Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 035 Sea of Warcraft 3

Boomed, the calm sea suddenly surged, like boiling water, churning endlessly. The whole boat floats like a lonely boat.

"The ship is going to capp!"

"There is something underwater!"

"Stabilize, all be steady!"

The seaboiled endlessly, and countless bubbles rose. After Lin Xiao shouted in a low voice, the whole boat was suddenly hit into the sky by a huge force, and everyone fell to someone like dumplings.

"Mou." A low roar sounded from the sea, and then a huge fish head with a mouth full of sharp fangs broke out of the water and bit Lao Huang fiercely.

"Grandma, such a big monster fish!" Lao Huang screamed, but his movements were not slow at all. He mentioned the cutter's axe and split it straight from the bottom up. Except for Director Carl, who was still shouting in panic, others were already prepared to be reminded by Lin Xiao.

"Puff." The huge axe cut down, broke a scale comparable to the size of a washbasin, broke a small wound on the fish's head, and sprayed warm, salty and wet blood.

hong!! The huge fish head smashed down and patted Lao Huang into the sea.

The huge waves are surging, and the calm sea seems to have incarnated into an angry devil at this moment, venting boundless power. The kayak has broken into two pieces and has been rolled up by the waves. Listen to Lin Xiao's voice loudly:

"Gather together, don't disperse, quickly move closer to the ship!"

The tanker was stranded in a reef group 400 to 500 meters away from the shore. At this time, it was only 100 meters away from everyone, which was the best choice for everyone to escape.

After saying that, Lin Xiao took out the "underwater breathing necklace" and plunged into the sea.

The sea is unusually clear, the sun shines obliquely into the water, and small plankton is clearly visible. Lin Xiao's sharp eyes soon found a person and a fish fighting together more than ten meters away.

It is a huge unknown fish with dark blue scales, comparable to the huge body of several fire carriages. There is a truck-sized single head, with blue-black scales on the body, 15 meters long from head to tail. At this time, in the sea, it is like a hegemon-level creature, fierce and extremely flexible. Several times, I almost swallowed Lao Huang.

Lin Xiao carried an underwater breathing necklace, so she naturally didn't have to think about suffocation. At present, she did not hesitate and swam quickly. The battle in the water is no better than that on land. With no borrowing, Lao Huang's situation is already precarious.

Seawater and air are two completely different media. In the sea, the power of firearms will be greatly reduced, and even the scales of this strange fish may not be broken. Lin Xiao swam shirtless to the strange fish fighting with Lao Huang and stabbed the blue flame spear in his hand into the eyes of the strange fish.

"Mou." The strange fish ate pain and roared angrily. The huge body was powerful, setting off a strong undercurrent, and the rolled Lin Xiao and the old yellow body couldn't help drifting away.

The fish is a cold-blooded animal with weak nerve sensory function, but this fat-headed fish was obviously angered by Lin Xiao's spear. With a blue flame burning in its left eye, it has rushed desperately, opened its mouth full of fangs and bit it at the head.

"Bang." Lin Xiao squinted in front of her, and two monsters with giant axes and dog-headed bodies suddenly appeared in front of her - the Death Guard. The death guard obviously could not adapt to the environment in the water. As soon as he appeared, his body began to melt. However, Lin Xiao did not expect these two death guards to solve the fat-headed fish. All he needed was two cannon fodder.

Lin Xiao took out more than a dozen triggers* from the team space. The two death guards felt that they had taken over, and then rushed to the mouth of the strange fish.

There is no reason not to eat the food sent to your mouth? In this vast ocean, all you need is to keep eating and growing. Any waste is shameful! Among the limited IQ of fat-headed fish, I can't understand that there is something in the world called "cannon fodder".

The two bodyguards of death quickly lost into the truck-sized fish head of the fat-headed fish, and even saved the time of chewing. Then he came to Lin Xiao again.

Lin Xiao smiled and said lightly, "3, 2...1!"

hong!! On the sea, a huge blood-red wave rose to the sky, and countless pieces of meat fell like rain, drenching everyone.

More than a dozen* exploded from the inside at the same time, and the rapidly expanding energy collided in the relatively narrow fish belly space. When the vent could not be found, the final result was only one... Shattered bones!!

The master prompt sounded: "Ding: You killed a shallow sea fish, and you got 20 winning points."

"Ha, that is to say, is this big fish only equivalent to a level 3 creature?"


With two "la" sounds, Lin Xiao and Lao Huang came out of their heads from the sea. What was speechless, the fish head comparable to the truck was half sinking in the water, staring at the burned eyes and looking at Lin Xiao with "resentment".

Lin Xiao sighed: "It's all caused by greed..."

The battle in the sea is only a few tens of seconds. Qin Yujie Xu Le and others have taken Director Carl and are about to swim to the side of the ship. The sailors on the ship obviously also found the terrorist attack 100 meters away and did not hesitate to throw a few thick cables from the boat.

