Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 99: Maze 8

Chapter 99: Maze (8)

The ghost king's wrist shakes and will be shaken off by the demon strung on the several-meter-long knife.

Looking at the dissipation of the demon vitality that turned back to the tentacle monster prototype, he sneered: "Is this the so-called traitor? Ridiculous!"

Pang Mailang met the fir tailor. The latter's ability was strange, but Pang Mailang's ability was more strange than his, and he was greatly affected by the special environment of the maze. The two collided, and the fir tailor quickly fell behind in a fight.

Flang chose to escape, and Pang Mailang chased and killed him all the way.

I met other "monsters" on the way to chase and escape. The breath of the traitor is really easy to recognize. Although they are surprised by the monster-like pursuers, they have also joined the pursuit team one after another.

However, because the pursuers have scruples about each other - after all, they are monsters, which makes the fir always find a chance to escape.

Until the chase team grows to 13 people.

The front and back are blocked, and there is no way to escape!

After waking up, Bu Lichen and An Lace began to interrogate the horned beast together.

I used all my means and just got some irrelevant and piecemeal information. In anger, the two used the last method - soul search!

The result is actually some "living at home" information, which is also fragmented and difficult to piece together complete and valuable things.

Looking at the corpse of the horn beast drying, smashing and dissipating little by little, the two looked at each other and saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

The horned beast died, and the same wisp of soul power sank into the void and appeared in front of the man in black.

The man in black took it into his stomach and sighed with satisfaction as if he had tasted the supreme delicious food: soon... soon... line...............

Blue Phoenix cut off the head of the ninth monster.

She looks very bad: tattered blood-stained clothes, scattered equally blood-stained hair, deep or shallow wounds that have not yet healed or even bleeding out... Coupled with her swaying body, obviously, she has reached the limit.

Blue Phoenix doesn't care about this.

She took out eight other monster heads from the storage equipment, put out a strange irregular figure, biting through her fingertips and drawing a line of blood to connect the nine heads.

After that, she took out another strange thing from her pocket - rare minerals, animal limbs, strange plants, and even broken mechanical tools. They are carefully placed in a specific position by the Blue Phoenix, or separated or stacked or pieced together.

The last item was placed, and a miniature altar that was extremely strange and gave people an awkward and strange feeling was formed.

Blue Phoenix glanced back and forth, as if she was tasting a peerless treasure, and the expression on her face seemed to be made of countless emotions, which was unpredictable and unfathomable.

The dark corridor, the dim yellow swaying firelight, the woman shawl, the ferocious and horrible altar... When these are put together, people can't help but think of the witches and demon rituals in fairy tales.

After a long "taste", Blue Phoenix reluctantly pulled his eyes back from the altar with an unsatisfied expression, and a rusty copper dagger engraved with twisted runes appeared in his hand.

Amazing scene appeared!

She stabbed the dagger into her heart!!

The dagger is very deep, leaving only a handle full of copper rust.

The strange thing is that not a drop of blood flowed out. Even if you look closer, the torn skin and flesh are close to the dagger, as if the dagger is not an alien, but grows out of the body.

The blue phoenix dripped a drop of particularly bright blood on the nine heads. The magnificent light emerges, gushing out layer by layer, and all the colors in the world can be found in it, which is extremely gorgeous.

Blue Phoenix didn't care about this at all. All her attention was on the head of the monster in the middle.

Suddenly, the head opened its gray eyes, and its dead blue lips closed, making a gloomy sound.

The voice is far and near, and the tone is strange. It is not some kind of language, but more like the meaningless roar of the beast before death.

Blue Phoenix listened very carefully, without missing a single syllable, which was deeply remembered in his mind.

For a moment, the ghost stopped singing, and the faint blue flame burned out of the air, burning everything in the altar to ashes and dissipating.

Blue Phoenix turned his face and stared in a certain direction. He didn't know when his eyes were covered with a dead color similar to the eyes of the head.

Standing for a long time, she took steps and moved towards her destination slowly and firmly.

Blue Phoenix seems to be lucky. It has never encountered "monsters" on the way, Baiyuan, or even those real alien monsters.

Just walked all the way and reached the end smoothly.

This is the end of the maze and also the midpoint. Yes, this maze is in the midst of change. Its end is in the center, and there is an item here.

