Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 032 Red Police Base Vehicle

When a person has the speed of a cheetah, the agility of the ape, and the great power of the elephant, it is really not difficult to fly around the wall, pick leaves and flowers...

After three minutes, the battle was over. Two European and American adventurers fell to the ground with scars all over their bodies. One's throat was cut open, the other's heart was pierced, and his eyes bulged to death... Unwilling! I just killed a gorilla in the chaos and didn't do anything unreasonable. This kind of idea of "slilies and clams competing for the profits of fishermen" has existed in ancient times. Why did the fisherman finally make a lot of money, but he lost his life?! I still have cards, and I also have killing moves. If I hadn't happened to meet such an assassin-type adventurer, if it hadn't been for the prohibition of using large-scale weapons, if it hadn't been for the scum teammate around me, if not...

It's a pity that there is no if in life. There is no save function of stand-alone games here. If you fail, you can't come back.

Too much anger, too much unwillingness, despair of life, hatred of reality, suddenly dispersed at this moment before death, it turned out that... Are you so cowardly?

The adventurer named Jack coughed blood, his cut throat sneered, and his eyes looked at the sky lax... Death is both the beginning and the end.

"Haha, I told you, Sister Qin, one topped two." Seeing the female killer walking this way, the dagger in her hand was still stained with blood that had not yet dried up. His cold eyes and ruthless face immediately stimulated everyone, and Xu Le immediately flattered him without integrity.

"Oh, hehe, that's right, I think so too." After seeing Qin Yan kill the two people like a dance just now, the uncle felt that his legs trembled and his heart couldn't help trembling. Grandma's legs, if it hadn't been for begging for mercy just now, I'm afraid that his end would not have been much better than those two people, right?

"The heroic and valiant, the hero among the women, the unyielding heroine, you..." The uncle racked his brains to compliment, for fear that Sister Qin would also come and "cock" herself like that just now. I was so scared that even my voice trembled a little. With the annoying male duck voice, ordinary people really can't stand it.

"Shut up." Qin Yan glanced coldly, and the uncle immediately stood aside as if he were a cicada.

Walking to Lin Xiao's side, Qin Yujie said lightly, "That gunman, um, yes, is the one whose throat was cut by me. There seems to be a good thing on his body."

Lin Xiao was surprised. Sister Qin is cold-hearted and far-sighted. There are not many people who can make her admit that she is a good thing. Obviously, the European and American adventurer who used the gun "contributed" to a bad booty on his deathbed.

"No, look at it yourself." As soon as Sister Qin raised her hand, a string of information appeared on the public panel.

"Red Alert Base Vehicle: Portable small base vehicle, where owners can build infantry, military facilities, tanks, and war weapons after spending certain resources. The selling price of this prop: 8,000 points.

"Note: Nothing based on the base car cannot bring out the current world."

Note: In addition to the resources needed, it will take some time to create any unit. In this process, the base car has no defense at all.

"Note: The function of the base car is incomplete. If you have any questions, the master will not be responsible."

โ€œ...... Is this the overlord clause? Lin Xiao complained and then looked at the last line of small words: "Because this item has exceeded the current world's science and technology for 100 years, it cannot be used in this world."

โ€œ...... Shit!" Only now did Lin Xiao understand what happened to Jack's expression of resentment and unwillingness when he died. Who will be happy if he holds such a big killer in his hand but can't use it because of the master's bullshit?! Unexpectedly, the master also learned to cheat.

However, Sister Qin's luck is indeed good. She got such a super prop at a random draw, but it is more than a thousand times stronger than Lin Xiao's luck.

"Red Alert, my favorite game when I was in high school." Xu Le was very excited: "At that time, the school was strictly controlled, so I climbed over the wall with my friends at night, went straight to the nearest Internet cafe, and then started a war. I can often play all night without sleeping, and the next day I will be punished by the boss with double panda eyes... Hahaha."

Red Alert is a real-time strategy game (RTS) released in 2000. It was originally just an expansion pack of Command and Conquest, but the mode is too powerful, so it became popular and became one of the favorite games of the 80s and even 90s. The popularity is only slightly worse than the King of Fighters in the arcade.

There are three games so far. The first * is: In 1950, Dr. Einstein invented the time machine, returned to 1933, and killed the eternal sinner Hitler. At first, Einstein thought that this would avoid World War II and bring about world peace. But World War II did not disappear, and until 1950: Stalin replaced Hitler and the Soviet Union attacked the world. For world peace, the United States and Britain formed an allied force to declare war on the Soviet Union.

Allied ending: After a series of battles, including the use of cutting-edge technologies such as space-time transmitters developed by Einstein, the Allies finally captured Moscow and flattened the Kremlin. A group of Allied soldiers found the dying Stalin in the rubble. Senior Allied officers dressed as Kane deceived their subordinates and ordered them to leave. Later, Stalin was killed by Kane on the spot, so that no one knew Kane's origin and where he went. The plot is Red Alert 2.

