Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 4: Death and Rebirth

Chapter 4: Death and Rebirth

Zhang Shen's plan to go to the lost desert was disrupted.

The next day, the Spartans launched another attack.

Zhang Shen looked up at the sky. There was a cloud in the blue sky, and he knew that Kratos was on it.

"Is this the god of war, one of the twelve gods? It's really shameless enough to refresh my three views. Looking at each other from the air, Zhang Shen could feel Xiong's fighting spirit and the powerful power that came to him.

The two armies fought against each other, blew the horn, and charged and fought.

Sure enough, before the Spartans showed their defeat, Kratos came to the battlefield. This time, he also brought his own weapon, Athena's blade, and his hot eyes crossed the battlefield and fell on Zhang Shen on the other side.

This is a declaration of war!

Zhang Shen was helpless and was about to fight, and the change suddenly appeared!

He only felt a light in front of his eyes, and a huge thunder appeared, tearing the sky in half.

Thunder fell from the sky, with unparalleled power, and hit the unexpected Kratos!


Thunder is the authority of Zeus and his power to judge the gods, which is more terrible than Zhang Shen's purple thunder. His full blow made Kratos howling sadly and painful.

Zhang Shen stared intently to open the truth mode, but in the infinite silver-white light, the power of the golden god of war belonging to Kratos quickly faded and shrank, as if he had met a natural enemy, from the original distant ocean to a small pond, dying. At the same time, the red blood and gray gloomy breath are also diminishing, and they are weakened to the extreme in a few breaths, only stronger than the few mortal warriors fainting on the battlefield.

A god of war, one of the twelve main gods, was abolished in this way?! Zhang Shen in the truth mode was calm and almost ruthless, and he couldn't help but be stunned and shocked at this moment.

He knew that this was the power of Zeus, the king of the gods. His previous knowledge of the Olympian gods was almost subverted, and he was afraid of Zeus and the gods of this world. But he didn't know that Zeus was able to abolish Kratos with one blow entirely because of his identity as the "God King".

"Thunder of Judgment" is just like its name, but the object of its judgment is the god of Olympus. The effect on monsters, demigods and mortals can only be said to be average, even second to Zhang Shen's purple thunder.

Zhang Shen, who was at the other end of the battlefield, changed his mind, and Athena, who was hiding somewhere to watch the battle, was also stunned.

She never thought that the "insidious, cunning and incompetent" Zeus also had such a decisive side, saying that he would launch a sneak attack on Kratos immediately and return the power of the latter's god of war back to its original shape.

In addition to her astonishment, she was stunned and had a decision.

On the battlefield, the thunderlight dissipated, revealing the figure of Kratos. He half knelt on the ground, burnt black, Athena's blade was beaten into two pieces of scrap iron, and the surrounding land turned into red lava, burning and smoking.

Zeus's blow was highly concentrated and just right, just eliminating Kratos and did not affect the ordinary people who fell to the ground.


Kratos's vitality was very tenacious and did not fall down. His coke-like lips moved slightly and muttered like a ghost curse. As he spoke, black debris fell, and his whole body shrank in an instant.

The change rises again!

The purple-gold sword came through the air and took Kratos' head!

It's Athena! Holding the sword of Olympus given to her by Zeus, she launched a fatal blow at this moment.

In Kratos's dim pupils, the purple-gold light is becoming clearer and hotter, occupying all the sight. The whole world is filled with purple-gold light, which is extremely quiet and beautiful.

The sharp sword light penetrated from Kratos' eyebrows and penetrated his head, leaving a thick and deep mark of chopsticks on the ground.

Kratos' lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he was unable to reveal half a syllable, and his head drooped heavily and died!

The new god of war, the soul of Sparta, the cool and brave warrior, died!

Even in a coma, the Spartan warriors seemed to feel the fall of their service to the gods, and turbid and hot tears flowed from the corners of their eyes and wet the earth.

In the mid-air clouds, Athena was speechless and didn't know what it was like in her heart.


The cold hum in her ear woke her up, and her eyes became deep again, restoring the usual wise and heroic goddess of wisdom. With the cold hum, the sword of Olympus in her hand was pulled by an inexplicable force and disappeared through the air.

At the departure of the Holy Sword, Athena knew that this was Zeus' warning. He is killing chickens to warn monkeys!

Athena's hostility to Zeus is an open secret, but perhaps only Zeus knows that it is not only hostility, but also hate to eat its meat raw!

However, the god king's reservedness and pride made him not pay attention to this hatred, but was a little happy to see it as a spice for a boring life.

