Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 01 Mummy Battle 1

After the collective strengthening, everyone ran to the training ground to practice hard.

In my spare time, I will go to the bar to drink and chat together.

In this slum with no facilities, drinking seems to have become their only way of entertainment.

On this day, several people were drinking in the pub. Lin Xiao suddenly raised his head and smiled, "Sorry, it seems that I'm leaving for a day."

"What's going on?"

Lin Xiao's indifferent face:

"Oh, in fact, it's nothing. It's just that the master prompts me that my mandatory task will start in 1 hour, that's all."

The three looked at each other, and Qin Yan suddenly asked, "Is your mandatory mission open? So what's the previous task again?

"It's just random." Lin Xiao touched her nose and said, "It's a little annoying to be alone, so I casually chose a world to enter."


Several people are speechless. In the city, mandatory tasks are released every 30 days and cannot be avoided in any way. Most missiones are eager for this day not to come. After all, after entering the mission world, it is a life-and-death battle. Unexpectedly, I met such a strange person as Lin Xiao, who refused to live in peace. Obviously, he was a newcomer, but he was so active in the mission world... Don't you know that this will kill people?

"Well, let's prepare quickly. Anyway, it's been more than ten days, and the fists are a little itchy. Let's act together." Old Huang rubbed his hands.

"That." Lin Xiao touched his nose and said, "Actually, I can do it personally."

"Of course I know you can," Lao Huang laughed, "but sitting and eating in the mountains is not in line with my personality. I can always drink soup after you, right?"

Qin Yujie didn't say anything, took out the dagger and waved it hard at Lin Xiao. The meaning was self-evident. Feng Xiaoxi stood on Lin Xiao's side unconditionally. She never refused Lin Xiao's decision.

"Well, since you want to be together, there is no problem, but I don't know if everyone can enter the same world." Lin Xiaodao.

Dominating the urban population of hundreds of thousands, many people carry out missions every day, and adventurers do not have the ability to choose the scene world. Maybe there will be, but it's not what Lin Xiao and others can touch now.

"This is easy to do." Lao Huang waved his hand, and he had rushed out of the pub. A moment later, he ran back with a scroll in his hand: "This scroll can solve the problem."

"Team Covenant Scroll (pseudo)."

"Team Covenant Scroll, an ancient contract, which uses people's flesh and blood to connect like-minded soldiers together to fight against difficult battles..."

The covenant team is the bond for comrades-in-arms to advance and retreat together. Write your name and number on the scroll of the alliance with your own blood, and you can become a member of the alliance team. This old team covenant scroll can accommodate up to seven adventurers to fight together. Because this scroll is an imitation, the effectiveness can only maintain a mission world. After the mission world is over, the team will automatically disband.

"After the signing of the team alliance, each contractor will have four basic functions: team member positioning, team channel function, public space function and establishment of reserve members."

"Signing a team alliance requires each team member to pay 1,000 points, and the first contractor to sign the covenant will become the captain of the team."

Lin Xiao pointed to the scroll of the team's alliance, looked at Qin Yan and Lao Huang and said, "This captain..."

"Captain, of course you are here to be." Lao Huang directly interrupted Lin Xiao and said.

Qin Yan also nodded: "I'm too lazy to argue with you."

Lin Xiao spread out his hands and did not give any more hypocritical humility.

Among the three of them, he is indeed the most suitable to be the captain.

Lao Huang is steady, but lacks enterprising spirit and has a mediocre personality. It's okay to talk about small things, but he is slightly insufficient in the decisiveness of big things. Qin Yan is too cold to speak with three cold airs, and she can't be the captain. As for Feng Xiaoxi... Not to mention.

After Lin Xiao wrote his name and number with blood on the team covenant scroll, the team covenant scroll suddenly flashed a strange red light.

However, the red light suddenly appeared and disappeared quickly.

"Ding... You have successfully built a team and have the basic functions of the team."

1. Team Channel: This function allows team members to keep in touch with other team members no matter where they are.

2. Team public space: There is a ten-cubic team space for storing common items. This space cannot be used arbitrarily as an item transfer station. When a public item is extracted and used by one of the team members and put back into the public space, other team members who are more than 100 meters away from the team member cannot Extract and use this item in a common space.

3. Team battle: When team members use group or range attack skills, it will not have an effect on their own team members. When team members use group gain skills, it only works for team members.

After a series of prompts passed, Lin Xiao's name appeared where the red light flashed.

At the same time, Lin Xiao himself was also deducted 1000 points.

"Ding... At present, the team has a captain and no members.

After using the team scroll, except for special single-person restricted tasks, other tasks will be automatically converted to team tasks and completed by the team.

Positioning function level 1: When the teammate is within one kilometer, it can be accurately positioned, and this function can be used by any team member.

Public space level 1: Have a ten-cubic team space.

Team Combat Level 1: It has an effect on the team members within 50 meters.

The improvement of the team's functional level requires the improvement of the team level, and the team level depends on the team evaluation.

"Ding... You have obtained the captain's authority. At present, the team has a captain and no members. You can now officially recruit team members. As the captain, you have the right to expel the members who have joined. You need to pay 3,000 points for each expelled team member. The team level has been reduced by one."

Next, Lao Huang and Qin Yan also signed their names on the contract.

After the final confirmation, the covenant scroll flashed red and disappeared.

Lin Xiao sighed speechlessly: "Well, I lost 1,000 points before I became a teacher. I must make a lot of money this time."

"..." Everyone was speechless.

They know that Lin Xiao's last two missions, each of which earned nearly 20,000 points, and they still want to make a lot of money? You think too much!

After signing the contract, everyone gave Lao Huang 500 points. After all, this scroll was bought by Lao Huang at a cost of 2,000 points, so he could not pay for it. Lao Huang was not pretentious and calmly accepted these points. Brothers still have to settle accounts clearly, and some things can't be vaguely taken.

After finishing the biggest problem, several people quickly inventoryed the equipment and then went to the task release office together.

"I hope I can make a lot of money this time. It's better to get a few more side plots, so that I can buy barbarian blood, hahaha."

"Well, if you disappoint me, you will die." This is Sister Qin.

“...... Come on!" This is Feng Xiaoxi.


Lin Xiao looked at the three people and was slightly moved. Everyone knew the danger of the mission world, but the three of them were willing to fight with him. This friendship was very heavy.


A crisp prompt from the dominant imprint:

Tip: Go to the transmission area immediately and prepare to enter the mission world.

Mission Scene: Mummy Battle: Legend of Ghosts.

Preparation time: 20 minutes left.

“...... Let's go!"