Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 047 Great scuffle: eight clouds

This is a melee intertwined by multiple forces. Ocean and land, civilization and barbarism, technology vs. primitive, is a collision between life and death, blood and flesh.

War has always needed no reason, just waiting for the final winner to write a distorted history.

People are different from beasts because they can think and create. Humans are no different from beasts. When their lives are threatened, they will definitely fight back crazily. Drag many parties to hell at all costs - I won't lose if I die!!

Adventurers who walk on the edge of life and death are indifferent on the surface. In fact, only when they have experienced the great horror of life and death will they cherish every day of life... So, the adventurers stormed away.

The deep-sea giant octopus is very powerful and powerful. Powerful enough to easily destroy a ship and sweep a fjord. But when it faced a group of red-eyed human beings, and all human beings with endless and strange elves props, it was eventually overturned.

From ancient times to the present, human beings are by no means the most powerful creatures in nature. Far away are Jurassic dinosaurs, and nearby are lions on the African savannah. We don't have the agility of apes, the wings of eagles, and the sharp teeth of tigers, but in the end, human beings stand at the top of the earth's food chain... A vivid history of blood and tears warns us that human beings are by no means easy creatures to mess with!

"Up! Damn it! A big octopus, drag a wool!"

"I can still go to college. I like to drink beer and eat grilled squid in winter. I eat three skewers without hiccups."

"This monster is fierce in the water. Big guys should pay attention to the distance and never get close to it within 50 meters! If there are long-range attack methods to attack together, there are many people and great power. As long as we work together, we will always kill it!"


How can you say that there are more people and powerful? No one has two hot weapons for long-range attacks, and they are embarrassed to say that they are senior adventurers when they go out. At this time, hundreds of people opened fire together, which was really an overwhelming blow without dead corners. After all, Kungel's big octopus is a beast, but the adventurer is a high-tech-armed warrior. When the weapon representing the crystallization of civilization and wisdom hits the body, the result is self-evident...

The firepower is fierce. Although only nearly 100 people attacked, the scene is absolutely comparable to a thousand-person legion scuffle. Countless fire tongues splashed, and the roar of bullets faintly suppressed the roar of the big octopus. Kungril's big octopus is very powerful, but its body is not made of diamond bones. It was set fire by so many guns, and soon another tentacle was interrupted, and the black disgusting juice was thrown everywhere.

Lin Xiao looked up and really found several extremely fierce fire points.

The first place is naturally the nearly 100 robot warrior of the cyan fantasy team. These robots from "Mechanical Enemy" attack neatly and uniformly, which is more stable than the most iron-blooded army. At that angle, the firepower said that it would never hit the east and the west, and shot in one round, which could at least blow a tentacle with a thousand holes. It's just that the weapons are a little old and can't cause greater casualties.

The second place is the Iron Man suit of the two white brothers. The movie Iron Man is not popularized here. I believe everyone has seen it. It is an absolute Hollywood pure science fiction visual blockbuster. Lin Xiao heard people talk about it in the bar. This film should be a two-difficult scene, and I don't know how the two brothers got it. Anyway, I saw a superman wrapped in metal flying in the sky, with shooting holes all over his body, and the firepower was very fierce.

The third place is an adventurer in the East District. This guy freed a land mecha, which is the unusually hard-to-kill heavy fireman of Borderlands. The two hands held a 12-barre Gatling machine gun, wrapped in a yellow orange bullet chain. At this time, the good guy was like setting off a firecracker. After a while, the abandoned shell shell that bounced out piled up a "golden mountain" at the foot of the goods.

These fierce guys are naturally the main output, but others are not idle. Basically, powerful efforts, powerless flag shouting... Er, Kunculil's big octopus is really rough and thick. Don't be ashamed to take out the pistol or something, so some adventurers can only look aside. As the master of the close combat route, no one dares to come forward to show off his skills...

The big guy tacitly followed the battle policy of the enemy's advance and retreat. After more than a minute of firepower poured out, no one hung in the hands of the big octopus!

The battlefield has always been a place for men to release ** and burn blood. Seeing so many people besieging Kungurier octopus, Xu Le has already roared and rubbed his palms.

