Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 028 Invasion of the Palace

The morning light is faint.

Lin Xiao stood on the roof and looked up. The thick and silent rose wall like an ancient giant stood silently as before. On the huge wall, a team of soldiers with a solemn and sad look patrolled. The atmosphere was dull, as if black clouds were pressing the city and the mountain rain was about to come.

The narrow and narrow quiet alley outside the house has been blocked by refugees at this time. A famous yellow, thin and ragged civilian, with a dull face and godless eyes, sits in the shadows, as if he has lost his soul and can't see the hope of the future. Even those children a few years old seem to understand the hardships of the world, the coldness and warmth of human feelings, quietly lying in their parents' arms, quietly waiting for the arrival of the doomsday judgment.

Hope?...... Maybe it's gone.

The whole city is shrouded in heavy sadness, and those withered eyes make people tremble. Even though the adventurer is mentally tenacious, he can't help touching the scene and secretly sad.

This is the sadness of mankind and the sadness of the times.

At the same time, the dominant prompt sound also sounded:

"The end is born. Survive for seven days in the current scene.

Obviously, this is a survival task, which is often the most dangerous. Without saying anything, there are neither harsh restrictions nor painful punishment for failure, which shows more and more from the side how difficult it is to survive for seven days.

With a breath, Lin Xiao said:

"So many people's food, clothing, housing and transportation are problems, and the barren national strength will never afford so many people. So a new round of humanitarian destruction will begin again. Just like in Schindler's List, the concentration camp was burned. The only difference is that as long as they are bombarded out of the wall, naturally there are giants who are willing to 'do it' and even save the firewood consumed by burning the corpses.

With a sneer and a few words, Lin Xiao continued:

"Internal and external troubles are not external. There is no need to worry too much about giants, but the existence of aliens is a big problem. Ants bite dead elephants, not to mention monsters that are many times more powerful than ants! According to the average amount of meat per five people, an adult alien can be raised. Now the number of aliens outside the city wall is absolutely hundreds of! In addition, can aliens parasitize giants? Ha ha..."

Everyone shuddered. Parasitize the alien in the body of the extremely strong giant? God, what kind of monster will be cultivated!

“...... Therefore, as far as the current situation is concerned, the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it is for us. Internal and external troubles coupled with adventurers who are ready to move and have their own thoughts, the destruction of the human country is only a matter of time... We have to prepare for the worst.

"Qin Yan, the intelligence search about aliens and giants in the second region will be handed over to you and Bai Yu. Remember, be safe."

Beauty Qin nodded and smiled, "I promise to complete the task!"

"Lao Huang, the three of us go to the palace located in the center of the region to hide the 'last dawn' of the mission. The next step is to point to the palace..."

After the negotiation, the others had no objection, but Killer 47 chose to withdraw.

“...... Sorry, I'm used to being alone and not used to working with others. In addition, although this task can be shared, the reward of the task depends on how much effort you contribute in the process, so I want to complete it alone.

Looking at the back of Killer 47 disappearing around the corner, Lao Huang narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered, "Let him go like this? Will it expose our whereabouts? Do you want to..."

Lin Xiao shook his head: "Don't worry about him. He won't mess around until he sees the form clearly, because... He is a smart man. It's you, Comrade Huang. Recently, it's getting more and more murderous. It's not good. Do you want me to give you an ideological and political education class, ** a sentiment..."


The departure of Killer 47 has its own reason. This man is mysterious. He dares to bomb the huge wall by remotely controlling a broken plane. Naturally, he has its own adventure and cards. However, as Lin Xiao said, he is a smart man and will not stand in front of the situation without seeing the situation.


In this era, the level of productivity is quite low, and the development of science and technology is backward. Although there are inventions and creations of artillery and firearms, it is far from reaching the development level of the European industrial revolution in the Middle Ages. Along the way, the eyes are full of low brick and wooden houses, and the distinctive European style is mixed with the ancient Chinese style, which is amazing.

The distance between the two was extremely fast, but in just over an hour, they groped outside the palace. Even in different time and space, the royal family is still luxurious. Within a radius of hundreds of meters, pedestrians are not allowed to approach, and there is a soldier in silver armor and red helmet patrolling back and forth with swords.

"Great internal guards, elite arms. Strength 25, physical strength 30, mental strength 15, agility 20."

"Skill 1: Fighting specialty lv5, long-term training has created steel bones, and the combat effectiveness is amazing."

"skill 2: the emperor is majestic. The fanatical belief in the emperor greatly increases their resistance to the negative state. When faced with data judgment, it is advantageous to 2 correction plus 5.

"Skill 3: Iron friendship. When any two or more guards fight side by side, the attributes of the inner guards will be increased by 10% and superimposed by up to 100%. ( Note: The three irons of life: carrying guns together, going through windows together, and whoring together are the three irons of life~)"

Lao Huang frowned, "These guys are not weak. Will they be a little tricky to fight hard?"

"Then sneak in." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just observed that the soldiers are fast every three minutes. The wall of the inner courtyard of the palace is only 5 meters high, which is not a problem at all... Forget it, this operation is mainly to search for clues. You'd better meet me outside.

“...... Get out of here!"

Taking advantage of the gap of soldiers patrolling, Lin Xiao jumped lightly and climbed over the high wall. He was as dexterous as a cat falling into the hospital without a sound.

This is a knee-deep land of wormwood. The grass grows and the warbler flies, and the insects and frogs sing. Not far away is a spring water, and more than a dozen unnamed trees are scattered in the courtyard. It is the moment of spring, a cluster of flowers, majestic wind blowing, and the shadow of the trees is full of fragrance.

The scenery is beautiful and pleasant! Compared with those narrow, dark and smelly alleys outside, this is really a paradise on earth.

Standing up straight, Lin Xiao leisurely looked around her eyes and walked around. Suddenly, she felt that her left scalp was slightly numb, as if she felt some considerable dangerous threat. Turning around, I saw a seemingly inconspicuous dog kennel next to the next wall. There are two seemingly evil dogs living in it. The dog's fur is dark, its fur is oily and smooth, and it is holding its teeth. It half bows up. It seems that even the hair on its neck has straightened up, but it does not make a sound, but it gives people a very dangerous and strong feeling at a glance!

"I'm..." Lin Xiao cursed in her heart. The royal inner courtyard is still playing this primitive trick? As the saying goes, a dog that doesn't bark bites. This dog shines fiercely when it sees people's eyes. It doesn't look like a confusing thing, and there are dense patrol guards outside. The dog will inevitably attract the attention of soldiers when it barks, which is not small!"

These two vicious dogs are the size of an adult calf. They stare at Lin Xiao with two long tusks at the corners of their mouth, which makes people's scalp numb. At first glance, it's not easy to mess with.

Insight Launch!

"Pit: loyal vicious dog raised in the royal inner courtyard, strength 20, agility, 25, physical strength 30, mental strength 11. Skills: Slightly.

I don't know if it's a coincidence that the names of these two dogs are Pit Bulls. Lin Xiao has long heard about the name of this kind of vicious dog.

In the bloody dogfight. Pit dogs appear relatively with the highest frequency. This dog has uninjured skin, numb pain nerves, the strongest bite force, and agile movements. Crazy fighting and the most terrible super endurance. The figure is not amazing. It can easily bite and overturn nearly double the German wolf dog in more than ten seconds! The appearance of these two vicious dogs made Lin Xiao's search extremely complicated.

Pit Bull is a very fierce and loyal dog. It is not only good at biting. And he will not eat any food given by strangers. The strong vitality determines that if he can't be killed, the huge and terrible cry will make Lin Xiao pay the price of failure.