Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 09 Vampire Banshee and... Crazy!

The power of the battery has almost been consumed, and the room is shadowy. With Li Yun's departure, it suddenly fell silent.

The bodies of the three high school girls were already cold, but they opened their eyes and looked at the roof and refused to close their eyes.

After getting the answer she wanted from the master, Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly.

Horror park, burning zombies, horrible pathogen "Prometheus", everything that has just experienced is like a dream, which makes people in a trance. Unfortunately, the three bodies that are already cold remind everyone that everything is real.

The original team of five people completely collapsed after encountering the virus. Three people died directly and turned into cold bodies, and another was scared out of fear, like a homeless dog, and fled in a hurry.

Killing the virus was just a B-level side plot. It was not until then that Lin Xiao realized how rare his A-level side plot was.

In fact, Lin Xiao's ability to complete hidden tasks is indeed a great fortune. First of all, new energy gasoline, without fuel, everything is useless. Then he happened to meet Lin Xiao, a crazy guy in his bones. If it were another ordinary person, who would buy these almost impossible things? There are also tide-like zombies and the woody environment in the park. It is the combination of so many coincidences that Lin Xiao has completed such an almost impossible hidden task.

You should know that in the dominant space, the mortality rate of novice trials is half, and 80% of them have just completed the task.

As soon as his hand turned over, the silver left wheel appeared in his hand and was played by Lin Xiao at will. The gorgeous gun body, cold silver metal, and the mysterious patterns engraved on it are beautiful.

Withoring away the pistol, Lin Xiao suddenly sighed gently and echoed in the quiet room...

Withth away his thoughts, Lin Xiao silently calculated the harvest just now.

Complete the hidden A-level mission and get the title of zombie killer. Get 5,000 points, 10 free attribute points, and 3 potential points.

"Zombie killer, equipped with power +5, agility +5, physical strength +5, the attack will cause the lowest double damage to zombies, and have a 1% 'one-strike kill' effect."

"Kill Prometheus, the original virus, and reward a B-level side plot, 3000 points, 1 potential point, and 5 free attributes."

There are also talented "ao shu da" and props "silver left wheel" bet on Russian roulette.

In terms of physical fitness, Lin Xiao has increased her agility by 5 points and strength by 5 points when fighting against the virus, and started mental burning before she survived under the attack of so many virus bodies.

The basic data now is:

"Strength 9, Agility 10, Mental 11th, Physical strength 4."

After the equipment title bonus of "Zombie Killer", it becomes: "Strength 14, Agility 15, Physical strength 9, Spirit 11."

Compared with the previous weak otaku, it can be said that he is more than three times stronger. As for the free attribute points obtained when killing the virus, Lin Xiao chose to keep it.

After confirming that there was no omission, Lin Xiao sat in front of the TV and looked at the large pile of unmarked video tapes in the basket again.

Pick up a plate casually, insert it, and the melodious sound of the carriage sounded. It was Romeo and Juliet. Make a mark and throw it aside.

Take another set, "The Jedi Strikes Back" and throw it away.


Maybe the previous luck has been used up. This time, after trying more than 20 sets in a row, I finally found another "horror video".

A burst of snowflakes flashed on the TV screen and suddenly became flickering, and then a line of blood began to flow, forming a line of blood words - blood-sucking banshee.


There was a trance in front of her. When she came to her senses, Lin Xiao found that she had sat on a pickup truck, surrounded by a European and American woman with heavy makeup, with wavy blonde hair, thick eye shadow, and wanton shielded laughter. She was leaning on her lap and kept rubbing. In his front row, there sat a pale woman with a slightly neurotic face and dark and purple lips, which made people dare not approach for no reason.

The next moment, the master's prompt sounded:

"You entered the demon banshee of the horror video and inspired the task: protect three teenagers from being killed by the banshee. Optional task: Kill the demon banshee.

Simple description, even the difficulty of the task is not mentioned. The more so, the more Lin Xiao dares not take it lightly.

While thinking about the next step of the task, the girl on her thigh suddenly raised her head, looked at Lin Xiao with a pair of charming eyes, and hummed slightly dissatisfiedly: "You... Why did you suddenly stop talking?"

Lin Xiao was stunned and then gently raised the blonde's chin with her right hand, with a charming smile on the corners of her mouth, and lowered her head to block it.

