Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 78: Replaying the Dragon Vein

Chapter 78: Replaying the Dragon Vein

Kentaki, former Mammoth Cave National Park.

The hustle and bustle of the past has been completely annihilated, and this place has become a wild land that no one cares about, and only those tenacious animals survive here.

The arrival of Zhang Shen is like a stone falling into the lake, breaking the original silence.

Half a month ago, he completed the "big plan" in his heart and came out of the laboratory. For the next ten days, he was looking for "suitable" places all over the world, and this was already the 36th.

"The number is quite auspicious, but I hope it can be used together." Zhang Shen muttered in his heart, and his spiritual power scattered out, and he carefully felt the air flow here.

A few months ago, Zhang Shen incarnated into a dragon vein and drained the earth's vitality to lock the boiling earth, which reduced the earth's vitality concentration to an unbearable level in the next few months, and barely returned to the initial level until recently.

During this period, due to the tricks or scheming of traitors, the strength of the defenders has been reduced by nearly 10, and their dependence on external energy has increased significantly. Especially in the "spiritual" situation, the atmosphere of heaven and earth is strong, and their energy recovery and circulation will be increased to a certain extent.

If they knew what Zhang was going to do next, they would probably have the impulse to roll up their sleeves and beat people: shit, it was a feat for you to drain the vitality of the earth at the beginning, and no one blames you. Now you plan to do it again, right?!

Yes, Zhang Shen intends to re-enter the space where the dragon vein is located! It is unknown whether it will "defeat" the earth's hard-won recovery this time.

??! Zhang Shen suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

It's really okay. I'm lucky this time. Is it really time to work?

After being happy, Zhang Shen calmed down and took out twelve crystal bright red sage stones. His spiritual power led half into the void and half buried deep in the ground. Two larger and more detailed than last time were quietly formed.

Dragon vein alchemy, success!

Under the guidance of refining the array of power, Zhang Shen's spiritual consciousness entered the depths of the earth, and then penetrated through the invisible barrier and came to the virtual world of the dragon vein again.

In the eyes, it is still the chaotic emptiness of heaven and earth. Between the transition of light and darkness, there is an unspeakable mysterious Taoist rhyme.

This time, under Zhang Shen's deliberate control, he did not directly "attach" to the dragon vein, but watched the perception from the perspective of a "bystander".

When his eyes turned to the dragon vein, Zhang Shen was suddenly shocked: What's going on? Why did it shrink so much?!

The previous time, the dragon vein was magnificent, spreading hundreds of millions of miles long, magnificent, and there was a kind of "king spirit" that made people worship, but this time when we met again, its appearance changed greatly. In an instant, it changed from an ambitious emperor to an old man in Xishan, surrounded by dimness and evening, a weak look. , and the body is also much smaller, less than 30% of the original!

"The dragon vein is closely related to the overall condition of a planet and the development of the intelligent life civilization living on the planet. Now, although the earth has stabilized, the vitality of the human beings above it is greatly damaged. Even if the civilization survives this disaster, it will at least go back for hundreds of years... Most of the time."

"It's just that the impact is a little too exaggerated." Zhang Shen compared the knowledge in his mind and looked at the dying dragon vein in front of him, and couldn't help doubting the correctness of what he had learned.

"Yes, I ignored a factor - the traitor! Their power is restrained by all defenders. Will it also hurt the original power between heaven and earth, thus affecting the dragon vein? Zhang Shen recalled the increasingly abundant information and analysis about traitors on the virtual network in the past few months.

"Let's put these things aside first, or it's important." A wisp of spiritual will can't withstand too complicated thinking. It didn't take long for Zhang Shen to give up this act of seeking death and "pounce" forward. The next moment, his vision changed.

Once again incarnate the dragon vein, the false omnipotent feeling brought by the fullness of power once again fills the heart.

This feeling is so fascinating no matter how many times... The huge dragon eye shines a sense of responsibility. If the power of the dragon vein is not used for combat and killing, it will have unpredictable and terrible consequences. Zhang Shenzhen has the impulse to control the dragon vein to find traitors and slap them all to death.

The blood lessons handed down by countless elixirs and warlocks at the cost of their own lives made Zhang Shen dare not act rashly. Counterattack from a world, even the strong people in the "law" world can't eat it! What's more, the world's counterattack does not mean staring at a person, and all those who have a causal relationship with the "main offender" will be severely "revenge", even if that person is the life-and-death enemy of the main offender.

People are forced to do everything, but when he knows how many people will die because of their actions, even the most reckless and extreme people will think twice.

