Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 7: Troublesome Medusa

Chapter 7: Troubled Medusa

Driving all the way, Zhang Shen and Kratos came outside the Island of Destiny.

Destiny Island is similar to Mount Olympus. There is such an island on earth. In fact, it does not exist in this space. Even Zhang Shen found that its own timeline is staggered from the world and completely in another time and space.

Perhaps this is the reason why the mirror of fate can exist in the covetedness of Zeus and other gods. Zhang Shen studied and found that there was no way to cross the gap between time and space and step into the island of fate that seemed to be close to him.

The two of them tossed around for a long time and had no choice.

"Hey, I said, at least you have been the god of war for a while. There must be a special way to enter the island of fate."

Ketos scratched his smooth scalp depressedly: "I wouldn't be interested in to tossing these boring things at all..."

"Yes!" Kratos suddenly slapped his palm hard and his eyes were shining. "I seem to remember that the guy Hermes said that it would take time to enter the island of Destiny... By the way, that's right, that's it!"

"The time war horse was given to Zeus by the three goddesses of fate, but Zeus did not use it. Hermes boasted that he had ridden several times... Those time war horses were usually taken care of by Theseus." Kratos recalled little by little, "As long as you find Thesis, you can take time to enter the island of fate."

"Theseus...Theseus...should be around here!" Kratos knocked on his bare head and insisted.

Zhang Shen pointed to his left hand: "We looked for it separately and found it to send a signal."

Kratos's luck is indeed unspeakable. Not long after Zhang Shen looked for it, he received the signal from him and returned to the assembly place. The four strong and tall white horses behind him kicked the ground irritably, but it was difficult to break away under his brute force.

Zhang Shen felt the resentment and blood around Kratos, and then looked at the uncontrollable fear in his eyes when the horse looked at Kratos. The experience and end of the wrangler named Thesus can be imagined.

"What a heavy evil spirit." Zhang Shen muttered and turned over his horse. The time horse stepped up and crossed the dangerous time and space barrier and entered the time and space where the real island of fate is located.

Destiny Island is amazingly vast. The three goddesses live in the highest temple of fate. If you want to reach the temple of fate, you must pass through many dangerous places and overcome many difficulties, or strange terrain or monsters. All kinds of monsters on Destiny Island were specially captured and raised by the three goddesses, and the meaning of not wanting to see outsiders is obvious.

The most troublesome of them is undoubtedly Medusa, who has an eye of petrochemicals.

Medusa's upper body is a beautiful and enchanting woman, and her lower body is a giant snake with snake hair. Her eyes are extremely charming, but any living thing her eyes touch will be petrified. Medusa was also a bitter man, because she was so beautiful that she was cheated by Poseidon into being raped by the temple of Athena, which angered Athena, who did not want to have a conflict with Poseidon because of such a trivial matter, transferred her anger to Medusa, and cursed her to become what she is now.

For Medusa, it was a supreme grace for the three goddesses of fate to bring herself to this isolated island of fate, so she volunteered to guard the gate for the three of them.

The petrochemical light from Medusa's eyes was so powerful that the gods could not resist it, and the main god felt a headache, which reduced a lot of trouble for the three goddesses of fate.

Zhang Shen and the two soon saw the petrochemical ability that made Athena, the initiator, have a headache.

As soon as Medusa appeared, without saying a word, Biubiu's two brown rays shot out of his eyes and attacked the two.

Kratos's two knives blocked in front of him, and the petrochemical light fell on the blade, shaking him back a few steps. Medusa's petrochemical light emitted at an amazing speed. Kratos was inadvertently. A light brushed the back of his hand, and his left hand instantly turned into a rock, and a big knife fell to the ground with a loud sound.

The golden light bloomed, which was the seed of the power of the God of War in Kratos's body that finally grew and burst into power and prevented the spread of petrochemical power. Divine power is also a manifestation of the power of the law/truth of the world, which is equal to the power of petrochemical, but in a hurry, it can only curb its further deterioration and cannot be cured and dispersed.

On the other side, Zhang Shen felt the danger and decisively opened the realm of truth to cover his whole body. The petrochemical light fell into the realm of truth, and its power was greatly reduced because of the difference in rules, which only made him feel a numbness and hardening of the hit place without further turning into stones.

Zhang Shen coveted this power and took the initiative to undertake the attack of petrochemical light. Unexpectedly, Medusa's attack speed was too fast, and more than half of his chest felt out of control.

He suddenly felt bad, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth converged to form a mirror in front of him.

His original intention was to reflect the light back, at least scatter it. Unexpectedly, the petrochemical light turned a blind eye to the mirror, penetrated directly, and persistently attacked Zhang Shen.

