Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 082 Ghost King Mecha

While talking, Adam raised his hand again and put it on the bridge of his nose. Then it suddenly froze - the ordinary black-framed glasses that never left behind were set on fire in the explosion just now.

His fingers trembled slightly, and Adam suddenly opened his mouth, showing a smile that was worse than crying: "My glasses...!"

"Go to hell!!" His eyes, which had always been indifferent and without any emotion, turned slightly red. It can be imagined how angry Adam was at this time. God knows what those glasses meant to him.

โ€œ...... Ghost King Mecha!"

Above their heads, the sky suddenly tore a gap, and an unspeakable sense of danger came to her face. Lin Xiao actually had a feeling of running away uncontrollably!

Rumbled, a huge arm more than ten meters long and protrude from the black hole. The silver metal reflects the cold tone, which is dangerous and charming. The gorgeous streamlined shell perfectly interprets the combination of power and beauty. There is also a light sword burning white flame in the metal arm!

This light sword is 20 meters long, with blue lightning flowing on its surface, and even the air can't withstand its huge pressure and trembling and whining.

The huge sword crossed the sky and split down without any hesitation. Suddenly, there was a wail from the sky, and the air burst and roared. A no fancy blow, a groundbreaking blow! The sword light cut down, and it seemed that the world was overturned, and the huge wind pressure came to her face. Lin Xiao felt that she was like duckweed in the wind, and her hands and feet trembled uncontrollably!

Qin Yujie's black hair floated and flew backwards in mid-air. She looked at Lin Xiao with complex and warm eyes. The next moment, a huge lightsaber fell from the sky, and endless light and heat drowned the two.

โ€œ...... No!!"

At the moment when the huge sword fell, a shadow suddenly appeared beside Lin Xiao, but it was Qianben Ying, the puppet yin and yang master of the southern district who had fought last night.

In the face of the sword that seemed to split heaven and earth, Chimoto Sakura's empty and godless eyes also showed a look of fear and anxiety. Bei Teeth bit Ying's lips tightly, suddenly hugged Lin Xiao, and then the light flashed, and the two instantly turned into a virtual shadow and integrated into the space.

The earth trembled violently, the light sword fell, and the mountains piled up with rocks were directly cut open. A huge gap dozens of meters divided the peak into two, and the incision was as smooth as a mirror.

"Ka-cha", the black hole in the sky is still tearing, a huge metal robot with a standing head, a huge head, golden eyes emitting golden light, indifferent and ruthless, sweeping away. A shield in one hand and a light sword in the other hand, like a demon god, struggling out of the black hole.

At this moment, everyone is dull.

God, do you still let people live? Do you really want to kill it all? How can these perverts among adventurers!

Siye suddenly became quiet, and a hill-sized deep-sea octopus waved twelve tentacles, sweeping from the east. A huge metal robot comparable to concave and convex man stands quietly on the top of the mountain, like a god. The silver-white metal body reflects cold and ruthless light in the sun.

"That's... Ghost King Mecha!!!"

The adventurer who knows the goods has recognized the origin of this huge thing - it is simply the ultimate killing weapon in Red Alert 3, the ghost king mecha!

Ghost King Mecha: Red Alert 3, the ultimate single combat technology of the Rising Sun Empire, the cold executioner who destroys everything.

Design purpose: advanced anti-armor robot.

Manufacturer: Guri Garro Robotics Company (unofficially informed), mass producer: machine processing plant.

has attack methods: double-eyed dead light cannon, rotating torso, fully jointed limbs, unmanned, fully automated navigation, which has been designed and manufactured by Star Wars.

Skills: Brutal collision, destruction raid.

The body is made of outer space metal discovered by crazy scientists in the Rising Sun Empire. It has strong resistance and has the characteristics of automatic repair and energy replenishment.

Evaluation brief description: The human fighter armor is ten stories high and looks like an ugly cannibal wrapped in iron. The robot's eyes are hidden with energy weapons that can melt the tank in a few seconds, and his body can also become a terrible killing tool, smashing anything in front of him into pieces with his huge arms and shoulders.

In an early battlefield report, a tank platoon encountered a lonely ghost king mecha, and then... The tank platoon was completely destroyed, and the specific battle process was unknown.

The deep-sea octopus, the ghost king mecha, two giant beasts representing destruction and death, are lined up on two sides, facing each other from afar. At this moment, everyone is desperate.

People have to die than people, and goods have to be thrown away. They are also adventurers. Why is the gap so big?!

Someone summoned the deep-sea octopus, and some people controlled the executioner ghost king mecha. In front of these two giant beasts, others could do nothing but run for their lives!

After a brief silence, the two giant beasts coincidentally started to walk together, and the earth rumbled, like the overlord of the primitive flood, bumping into each other.

Everyone was silent, watching the fight between the two giant beasts, waiting for the final destruction and the final death...

At this time, one person lost his mind... Lin Xiao.

At the moment when the giant sword fell, Qianben Sakura and Lin Xiao were blurred together, which was a state that could isolate physical attacks, but the combat effectiveness of the Ghost King Mecha was too terrible. Even so, the two still suffered heavy losses. Under great pressure, blood spewed out of the pores and stained the two into blood.

Lin Xiaojing sat quietly on the ground, frowning slightly, and only felt that her chest was unprecedentedly uncomfortable, which seemed to have been cut into countless pieces, and her heart was painful.

"I am... What's wrong?"

Lin Xiao raised his bloody hands and wiped his face randomly. The eyes are sour and uncomfortable, as if something has flowed down, cold and sour.

"You cried." Chimoto Sakura knelt down next to Lin Xiao. Her empty eyes were full of tenderness, and her voice was crisp and pleasant, like the evening wind blowing wind chimes. "Look, your tears."

Lin Xiao was silent and clenched her hands so hard that her nails were deeply embedded in her palm. In my mind, I recalled many things that I couldn't touch...

I heard from the old man that he was found on a snowy night, and it has been 24 years in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xiao has known since he was a child that he is not a normal person. When others are immersed in the fantasy of Andersen's Fairy Tales, they can hold War and Peace for a day. In a car accident on the highway, others were disgusted and scared. They could drink soy milk and eat steamed buns and face the bleak blood and brain.

I spent a month planning the whole process of * Street Corner Construction Bank in detail. From the source of weapons, the distribution of police force, the timing of action, to the choice of escape route after the end, the destruction of stolen evidence, a set of painstaking plans, although it was not implemented in the end.

Lin Xiao has been a white-collar worker, a civilian, a seller of Taobao, and a thief. As for what follows on the street, it doesn't matter at all. He shuttled in the sea of people, but couldn't find his direction. Like a lonely traveler, wandering one stop at a time, watching lonely scenery and listening to lonely songs.

In my memory, this is my second tear, right?

The first time was when he was 13 years old. The old man who loved to drink and eat dog meat left. He, who had always been sad, shed tears for the first time. The second time...

It turns out that no matter how empty the heart is, will it be inadvertently filled by a figure?

...... Everyone has a city in their hearts, and the city is a city that people who want to forget but can't forget. The greatest pain in life is that you once had it.

"So..." Lin Xiao raised his head and his eyes were cold and ruthless, "Revenge!!"