The general plot of Red Alert 2 is: After Stalin's death, the United States supported Romanov (the descendant of the Russian Tsar) as the puppet Prime Minister of the Soviet Union. But Romanov attacked the United States when the Mexican people triggered *. And it used mind control to control the residents of major cities in the United States and made them fight for the Soviet Union.

Allied ending: Relying on Einstein's space-time transmitter, the Allies defeated Moscow, and Romanov was captured by Tanya and sent to London for trial. The sequel is Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.

Soviet ending: Yuri murdered Romanov and General Villadimo in order to seize power. Later, he was intercepted by Soviet intelligence agents before Romanov's death. The later story revolved around the main theme of "Revenge for the Prime Minister". Later, the player-controlled commander successfully unified the world and developed the space industry. At the end, Yuri's brain roared, "I will take revenge!", opening the prelude to Yuri's Revenge.

As for Red Alert 3 and so on, don't mention it. It is just an engine built to cater to the public gimmicks. Without the support of the old generation of hardcore fans, it finally broke the halberd.

Red Alert, StarCraft, Warcraft's Frozen Throne... These games that carry childhood dreams and memories have gradually moved away from us... Just like the comprehensive comic Doraemon, which began to be serialized in the 70th century, has been ups and down for decades. When I was a child, the most exciting thing was to wait for the cartoon to start every day. The story of the big bear and the robot cat makes people linger. Nowadays, even the author of the cartoon has passed away. Who remembers the beauty of the past? The time machine that travels through ancient and modern times, the treasure bag that can take out all kinds of strange props...

(cough, let's popularize the ending of Doraemon. I believe many readers don't know.

There are many endings of Doraemon. Here is a choice that you prefer.

One day, as usual, Daxiong forgot to do his homework and was scolded by the teacher at school, and was beaten by Ji'an and Ah Fu as usual. Even the future wife* promised to marry someone else first. In a word, for Nobita, life is a series of bad.

Today is no different from yesterday. The only change is that Tinkerbell suddenly becomes a plant cat. No matter how Daxiong kicks, beats and scolds, Tinkerbell does not respond. Nobita cried all night because he didn't know what happened to Tinkerbell. However, no matter how sad Nobita was, Tinkerbell just sat there motionless. Nobita reached into his pocket, but there was nothing in his pocket. Then Nobita remembered the time plane in the drawer and went to Century in pajamas to find Tinker Bell's sister Tinker Bell.

Before Xiaoling fully listened to the instructions, he was urged by Daxiong to get on a plane and fly back to the 20th century. Little Bell saw that his brother did not move, and immediately knew that the battery had run out. When she was about to change the battery, Tinkerbell remembered a very important thing. There is no backup power supply... Nobita doesn't understand the meaning, just urges on the sidelines. Dingling had to ask Daxiong: Are you willing to let your brother and your memories disappear? The ears of the old cat robot are equipped with a backup power supply so that they can maintain their memory so far when charging. But... Tinkerbell has no ears! This is well known.) Daxiong finally solved the difficulties of the matter. All kinds of memories are rushing in Daxiong's mind. Nobita and Tinkerbell have flown to the past and future, have also been to the dinosaur world, the underwater world, and fought in the universe... Tinker Bell desperately explained to Nobita. If you want to install a new battery, Tinkerbell will lose all the memories he had with Daxiong when he wakes up. If the status quo is maintained, the memory will not disappear. As a result, Daxiong chose to maintain the status quo. At this time, Daxiong was still in the sixth grade of primary school.

Ten years later... Daxiong, who returned from abroad, has grown into a handsome and charming young man and worked in a cutting-edge technology enterprise. The bride beside him is exactly *. In those years, after Tinkerbell returned to the 22nd century, Nobita only told the people around him that Tinkerbell had returned to the future world. After a long time, no one will mention Tinkerbell. However, Tinker Bell has actually been kept in Daxiong's closet. In order to repair Tinkerbell, Daxiong studied hard, and then went to junior high school, high school and college, and his grades rose year by year. Finally, I went abroad to study in a famous university. Now, Nobita is in his own laboratory. He called his wife*, who was strictly forbidden to enter and leave the laboratory. Say to her: Look, I'm going to press the switch. After saying that, Daxiong couldn't help shed two strings of tears on his cheek. He studied hard for more than ten years just for this moment... For this moment, from a stupid student who always forgot to do his homework and his grades were relatively fast from the countdown to today's position... After the switch was pressed, there was a long silence...

Finally, Tinkerbell said, "Nobita, I've been waiting for you for a long time."


Time flies, and we are getting farther and farther away, and we have long forgotten the dreams and joys of our childhood. The more advanced the technology is, the farther the distance between people is.

Who still remembers our primary school deskmate and junior high school playmate? There is no unforgettable love in the world, and there is no feast that will never leave. Just like the fireworks in the sky, there will be a moment when they will dissipate.

Some people, some things, are destined to be sealed in our memories and buried in the long river of time.

...... May the years be safe and quiet in this life.

(Well, I'm sick of literature and art, and I'm starting to be pretentious again...)