Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 56: Zhenglong 3

Chapter 56: Zheng (III)

The spaceship of [Night watchman].

Jensen and more than a dozen other defenders are manipulating the spacecraft to fight.

"Aim at him**, that's right, that's it, blow him up!"

"Oh yeah, I hit it, it's cool!"

"Fuck, it didn't explode after being shot. Do it again!"

"Haha, it's finally done!"

Another iron-blooded warship was taken, and Jason and others immediately shouted.

"Gulu~~~" Johnson poured a bottle of beer, wiped the corners of his mouth, and laughed, "Continue, continue!"

"Hey, guys, what is that?" Robert, who was in charge of reconnaissance, noticed that several pieces of outer armor fell on the surface of the iron-blooded warship, which became his next target, revealing a ring with a diameter of nearly 100 meters. At first glance, it looked like a giant gun barrel that had been cut off, and it was like the edge of a swimming pool.

[Night Watchman] Vice captain Nuonuo looked carefully and felt a little bad: "Maybe it's their new weapon, guys, it's better to do it first and explode him quickly!"

However, he is faster, and the iron-blooded warship is faster.

The dry "pond" is instantly filled with dark "water", and the water surface ripples, emitting an unknown breath.

The "polluting bomb" is not a weapon developed by the iron-blood clan, but brought by the five people in black robes, specifically for energy-type things and... guards.

Jason was fast-eyed and was about to press the launch button, but he saw a black ripple like kelp flying out of the "pond". In the blink of an eye, he jumped the distance between the two and landed on the ship shield of [Nightkeeper]!

With a "zi", the spacecraft shield was broken and dissipated directly!!

It's not just [night watchman]. Unexpectedly, all the defenders' spaceship shields were destroyed by "polluting bombs"!

The enemy's disgusting shield has disappeared, and the surrounding iron-blooded warships and iron-blooded servants have been waiting for this moment for a long time.


All the warships vented the most violent artillery fire with the anger accumulated so far. For a moment, the universe was covered by dazzling light, like a sudden explosion of stars, shining in three thousand worlds.

"The evil beast dares!!" The impermanence eyes were about to crack, the crown was broken, the robe was bulging and the long hair danced wildly, and the terrible momentum exploded from his body.

The bullets in his defense area were broken together, and the shells that had previously attacked him were annihilated. The dust in his hand swept angrily, and the breath of space within thousands of miles suddenly condensed, and then thousands of purple thunderstorms fell like a storm.

The fellow practitioners' friends were trapped in a disaster. Proudly Feng and Yan Yue took action at the same time. The "Burning Red Emperor's Seal" suppressed the world, and the cold moon's sword spirit swept through Wanjun and vowed to save his friends from the disaster.

When his companion fell into the death trap, Pang Mailang resolutely took action and went all out. A substantial light wave shot out from his eyebrows. Where the light wave swept through, the rules of the universe were disordered, and the fine space cracks suddenly formed!


Seeing that his companions, subordinates and friends were attacked by tens of thousands of naval guns, Zhang Shen and all the other "spiritual" realms were furious. At the same time, they tried their best to save their lives.


The iron-blooded elder Mo Yuan and others made such a great sacrifice and finally arranged this game. How can it be so easy to crack?

is always partially weakened by the attacks of Zhang Shen, Lin Wuchang and others, but this round of tens of thousands of naval guns still landed firmly on their respective target spacecraft!


Billions of miles of space are covered by brilliant and dazzling light, coupled with the strong energy fluctuations, Zhang Shen can't open his eyes.


A tooth was bitten by Zhang Shen, and the fishy sweet blood gushed out like a spring and was swallowed by him.

How cruel! In order to destroy the defenders, the Iron-blooded Empire did not hesitate to bury tens of thousands of warships!!

That's millions of elite warriors of all races! Even if they don't take the soldiers of the army seriously, there are hundreds of thousands of Predators. You know, with the fertility rate of iron-blooded people, the loss of this war can't be made up for without hundreds of years!

Zhang Shen clenched his fists, his bones exploded, and his heart was full of murder and regret.

If I had seen the conspiracy of the iron-blooded empire earlier...

Now, I can only hope for Bu Lichen!

"Li Chen..." Zhang Shen's lips were bitten by himself, and his eyes were round and covered with a layer of water. No matter who is fragrant among the five women, he can't accept it.

Before that, I want to charge some interest!!!

Zhang Shen's blood-red eyes looked at the remnant warship outside the scope of the big explosion, and his body trembled with hatred.

Moyuan's flagship is one of them.

He took a look at the indescribable huge area of light, and then at the remaining warships of 40,000, without any mood swings on his face.

The nuclear look is dull. Although 90% of the "sacrificed" were servants, there were also hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers from the iron-blooded clan... After encountering such an unprecedented terrible thing, he felt that he was ashes.


Suddenly, the spacecraft shook violently, and the unguarded iron and blood almost rolled to the ground.

