Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 024 The aggrieved Imorton

When Eve died, O'Connor was almost crazy. He cursed incomprehensible dialects and rushed to the two guys who were still on the altar with guns.

A bullet came and brushed over Ansuna's arm, bringing a bloody flower. Naturally, the injury was a minor injury, but it made Imutton furious. This bald man, who smelled like a noble gentleman, opened his eyes and raised his hand to wave a hurricane. And at this moment, the change came again.

A beam suddenly lit up on Ansuna's wrist and shot straight into the air. A three-dimensional light map with a 3D taste clearly unfolds in front of everyone, silently telling the ancient history.

"This is...!!" In the tomb, there was Imutton's roar.

On the screen, it is the life record of the Demon Scorpion Emperor! From defeat to selling souls, to commanding the death army to capture Thebez!

The Scorpion King, also known as the Demon Scorpion Emperor, is said to be a warrior from Africa. He led his army to try to conquer the world, and the first country to conquer was ancient Egypt, so he made the poor peasant army attack Egypt, but he was blocked in front of the city of Thebis. Before and after the battle After a long time, the Scorpion Emperor was finally defeated outside Thebeth and had to take his remaining troops to escape into the sacred desert Amshe.

There, his subordinates kept dying, and finally he was still alive. Until he was about to die, he made a wish to Anubis, the Egyptian god of death. As long as he spared his life and let him conquer the enemy, he would sacrifice his soul. So Death Anubis agreed to his request and gave him a Death bracelet to control the Death Legion. After he captured Thebis, Anubis took his soul according to the contract.

A non-yin and non-yang voice suddenly sounded: "The man who put on the bracelet of death, you have seven days to defeat the previous successor and gain my strength, otherwise in seven days, I will harvest your soul!"

The sound is low and depressing, but it makes people unable to stop suppressing and trembling. It is a kind of fear that comes from the depths of the soul. It seems that there is some unknown great existence looking down on him, and even his soul has been exposed.

Shocked by this, Oconno also temporarily stopped attacking and looked at the sky in a fron.

"No, no!!" Emoton roared: "Death bracelet, Legion of the Dead... But you can't put it on Ansuna!"

After the resurrection, Ansuna is just an ordinary person. Unlike Imington, she is not the kind of monster that can live forever. With her fragile body, she has been put on this deadly shackle for seven days, which really hurts Imington's heart... Although he didn't say it heartfeltly.

Ansuna also understood what had happened. She didn't say anything, but hugged Emulton's body tightly and buried her face deep in her lover's arms.

"What the hell is going on?! How did the Death bracelet appear on Ansuna's body?!"

No one answers this question, let alone those who know the answer. Only Qin Yan silently glanced at Eve, who had turned into a mummified corpse, and sighed quietly.

Death bracelet, after wearing it, it is not the body, but the soul... Eve's soul has been sacrificed. As a price for deceiving the god of death, the curse of the god of death bracelet then transferred to Ansuna... Is that so?

The huge underground tomb was silent for a moment, and the red-eyed Oconno roared again and was about to rush up again with Jonathan with a gun. Lao Huang, who had been silent behind him, suddenly took action and knocked on their necks like lightning. The two men snorted and fainted to the ground.

"What are you doing?" An adventurer was shocked and unconsciously raised the weapon in his hand and pointed to Lao Huang.

"Idiot." Behind the scenes, someone secretly cursed.

The adventurer was still confused and asked himself, "Why do you call me an idiot?"


Lin Xiao didn't look at him, but walked to the crazy Emoton and said lightly, "The high priest, it has happened, and it's useless to complain about it. At this time, we should think about the solution. Instead of being angry aimlessly... What do you say?"

"You... It's you!" The high priest suddenly turned his head and stared at Lin Xiao with black eyes, and his tone was full of cold murder: "Although I don't know what means you used, my intuition tells me that all this is your conspiracy!"

While talking, a yellow sandstorm has surged around him, condensed into an earth-colored dragon, and swallowed it to Lin Xiao.

He is a high priest and a person who controls the punishment of life and death. In his opinion, murder does not need evidence. As long as he wants to kill, he will never let it go. What's more, he has determined that this matter has absolutely something to do with the hateful man in front of him.

At the moment when the yellow sand earth dragon appeared, Lin Xiao suddenly opened a golden shield on his body, shining brightly and blocking Imington's magic.

