Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 80: Deep Sea 2

Chapter 80: Deep Sea (2)

"Just ahead!" Li Ji suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "I can feel that many weak souls are howling."

Zhang Shen unconditionally trusted the three women and took action without saying a word.

The four torrents that protected the road suddenly expanded, collided with each other, and evolved into a huge sea current "drill". Even if you are in the deep sea, the white water splash stirred by the rotation of the water is still clearly visible.

Zhang Shen thought about the electric revolution, and the "drill" started and quickly moved forward to the destination indicated by Li Ji. The black strange fish surrounded in all directions hit the current. However, although their sharp teeth can cut off and tear steel, the stirring force brought by the high-speed rotating current is still rolled away without resistance and dizzy into a pile.

"I'll go..."

When he came to the destination of Li's ritual induction, Zhang Shen was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the deep and cold sea, a tall mountain stands proudly. I don't know how many square it is. Zhang Shen and the four people are completely ants at the foot of Mount Tai in front of it, which can be ignored.

It's not surprising that it's just a deep-sea mountain. What really stunned Zhang Shen is that it's alive!!

Yes, this "thing" in front of us is not so much a mountain as a mountain-like flesh-and-blood building!

A fierce war building!

Its dark cyan surface has a thick chitin shell, a textured muscle tissue, and countless long or short octopus tentacles, covered with suction cups, which are ferocious and horrible.

Its coverage is very wide, and it is difficult to see the whole picture in the deep sea, but it is roughly estimated to be at least dozens of miles, which does not include its organization close to the seabed like a Zerg blanket.

Zhang Shen looked a few more times and couldn't help thinking of the ant nest and the Zerg mother nest. The " tentacle mother nest" in front of him may be inferior to the famous Zerg mother nest in volume, but it is absolutely not inferior to it in disgust and ferocious. In addition, the structure, the tentacle mother nest is biased towards the nest of ants, and the surface is full of large and small The cave has its own special rules in chaos, which makes people get goose bumps.

The role of these caves is unknown, but Zhang Shen guessed that it should be related to the transformation. In just a minute, he saw a large number of different kinds of marine creatures coming out of one cave and swimming towards the sea with all their strength. At first glance, these marine creatures are no different from normal, but if you look closely, you will feel awkward - Zhang Shen immediately thought of the sea beasts on the front line of the war that can survive and fight without water.

Behind him, a huge group of strange fish chased over and blocked the retreat. In front of him, this living tentacle nest also found the enemy's invasion, and countless blue and black tentacles on the surface of the body danced and flexibly grabbed the four people.

"Lion!" Zhang Shen shouted in a low voice.

Lichen made a move without thinking. She raised her bare hands and elegantly turned the "drill" towards the sea current. In an instant, the snow-white cold air roared out and rushed into the sea current. Even steel could be frozen and sprayed and released, instantly turned the whole ocean flow into ten thousand years of ice, crystal clear.

"Sister! Mirror!" Zhang Shen protected the four people's area several meters with dragon vein alchemy, shouted in a low voice, and called the names of the two women.

Li sacrifice's war spirit exploded, restored to the broken face, and his spiritual power was ignited, condensing his whole body at one point and punched out.


The hardness is more than the icicle of ordinary steel. At that time, the cracks are everywhere and crumbling, and it is only one step away from complete fragmentation.

"Double singing!"

"Nine of Binding Road · Strike!!——————Eighty-nine of Breaking the Road · Bingya Zhenglan!!"

Li Jing skillfully used double singing skills, and it was the most difficult skill to use at the same time. She bound the icicles on the verge of disintegration with the No. 9 "strike", and then used the power of No. 89 "Ice Teeth Zheng Lan" to use the power of the icicle to break the countless ice thorns cracked by the icicles as weapons on all sides. Bafang burst out.

The ice thorn containing spiritual power is shot at high speed, and even the sea water is pierced. Although the scales of the strange fish are hard enough, they are still difficult to resist their power. The scales are penetrated together with the fish skin that is more flexible than the old cowhide below, and the red blood lings.

The number of ice edges are huge, and there is no dead angle of 365 degrees. All the strange fish that enter the range of four kilometers of Zhang Shen are penetrated through the body by dozens of ice edges, and they can't die again.

Dragon vein alchemy · sea wave!

Zhang Shen was perfectly connected, and the water element was manipulated by the dragon vein alchemy to make the nearby sea current extremely chaotic and eventually formed a wave-like frenzy, which raged the impact. The bodies of monsters within kilometers and the huge fish in the rear were washed away together and disappeared.

The strange fish is "petty" and difficult to resist the turbulent current. Although the tentacles are also affected and the speed is slightly reduced, they still unremittingly attack Zhang Shen and the four people to crush and devour the invading foreign enemy.

The four people rode a current and flashed left and right to avoid the attacking tentacles.

Zhang Shen launched a tentative attack, and several huge ice edges supported by the cold air of the Tianhe River rushed out, stabbing different parts of the "terrain" on the surface of the tentacle nest, which broke one after another and had no effect.