The blonde smiled and hugged Lin Xiao's neck and warmly blocked it. After more than a minute of shielding, the girl was already lying on the side with her eyes.

Rock music, the noise, and the vulgar low-level jokes from the boy in front of him from time to time. Time passed quickly. Ten minutes later, the pickup truck stopped outside a small building. The two boys shouted and rushed out of the car, then pretended to be a gentleman to pull the door and looked at the two girls in the car.

The hormones of youth are surging, and the three teenagers' excited faces are red, looking forward to the upcoming beautiful night.

Lin Xiao took the first step, stepped down the pickup truck, and looked at the leading boy with a smile. A silver pistol reflected the blurred light under the night sky, but made a crazy move: "Goodbye!"


There was a trace of consternation on the tall boy's face. Unfortunately, Lin Xiao's action was too fast to give people time to react at all. The boy didn't even have time to explain a "verb" before he could explain. A blood hole appeared on his head, and his white brain gushed out and fell straight back.

After he turned his head and confirmed that he did not hear the prompt sound of the master, a faint smile appeared at the corners of Lin Xiao's mouth: "Sure enough..."

Crazy?? No, no, although Lin Xiao is crazy in his bones, his self-control is very strong. He belongs to the kind of person who can accommodate multiple extreme thoughts at the same time, but does not affect his life at all.

The reason why the boy was shot and killed was that Lin Xiao wanted to prove a speculation to protect the teenager from being killed by a vampire banshee, so... Can you solve these three people before the vampire banshee takes action?

It turned out that Lin Xiao's speculation was correct. After killing the tall young man, the master did not give any hint of mission failure.


"Ah! Killed! Killing people!"

The sound of gunfire and blood woke up the two teenagers who blocked their brains. After being stunned for three seconds, the two boys finally screamed and rolled and crawled and ran away.

As soon as his wrist turned over, the muzzle of the silver left wheel spewed out a flame again. As soon as the thin-eyed young man ran seven or eight meters, he screamed, fell to the ground and howled loudly.

At the same time, a sharp roar suddenly broke out in the pickup, which was extremely sharp. The windshield of the pickup truck was smashed in an instant. Lin Xiao's head was slightly dizzy, but the action did not stop. A roll, the silver left wheel roared again, and the fire tongue suddenly sounded, accompanied by the sound of "poof" into the flesh, the brain of the young man with eyes The bag was smashed into a ball of rotten meat in an instant.

"Death! Go to hell!!"

The door of the pickup truck burst open, and the iron pieces were everywhere. The neurotic girl had turned into a ferocious and horrible banshee with wings on her back, shielding her body and grabbing Lin Xiao's neck with a pair of black claws.

"Spirit burning!"

Lin Xiao did not hesitate to launch the only active skill, and her physical quality suddenly doubled. At the moment the banshee caught it, she turned around and kicked the banshee's chest.

With a loud bang, the flying banshee was immediately kicked away. No matter how she came and went, she hit her head back into the pickup truck.

"Well, it seems that this female demon is not very powerful," Lin Xiao complained blankly.

This is Lin Xiaowang's self-deprecating. After all, it is a novice trial task. It is impossible for the master to make an incomparable BOSS. After all, he has to give people a way to live.

The task of sucking banshee is not very difficult. Protecting the three teenagers from being killed by the banshee. In addition to the more extreme method of Lin Xiao, the three teenagers**, coaxing, kidnapping, and other means are all workable. As for the optional task of killing the vampire banshee, it is to select some very potential newcomers and is not considered by the public.

If it is replaced by ordinary people, the normal process should be to secretly/control the three teenagers and prevent them from angering the vampire banshee until the vampire banshee leave. Unfortunately, Lin Xiao was not a normal person. This guy had crazy genes in his bones. After sensing the hidden way of the task, he did not hesitate to shoot and kill three teenagers directly.

If others choose this method, there is no doubt that they will face the fierce blood-sucking banshee slaughter, and it will be up to God's will to survive in the end.

Unfortunately... Lin Xiao, who completed a hidden mission and has a good title, is now completely out of the category of ordinary people. Especially after starting the spiritual burning, within a minute, his physical fitness is comparable to those adventurers who have spent two to three games. Although this bonus is only temporary, it is enough to fight a war.