Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 011 Evaluation and Rating

A flash of white light in front of him, Lin Xiao appeared in the white square room again.

"Does adventurers need treatment?"

"Treatment, of course cure!" Lin Xiao rolled her eyes and looked depressed.

Just at the last moment, when the protagonist was about to test which virus is mild in a fearless spirit, Lin Xiao stood up and took on this heavy task with tears. After all, the protagonist can't die, only cannon fodder. What made Lin Xiao depressed was that he was infected with "AIDS", but after the treatment, it could not be cured. There is no way but to dominate the vampire of the city cheaply.

A white light landed and flashed away. Then the prompt sounded: "After the treatment is completed, 300 points will be deducted."

Lin Xiao's heart was broken. You are indeed a vampire. Such a simple treatment actually deducted 300 points!

The master will not care about Lin Xiao's life or death. After the treatment, a light curtain appeared out of thin air and began to evaluate and score the task.

"Adventurer: Lin Xiao, experiencing the world: zombie world war. Task completion: 50%. Evaluation: C-level. Get 17 dominating points, and the current permission level is 1. Experience required to upgrade, 66/100."

"Complete the main task: 1, complete the side task: none, complete the hidden task: none."

At the same time, the points in the upper right of the panel are constantly beating. Each ordinary zombie is rewarded with 5 points, and a level 1 evolved zombie is rewarded with 50 points. The number of zombies killed by Lin Xiao is rising at a flying speed. 1000,2000,5000,10000, finally reaching a height of 18795 points.

Among them, Lin Xiao blew up a large group of zombies with 200 points in Jerusalem, and the killings set up in Wales. In addition, the number of ordinary gunshot zombies is not a small number.

"If the main task is completed, 1000 points will be rewarded. A little free attribute point.

"At present, the total reward is 19795 points."

Lin Xiao nodded. Although this task did not earn any side plot, it got 20,000 points, which was worth the trip.

"Will you be qualified to choose this world as your home world? Will you spend 10,000 points and lock it in an A-level side plot?"

"The so-called home world is also a vampire. If you don't need anything else, you just need points, 10,000 points plus an A-level side plot, which makes many people deterred. After choosing the home world, you will have the right to freely enter and leave the world. Staying in the world for ten days is equivalent to staying in the dominant city for one day. The progress of the home world will always remain in the changes you have experienced. The relationships you build in the home world, including allies and enemies, will always exist. You will be notified when other adventurers enter your home world. You have the right to attack it with the power you have without any punishment. Everything you get in the home world, unless you get the task, the rest can't be brought out of the home world. But the knowledge and strength you gain in the home world are not within this limit.

"When you are defeated by other adventurers, you will lose your home court, and the winner has the right to deal with the home world at will."

"A adventurer can only have one home world at a time. Unless killed by an invading adventurer, he cannot automatically give up."

Lin Xiao encountered this option last time, and this time he naturally chose to give up.

According to the master's tips, after owning the home world, the adventurer is equivalent to owning his own territory, in which he can develop at will, and even dominate, but it is also limited to his own home world.

It feels like choosing a home world is like choosing a wife. Unless you are robbed, you will have to follow you for the rest of your life. If conditions permit, it is better to find a beautiful and affordable one. The world of the zombie world war has been occupied by zombies, chaotic and on the verge of extinction. Lin Xiao has neither the strength nor the interest to clean up the mess. This is equivalent to a dinosaur falling in love with him at first sight, but it doesn't matter.

After Lin Xiao gave up, the picture in the space gradually became gloomy until it disappeared.

There was a light in front of him, and Lin Xiao had come out of the room.

"Lin Xiao!" There was a shout in the distance.

Looking up, I saw Lao Huang, Qin Yan, Feng Xiaoxi and three other adventurers waiting for him there.

"You came out in front of me." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"We also want to ask you, why did you stay in there for so long?" Qin Yujie stared at him.

Lin Xiao smiled and did not answer.

Probably, she also knew that this question was a little too much. Qin Yan stared at Lin Xiao angrily and did not continue to ask questions.

The world that dominates the city is not just a world of team fighting. Under the arrangement of the city, today's friends may be tomorrow's enemies.

However, no one wants to say more about this situation, and no one wants to mention it.

Old Huang was steady, patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder and laughed, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Now that you're back, let's go for a drink."

In the bar in the slum, Lin Xiao and Lao Huang are drinking.

For adventurers, every mission is an escape from the dead.

The nerves that lasted for several days were completely relaxed at this time, and everyone laughed happily.

Even girls like Qin Yan talk and laugh loudly and drink beer with everyone in this case.

"Come on, brother!" Lao Huang bit the cap with his teeth, bit off the whole mouth of the bottle, and shouted to Lin Xiao with a mouthful of glass slag: "I respect you! This mission is the biggest achievement for Lao Huang since he came to this damn place. I got your light and earned more than 9,000 bloody points, haha, it's fucking cool!"

Lin Xiao smiled and raised his glass and touched it.