Li Jing and Bu Lichen also tried several kinds of attacks, which were also painless.

"This thing is too big and must be broken from the inside. Hey~~ What's your expression?"

"It's disgusting, don't do it!" Firmly oppose it!" Captain, can you bear to let our three weak girls into such a disgusting monster?

Zhang Shen:......

"Well, you win, I'll... I'll leave the outside control to you."

Zhang Shen was defeated, raised his hands and surrendered, and began to look for a cave of the right size.

Bu Lichen smiled and said, "Don't worry about it." With that, she operated the power in her body, recited spells, and performed the spells in the [God's Wanhuadian].

"God's dream, beast wants to rob monsters; Xuantong three worlds, Yanling and rebirth!"

The spell fell on the last syllable. In the spray of the majestic power, the cold smoke and ink corals and crystal vines reappeared. Although the chill has not dissipated, it has stopped the approaching hundreds of tentacles, and some of the "sensitive" reactions shrank back.

Bu Lichenjian pointed to a point, and the crystal beard vine differentiated into thousands of snow-white vines with thin hair, penetrated the sea water and landed on the surface of the tentacle's mother's nest. It spread rapidly like weeds, and several breaths covered nearly one-tenth of the areas in the field of sight.

Where Jingling Xuten came into contact with the tentacle mother's nest, the cold air slowly and resolutely penetrated into the interior, and the body tissue was all necrotic.

If it is nibbled a little bit, how can the tentacle mother's nest not respond?

Thousands of tentacles growing on the surface began to exert their strength to kill foreign bodies parasitize on their bodies, but the effect of the cannon hitting mosquitoes can be imagined. In addition, Li Jing's three women harassed and attacked beside them, and the effect was even weaker, almost nothing.

Seeing that a large area of frostbite and necrotic white areas began to appear on the surface, and even the shell fell off one by one. The mother's nest was anxious and called for the strange fish to come as soon as possible, while driving those transformed marine creatures to clean up the foreign bodies on their body surface.

In an instant, a large number of marine organisms gushed out of the cave after being transformed, attached to the surface of the mother's nest, and tried their best to bite and tear the spread of the crystal and bearded vine.

It's now!

Zhang Shen took a look at a large enough cave located in the central area of his mother's nest, like a dragon, and came to the mouth of the cave in an instant.

The four walls of the channel are wooden textured body tissues, twisted knots, and the surface is covered with a layer of fluffy objects. They also move like biological internal organs, which looks quite disgusting.

Zhang Shen stepped on the water, his feet did not touch the ground, and quickly rushed into it.

The mother's nest transforms marine life very fast, and he basically squeezed through the cracks of a large number of fish along the way - in order to avoid unnecessary fights, he tried not to touch these sea beasts. By the way, these sea beasts are a little dull after being transformed, and it seems that they are not "activated" in the deep mother's nest, even turning a blind eye to the "aler" close at hand.

With all his strength, Zhang Shen quickly came to the "end" of the channel.

The channel suddenly became narrow, and something like a tendon grew out of the meat wall, together with the top and bottom, like a pillar in a human building.

Through the gap of the "muscle column", Zhang Shen saw a huge thing that was a bit like a crazy six, no, a kidney, which shrank, like a beating heart.

Suddenly, a gray-green kidney-shaped meat split, and a shark with a thin layer of black-green mucus was spit out. It shook its head and tail in a silly way, and swam out of the "muscle pillar" jungle without delay.

The layer of black-green mucus on its surface also melts during swimming.

"Is this a converter to transform marine life?"

With a trace of doubt, Zhang Shen swam over.

When you enter the "muscle column" jungle, the mutation is sudden!

Dozens of palm-big creatures were awakened and sprayed black-green mucus on Zhang Shen.

Dragon vein alchemy · water pattern shield!

Fortunately, Zhang Shen did not relax his vigilance. It started instantly, and the surrounding currents surged into a water shield covering his whole body. The ripples leaped and pushed away the sprayed mucus away.

Black-green mucus fell on the fleshy ground and disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if it had been absorbed, but Zhang Shen estimated that it would not be fun if it fell on himself.

As soon as the idea moved, the new refining array started, and the surrounding sea water was under the control of Zhang Shen.

The sea current was violent and instantly turned into a huge flesh and blood grinding disc. These raiding little things were involved by the powerful suction force and crushed into a pile of minced meat.

At this time, Zhang Shen noticed that the sneak attack on him was a mini octopus.

However, compared with the little cute octopus in nature, these things with disgusting sarcomas are not cute at all. They just want to step on them to death.

Zhang Shen's attack suddenly poked the hornet's nest, and suddenly saw tens of thousands of small octopus coming out of nowhere, shaking their tentacles, spraying black and green mucus while quickly rushing towards Zhang Shen.

"It's disgusting..." Zhang Shen couldn't help but get goose bumps in his sight.

"Fortunately, Lichen and the others didn't come in."

The disgusting scene made Zhang Shen forget that he was "bullied" and became lucky.