Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 25: A bloody case caused by a husky

Chapter 25: A bloody case caused by a husky

The residence of Major General McFfield Winston, Lynchburg, Virginia.

This is a castle-style villa, covering a large area, with a swimming pool, apron, small golf course and so on, but there are more than a dozen domestic workers who clean and take care of flowers. However, recently, Major General Winston was in a bad mood and dismissed all these servants and lived alone in the big castle.

Some people living nearby have posted essays on Twitter, saying that they have seen Major General Winston take women home more than once, and the costumes of those women do not seem to be celebrities, but they all look quite energetic. At the end of the article, he said terrified that he was bored and squatting for several days. He only saw the major general take women in and had never seen them come out!

Major General Winston, who has a hard style and a rigorous life, is actually a wanderer? This information has attracted a lot of attention. However, the man only released this article, and then there was no movement, as if the world had evaporated. As a result, this message soon sank into the sea and no one paid attention to it.

In the eyes of people familiar with Winston, this is nonsense, purely malicious slander!

If they can enter the sealed basement of the castle, they will know that all this is real and creepy!!

The basement of the castle is separated into small single rooms like cells. In each single room, there is a young woman!

Their hands and feet are chained, and their mouths are also stuffed with mouthballs to prevent them from biting their tongues and suicide. The range of movement is very small and basically impossible to move. Their arms are connected to an injection hose, and the other end is full of nutrient solution to keep their lives. The expressions on their faces are almost the same, numb and empty. Despair, regret...; they have one thing in common, that is, the raised abdomen!

At first glance, it seems that they are pregnant and about to give birth.


There was a muffled sound from the dark and silent basement.

The door opened, and Maifield Winston came in. He pushed a cart with various items piled high.

These imprisoned women did not react at all and seemed to become vegetative.

"Little babies, your dear father is here." Winston hummed a little song with a smile on his face. With a handsome expression and a gentle and happy smile, I don't know how many women will be fascinated outside, but it will only look horrible and desperate in this environment.

Winston moved a carton from the cart*, which contained a bag of high-energy nutrient solution. From a nutritional point of view, just one bag is enough to supplement the three-day consumption of the human body under normal conditions.

He opened a prison door, ignored the filth of the ground and the stench in the air, skillfully replaced the nutrient solution for the blonde beauty.

Then, he gently stroked the blonde woman's high belly and muttered, "Good boy, don't worry, absorb more nutrients, so that you can be stronger." When Winston whispered, the "child" in the blonde woman's abdomen seemed to have a sense, and suddenly there was a black shadow on her belly, and there was a faint outline of her head!

Winston stared at all this, with a softer smile on his face, and his dark blue eyes turned dark yellow, and a black vertical pupil in the middle was by no means human!

When the nutrient solution was about to be replaced, a harsh bell suddenly sounded. Winston took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He frowned, muttered "trouble" twice, accelerated his movements, and then left in a hurry.

Because he was in a hurry, he just took a walk. The thick door was not tightly closed, leaving a gap with a wide straw.

Leaving the basement, Winston turned back to the gentle and courteous Major General Merfield Winston.

"Hey, Bobby." Winston greeted his dog, but the husky named Bobby showed a trace of panic in his eyes and barked and ran away.

Hmm? Winston looked down and looked around. It turned out that he had left in a hurry and had not had time to take a shower, leaving a trace of "exotic" smell belonging to the appearance monster.

"Trouble." Frowning, Winston walked to the bathroom. However, a small metal materials company dares to hold any auctions. These human beings in the military department are becoming more and more useless.

On the other side, after being scared away by the horrible smell of Winston, Husky Bobby was a little depressed (?) and ran to the corner of the villa to relax. No one took care of it for more than a month. The flowers and plants here have grown much higher and are almost over Husky's leg joints.

The innate sense of smell made Bobby smell strange, which is the smell of other animals!

His territory was invaded. Bobby was furious and ran over and found a cave covered by floating earth. Bobby quickly opened the floating earth with a pair of front legs, and a black hole appeared in his eyes. Somehow, at the moment of seeing the cave, a feeling of "fear" emerged, occupying Bobby's dog's brain.

Within no thought, Bobby was about to escape.


A tongue quickly popped out of the cave, wrapped around Bobby's hind legs, and pulled it violently and staggered to the ground.

A strange-like pangolin quickly came out of the cave.