Just now, the fat-headed fish was blown up by a string of powdered bones, and blood and internal organs were sprinkled all over the sky. Within a radius of dozens of meters, the sea was a dark red color, and the blood smell was blowing. As soon as the spiritual scanning was opened, dense and complex signals suddenly appeared in Lin Xiao's mind. These signals are not language, but they can easily understand the meaning... Food, a lot of food! Delicious food!

In his heart, Lin Xiao said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

The two did not dare to stay long and quickly swam to the big boat. Just a few seconds after leaving, a tentacle with folds and suction cups on a thick and smooth surface quietly stretched out from the water, and a fish head the size of the truck was pulled into the water.

"..." Lin Xiao and Lao Huang looked at each other and sweated on their foreheads. The sense of danger from this tentacle is even stronger than when facing Donkey Kong. What kind of monster is he catow?!

"Wow", and several tentacles broke through the surface of the water, rolled up the half-sink and half-floating fish corpses on the sea surface, and quietly dragged them into the sea.

The two swam to the side of the boat, grabbed the cable and climbed onto the ship. Then he looked up at the sea stained with blood. In this moment, countless giant fish that smelled fish have arrived. The originally quiet sea raised huge waves from time to time, and a huge body loomed in the sea. Lin Xiao saw a trident tail comparable to the size of a giant whale, and a black and white sea snake, like a dragon in the sea. Fly up and down.

When did sailors see such huge creatures? They stood by the boat in a daze and didn't dare to breathe. A sea snake is more than ten meters long and has such a thick trunk. Compared with these giant creatures, the water monster of Loch Ness is a scum!!

"Hum!" The deep whimper suddenly sounded from all directions. In Lin Xiao's perception, a very strong sense of danger quickly emerged from the depths of the ocean.

"There's a powerful guy coming out!"

The huge fish that competed to devour the meat and internal organs on the sea also obviously sensed the danger approaching, and tried to escape in panic one by one, setting off a huge wave on the sea.


Twelve tentacles as thick as the century-old giant trees in the forest suddenly pierced the sea and rose to the sky. These tentacles are all 30 to 40 meters long, and the surface is full of meat folds, covered with moss and even absorb some basin-sized shellfish. On the tentacles, there are pelvic-sized scars like "eyes", countless dozens or hundreds.

After these "eyes" opened, everyone suddenly took a deep breath - what the hell are the eyes! It's obviously a horrible mouthpiece full of palms and white teeth!

"I poked, what is this?" Not only the sailors, but also the adventurers were a little stunned. When did the big guy see such a horrible creature? It was only a small part exposed on the sea, which has brought endless horror to people!

Wangyang Giant Beast! Deep sea fear!!

Boom!! The mouth instruments on the twelve tentacles opened, and the countless dense **-like sharp teeth scared people, one by one wrapped in a hurricane and slapped down into the ocean.

The huge waves are surging, the sea is boiling, and the oil tankers stuck in the reef are also ups and down. The salty and wet sea water watered everyone's faces, but no one dares to move. Endless fear filled everyone's hearts, as if even breathing would stop.

Everyone can clearly see that after the huge tentacle fell, countless creatures that had no time to escape were bitten by the tentacle and thrown into the air.

What kind of monsters are those!!... There are dozens of meters of strange fish with meat limbs under the long abdomen, black and white sea snakes comparable to the thickness of buckets, and two razors than shovels and huge ink-blue lobsters. There are... These creatures caught by tentacles are different, and the only thing they have in common is that they are amazingly huge!

"Wrath", followed by a more horrible scene.

The sea is no longer rough, but a huge whirlpool appears. As the rolling sea water disappears, the "black hole" gradually rises and finally becomes a huge mouthpart! Countless completely ferocious teeth, each of which is several meters long and dense, which makes people's scalp numb. When this breath all surfaced, everyone really saw that the huge mouth device was comparable to the size of half a ship!!

" hiss~~" Everyone took a cold breath and looked at the huge breath coming out of the broken water, and their eyes were dull and shocked.

A cruel and bloody scene was staged 100 meters away, revealing the cruel law of the jungle. Those huge sea creatures that were caught also seemed to be aware of the coming of the doomsday, struggling one by one, but with no effect. In the end, he was slowly sent into the ferocious mouth device.

"Cock", the creepy chewing sound came from afar, making people chill behind their backs. The countless ferocious sharp teeth kept staggering, and the marine creatures that fell into them were twisted into pieces. Blood mixed with minced meat and internal organs, dyed the sea red... It's an unspeakable fear that goes deep into the bone marrow...

I don't know how long this scene lasted. After all the prey was swallowed up, the huge mouthpart slowly shrank into the sea. With the disappearance of more than a dozen tentacles, the sea finally calmed down, leaving only a dark red ocean, indicating the bloody feast that had just happened.