"This is...!" Ansuna opened her little mouth.

"Golden Shield!!" Emerton's face was gloomy. These guys killed the resurrection pharaoh, but they didn't expect to get this good thing.

This golden shield was naturally borrowed by Lin Xiao from Bai Yu, but the price is not small - 500 points. In order to get the golden shield, Bai Yu even became underwear. No one will put so many points on his body, and Bai Yu is no exception. For the golden shield, his other equipment on his body has almost been sold cleanly.

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Mr. High Priest, attacking friends is not your demeanor."

Other adventurers stood aside silently and stared at the "confrontation" between Lin Xiao and Imerson.

Imoton snorted coldly, with one hand, several mummy guards stepped neatly from the shadows and rushed out. Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and raised his one hand. Several burning columns of fire rose from the ground and swallowed up the mummy guards.

"Mr. Emulton, is this your hospitality?" Lin Xiao's voice has cooled down, "If you want to fight, we will accompany you. At worst, you will collapse the capital of the dead!" But don't forget that your lover Ansuna is still cursed by death. If Ansuna's soul falls into the hands of death, I think it will be difficult for you to grab the prey from the hands of death, right?

Imoton snorted coldly and looked terrible. Although he claims to be a big monster that can destroy the world, his magic power is only given by the god of Anubis. If Anusuna's soul is harvested by Anubis, it is simply delusional to recall it with magic. Lin Xiao's words can be said to really hurt his feet.

"What do you want?" Imutton finally spoke again.

"It's very simple. First of all, our 'deal' should be completed, right?" Lin Xiao smiled slightly and said, "I helped you successfully resurrect your lover An Suna, so... What about the part I deserve?"

"..." A group of adventurers have been stupid. This is... What is this?

A adventurer is actually bargaining with the ultimate boss, and it seems to have the upper hand? If everything hadn't happened clearly in front of their eyes, others would have thought they were crazy! I thought that coming to Hamnata would be a life-to-death battle, but your relaxed and leisurely atmosphere like afternoon tea is going to be like that?!

Imoton's eyes flashed for a moment and didn't know what he was thinking. Finally, he snorted coldly and said, "How can my great Imoton repent of the contract with the humble ants?"

Imoton is very arrogant. He opened his mouth and closed his mouth as an ant servant, which made people unhappy, but Lin Xiao did not care about it at this time, but listened carefully to the prompt sound in his ear.

"Ding: You have completed the hidden task and resurrect Anzuna. You got 2,000 points, 1 C-level side plot.

Ding: Unlock the use of the Bible of the Dead. Current usage rights: 100%.

"Ding: Imington's favorability of you has decreased by 10, and it is currently -5. Both sides are in a state of disgust and may suddenly attack you."

Lin Xiao curled her lips and automatically ignored the last hint. However, the favorability has become negative, and now it is impossible to feel what has changed in the Bible of the Dead.

is sighing, but Imoton is distressed again: "Lin, the true scriptures of the sun, give it to me!"

"..." The adventurer's heart is tight. Imutton finally mentioned the true scriptures of the sun. Imutton's resentment is obviously quite deep about the true scriptures in the original work that can send him back to hell and was severely slapped in the face when Cairo was destroyed.

"No!" Lin Xiao shook his head as a bachelor and said, "This thing is designated by our 'boss'. You can't leave my control, otherwise the 'boss' will get angry and no one can afford it."

“...... Boss?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Lin Xiao tilted her eyes and said in an unusually awkward tone, "Oh, my boss, that's a great figure. I think what a beautiful scene it was when I traveled south with my boss!... Well, the specific description is to punch Nanshan nursing home and kick Beihai kindergarten. Put it down below one meter. Walking on the street, carrying a brick, everyone can run with their heads in one eye. When they get home, they can fart, which can resound through half of the sky..."

"..." Everyone's mouth twitches. This guy is too good at pulling this.

Finally, Lin Xiao said in a concluding tone after the leader's speech: "... Anyway, our boss is such a person. And our strength is also given by him. I'm not afraid to tell you that we are just a team of soldiers. The really powerful guys are squatting at home drinking tea and farting.

Imoton frowned and had a big head. Although he didn't believe Lin Xiao's nonsense, the "boss" in Lin Xiao's mouth made him have two points of scruples.

A person who can create so many powerful "warriors" must be extraordinary.