" boss, I'm going to go too. I can't help it!"

Lin Xiao said, "Ha, are you going to tickle the other party with a pistol, or use a knife to manicure the other party?"

"Within't such a mockery." Xu Le looked bitterly, "I'm an assistant. How can the job of fighting and killing be suitable for civilized people like me, don't you think so? Hey hey."

"..." Lin Xiao rolled her eyes and took out the black sniper rifle that had been collected before from the storage space. "Here, here you are. This gun is quite powerful. Don't take your little pistol out and humiliate."

"Haha, brother, you are my own brother!!"

As mentioned above, the power of firearms is unchanged. Bullets shooting tofu and shooting at the human body are completely different things. Bullets that can penetrate the human body do not necessarily have the ability to drill holes in bricks. Of course, fake coal bricks do not count~~ The improvement of the physical quality of adventurers is an all-round enhancement, not only Power speed, these appearances, internal muscle strength, reaction speed, self-healing ability, recovery ability, cell resistance, and even metabolism are much stronger than ordinary people.

For example, Brother Superman, people can flatten bullets with their eyelids. For this kind of person, the nuclear bomb can't hurt him a few hairs. A pistol is useless.

Xu Le took over the sniper rifle and opened the lens very happily. Anyway, he is also a person who has strengthened his expertise in firearms, and this little thing can be started as soon as he touches it. I saw this one half kneeling on the ground, holding the gun handle on his left shoulder, and saying, "Wind direction, southwest wind, level 2. Humidity has no effect. The light is bright..."

Lin Xiao couldn't hold his foot and kicked this guy over: "You treat me as an idiot. This gun comes with automatic aiming correction!"

"Hey, hey."

Many men like to play with guns, and powerful adventurers also like to carry one or two sniper rifles.

Although the effect may not be very large, as a man with a gun, many people can't help this desire. For example, two of the adventurers not far from Lin Xiao brought sniper guns, and they were 20mm caliber, which was absolutely horrible.

This latest machine gun caliber sniper gun launched by the Central Capital Arsenal uses a certain electromagnetic gun principle, and its striking power is not comparable to the previous 12.7mm sniper rifle.

The spiritual scan unfolded, and Lin Xiao could even hear the dialogue of the group of military enthusiasts.

"Snip Zhou Zheng for me."

Under the command of the leader, the two adventurers put down their backpacks and quickly assembled the sniper rifle. However, in a few seconds, two 20mm super-large sniper rifles appeared, and the bullets in the magazine were several 20cm thick bullets.

"I can't beat you, at least I will make you suffer a little."

In the ferocious sound, two super-large sniper guns were set up. Under the powerful arms of the two adventurers, there was no need to stand up at them at all, and they directly aimed at the Kungurier octopus in the distance.


In the roar of two at the same time, Lin Xiao only had an idea. At a distance of hundreds of meters, the bullet arrived in just 0.1 seconds.

A tentacle that was still dancing wildly was driven by this huge force and made a hole the size of two heads, and the smelly juice splashed everywhere.

"Damn." One person cursed angrily.

Another person said, "I'm going to be old. This monster is really not covered. A truck can also detonate you, not to mention a Balter electromagnetic sniper rifle like us! I didn't expect that it was useless to hit this monster. Isn't this obviously annoying?

"Well, this monster has the ability to move slowly away from the sea like scum. If it hadn't been for the master's rule that powerful weapons could not be used, I would have sent it to God.

"Wrong, this monster doesn't know how many sins he has done. He will definitely see Satan after death. It's strange that God is willing to accept it."

The other person continued to brag: "Hey, it's all about the rules that dominate this guy, otherwise I will throw a nuclear bomb down and solve it."

"Hey, if you give me a mecha in Gundam, I don't need to be tough. Zagu can solve this problem in minutes."

"Hey, brother, see you."

"Heroes have similar opinions. Hahaha."

"..." Lin Xiao listened for a while and rubbed his eyebrows speechlessly, "He meows, bragging! In the end, even the concave and convex man's transformer was pulled out! You think you're fighting a little monster!"