Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 96: Maze 5

Chapter 96: Maze (5)

Li Jing looked at the unchanged stone wall in front of him. He gasped like an old scalper, and sweat crossed his face, dripping on the ground, and soon became wet.

She no longer remembers that this is the first stone wall she broke. The corridor seems to be endless, and the stone walls are also countless. In perception, Li Ji's position did not change. This cold reality slapped her fiercely and cruelly told her that what she had done so far was in vain and useless!

Goethe looked complicated and didn't know what words to use to describe the emotions in his heart.

Everything in sight clearly told him that if he launched an attack at this moment, the exhausted monster would never escape the palm of his hand, but... he couldn't do it!

He didn't understand what happened and what kind of obsession made the monster do so at all costs to destroy a stone wall, but what the monster did was enough to leave a deep mark in his heart. Quietly, he no longer regards "monster" as a pure monster, but a life with unique wisdom, able to communicate and worthy of respect.

Several times, he couldn't help but have an impulse to rush out and ask the monster to stop his useless work and stop wasting his energy.

What's on the other side of the wall?

Goethe's eyes were in a trance and lost his thoughts. Inexplicably, he was a little envious of the monster opposite the stone wall. Not long ago, he also had such a bold brother! Unfortunately, the latter had less luck and died in the "cleansing" of the great will... This once made him hate the "great will", but then the space collapsed, and the "great will" disappeared, and he did not even have the goal of hatred.

There is only emptiness left.

emptiness, fear, resentment, despair... These many negative emotions are also important reasons why Goethe, thousands of defenders, are so unbearable.


"The king... the mask of flesh and blood, all the elephants... flying high, in the name of human beings... things, scorching heat and chaos, across the sea... reverse direction... south, step... move forward..."

Li Jing resisted all kinds of discomfort caused by spiritual dryness and extreme fatigue, and tried to concentrate on chanting spells. Although he stuttered, he finally recited the complete spell.

"Breaking the way... thirty... one, red... artillery!"

roared out the last few words with all her strength, and a light red fireball that was not much bigger than the table tennis ball shot out from her palm and slowly hit the stone wall.


The sound of blister being punctured, and the fireball emitted a burst of smoke and disappeared. The stone wall was intact as before. With wide eyes, you could barely see a little black trace, and then disappeared after a few breath.


Li Jing was no longer able to maintain her standing posture. Her knees were soft and she knelt down on the ground. Her hands grasped the bluestone wall weakly, making people's cold temperature spread through her skin to muscle vessels, making her feel as if she was in the ice and snow in thin clothes, and she was about to freeze.

"What a familiar feeling..."

The dusty picture in the depths of her memory quietly floated up, and flashed in front of her eyes like a horse and a flower.

That was the first winter when the two sisters lived together.

That winter was very cold.

The continuous heavy snow made other children very happy, but forced the two little sisters to a dead end!

With no money to buy coal and bedding, the two malnourished sisters could only rely on the picked up firewood to keep warm. The two snuggled together and warmed each other with each other's temperature.

Li Ji smiled very brightly and told the cold and hungry Li Jing a story he heard from nowhere. In the story, there are warm charcoal fire, warm houses, warm clothes, warm meals, and dog meat hot pot.

"Dog hot pot must be delicious." Xiao Lijing swallowed his dry throat and recalled that the man took him and his mother to the hot pot restaurant. It was so far away that he couldn't remember it clearly.

"Well, sister... Why don't we go to the hot pot restaurant... and have a look?" After saying that, Xiao Lijing looked at Li Ji with the corner of his eyes to check her reaction.

Li Jicai's little face suddenly stood up and his eyes were round: "Don't you remember what I said?! No matter how poor and miserable we are, we will never be beggars and never eat other people's leftover food!!"

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Xiao Li Jing shrank his neck and apologized aggrievedly.

The atmosphere in the room was stagnant for a moment, leaving only the burning sound of dry firewood and dead leaves in the simple wood stove.

"I have something to do." After a long time, Li Ji said something and left home.

Xiao Li Jing was sulking, "um" and pulled the worn thin blanket and shrank tighter.

Half an hour later, Xiao Li Jing's anger had already subsided and began to blame himself.

An hour passed, and Xiao Li Jing began to worry.

After an hour and a half, Xiao Lijing wrapped the blanket around him and prepared to find his sister.

With a "squeak", the door opened.

is a Li sacrifice more than an hour away from home.

Her little face was blue and purple, and there were several blood marks on her face. Her old clothes became ragged. Looking at the traces, it was clearly scratched by animals.

"Sister!!" Xiao Lijing screamed and was so scared that he almost cried.

Li Ji smiled and said, "Don't cry. Let's see what my sister brought you back."

In the hazy tears, Li Ji dragged a bloody dog behind him.

"Crill~~Dog meat hot pot!!" Li Ji made a victory gesture and squeezed his eyebrows. As a result, he accidentally involved the wound and immediately grinned and took a cold breath.


Little Li Jing cried loudly.


