Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 07 Dilemm!

White robe.

The age is unknown, the adventurer of the Eastern District, one of the four leaders of the two-difficulty team Yuntao, whose combat effectiveness is unknown, and the core of the team... Assist combatants.

Yes, the main strengthening direction of the white robe is similar to Xu Le. It takes the team-assisted route, with its own recovery aura and heroic aura. But the reason why he can become the main force and the core of protection of the team is his talent - blood connection!

"Blood connection, talent ability. Start time: 3 seconds, which can be interrupted during the start. After success, the lives of the team adventurer will be communicated with each other. Any one of the team adventurers who is attacked will receive the blood treatment of the connected adventurer. Unless all lives are killed at the same time, the adventurer will continue to recover and cannot die. Maximum number of links: 10 people.

This is a magical ability! Anyone who is not an idiot can understand the value of this skill!

It is also because of this ability that the white robe with weak combat nerves has become the core of the team, and the Yuntao team has become the top team of the second difficulty!

It can be said that the value of a white robe is even greater than the sum of others! As long as the white robe does not die, the Yuntao team will still be the same Yuntao team!

But now, the white robe is dead... The two waist-cut bodies fell to the ground, the upper body burned into ashes in the flames, and the lower body lay alone in the dust. A bar of appendix or caecum dragged to the ground, leaving a bloody mark.

The Avengers team was so dull that they couldn't believe their eyes.

Obviously, so many cards have been used, and the "blood connection" has been opened. Why are they still killed?!

No one knows this problem, but everyone understands that with the death of the white robe, the Yuntao team will no longer be the original Yuntao team...

Kill one or several people in an instant with extreme force, leaving an indelible and powerful impression on the other party. After all, the other party is a gray contract, and it is impossible to work together. As long as people are not united, it is easy to break through each other.

And the premise of all this is the death of the white robe! His talent made the Yuntao team a piece of iron plate, so at the first time, Lin Xiao included the white robe as the first person on the must-kill list! All subsequent actions are made for this goal... Including the initial weakness and the subsequent explosives, it is just to give the other party the determination not to fight hard. And the existence of the white robe makes the other party have some careless. After all, one side is an old strong team, and the other side is just a "novel" rookie.

So, taking advantage of various opportunities, the four members of the Tianshen team worked together to separate the white robe from the crowd and use all their force to kill with thunder!

All these actions are only for one goal - to kill the white robe!

One side is calculating, and the other side is paralyzed. One side was prepared for a long time, and the other side suddenly encountered an ambush, so the final result was... White robe, die!

As far as the battle plan is concerned, the initial goal is successfully completed. But just as Lin Xiao and others wanted to retreat, the iron-faced man trembled all over and took out a stone full of black magic lines to summon the stone!

The black stone was crushed, and an illusory banshee suddenly appeared in mid-air. The banshee has flesh wings on her back, ** her upper body, with a dry * wrinkled stick to her chest, and her eyes are amber. After appearing, he looked coldly at the iron-faced man in mid-air, and then suddenly opened his mouth, revealing four sharp fangs. At the same time, he suddenly howled!

The banshee is a virtual shadow, and there is no sound of howling, but it can be seen with the naked eye a circle of transparent ripples rolling and spreading. Everyone, including Lin Xiao, feels that their heads are suddenly twitching, as if someone is scratching inside with hundreds of scalpels! The silent fluctuation seemed to bring everyone to hell, and the whole head seemed to burst!

"The banshee howls!"

Lin Xiao snorted and only felt that it was dark in front of him, and two nosebleeds had been winding down. If you don't dare to stay anymore, turn around and run away.

Lao Huang and Qin Yan were also affected by howling, staggered down, and then got up and quickly disappeared. But the action was obviously affected.

Similarly, the mummy army gathered from the three sides was also fragmented like a sieve of chaff, quickly turning into a handful of yellow sand powder and dissipating in the air. Only one World War II gun and ammunition is left.

However, several mummies still threw out a large amount of * and tear gas according to Lin Xiao's instructions before they collapsed. Want to confuse the line of sight and buy time.

The iron surface strode out of the smoke, and the sound was cold, containing infinite murderous intent, saying:

"Chasing! Chasing separately! My banshee howled, and they couldn't recover in a short time! I'm going to frustrate them!"

After saying that, he looked at the virtual shadow of the banshee gradually dissipated in mid-air, with a gloomy face, and chased Lin Xiao first.

Lin Xiao killed the white robe, which is a greater loss than the death of dark clouds! This is an unforgettable hatred!

At this time, the mission world began for only more than half an hour, but what happened was shocking enough! The iron-faced man's petite of consolation for Lin Xiao has long disappeared, completely transforming into the belief and madness of killing!

A good layout, powerful attack, weird means... All this is affecting other people's beliefs, and with the death of the white robe, this uneasiness has increased sharply! If they are allowed to retreat, the collapse of the Yuntao team will be a fore for sure!

So the iron-faced man has to take action, even if he spends an S-level summoning stone!