For a long time, Athena withdrew her eyes and stayed on the body of Kratos for a moment, with a blank face.

Suddenly, she noticed Zhang Shen.

The latter is also looking at her.

In an instant, both of them were in awe-minded.

Athena left without a word and returned to the divine realm of Olympus.


Zhang Shen stood for a long time, suddenly bent the corners of his mouth, turned around and left, leaving a sigh and dissipated in the wind.

The sudden turn solved Zhang Shen's worries. After explaining some things, he moved towards the desert of lost souls.

He only knows the general direction and does not have an accurate route. But he did not choose to fly directly, but tamed a beast similar to a yak as a mount and headed for the destination without delay.

Hundreds of years of experience in the void of the world and understanding the truth made him understand that sometimes the pursuit of speed is counterproductive.

Before leaving, he asked the high priest to mobilize the whole Raf clan and collect all kinds of strange animal bones, bird feathers, stone jade and other rare and unknown things in the clan and hand them over to himself.

Zhang Shen is ready to use these things to understand the truth of the world.

Although he has completely refined the door of truth and almost combined it into one, there are always exceptions to everything. Once there is a chance, the deeper he knows about the world, the stronger his strength he can exert.

If one day he can understand all, no, most of the rules of truth in the world, he will become the next Zeus, even higher than Zeus, and put the whole world under his rule.

Unfortunately, it is impossible from a theoretical or practical point of view.

At the beginning, Zhang Shen greedily swallowed the projection "image" of truth, which angered the will of heaven and launched an endless pursuit of him. If there was such a day, the instinct of the world would be enough to destroy him.

On the other side, when Zhang Shen was lightly on the road and swimming in the mountains and rivers while analyzing the appearance of the truth of the world.

Kratos thought he was over, but he didn't expect to open his eyes again.

To be honest, although he was full of resentment and unwillingness when he died, there was still a trace of relief in his heart.

It was the pain of his life to kill his wife and daughter under Ares's trick! This pain did not fade with time, but gradually became his demon, entangled forever, making him restless.

However, after all, Kratos is still Kratos, the brave and extraordinary Spartan soul. When he opened his eyes, he hid all his subtle thoughts and was wary of a large number of surroundings.

What came into his eyes was an extremely huge body.

The giant was looking at him and could see a trace of feminine softness from the lines of his face.

"I'm Gaia." The giant opened his mouth and rumbled like thunder, echoing and echoing throughout the whole consciousness space.

Kratos' eyebrows shrugged: "Mother of Titans? Gaia, the mother of the earth? That bastard grandmother of Zeus?"

Gaia has many identities. She is not only the god of the earth, but also the mother of all the original Titans and the grandmother of Zeus. Unfortunately, Zeus, who was cold-hearted and emotionless, even dared to kill his father, not to mention a grandmother who stood in a hostile position.

However, due to the special identity of the mother god of Gaia, in order to maintain the stability of the world, Zeus did not dare to kill her. He could only use a special way to "half imprisoned" her and become a character similar to a human battery...

From the former high mother of the earth to a humanoid battery, the depth of hatred in Gaia's heart can be imagined.

She always thinks about revenge, but all the prerequisites is to rescue Titan.

Now, she has a fancy to Kratos.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to spend tens of millions of years of hard-earned efforts to save Kratos from the edge of the sword of Olympus, and his decision was extraordinary.

Do you want revenge? Only the goddess of fate can travel through time and space and can help you!" Gaia told Kratos that the best and only way to revenge. After the two reached a verbal agreement, she once again spent her strength to safely send the remnant soul of Kratos to hell.

Gaia underestimated Kratos!

Athena underestimated Kratos!

Zeus also underestimated Kratos!

The potential of Kratos is far better than their cognition.

Zeus and Athena felt that Kratos was bound to die, but they didn't expect Gaia to save him with a foot;

Gaia feels that it will take at least a hundred years to return to the world with the current state of Kratos.

She made a blind eye!

The power of Kratos' god of war has not been completely destroyed by Zeus!

After Kratos entered hell, the seed of God of War's power was stimulated and revived by the power of hell, and began to absorb the power of hell crazily, recast his soul and strengthen himself.

It didn't take long for Kratos to recover his body, a more powerful body than before.

The power of the God of War and the power of hell flow in his body, surging, like a volcano that is about to erupt, which can destroy everything.

Kratos began to climb back to the world and avenge Zeus and Athena!

Kratos' anger will burn everything.