Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 35: Blizzard [Give red tickets]

Chapter 35: Blizzard

Olimus Divine Realm.

As the lord of the gods, the temple of Zeus is the highest, covering the largest area and the most magnificent... In short, it belongs to the top level in all aspects.

However, today, this glorious temple suddenly lost its glory!

It's like a dusty jade, emitting a lonely atmosphere.

Living in the temple, the servants of Zeus found this situation at the first time, and the inexplicable sadness in their hearts made them panic and didn't know why.

Hera, the queen of Zeus's wife, then came.

The scene in front of her made some dusty memory fragments emerge from the corner. Hera was stunned and couldn't help taking a cold breath. Her face turned pale, her body trembled slightly, and she dared not believe her judgment.

For a long time, she had the determination to issue an emergency summoning order that only Zeus was qualified to issue, asking the other gods to put down all the affairs in their hands and rush to the temple gathering in the shortest time.

The gods had a good memory and arrived in half an hour.

Except for Ares, the god of war.

After that, Hera's eyebrows were entangled and her face was very ugly.

"It's a big deal, please wait." Hera's expression was unprecedentedly serious. Athena and other main gods felt strange when they did not see Zeus, but Hera was hosting. At this time, they couldn't help thinking and guessing.

Hera sent a fast-legged servant to the Temple of War.

Not long after, the man returned: "My lord, Ares is not under the crown, and the same phenomenon has occurred in the Temple of War."

Athena and other gods immediately saw the cold sweat on Hera's face, sliding down her beautiful and noble face, falling low on the table.

The gods looked at each other, and the atmosphere instantly became stagnant and heavy.

The rich goddess Demeter has a good relationship with Hera and asked softly, "Hera, what's going on? Tell me, you can figure it out together."


Hera took a deep breath, closed her eyes hard, opened them slowly, and said in a tone as calmly as possible, "Zeus and Ares have mostly fallen."


It seemed that a bolt from the blue blew in the ears of the gods, which made them dizzy and turned them unconsciously.

"What, what, what, what?! Can you say it again, again, again, again?!" The Vance Hephaistos knotted his tongue and couldn't speak clearly. He stared at Hera with two big red eyes. He didn't have a deep relationship with Zeus and Ares, but the news was so big that he was shocked.

Hera has a straight face, expressionless face and slightly empty eyes: "I said, Zeus and Ares..."

Before the end of the words, the change suddenly appeared!

Athena suddenly jumped up, pulled out her sword, and took action brazenly when everyone was in chaos, cutting off Hera's head with one sword!!


Hera's head was separated, and bright blood spewed out from her neck, like a fountain, dazzlingly red and frighteningly red.

The rich goddess with little combat power screamed, and the other gods hurriedly retreated and took more than a dozen steps to stand still. They stared at Athena, who was standing next to Hera's body with a sword still dripping blood, with different expressions on her face, panic, anger, fear, confusion, confusion, everything, wonderful .

For a long time, the empty temples only had the suppressed sobs of the rich goddess and the sound of blood flowing.

Apollo, the sun god, swallowed hard: "Sister Athena, what do you mean by......"

Among the gods, Apollo and Athena had the best relationship. When Athena was most helpless, only Apollo, her half-brother, helped and encouraged her.

Athena looked calm, and her eyes flashed with relief: "I just did what I had always wanted to do."

"I believe everyone knows how Zeus treats me."

"I've always wanted to kill him, but I can't have a chance."

"Now God has pity on me and let Zeus be killed. Although it's a pity that I can't kill him with my own hands, it has fulfilled my long-cherished wish."

"Hera is the wife of Zeus. I vented my resentment against Zeus and killed her."

"You may think my approach is wrong, but I don't care. I killed her and felt relieved. Finally, I was freed from hundreds of years of hatred. I felt very relaxed.

Crystal tears fell from the corners of Athena's eyes.

The hearts of the gods were shocked and shocked. Athena is the god of wisdom and war. Her usual performance often makes people subconsciously ignore her gender. I didn't expect her to have such an emotional side.

Thinking of what Zeus did in those years, most of the anger towards Athena in the hearts of the gods who were not very loyal to Zeus quietly disintegrated, and Aphrodite even sympathized with her.

Athena has been paying attention to the expressions of the gods and putting all this into her eyes. Her heart was relieved, and a trace of joy flashed in her eyes: Very good, the plan has been successful! Relieve their hostility to me! Next...

