Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 04 Death Comes!

Looking at Lin Xiao, who is cheap and obedient, others are envious and jealous.

Two high-power*, I don't know how many zombies have been killed, but I hate that these zombies are like ants and locusts. They gather together in a large group and are simply looking for the rhythm of bombing!

However, other people don't have much power* in their hands, and ordinary * can blow up several zombies. It's not worth it at all. Not everyone, like Lin Xiao, will buy these 200 points worth one *. Who doesn't need to strengthen the body and buy life-saving props? Only fools can buy these disposable consumables.

However, Lin Xiao is such a fool. This X model*, this boy bought 5 pieces, that is to say, 1000 points!

Of course, Lin Xiao did not specially prepare for this mission, but just bought a few more to attract people. Coincidentally, I happened to encounter such a task scene.

Two *400 points have earned a full 2,500 points for Lin Xiao!

While sighing that Lin Xiao was abnormal, they continued to travel. After coming out, they saw the helicopter pulled down from the sky like a zombie arhat and exploded into a flame. In desperation, he had to change his way and run to the airport again.

At this time, Jerusalem can be said to have fallen into a city of zombies. More than 90% of the city's residents have mutated into zombies, and the rest are still fleeing, but they will soon die. Even on the airport, there were groups of zombies.

Two of the five-driver planes originally parked at the airport have taken off and disappeared between the blue sky and white clouds. The other three-drivers have also been slowly started and are about to leave the ground.

The group hurriedly stopped a plane. After negotiating with Private Ryan, the helicopter slowly stretched out. Before going up, Lin Xiao didn't say anything, took out a powerful explosion* from the seal of master and threw it into the zombies nearly 100 meters away with amazing arm strength.


The huge pillar of dirt rose to the sky, and countless zombies were blown into the sky.

"How much* do you have?" Everyone gritted their teeth.

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Okay, there are two more..."

While talking, he turned around and threw another * out, like a small * explosion, rolling smoke and dust rising into the sky.


Under the staring eyes of everyone who wanted to kill, Lin Xiaoyi still licked the corners of her mouth and got on the plane.

These two* once again brought nearly 2,000 points to Lin Xiao.

The group got on the plane, and the passenger plane did not stop and soared to the sky.

The plane was full of people, and everyone's faces were full of worries and anxiety. Looking at the holy land occupied by zombies below, they were speechless for a long time.

This large escape of more than half an hour can be said to be full of helplessness and thrills.

The pace of the mission is so fast that there is no time for adventurers to prepare. The place of arrival is the holy city, and the main task is that the protagonist cannot die, otherwise it will be severely punished by all members. After meeting the protagonist, the zombies soon began to attack the city.

The tide-like zombies are overwhelming, and non-humans can fight against them. Adventurers can only protect Gerry and have no choice but to escape like a homeless dog. If it hadn't been for Lin Xiao's perverted behavior, I'm afraid everyone would be more worried now.

As soon as he sat down and took a breath, Lao Huang whispered, "According to the plot of the movie, there are zombies in the plane. We must find it and kill it! Otherwise, the plane crash can't guarantee that the protagonist will have such good luck to fall from hundreds of feet high in the sky without dying!"

The fall of a high-altitude plane is another big bug in the movie.

A plane fell from hundreds of feet high in the sky, without parachutes and no protective measures. Everyone else died. The protagonist is fierce, just a little injury. What can you say in the past? It's completely unscientific!

When he saw this paragraph, Lin Xiao laughed and came to the conclusion that the protagonist was absolutely open!

Naturally, adventurers can't put their lives on the illusory luck of the protagonist, but after a little rest, they began to search for various excuses. Of course, in this process, Lao Huang, who has the most combat effectiveness in close proximity, still stays with Geh to prevent accidents.


This is a medium-sized private airliner, with a total of six cabins and people everywhere. According to preliminary estimates, it may have been nearly *.

Lin Xiao's group began to search each cabin, focusing on observing the bathroom, causing the screams of the women who were in convenience from time to time.

The penultimate cabin, the men's bathroom.

Qin Yan and Feng Xiaoxi waited outside, and Lin Xiao's three big men took on the task of investigation. When I came in, I saw three men booing next to the urinal. To be cautious, Lu Xiaolong checked the place of the squatting pit one by one. After confirming that there was no trace of zombies, he said, "Well, I can't hold it. Wait for a minute, I'll put some water first."

Zhang Ming said, "It happens that I'm also a little anxious. Let's solve it by the way."

Lin Xiao was speechless and turned around and walked out. As soon as he arrived at the door, there was a scream behind him: "Ah!!"

"There is a problem!"

At this time, the two women rushed in together and saw one of the three people who were biting Lu Xiaolong's neck fiercely. Blood was left along the neck, dyeing the clothes dark red.

"Cluck!" The blonde man raised his head, pulled off a large muscle from Lu Xiaolong's neck, chewed and swallowed it, and then looked at Lin Xiao's group with a pair of eyes, smiling, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth and pink tender meat in the teeth. The bloody air came to my nose and made me sick.

The two booing men next to him were so scared that they were dumbfounded and screamed. Before they ran out of two steps, they suddenly shook their bodies. A long blood-red whip drilled out of their chest and abdomen, and at the top were two beating hearts.

"Save... Help me!" Lu Xiaolong covered his almost cracked neck, his eyes were full of crazy longing, and one hand stretched straight to everyone: "Help me! I don't want to die!!"

Lin Xiao casually brushed a treatment and threw it out. A white light enveloped Lu Xiaolong. The wound on his neck began to heal quickly, but his skin quickly showed a gray color, and his eyes began to bulge.

Lin Xiao shook his head and waved his hand to make an apology.

The primary treatment heals the wound, but it can't treat the virus. Lu Xiaolong's symptoms are obvious. He has been infected with the Z virus. Unless there is a genetic agent, he will not be saved.

However, who has a 2,000-point life-saving prop called genetic medicine? Even if there is, who will take it out to save an unincompetent person?

Looking at everyone's retreat, Lu Xiaolong smiled miserably, and the hope in his eyes quickly disappeared, replaced by a trace of madness. As soon as he turned his hand, a machine gun had appeared in his hand, and the direction he aimed at was the window glass of the bathroom!

"Look for death!"

Feng Yujie Qin Yan shouted angrily and instantly appeared beside Lu Xiaolong with both blades in her hand. The knife fell, and a head rose to the sky and was full of blood.

Lu Xiaolong died completely. Before the final madness was completed, her head was cut off by Qin Yan.

Maybe he was still unwilling, maybe he still had a wish, but with the moment he was bitten, everything disappeared. What's more ridiculous is that a colorful gift box slowly appeared above Lu Xiaolong's body.

Qin Yan's face changed a few times, quickly put away the color box, and then looked coldly at Lin Xiao and the other three.

It was not until then that several people remembered that adventurers could also kill each other, and after killing, they could still get certain rewards.

In an instant, because Qin Yan put away the gift box, the atmosphere became more subtle and complicated.