A square wooden tray with very thin lines on the surface, which is a corridor in the maze.

The wooden disk floats in mid-air, surrounded by clouds, like a fairy.

Blue Phoenix came here.

At the first sight of the wooden plate, she knew that as long as it was destroyed, the labyrinth trapped all the guards would be destroyed, and everyone would see the sun again and leave this ghost place.

She didn't do that.

She doesn't plan to do this, and she doesn't have the ability!

She was shrouded in a strange dead air, her skin was gray-white, her eyelids and lips were slightly dark blue, and her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of dust.

If she uses pupil magic power to observe, the fire of her soul and the fire of life are like candles in the wind, which will be extinguished at any time.

The copper rust dagger is devouring her spirit all the time, which is the price of using foreign prophecy and true knowledge.

The blue phoenix moved slowly to the bottom of the wooden disk and sat down.

She made the last syllable of her life.


The moment the syllable fell, her head hung heavily and her body slowly fell down. At the same time, a ray of spiritual light shot out of the heavenly spirit and fell into the clouds under the wooden plate!

Everything belongs to silence.

in the mysterious space.

On the silent black lake, a drop of water suddenly appeared and fell into the lake, as if the stone had extraordinary weight, causing a circle of ripples. The ripples spread around, but did not dissipate at all. Instead, they became more and more intense, turning into stormy waves, rolling up huge waves on the lake and washing the shore of the lake, as if countless people were roaring.

In the huge waves, a number of terrible white bone skeletons were exposed, and the black hole in the eyes silently stared over nothingness, as if waiting for the arrival of a certain moment.

The former guardian space, the reversed world, the endless black ocean.

Deep in the ocean, there are several figures that seem to exist forever.

Suddenly, several of the figures seemed to move.

But it's like an illusion, and everything is the same.

The man in black swallowed the power of the soul from FIR, as if a basin of ice water was poured down from his head on the dog days, making an extremely comfortable hum.


The man in black suddenly turned sideways, and his face under the hood turned to somewhere, making a surprised sound.

Just now, he suddenly had a feeling of palpitation and intuitively told him that something very terrible had happened somewhere!

He tried his best to detect it, but found nothing.

The surrounding atmosphere became solemn.

The powerlessness he didn't know how long it had been made him very angry, like a volcano that was about to erupt, to spread the power of destruction all over the world and destroy everything.

"There is only one left... Don't worry, soon..."

The man in black said to himself like a child, suppressing the irritability in his heart, waiting for the death of Baiyuan and the last wisp of soul power to return to its place.

Baiyuan has no knowledge of this.

Even because of the interference of the maze power, he didn't know that the fir and the horned beast had hung up, and the former "four heavenly kings" were left alone.

Since being thrown into the maze, the guard who died in his hand has been approaching three digits.

It's very easy for him to kill people. Witnessing the collapse of space, the state of mind of many guards has become chaotic, and they have been overshadowed by the power of the maze.

This makes the color inducement of Baiyuan very simple.

His strength is a relatively complex system, just like the god in charge of human reproduction in mythology, and all men and women can intervene in that matter. Although not good at facing the enemy, once you find room to play, the resulting power will be very terrible.

There is no doubt that the maze is like a fish in water for him.

I also have to say that he was really lucky and did not meet the strong among Zhang Shen's guards. After all, they have not experienced the terrible thing of space collapse, and their mood is still good.

However, his luck is obviously running out.

Zhang Shen is very entangled.

I don't know if it's true or something else. After he found out the truth of the "monster" and decided not to do it first, he had met nearly 20 "monsters" along the way, and he couldn't avoid fighting!

Zhang Shen has tried his best to express his kindness, at least unwillingness to fight, but God knows how his movements have been distorted into the other party's eyes. It's okay for him not to move. As long as there is a little action, the other party will rush over without saying a word, as if he is his father's feud...< /P>

Once or twice, Zhang Shen tried his best to endure at the beginning, but...

He felt like a volcano that was about to erupt. He couldn't help it and didn't bother to put up with it anymore.

Damn, no matter who you are, it's your bad luck to hit my hand!

The more you know about the Gate of Truth, the more confident Zhang Shen will be - if you meet any of the three daughters of Bu Lichen and Li Jingli, you will never admit your mistake!