"Those people suddenly solved the projectile we used to contain and launched an attack on us."

Mo Yuan's eyes were cold: "The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, what was expected. It's time to use the prism cannon. Remember to add the polluting ball."

The rimograph is naturally a weapon brought by the five people in black robes. It is not very powerful, but it can release scattered light-like attacks, with a wide density and disorderly. Naturally, this "weak" attack can't deal with Zhang Shen and other "spiritual" strong people, but it is difficult to say after adding the information.

Zhang Shen tore up more than a dozen warships with pure vitality and anger, and then saw a large number of messy beams of light attacking him.

These pillars of light that are not as thick as the thumb are so powerful that they can't even break their own defenses, but when Zhang Shen's eyes swept over the light black light flowing above, a sense of palpitations arose spontaneously. He suddenly remembered that the reason why the Tianma was attacked and the shield was destroyed was this strange power.

The mind turned, and a wave of vitality came up under the control of his thoughts, and then--

Silent dissipation!

Zhang Shen's pupils suddenly shrank. He saw clearly that when the tide of vitality touched the black beam of light, it seemed to meet the butter of flames, and immediately melted!

His mind turned again, and the chaotic vitality differentiated into five elements. The Qi of Ruijin, the Qi of Qingmu, the Qi of Burning Fire, the Qi of Lingshui, and the Qi of Thick Earth each evolved into virtual golden rock wood piercing fireball ice arrows and other things, and rushed up again like mountains and sea.

At the moment of contact, Zhang Shen's staring eyes reflected every change in the power of the five elements being annihilated.

However, in more than ten breaths, the magnificent five elements gathered by Zhang Shen were also eliminated!

However, the swarming beam of light is also missing.

Zhang Shen probably knew it. Seeing that the beam of light was approaching the range of kilometers, there was no intention of dodge, as deep as the spiritual power of the abyss pouring out, colliding with the vitality of the universe, and instantly launching the dragon vein alchemy, turning virtual into reality, condensing a bluestone slab that is thousands of meters long and dozens of meters wide.

The cyan stone slab lay between Zhang Shen and the black ray cannon, and immediately hit all the messy ray cannons that attacked him.


The slate was broken, but it also played its role and died with the enemy.

Sure enough...

A trace of coldness flashed in Zhang Shen's hateful eyes.

These black light cannons are only effective for energy, but they are not lethal in the face of physical objects.

In this case, go to hell!

Zhang San's face flashed, and the golden vitality converged, turning from virtual to solid, condensed into tens of thousands of meters long sharp gold thorns, and shot at the flagship where Mo Yuan was located.

"The weakness of the contaminated bomb was found so quickly." Mo Yuan stared at Zhang Shen with a ferocious face on the screen and listed it as a must-kill target.

More than a dozen heavily armored frigates blocked in front of the flagship and wanted to block the tide of Zhang Shen's golden thorns with their own heavy armor, but they underestimated the sharp thorns transformed from the pure auspicious gold qi and were instantly punctured into a leaky sieve and exploded one after another.

The impermanence, the proud front and others also vented their anger on the remaining iron-blooded fleet. A burst of attack was frustrated. Inspired by Zhang Shen, they used physical attacks one after another. For a time, warship exploded, and dumplings generally crashed, becoming a member of the space garbage.

The secret weapon was abolished, and Mo Yuan decisively ordered tens of thousands of iron-blooded warships to use taboo weapons together.

The appearance of material annihilation bombs and meteorite cannons has added some trouble to Zhang Shen and others, but due to the huge speed gap between the two sides, Zhang Shen and others can flexibly avoid these shells, which has not had much effect. On the contrary, the release of the pseudo-black hole generator made them entangled.

The pseudo-black hole generator starts to form a gravitational field, and the explosive gravity in the force field is enough to crush dozens of warships into a basketball-sized iron block. Originally, this was nothing, but when dozens of gravitational fields interacted with each other, there were incomprehensible changes, and a strange balance was reached between them, thus creating a large number of long-lasting gravitational undercurrents!

They are like a calm whirlpool under the river. Although they are invisible, they are in deadly danger.

However, the universe is endless, and although the gravitational undercurrent area has become a trouble between the "spirit" realm such as Zhang Shen and participating in the iron-blood fleet, the former really wants to continue to attack and can bypass it. The reason why it temporarily calmed down was that the burning flame caused by the previous big explosion began to become dim, and the violent and horrible energy turbulence in the interior was also weakened a lot.

Mo Yuan understood Zhang Shen's human intentions, and he didn't know why he ordered his subordinates to suspend the attack.

Even if he knows which octopus faces must have a conspiracy, Zhang Shen doesn't bother to pay attention to it at this moment.

All his attention was on the approximate location of the original Tianma in the giant "light mass".

"Don't have anything... Don't have anything... Don't have anything..."

The dim speed of light is very fast, and the energy turbulence is gradually calming down. Under a pair of uneasy eyes, a dark shadow broke through the curtain and rushed out of it.