For the revenge of friendship, for the maintenance of the team, and for everything, Lin Xiao and others must die!

Only blood can wash away the shame, and only the enemy's corpse can stabilize the army!


The city was full of fire. Lin Xiao wiped off her nosebleeds and staggered, but looked at the master's hint with a wry smile.

Ding: You are affected by the 'withering' effect of the banshee's howling. The movement speed is reduced by 20%, the recovery effect of treatment is reduced by 50%, and the duration is 30 minutes.

In the end, the banshee virtual shadow summoned by the iron-faced man was actually quite horrible. That cry alone destroyed Lin Xiao's health by 30%, and also added a rather disgusting BUFF effect.

Lin Xiao tried two recovery techniques, but it didn't work. Obviously, this "withering" effect is extremely high, and it cannot be solved by Lin Xiao's means.

For good, there are many buildings in the center of this huge wall, which has a bit of European classical style, and it can also be handled by virtue of the terrain. After hiding like a hide-and-seek for a few minutes, Lin Xiao added several more wounds, but stopped.

"No, I can't escape in my current state unless..."

Lin Xiao closed her eyes and suddenly opened a few seconds later. There was already a purple flame burning in her eyes. She took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled out, saying lightly:

"Here it comes."

At the end of the speech, a tall black figure rushed directly from the narrow alley on the right, holding a long-handled eyebrow sharp knife, wearing black fish scale armor, very fine workmanship, and wearing an iron antler helmet on his head! His scale armor seemed to be close to his body like a cloth robe, and his figure looked tall and thin, and the helmet on his head was pressed low. Seven or eight of ten people's faces were covered in the shadow, only a sharp chin, with a dark beard!

This is one of the four people chasing, and the fastest of them is the broken army! Lin Xiao doesn't know much about this person. But I also know that I have to make a choice... Either escape or fight!

This man's outfit is like an ancient general, nicknamed Broken Army. The general information is only known to be the core general of the Yuntao team. The weapon is a sharp eyebrow knife. His melee ability is not bad, but the specific skills are blank! At this time, Lin Xiao's situation consumed most of his mental strength in order to summon the mummy guard and kill the white robe. He was also severely damaged by the magic hair banshee, and other partners were no longer around and could only face it alone! But...

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao took a deep breath and directly drove the two previously controlled executioners to rush to him.

The broken army did not dodge in the face of the stabbed long gun, but just clenched the handle of the long-handled sharp knife, and the iron lock hit his scale armor. It could only splash a few sparks and was slipped and unloaded. There was also harsh friction, but the two executioners were old and exposed in front of the broken army!

The knife light was cut and extinguished, and two dry and fat heads flew up to the sky! These two executioners are just cannon fodder summoned by C-level magic, and they can only play a role in dealing with one-difficult adventurers. At this time, they can't even stop their footsteps when dealing with two-difficult adventurers! At this time, the pursuer broke the army and cut it horizontally, and the neck cavity of the two headless bodies surged gray, still maintaining the forward posture, rushed out a few meters away, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, Lin Xiao took out the silver left wheel. This B-class gun prop obtained from the novice task was magnificent and powerful, which was very popular with Lin Xiao. At this time, the sharp light of blue and white flashed on the mouth of the black hole aimed at it. It is a special type of bullet that will increase its power by 5% and have the effect of lightning paralysis. Lightning!

Although the defense power of iron armor is high, its electrical conductivity is also excellent!

Lin Xiao has been crawling all the way. Although he is not a melee adventurer, how keen he is to grasp the timing. Although the two executioners are not a single enemy, they exchanged their lives for the flaws that appeared in an instant when the broken army waved knives! Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly narrowed and pulled the trigger directly!

A group of blue and white electric light is aimed at the broken army and roaring!

This magic bullet. Since lightning is called lightning, its flight speed is also slightly higher than the rest of Taoist bullets. Although this broken army is naturally extraordinary in physical fitness, and there are obvious signs of agility, how can it be completely avoided in the face of an enhanced bullet with an initial speed of nearly 2 sound speed? Suddenly, he was shot in the chest, and the iron armor sonoroused, directly bursting out a fire.

Suddenly, the blue and white electric light stirred everywhere! The broken armor was thick, which seemed to remove all the lethality of the bullet body, but the electric power attached to it was transmitted from the knife surface into his fish scale iron armor without any damage to his body! After all, it was a bullet that cost 20 points per unit, which was powerful. At this time, the lightning roared, and the broken army was suddenly staggered back!

At this time, the two executioners who seemed to be "recovering corpses" suddenly burst out and did not hesitate to trap the broken army with their bodies. After all, it is an undead creature, and the loss of their head does not affect their actions at all. At this time, taking advantage of the moment when the broken army was paralyzed by thunder and lightning, the chain sounded, but it was rigidly entangled around the broken army!

Taking this opportunity, Lin Xiao began to accumulate Taoist bullets again. Lightning. Seeing the condensed familiar blue and white light, the broken military's face twitched, and the tiger roared directly forward!

"Two consecutive cuts!"