him sometime." Looking at his little sister, who was still happy, Li Ji suppressed the little uneasiness in his heart, "Maybe I just think too much. After all, I have experienced too much death, and it is normal to look more lightly on the lives of unrelated people..."

"Enough!" Just as everyone had different thoughts, a dull low shout sounded.

A man who wrapped himself from head to toe in combat clothes and looked like a space-era infantry appeared in the eyes of everyone, holding a gun in both hands and pointing to the ground.

"mutants, take back your strength! They are dead, why do you abuse their bodies again?!"

There is a sound, which is questioning, but there is not too much anger, but more dissuasion.

It is the "punisher", a judge who is determined to eliminate all the evil and darkness of the world with ** naked violence for the rest of his life!

[PS: This volume is not easy to write. For the big scene of too many people, we don't have enough grasp it. We have to take our time]