Adventurers are not sworn enemies, and life and death are more forced to be helpless. Just like in this mission world, adventurers can attack each other, but there is no internal strangle except Lu Xiaolong and Zhang Ming, who died unlucky. Otherwise, it will definitely be the end of the group destruction.

And Lao Huang said so loudly that it was inevitably showing off, but it was also a campaign for Lin Xiao.

What is momentum?

It's difficult for so many people, not everyone is doing well. Even if some people have experienced several horror movies, their strength is only at the middle level.

And in each task, strength is important, and the corresponding wise man is also important.

As long as you have a good brain, you can discover more plots and maximize benefits.

For wise people, most people are in awe and dare not provoke too much. Because you don't know when you will be killed by him. And most people unconsciously want to get close, because there is a wise man's advice, which can definitely gain a lot.

This difficult bar is a place where adventurers often exchange information. If Lin Xiao's name comes, he will naturally have some scruples and restrained when he meets other adventurers in the mission world in the future.

In the dominant city, strength is the first, but human kindness is also very important.

The so-called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger will only make you really become a stupid pig.

A adventurer on the table not far away shouted to Lao Huang, "Lao Huang, have you gained a lot this trip? Do you have any information?"

"Zombie World War." Lao Huang replied, "How about protecting the protagonist? Are you interested?"

Dozens of adventurers in the bar looked at each other.

One of them shouted, "50 points?"

"150 points. Old Huang said coldly.

"Damn, are you too dark?" An adventurer shouted.

Lao Huang smiled and said, "Including optional task completion methods and plot tasks, do you like to listen?"

Hearing this, all the adventurers in the bar suddenly began to talk to each other.

Feng Xiaoxi was a little curious and asked Lin Xiao softly, "What are they doing?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "I'm selling news. I didn't expect these guys to be really rich and can use any tricks."

The bar is a place for adventurers to drink and share adventure experiences.

Although the task of dominating the city is numerous and complex, it is not endless. Adventurers often experience the same mission world and accept the same mission. In this case, if anyone can know how others have passed the task first, it will be a great gain for them to pass the task.

But this kind of news is not for nothing. Anyone who wants to listen must first sign an agreement, pay points, and ensure that they will not disclose the information to anyone before they experience the task. This is already a common rule that dominates the city. Even so, what can be heard is only some general situation. When it comes to hidden tasks, plot tasks and some special ways to pass, it is generally not said. Of course, the price increase is another matter.

No matter where you are, information is always valuable.

According to the old rules, the basic task is 50 points. But as soon as Lao Huang opened his mouth, he got 150 points, which was entirely because of their high safety factor, low risk and big harvest in this mission. Why can't I suffer losses?

The adventurers in the bar listened to each other, and finally six adventurers chose to deliver points.

Lao Huang began to tell those adventurers about their experience in the mission. After hearing Lin Xiao's inference and judgment, a group of people were shocked, and their eyes were somewhat different when they looked at him. The clues alone can infer the possible hidden plots, and exploit the loopholes of the master and look for opportunities to score points. This method makes the adventurers who only know how to follow the master mission refreshed and look at each other.

Dominating the city is a place that only talks about strength. Although Lin Xiao is a newcomer, her strength is enough to be respected by everyone.

After the six adventurers left, Lin Xiao grinned and said, "I've spent 100 cents each."

"What about 200 points?" Qin Yan asked.

"Brother Guilin Xiao, do you have any opinions?"

No one has any objection.

Lin Xiao said lightly, "No, I don't think these points need to be divided. Let's put the order in the bar and make everyone's wine money for the next month. If you can sell more news about the zombie world war, you can also buy some news back.

Everyone said hello.

At this moment, the door of the pub was suddenly knocked open, and a man rushed in crying.

It turned out to be a task team of more than a dozen people. Coincidentally, he met "The Curse" and was killed by Jia Coconut. Finally, he only escaped back.

Two adventurer teams, plus adventurers acting alone, were killed and injured in a horrible world.

The people in the pub are silent. This is the horror of dominating the city. No one knows where they will die the next moment.

Feng Xiaoxi bit his lips and quietly pulled the corner of Lin Xiao's clothes.

"Oh..." A sigh sounded, and a trace of difficulty flashed in Qin's eyes, which was endlessly complicated.

Lao Huang shook his head and drank the wine in the glass: "This is what the world is like. No one knows whether he will die the next moment. We can only try our best to plan for ourselves. If we don't harm others, we will be worthy of our conscience.

Lin Xiao looked at the teenager who had just failed to get out of the shadow of death, thought for a moment, and walked to him with wine.

When he put the wine bottle in front of the teenager, Lin Xiao shouted to the bartender, "This person's wine is on my account!"

Then he patted the teenager on the shoulder: "This is a bloody world where you can bleed, but you can't cry. You can lie down, but you can't be scared. It's right to grieve for your loved ones, but you'd better learn to control them. Because you don't have the time and qualification to taste the pain... Do it yourself."

With that, Lin Xiao walked out of the bar alone.