In addition, the existence of the origin of the world is not without cost to possess and control the dragon vein!

Zhang Shen's previous attachment to the dragon veins and gasified the stars and the giant chain locked the explosive earth. Although the starting point is good, the rules of heaven and earth will not care so much. In addition to 20 years of life, Zhang also has months of restless thinking about doing this kind of "down" and "great rebellious" thing. , it's hard to calm down! It even involves the luck and luck in the dark!

Zhang Shen knows these costs, but sometimes there are some things that he knows he can't do, but he still has to do it.

I can't help it. I'm such a person!

With such an idea, Zhang once again possessed the dragon vein and died a big death.

Zhang Shen in the state of the dragon vein, his thoughts moved, and now all the thickness of the earth are clear.

His eyes were fixed somewhere, where there was a row of warehouses, and each warehouse was full of warheads!

Yes, you're right, just warheads, all kinds of * warheads.

From the perspective of science and technology, these stupid, big, black and thick * the most "old" ones can be traced back to the flying style, but only one or two are purely refined by Zhang.

The warheads full of dozens of warehouses are small equivalent and have no radiation, which is relatively "friendly".

Zhang also quietly refined some contraband, such as *, zhong bullets, antimatter bombs, etc., but these big guys were hidden under the ground by him, and no one knew - in fact, no one knew the dangerous goods in the warehouse.

The reason why it takes so much time to refine this kind of thing is naturally not that it is boring to pass the time. Zhang Shen has his own considerations.

When he learned that a large number of human deaths would weaken the strength of defenders, Zhang Shen couldn't help but think of an idea: if all human beings were killed or most of them were killed, what should guards whose strength was weakened to the extreme at that time?!

No matter what else, others don't care. At least Zhang Shen absolutely doesn't want to see Bu Lichen's three daughters being refined because of their power reduction. Almost all of them are ordinary people in the world, but relying on their knowledge of the world, they can still defeat the extraordinary * people.

With some dark ideas, Zhang Shen refined these dozens of warehouses of weapons that were enough to make reasonable arrangements for the earth to go back and forth several times, and used the power of the dragon vein to arrange them reasonably.

Under the operation of the power of the dragon vein, these crazy arms gods were unconsciously placed all over the United States by Zhang Shen. When Zhang pressed the controller in the future, they would explode.

As for the controller, Zhang Shen used some super-tech means to refine, which was completely bound to him, which is similar to the blood recognition on the side of the fairy.

It took a lot of time to settle the painstaking efforts of several months one by one, and Zhang Shen felt relieved.

Before exiting the dragon vein state, Zhang Shen habitually scanned the earth and suddenly noticed a trace of strangeness.

This is... the forest in Missouri.

The dragon's eye flashed, and the "camera" zoomed in, and Zhang Shen saw some scenes that stunned him.

A Alien! Many aliens!

Trees, rivers, on the ground... are everywhere!

These aliens are closer to the form of beasts, which is the same category as the four Zhang Shen accidentally encountered last time, but they did not change much and almost maintained the "original flavor". The black body, sharp claws and swinging whip tail interpreted the ferocious dark assassins vividly.

"Why did so many aliens suddenly appear?" Zhang Shen was puzzled and moved his eyes to find the mother emperor and leader of this alien army, or - the black hand hidden behind him!



There was a soft sound, and then Zhang Shen felt a headache and almost fainted.

After settling down, I actually got out of the state of dragon vein possession, and that wisp of consciousness returned to the body!

It's terrible!

Zhang Shen wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, looked solemn, and the light flashed in his eyes.

He vaguely remembered that he finally saw a strange old face full of wrinkles, mostly the manipulator behind this alien army.

The identity of the weird old man?

Zhang Shen immediately thought of the traitor who played the guards so much!

"Such a large-scale attack, it seems that the warm-up is over!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Shen was about to send this message to the virtual network to remind his defense partners in the west to pay attention, but he received messages from Bu Lichen, Wuyin and several others.

A large number of aggressive marine organisms appeared on the east coast, and there were also traces of murderous sea beasts in the adjacent Chesapike Bay. The situation was not good, so Zhang Shen went back quickly.

"Oh, it's so fast." Zhang Shen smiled strangely. I really don't know whether the timing of his investigation was too clever or the traitor's quick action made people desperate.


"We have been waiting for this day for a long time."

It is better to die in a hearty war than to die in the end of a frog boiled in warm water.

[PS: The old book has been sealed... That's an extremely pure book]

[PS2: Depressed, I don't know when the inexplicable ban storm will end]