"Curious power!" Zhang saw the hunting heart and thought about how to fake this power while dodging quickly.

At this time, Kratos was hit, and his left palm was directly petrified. Although the power of the god of war reappeared on the spot, he fell into the wind because his lonely palm was difficult to sing, and his left branch was right, which was very embarrassed.

Seeing this, Zhang Shen waved his hand, and the wind and clouds gathered sand and stones, and several earth walls rose up to block Medusa's sight.

With a "retreat", the two took the opportunity to quickly retreat. Medusa coldly looked at the rapidly disappearing back and had no intention of chasing. The snake's body swam and slowly swam back to her snake-haired banshee hall and turned into a stone dormant again.

At the edge of Destiny Island, the place where the time horse is tied is like a ferry.

Zhang Shen and Kratos lost the battle for the first time and turned back in confusion. Time War Ma noticed that Kratos's palm was petrified, and his eyes flashed with a happy light, which was quite a little revengeful.

How can the two pay attention to the psychology of a few horses? At this moment, all their attention is on the golden left palm of Kratos.

Kratos thought that as long as it took more effort, the power of the god of war could remove the petrochemical. Unexpectedly, half an hour later, the palm of his hand was still the same, and the power of petrification was extremely stubborn. Although the sourceless water could still maintain basic stability under the strong impact of the power of the god of war, and the speed of dissipation could be ignored.

"I can't help it. Why don't you try it?" Kratos was entangled and looked at Zhang Shen.

The latter opened the realm of truth and slowly enveloped his left hand.

The stubborn petrochemical has really been weakened!


The power of the God of War has also been weakened...

is still a strange balance, unsolved.

Zhang Shen shrugged his shoulders and said that he was not strong.

There is no doubt that this is a lie. Zhang Shen just doesn't want to expose his real cards. After all, the relationship between the two is not so good. And as a "bad-intention" outsider, Zhang Shen always feels that he and Kratos, the protagonist, can't be so harmonious!

Ketos scratched and scratched on the petrochemical palm, grinned for a long time, and finally became cruel--

"Mom! I don't believe that I can't cure you!!"

In Zhang Shen's flickering and suspicious eyes, he saw Kratos shouting angrily, raised his sword in his right hand, and suddenly cut it down.

The petrified left palm was broken at the same wrist!

Blood gushed, but in the blink of an eye, the pillar and the golden light surged, and a golden palm came out of the fracture, which was a little more powerful and domineering than the previous meat palm.

The color of the newborn palm quickly faded for a few minutes and recovered as before. Only when you look closely can you see a scar that is three minutes thinner than the hair.

Kratos grinned and said, "I crawled out of hell. My body has not been a mortal body for a long time. Now the power of the God of War has returned. This level of injury is nothing. Just take a break and disappear."

He looked very simple and honest. Zhang Shen smiled with a "hehe". While he was secretly alert, he suddenly had some strange ideas: What should I do if I want to kill him or other gods?

My thoughts are getting farther and farther away, and I can't help but be a little distracted.

"What should I do now?" Kratos sat on the grass, took one and put it in his mouth and chewed it. "If we don't deal with this broken snake, we can't enter the Temple of Destiny."

Zhang Shen pondered for a moment and said uncertainly, "I have heard a story that in a distant country, there is a rare treasure called Golden Fleece. The armor made of this kind of thing can defend against all curses... I don't know if it has any effect on Medusa's petrified eye?"

This story was naturally learned from the heads of the Laff people by some improper means. It was originally a legendary story of unknown origin, and Zhang Shen also flashed and suddenly remembered it.

Because there are too many demigods and heroes in this world, there are a large number of endless stories and legends. Its authenticity is limited to traffic, which cannot be verified and can only be heard as stories.

"Do you have any impression?" Zhang Shen looked at Kratos hopefully. After all, he was a "local" and lived for so long...

Kratos rolled his eyes and tried to find familiar memory fragments from his muscular brain.

After a long time, he said, "There is indeed such an arm made of golden wool, which seems to have been sacrificed to the bastard Ares by a king. Later, he was killed by me, and I haven't touched it. It should still be in place."

"The Holy Forest of Ares... Yes, this is the place!"

"Are you sure?" Zhang Shen didn't dare to compliment this guy's memory.

"You have to go and have a look if you're not sure, right?" Kratos rolled his eyes and his sharp complaints made Zhang Shen retreat. "You don't have a better way."

"Uh, well, speed up and have a look..."

The four time horses who were boringly nibbled at the weeds on the ground suddenly looked around in shock and felt that they were being targeted by some terrible beast.

Looking up, the horrible eyes came from two sneering men.

"It's a pity to have such a good transportation tool. What do you think, Kratos?

"It makes sense!"