The triangle is like a poisonous snake's head, and the eyes are degeneous like decorations. They are dressed in black scales. There is a row of barbs in the center of the back and abdomen, the limbs are thick and short, the giant claws are sharp, and the tail is completely transformed into an alien whip tail!

Obviously, this is a new alien!!

After the pangolin alien caught Bobby, he clumsily opened his mouth with his forelimbs and whip tail and began to lay eggs and parasitize.

Bobby, who lived a superior life, rolled his eyes and fainted.

For a long time, Bobby woke up.

It jumped up and barked and ran home, just in time to meet Winston who was about to go out.

Wow! Wang Wang!!

Husky, who was frightened and felt that he had been "defiled", circled around Winston, put his head on his leg, and barked crazily.

"What's wrong?" Winston was quite affectionate with the husky, who almost grew up with him. He squatted down and wanted to touch its head and comfort it. Unexpectedly, Bobby was abnormal. No matter how much Winston comforted him, he just kept barking and screaming.

Winston, who had become a different species, felt the fear of the pet and was also annoyed by it. Suddenly, with a mouth, a thick black tentacle of a thumb shot out of it, and suddenly knocked the barking Bobby to the ground.

"Have a good rest." Throwing Bobby on the carpet in the living room, Winston clapped his hands and walked quickly to the door.

The auction of "Next Door Laowang Metal Materials Co., Ltd." on "Imperial Iron-blood Alloy" has begun!

Because of the small-scale auction at the top power level in the United States, not many people came.

X-Men, S.H.I.D., U.S. military, fraternity, and Red Skull all sent people to come. Fantastic Four and Dr. Destruction did not participate, which was expected by Zhang San. However, to his surprise, several "peers" also came over, and they came with superheroes or supervillains.

There were seven guards who came to the "Laowang Metal" company building, four of whom were in the red skeleton team, and the other three were members of the fraternity. Sure enough, compared with superhero organizations, it is easier for mixed villain organizations to come out. How painful it is to understand.

The X-Men's side is still Wolverine Logan and Iceman, and the Iceman also brought Professor Charles's invitation. Obviously, the first "voyeur" in history saw something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm the boss of 'Lao Wang Metal', San Zhang."

"I'm a very direct person, so--" Zhang Shen opened a small box in front of him, and a golden red transparent sol appeared in front of everyone. This is the purpose of your visit this time, 'imperial iron-blood alloy'. Whoever bids high will get all its patents.

"As for its performance--" Zhang Shen snapped his finger, and the huge electronic screen behind him lit up and began to play pictures and videos showing the performance of superalloys.

After more than half an hour, the display is over.

Looking at the following, except for seven colleagues, everyone else's eyes became a little hot. These include Iron Man representing S.H.I.E.L.D. and Major General McFfield Winston representing the U.S. military.

The former has tasted the sweetness of the iron-blood alloy and is bound to win this alloy; the latter immediately thought of the biological weapons that the military has begun mass production, those super warriors that integrate heterogeneous genes. If you can make those powerful warriors wear armor with super alloy components, then you will get a power equal to S.H.I.E.L.D., X-Men, Brotherhood and other organizations!

And it's his own power in Winston!

After becoming a member of the alien species and the originator of the alien species on earth, he is confident that he can "grab" the control of biochemical warriors in some ways and make them private armies loyal to himself!

At the thought of such a scene, Major General Winston couldn't help but have the impulse to find someone*...

"Say it, Mr. Zhang, what do you want?" At this time, Iron Man's wise side temporarily overwhelmed the magic exerted by the 'Big Wizard' on himself and asked.

Someone took the initiative to say what he wanted to say, and Zhang Shen was very satisfied.

"Guys, I am not short of money, so the bid for this auction is not marked in US dollars."

"Since I recently came up with a geniusicing ideas and want to make a 'big guy', please bid with 'raw materials'!"

"Steel, stone, wood, crude oil... and so on can be used for payment."

"Of course, in order to facilitate statistics, please use standard steel as the standard when bidding."

"Well, if there is no problem, I will announce--"

"This auction officially begins!"

[PS: It's a little neurotic recently, so the title has become inexplicable...]

[PS: Thank you for "adfgjpao", "Qinglan" and "yyf1403" and the "gentleman in the wind" who has always supported us. Most of them are automatically subscribed or fully subscribed. Thank you very much... Of course, all those who are willing to spend money to read eleven books are good people. ^.^】