Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 039 Harvest

All the means came out, and almost killed the count with money. Lin Xiao did not dare to stay any longer and hurried away.

He is now seriously injured, the wound in his abdomen is still bleeding, the toxins are still eroding the surrounding muscles, and the nearby has rotted and purulent. The sequelae of using A-level magic also occurred. Under the excessive mental consumption, Lin Xiao almost fainted, had a splitting headache and almost fainted. I had to bite my lip and stride away.

When he met Lao Huang, his lips were already bitten and his mouth was full of blood without knowing it.

Lao Huang was shocked and hurriedly picked up Lin Xiao and ran to the hidden point. He asked, "Why did you suffer such a serious injury?"

It's false to say that you don't worry about it. The battle just now was so powerful, and the Titan came, and thousands of cannons were fired. It's hard not to know. Although Lin Xiao is a pervert, he is still a person. There are always times when he can't cope with it.

Lin Xiao smiled and said in an astringent voice, "When I meet some enemies, I can't help it. The noise is a little louder."

"Is it a little noisy? Obviously, it has shocked the whole world, okay?" Old Huang stared.


It's still daytime, and Lao Huang can't run around on the street at will. He finds a seemingly wealthy family and breaks into one of them and knocks down the owner of the house. Put Lin Xiao carefully in ** and asked:

"You are injured and highly poisoned. Why don't you use an antidote?"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "The antidote is free. If you can save it, you can save it. This time it's a big loss..."

Out of danger, with teammates beside them, the tense nerves can finally relax slightly. Lin Xiao only felt that her whole body was lazy and unable to lift a trace of strength, and the skin in her abdomen attacked by the female assassin had festered, forming a large black wound and flowing out disgusting and rotten thick water.

The blade is highly poisonous, and ordinary medicine snacks treat the symptoms but not the root causes. Lin Xiao was reluctant to give up a bottle of thousands of points of antidote, so she could only make up her heart to "scratch bones to cure poison".

While his mind was spinning, he saw several thick white candles burning on the main hall in the backyard. Lin Xiao endured the pain and asked Lao Huang to cut off the carrion from the wound, and then put the wound close to the burning candlelight. The wound rolled up the tender meat made an unpleasant burning smell and aziing sound. That kind of pain could not be described in words. He gritted his teeth silently and only felt black in front of him and sweating all over!

In just a few minutes, the wound was completely burned and the blood vessels were scolded. Lin Xiao took a deep breath. When she looked at her attributes, the poisoning was indeed relieved. So he took out special bandages to wrap the wound, took out a lot of snacks and desserts from the space, and swallowed them.

The health value and mental strength are slowly recovering, and Lin Xiao's spirit is much better. After a moment, he brushed a treatment for himself, and he has recovered half of it.

It wasn't long before Qin Yujie and Bai Yu, who went out to explore the intelligence, also returned one after another. Four people sat in the hall, Lin Xiao roughly told the experience just now, and everyone sighed.

In particular, Qin beauty, her eyes were full of unhrustling when she looked at Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao had no choice but to smile bitterly.

“...... That's all going through.

In this war, there is no reward. 30,000 points alone were spent, and Lin Xiao was also painful. She had no choice but to hope for the reward of hunting.

First of all, the hidden mission "dusty history" is completed, but this is a part of decryption, and the reward is not much, only 2,000 points.

Secondly, Lin Xiao launched an A-level killing skill and successfully killed three adventurers. Everyone drops a bloody key and automatically puts it into the private space.

Use the key to summon three crimson treasure chests.

"You got a bloody cloak. Van Helsing, the place of origin, is equipped with +10, agility +5, and has a 5% chance to avoid the enemy's non-directed attacks and skills. After equipping, you will be devoured by the undead, and your physical strength will be reduced by 10 points. Equipment requirements: agility 25, physical strength 20. It can be exchanged for 4,000 points.

"Note: This is a cloak made by the souls of the dead, and its former owners cherish it very much."

"Oh, what a soft feeling, just like the skin of a virgin - vampire count: de Kura."

"Dominant comment: Well, this is a mixed cloak, but at least some people will like it, won't they?"

The second treasure chest unexpectedly only gave a large piece of recovery cake, which made people speechless.

