Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 079!

No one thought that the palm-sized silver metal plate would cause such a dazzling explosion... The fierce firelight swept the sky, and the light and heat released at that moment almost blinded other people's eyes! Under the terrible power, the hard rock ground seemed to melt into the water, and the black teenager with his right arm evolved into white-bone claws and turned into flying ash at the same time.

This is a bomb that is no less powerful than gravity*! ... The Wrath of the Sun God!

If you really think that Xu Le just shot a piece of scrap metal, then you are wrong. In fact, it is an integrated panel that absorbs solar energy, which contains energy that can be used by a city for three days! When some energy bursts out in an instant, the huge power is enough to destroy the world.

As a teenager struggling to survive at the bottom, Xu Le's physical fitness is not strong, but how can his experience be simple? You know, not everyone has a relationship with the master. Even if it is just a bottom-level shopping guide, it is still holding the public food of the "national", which is some kind of existence called "Gongwu ape"...


With the monitoring of the spy satellite overhead, the battle in the distance completely fell into the eyes of Lin Xiao and Adam.

Withdrawing his eyes, Adam was still expressionless and said calmly, "Your partner... Not bad."

At the same time, in the hidden valley of hundreds of meters, the heavy and cold robot raised his head again, and a red light bloomed in his eyes. The strange electronic synthesis sound echoed low: "Didi, in the target lock, choose to adopt the third... Boom!"

An illusory black hole suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the sound of the low horn slowly blew. A two-meter-tall, silent dog-headed warrior, holding a huge axe, flashing red eyes, and jumping out of the door. Death Guard!

"Roar~~" The first death guard to step out of the underworld roared excitedly, waved the huge axe in his hand and chopped down on his head.

The first mechanical terminator was caught off guard. The collision between the left shoulder and the giant axe directly splashed with big sparks, but the body made of steel was overwhelmed by the huge force, the body was twisted and deformed, and a pair of red electronic eyes flashed more and more rapid:

"Didi, encounter enemy attack, enemy attack! Enter a state of emergency battle!..."

The next moment, the cold and ruthless robot soldier raised the barrel in his hand at the same time, moving neatly, straddling and firing. Boom!

The smoke was all over the sky, and several death guards led by them directly exploded and torn into pieces of flames, but the seemingly weak door of summoning was indestructible, and the death guards gushed out one after another.

It's just a short clip, 500 death, all out!

The black torrent flowed quietly between the valleys, and with the appearance of the Five Hundred Death Guards, the air suddenly became dull!

One side is the reaper of life, the executioner of life, and the guardian of death! They come from the underworld and fight at the command of the summoner. Killing is their natural instinct, and destruction is their fanatical faith!

One side is the manufactured goods on the assembly line, the machine that follows the procedure, the mechanical soldier! They have no flesh and blood and no thoughts. As long as the core of energy is not destroyed, even if there is only one hand and one foot left, they can never stop fighting.

The similarities between the two are that there is no life, no fear of death, no end of life, and no more fighting. One side is a summoner and one side is a robot. When these two torrents collide, the whole earth trembles!

There was no shouting, no screaming, only the distant and desolate war horn, and the guns resounding through the sky. Two black torrents collided and fought in the valley, but set off a tragic momentum of thousands of troops and horses, straight to the sky.

"That... That's two monsters in the big melee!"

"Hsh~~ The two monster armies have made friends. I'm looking forward to it."

"That's good. If the two giants meet, they won't deal with us small fish and shrimps."

"It's better to lose both sides and die together!"

During the great melee of the ocean disaster, in addition to the deep-sea overlord octopus, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Titan giant ape, the most eye-catching was the appearance of 500 Death guards and mechanical legions.

Although the former is strong, it is uncontrollable and an indigenous creature of the world. But the death army of dog-headed people and metal robots are not indigenous anyway, are they? These two forces can even shake the monster army and change the situation. The most important thing is that this is the power in the hands of adventurers!

People are divided into three or six nine, and the world is absolutely unfair, which adventurers have a deep understanding. But, but! We are still struggling to fight for a skill and equipment, and others can already summon the legion and sweep the whole picture?

Well, we are all scum... In that battle, I don't know how many people lost their hearts and sighed sadly. At this time, when I saw the two giants fighting, I was finally in a good mood. Fight, fight hard, and die together, asshole!


On the top of the mountain, Adam raised his eyebrows and just wanted to speak, but Lin Xiao did not hesitate to take the lead. First is strong, and then suffers. In the face of a reincarnation with unknown depth and unpredictable methods, and then pretending to be B, it should really be struck by lightning.

click, the rock exploded, and two thin but powerful big hands poked out of the ground and grabbed Adam's legs.

The executioner!

Two huge and ugly fat monsters, half buried in the earth, wrapped around chains, and hugged two Adam with a ferocious smile.

The next moment, a blue-purple flame erupted like magma, breaking through the surface and rising to the sky! The extremely high-temperature flame burned, directly evaporating the air, and the scenery in the sight began to distort strangely.

This is more than that!

At the moment when the flames soared to the sky, Lin Xiao pointed, and a visible whirlwind rushed away from the palm of his hand and grew by geometric multiples, but in an instant it became a hurricane pillar connecting the sky and the earth.

The wind helps the fire, and the fire rises! At this moment, everyone took a cold breath for it, and a ferocious huge fire dragon burned half of the sky!

This is the joint blow of Lin Xiao's two magics, the strongest attack method without using the Bible of the Dead... The beacon is full of fire!

"It's useless." In the whirlwind of the flame, Adam's indifferent voice suddenly came. Lin Xiao's eyes sank, narrowed his eyes and tried to look at it. In the blurred and twisted light, a person slowly flew up. Behind him was... A pair of wings!

"Bo", the huge wings unfolded, and the flame hurricane actually shattered in an instant. In the splashing of Mars, Adam slowly flew up, his short and capable blonde hair turned into long white hair. A pair of eyes became more and more indifferent and ruthless, and the majestic voice was like the judgment of ancient gods. Pointing to Lin Xiao:

“...... I give you the death penalty!"

(PS1: Adam, you can imagine the blue dye in death. The description is not good, and you can't write the taste. I'm sorry.)

(PS 2: Today's update, yesterday's classmate party, I drank too much and had a splitting headache.)

(PS3: I can't reply to the book review area, because I forgot the reader's account... It's not that I don't reply, but it's not good.)