This is... crying??!!

Goethe's body was shocked, and the shock in his heart was unspeakable.

Although it sounds horrible, the sadness in it... can be heard by everyone!!

Damn, I can't help it!!

Goethe gritted his teeth and decided to jump out regardless of the consequences and ask what happened.

The sudden change!

The strong breath that made Goethe's heart awe-inspiring and his scalp exploded came from the monster, and a strip of light-like material quietly condensed, centered on the monster, fluttering and dancing like a flag.

This is highly condensed and semi-substantial energy!

Goethe's pupil suddenly shrank: What's the situation that he can gather such a scale of energy in this maze of energy "insulator"?

The number of light belts is increasing, and after getting familiar with it, the monster is completely submerged and disappears.

The convergence and momentum of energy were raised to the peak. Just as Goethe was worried about whether a big explosion would destroy everything with a "bang", the long-lost human language came to his ears.

Six solution!!!!

Li Ji is in trouble.

When she opened a big hole in the stone wall on the N side and entered a new corridor without accident, she met a monster.

Her physical strength and spiritual power are greatly consumed. Although the medicine has not stopped, the body's "drug resistance" and limited absorption speed make the body's spiritual power in a state of dissatisfaction. Moreover, physical and mental fatigue cannot be eliminated by one or two bottles of medicine.

In a word, the situation is not good.

Li Ji launched a rush attack. Before the seemingly dull-headed monster could react, he jumped over and tried to defeat the enemy with one move.

"Stupid monster!" The corners of his mouth evoked a sarcasm, and his handsome face was full of superiority and contempt. He flirted with his long shawl tied with a sword-shaped hairpin, whispered a poem, and the sword came out of the sheath.

In Li Ji's eyes, before he was about to hit it, the dull monster in front of him suddenly turned short, moved flexibly, and grabbed him with his claws. The sharp energy made his heart faintly painful.

Her eyebrows beat and her heart was clear: "If this blow is hit, she will die!"

In desperation, Li Ji had no time to eat back and forcibly withdrew most of his strength. He turned his body, turned his fist into a palm knife and cut diagonally to one arm of the monster.

At the same time, she spit out a mouthful of blood, so as to vent most of the anti-phagocation power and minimize the damage to the body.

"It's disgusting!"

The monster's flexible moves were not paid attention to. Instead, the colorful ** spewed out by the former made him suddenly frown. He would rather give up this excellent offensive opportunity than be stained by this disgusting mucus - even if he could get rid of the dirt on his body with a good luck.

A monster that does not exceed "extraordinary" at most can be solved at any time.

It turns out that this idea is not his boast.

With a flash of sword light, Li Ji's left arm was abolished and blood flowed.

"It's so dangerous!" Li Ji wet his back with cold sweat. If you reacted a little slower just now, your left arm would not be abolished, but directly broken.

This monster is very ferocious and has a mentality like a cat and a mouse. Although "I don't understand the language", Li Ji can't see the change in the monster's expression, but he clearly feels a joke - the monster does not intend to kill himself directly, but wants to let himself suffer all the pain before solving himself!

"Damn, I haven't seen this disgusting monster for so many years! Bah!" Yan Yue took a sip and looked at the monster more and more unkindly. "How can you die so easily?"

"I will cut off your limbs first, then stab 140 holes in your body, and kill you when the blood is almost released!"

"What, ask me why it's not 140 holes? Ha ha, this is to commemorate the 1.4 million written in this book!"

Do what you want, and you have always been an activist.

Out of the sheath and return to the sheath, the sword light flashes quickly, the monster is unavoidable, the limbs are useless, and can no longer stand up.

"Well, let me see how to stab this 140 hole. This has to be calculated well, otherwise the amount of blood dried but not enough, it will be a shame.

The monster came to him with a ferocious smile. Li Jing wanted to resist, but he had lost the power of resistance.

"Is this the end?"


"It doesn't matter if I die, but I can't involve the mirror!!!"

Li Ji can no longer be clear about the spiritual relationship between himself and Li Jing and the meaning it represents. Although I have secretly had fun many times, I hope that it has never existed.

"Mirror, it's my sister who is useless. I'm sorry for you." Before dying, hot tears, mixed with blood on his face, slipped from his face.

"It's strange. Monsters will also cry these days, hehe."

Yiyue curled his lips. Although he felt curious, his movements in his hand did not stop at all.


In the blink of an eye, several blood holes appeared.

As the blood gradually lost, the ferociousness in the monster's eyes dissipated little by little, leaving only a hole.

"The last sword, be reborn in the next life."

The sword came out of its sheath and the cold light flashed. When the tip of the sword was only half an inch away from the dead hole in the middle of the eyebrow, it changed sharply!

The monster's empty eyes suddenly burst into bright eyes.

Soul · Resonance!!!!

[PS: I met a professional beggar in Ningbo. I wanted to take a picture of it and send it out, but I suddenly remembered my grandmother who passed away during the New Year, with the same white hair and pale face. This feeling, tut]