Delicious strawberry cheese. Origin "Dinosaur Quick Fight" is a proud work of a gangster pastry chef, which is a must-have snack for lunchtime. It can only be eaten in a non-combat state, and can instantly restore 300 health points without cooling. Recovery price: 800 points.

The third treasure chest is a strange skill book.

"Whirlwind series kicks. After launching Huang Feihong's Iron Chicken Fighting centipede, it can instantly kick out a series of seven-49 feet, causing 50% of the total damage to the enemy's own strength, and enter the hegemonic state and immune control skills. Learning requirements, 60 points of agility and 50 points of strength. Recycling price: 6000 points.

This skill book is eye-catching, in a hegemonic state and a strong outbreak. According to the dominant urine, if it is sold on the market, this book can sell at least nearly 20,000 points. Of course, no one will really sell this kind of best skill book.

"Haha, it's good. I heard that there is only one percent chance of opening a skill book by opening a treasure chest, and it's still such an excellent skill book."

Of course, Lin Xiao will not sell this skill book. Both Qin Yujie and Bai Yu can learn. Bai Yu, an ancient martial arts enhancer, is more suitable, so he throws it into the public space and waits to meet the conditions to learn.

In this way, in addition to making Lin Xiaoduo accumulate a few killing points, the contributed points are negligible.

"Well, other than that, it's the count... Because I used the duel battle of the killing badge, I got half of his points and rewards after killing the count... A total of 11,000 points and 8 potential points. It's a little bit of capital."

In addition to points and potential points, Lin Xiao also obtained a lot of equipment before the count's death. It is organized as follows:

The branch of the iron tree. Legend has it that the branches broken from the tree of life, equipped with strength +1, agility +1, physical strength +1, mental strength +1. Recovery price: 1500 points."

The second piece is a dark red muscle connective tissue with fine and tiny blood vessels on the surface, with special attributes:

The flesh and blood essence of the werewolf. In good condition. Origin: Legend of the Night. Material: muscle connective tissue. Recovery price: 1500 points."

"Use effect 1: After modulated, the flesh and blood essence can be exchanged for the low-level werewolf mutant blood of Shadow Legend! You can advance your bloodline through the nightmare space!"

"Use effect 2: Take it directly! There is a 25% chance that it will not work, a 25% chance that you will get the blood of ordinary low-level werewolves, and there is a 50% chance that genetic poisoning will occur!"

"Use effect 3: This flesh and blood essence is very rare and can be used as a substitute for the flesh and blood essence needed in other medium and high-grade black witchcraft potions!"

"Dominant evaluation: This is the essence of the flesh and blood of a werewolf. The coincidence of death makes it concentrate its genetic power in a piece of flesh and blood on its body!"

The third prop is the purple potion that the count took out before his death.

"All-round recovery potion (large bottle), origin of Legendary World, weight: 21 grams, powerful potion made by mysterious alchemy will instantly recover 50% of life, mana, spirit and power, and relieve abnormal state. Price: 5000 points.

There is no doubt that this big purple bottle is a special treatment agent in online games, which is a must for local tyrants to upgrade. Unfortunately, Lin Xiao's last attack was so sudden that the count did not have time to drink the potion at all. This is a prop that can instantly reverse the situation and save a little life. In this way, in the hands of the enemy, the count must have spit three liters of blood in anger.

Other things are scattered gadgets. There is nothing surprising. Lin Xiao threw them all into a corner of the space and waited until they returned to deal with them.

And the last thing the count dropped was exactly what they got when they risked their lives to break into the cave - the magic box.

The box has been opened, and there is a palm-sized black cloth bag inside. In the cloth bag are three inconspicuous black peas.

Magic bean, legendary item, weight: 18g. Origin: Attack on Titan. This is a magic bean with mysterious power, and the legend comes from the distant abyss of hell. After planting, it will quickly grow into a standing thorn. Other effects: unknown. Recovery price: 8,000 points/piece.

"Evaluation: This is not an ordinary bean, please treat it well..."

The attribute introduction of magic beans is surprising. No one can guess how such a small bean can grow into a giant tree that breaking the sky. Moreover, from the perspective of high recycling prices, magic beans must have other unknown effects, and the value is by no means more than that.