Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 010 Dark Chess

Chapter 010 Dark Chess

In the dark and narrow alley, a blue-black tail silently swings past, and the gentle "hist" sound makes people's scalp numb. If someone is willing to stop and watch, they will find the ten-meter-long ink-blue giant snake winding above his head...

Experimental studies have proved that the IQ of animals is not directly proportional to their volume. A whale in the deep sea is not necessarily smarter than a monkey in the jungle. This dark blue giant snake belongs to this column. The body more than ten meters long is ten times the size of the same kind, but the head is still the size of a nucleus. In its unclear consciousness, it should have followed the master's order to track the enemy, but... It smells so good. I really want to eat it...

The animal's instinct prompted it to wander from its owner's vision and move towards darkness to find the source of fragrance.

Finally, in a dark alley, it found a blood-red orchid, three leaves, swaying in the breeze, which was extremely attractive. But the hateful thing is that there is a person standing next to this petal, and he can feel the magnificent pressure from that person... The natural caution made it not attack rashly, but became a snake array, waiting for the opportunity.

After a moment of stalemate, when his patience was about to run out, layers of ripples suddenly appeared around the man's body and disappeared in an instant. Instead, a thin creature wrapped in white cloth appeared in place. It can feel that the thin creature that appeared this time is very weak.

"Eat him, eat him!" A voice shouted from the bottom of my heart. The biological instinct is telling it that as long as you eat this inconspicuous flower, you will definitely be very comfortable.

The owner's urging also sounded from the bottom of my heart.

The giant snake hesitated slightly, then attacked brazenly, swallowed the mummy guard, and then looked at the weak orchid on the ground...

(Well, the master summoned again... It's time to go back... However, it's warm and delicious...)


"First of all... Positioning transmission device, which is a trophy captured from the black teenager 'hunting' in the killing competition. It can be exchanged between teammates and summoned creatures, with a maximum radius of 500 meters and a cooling time of 60 minutes.

(Similar to the leader's proud move~~)

"Secondly, the broken army is wearing metal chain armor, and the hand is also holding metal objects, and the surrounding environment is mostly wood. According to the principle of positive and negative suction, unless he escapes immediately and runs as far as he can, he will never avoid Bai Yu's big move."

"So... from the moment when the broken army ruthlessly wanted to kill me instead of taking the opportunity to escape, his fate was doomed to death!"

Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes and slept on the deck with her "big" shape. He sucked a can of milk and patiently explained to Lao Huang and Qin Yan the key points of the war just now.

Ten minutes have passed since the handover of a short soldier just now. Qin Yujie was naturally the first to get rid of the pursuers by virtue of her speed, followed by Lao Huang, who suffered several heavy blows, jumped into the river and escaped her life. Among the three, Lin Xiao is the most miserable, and her vitality has been hit to single digits. If it hadn't been for the strange surprise attack of the gold medal and positioning transmission device, Lin Xiao would have died.

When he came back, Lin Xiao was seriously injured, and his abdomen was blurred with a burning smell. Five ribs were broken, and a big hole was opened in his chest. His internal organs were exposed to the air and was on the verge of death. At that time, Sister Qin's face was gloomy and planned to lose her temper, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to come out. In the end, it was Lin Xiao who "begged for mercy", and the beauty of Qin was willing to put up with this evil anger.

However, Lin Xiao's heavy blow was also remarkable. Under the joint attack with Bai Yu, he once again killed one of the core generals of the Yuntao team: the broken army.

In just an hour, the Yuntao team died one after another, breaking the core of the two teams, the white robe, presumably, at this time, people must have been panicked and civil unrest.

In addition, Lin Xiao killed the white robe with the "duel" mode of the killing badge, and can get half of the points and rewards of the white robe according to the rules. At this time, Comrade Baipao contributed more than 11,000 points and several quite good equipment.

One is an S-class prop: a drawing of cell activator. The manufactured cell activator can increase your cell reflex, increase your movement speed by 4%, attack speed by 6%, and reduce the upgrade proficiency of all skills by 23%. The reuse of this item is invalid. Note: The one that treats the injury of the eight gods is a cyto division agent, and the two cannot be mixed

One is the golden weapon: the Gatling heavy machine gun. The built-in skill transformation of this weapon is very powerful. After the arm is transformed into a Gatling heavy machine gun, the rate of fire is increased to 2000 rounds per minute. When attacking the enemy, the bullet has a 10% chance to cause double damage. It should be quite suitable for that kind of fire cover.

"Summoning invisible shield, green set equipment, one-handed use, before equipment, you need to increase the defense value by 10 points through soul binding, (equivalent to the defense effect increased by +10 points of physical strength, but there is no physical strength bonus), increase mental strength by 5 points, mental strength recovery speed 22%"

Equip comes with passive skills: absorb damage. When you use the shield to block all your opponent's attacks, there is a 50% chance to reduce all damage from the enemy. Reduce the damage value of your mental strength x0.8."

"Equipping this shield will make you use combat skills related to summoning, and the summoner has a 50% chance to temporarily increase level--1. After taking off the shield, the effect disappears.

"After taking off the shield, it will take 120 seconds to re-equip the equipment."

These props are good, but they cannot be quickly converted into corresponding resources. Except for Lin Xiao, a pseudo-summoner who can be equipped with the invisible shield of summoning, all other props are thrown into the common storage space and plan to make a decision after returning to the city.

The broken army died in Bai Yu's hands, but Bai Yu did not have a killing badge, so he only extracted three pieces of enemy equipment in the end. What's depressing is that Lin Xiao's red-eyed stealth clothes are lost.

The raft went down the stream, Lin Xiao lay comfortably on Qin Yujie's lap, injected with a nano repair solution, and the injury recovered in this short period of time.

The broken silver left wheel was placed flat on Lin Xiaodi's chest, and the knife of the broken army was directly cut at the junction of the barrel and the gun body of the silver plot weapon. Cut it directly into two sections, and the section is extremely smooth, revealing a new bright metal section.

However, after the experiment, Lin Xiao still got a good news outside the bad news.

Of course, the bad news is that this silver plot weapon can no longer be used - at least it cannot be used until it is repaired, and the pistol without a barrel certainly loses the basic functions of firearms.

The good news is that this pistol can be repaired as long as it is willing to pay a certain amount of repair points. A small exposure once again makes everyone despise the greedy nature of the master - money can make ghosts grind! Lin Xiao even maliciously guessed that when you have so many points, will even the master bow down...

The raft went down the stream, and when Lin Xiao recovered, a tall gray-white building finally appeared in front of the crowd - the headquarters of the Defense Force.

“...... Three-dimensional mobile device, shouldn't it be difficult?" Lao Huang's face is slightly red. "I always don't like roller coasters and other things, and I always feel unsteady~~"

"It's okay. I'm used to vomiting."