The good pride hidden in her heart was only seen by Apollo.

He suddenly felt lonely and felt that all this was so boring.

"It's up to you, I'm going back. The Sun Palace will be closed in the future. Don't come to me." Smiling at himself, Apollo turned around and left. He was not setting off smoke * fog bombs. After returning, he really closed the Sun Palace. No one could enter, and the divine servants inside could not get out. He was completely closed and did not want to get involved in this muddy water.

Apollo's sudden emotional turn made the resourceful Poseidon faintly aware of something. He looked at Athena with fear and left the bloody place quickly without saying a word, returning to the only sea temple in the world that could make him feel safe.

The gods left one after another, with their own thoughts.

Only the bodies of Athena and Hera are left.

"Zeus, you are finally dead..." Athena couldn't stop crying, and even she didn't understand why. She wanted to laugh loudly but couldn't make a sound.

"Look carefully, I will definitely establish an order that belongs to me, an order that will punish all sins!"

The original world, the earth.

The new version of the Antarctic continent is active and wide, and everyone came here for the purpose of suppressing, so the speed is not fast. It took several days for the three women of Bu Lichen to enter the central region, and the probability of "encountering monsters" soared several times in an instant, which was extremely annoying.

Even if there is an abyss cannibalism that solves most of the annoying monsters, the three women are still inexplicably irritable.

"This is not normal." Bu Lichen looked up at the sky. The Antarctic continent was windy and snowy most of the time. Even if there was no wind and snow, it was gloomy and depressing. With our cultivation, it is impossible that we can't even control such a simple emotion. This should be some kind of omen.

"The painstaking efforts before the disaster **?" The smile on Li Jing's face has decreased a lot.

"For safety, we should not move forward any more. There is no need to take your own life in order to clean up. It is not wise to continue to move forward knowing that it is not safe ahead. Li Ji said.

Li Ji looked at Bu Lichen, who knew that she wanted to persuade herself to agree. Li Ji didn't want Li Jing to be in danger for a dispensable task.

Bu Lichen was hesitating, and Li Jing said, "It's better not to return without authorization."

"I know you are worried about me. Well, let's stop and contact others to see if they have similar feelings. If everyone has this feeling, no one is willing to move on. We don't have to be the first escapee, which is not good for us in the future.

Do what they said. The three sent messages to Wuyin, Goethe, Lin Wuchang and others respectively, and adjusted the interest in place and waited for a reply.

Unexpectedly, I received a reply quickly.

In the message sent, the three women simply mentioned the situation they encountered, and the content of the reply was similar and disturbingly similar--

This situation is not exclusive to them!

Other people feel the same uneasy feeling!

In this way, the situation is really bad.

The three women's eye contact is probably affected by psychological factors, and they only feel that the uneasiness in their hearts is getting stronger and stronger.

There are terrible things waiting for them in front of them, or the destination of everyone.

Just when the three women were indecisive, they received a message from the soundless again.

She gave an address and suggested that everyone gather there and wait - they all came in the same boat. Although they parted ways after arriving at the Antarctic continent, they were not too far from each other.

Wuyin feels that someone will definitely report this kind of thing to the six "Fa" respected people. It's better to wait before receiving further notice.

Go on, God knows what the hell is ahead.

"What do you think?" Li Ji asked Bu Lichen's opinion.

Bu Lichen shrugged his shoulders: "Let's meet them first. More people are powerful."

The awakening forces with a clear division of labor reacted much faster than Bu Lichen and others, and almost immediately fed back the situation to the six venerable people sitting on the earth.

The six people of Wu Mingzi quickly communicated and made a surprising decision.

"Qingtian Wusheng" Duan Hongchen and the round table knight Gao Wen personally went to the front line to lead this suppression activity!

When this news was sent to everyone, some people were happy and some were worried. At this time, fools understand that there are uncontrollable factors, and they are quite troublesome and dangerous.

However, even Hongchen and Gao Wen have come out. Who dares to find an excuse to cheat and play slippery?

received a message from two venerable people on the front line that the three women were about to arrive at the meeting place.

"Oh, is it such a coincidence at this time?" Li Jing couldn't help complaining, "I'm about to reach the ground~~"

Bu Lichen looked at the vast wind and snow that connected the world and smiled: "Don't worry about it, let's get together first."

"I'm afraid this wind and snow has just begun."

[PS: Regular update, we were suffering on the train when you saw this chapter... No seat, hehe (blackening)]