Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 048 Tinkerbell's Orange

Lin Xiao turned his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Devil vine, the name is very domineering, but in the final analysis, it's still a plant, so..."

A hot flame ignited in his hand, and it was dazzling. Lin Xiao raised his hand and rushed to the devil's vine.

The vine of the devil vine was burned by the flame and suddenly squirmed slightly, as if hesitating. Finally, he threw down Lao Huang and Bai Yu, rolled up two ordinary soldiers, and recontracted into the ground.

"The flame threat is not big, is it because of the extremely high resilience..."

Lao Huang gasped and jumped out of the pit. His body was full of scars, and a large area of skin and flesh were cut off. In some places, bones were already deeply visible and the wound was not light.

"Damn, this damn thing is so powerful that I almost fell here."

The crowd quickly retreated and left dozens of meters away before stopping. Judging from the situation just now, this devil vine has a limited attack range and is not an unlimited monster.

The trio of Yuntao's team flew around in the air on the green magic skateboard, and then swaggered away, leaving a big trouble.

The abyss devil vine, this horrible vine plant, has extremely tough vitality and does not need water or nutrients. It is directly rooted on the huge wall made of boulder.

From afar, it looks like a ball of blood flowers blooming on the wall.

"Regress, all retreat!" Someone shouted, "Don't be caught by this kind of vine, keep at least 15 meters away!"

15 meters away is the limit of the attack range of the abyss devil vine. But don't forget that this kind of vine also has "charming" skills!

The vine stretched, and the pink sweet smell floated in the air, covering the pungent smoke and bloody smell for a moment.

A soldier suddenly threw away his weapon, his eyes were confused, and he breathed heavily close to the bloody vines.

With a swish sound, a vine shot out like lightning, dragging the soldier who fell into the illusion into the crack. Thick blood foam gushed out of the crack...

When, when. Several soldiers lost their weapons and staggered to the place of death. The bloody vine swept by, and the unconscious soldier was dragged into the crack without resistance. The ending can be imagined...

Speeless fear spread in the world. They don't know why their companions around them foolishly come forward to die. Because of the unknown, they are afraid. But this wall is only ten meters wide and can't escape at all.

After inhaling a large amount of human meat nutrients, the devil vines in the abyss became brighter and brighter, and blood seemed to flow in the vines, which was frightenious.

Bai Yu's face was solemn: "If it goes on like this, people's hearts will soon disperse."

Lin Xiao nodded, "Not only that, look at those cracks."

Looking intently, the cracks under your feet are quietly spreading, and every breath will expand by one point - while the plant is growing rapidly, the rhizome has pierced the wall!

At this speed, the city wall will soon collapse like a broken ant cave embankment!

"We can't delay any more. Who can do it? Hurry up!" There are adventurers shouting.

Ordinary soldiers can't cause effective damage to these vines. They just go up to deliver vegetables. As one of the cards of the Yuntao team, the abyss devil vine is super resilient. In the test just now, this thing can effectively immune to the damage of flame, frost and other elemental attacks. Not to mention the physical damage. The bullets are shot into the sea like a mud cow. Who else dares to take the axe to cut angrily?

"Cough." Just as everyone was desperate, Lin Xiao suddenly coughed twice and then took out two bottles of white powder from the space.

"Well, since it's still a plant, I think this thing should work..."

On the white medicine bottle, two orange square words "orange agent" are written on it!!

Lin Xiao threw away the bottle of traditional Chinese medicine. At the highest point, Qin Yujie raised her hand and shot it. The medicine made of glass suddenly broke apart, and the white powder fell down one after another.

Then, a scene that shocked everyone happened.

The horrible devil vine, like a tiger and wolf, suddenly trembled violently after being sprinkled with white powder, like a snake pinched in its head, twisting its body crazily. There was a rustling sound, and the pungent smell quickly spread.

In a moment, the devil vines, like broken balloons, quickly dried up, leaving only a pool of black and red **, flowing freely on the wall. It stinks.

"Damn, so awesome?!"

"God, it's so easy to solve the devil's vine."

If you don't take action, it will shock the whole audience. For a moment, everyone looked at Lin Xiao differently.

And the originator muttered secretly: "Sure enough, it's terrible to be uneducated..."

Orange agent, also known as deciduous agent. It is an industrially synthesized chemical whose function is to kill plants or make their leaves fall off quickly. Unlike chemical herbicides, defoliants are almost unlimited on the types that plants can kill.

Historically, in 1967 and 1971, in order to prevent Vietnamese guerrilla attacks, the U.S. military used it in coastal areas of Vietnam to protect the safety of ships and "personnel". A large number of chemical defoliants began to be used. A large number of vegetation has been destroyed in the mountains of Vietnam, and many places are "red land" and the mountains are yellow.

This medicine is a well-deserved "plant killer".

Lin Xiao has a strange personality and prefers some messy things. This deciduous agent was bought while wandering in the market and has been thrown in the space. Unexpectedly, it came in handy at this time.

"Super defoliant (orange agent), the origin of "Vietnam Counterattack", can cause huge damage to plant branches and leaves, ignoring defense and level! Price: 1500 points!"

"Dominant evaluation: Visually speaking, this is a bag of itchy powder..."

After the devil's abyss vine withered and dried up, the people were shocked. Lin Xiao said lightly:

"Don't be happy too early. As the name implies, the defoliant only causes huge damage to the vines, but the internal rhizomes are generally sound. If you want to solve the problem, you have to eradicate their roots.

Everyone had no choice but to pinch their noses and jump into the bloody cracks to reach the root of the devil vine in the abyss - a huge mass of blood and flesh hanging on the rock. There are also slender rhizomes pierced into the rock, and I don't know how long they have stretched.

The root of the devil vine in the abyss should have its own consciousness, or the instinct that a living body has is more appropriate, but it is much stronger than the profit-seeking instinct of ordinary plants, which is enough to be comparable to the instinct of animals.

Therefore, it can perceive that the changes around it will pose a threat to it and spontaneously take some actions to protect itself.

Therefore, when Lin Xiao and others reached its root and threatened its real safety, it took the initiative to attack outside its designated area out of a biological instinct. Several bloody roots broke through the wall and shot from the ground.

Sometimes, prevention is not only the patent of human beings. In fact, any creature with the instinct of life has it, but it is just a rapid and slow distinction.

When Lin Xiao jumped down the hole and announced the end plan of "cutting grass and rooting" began, the two roots broke out of the ground and rushed directly to him. The speed was so fast that when they rubbed with the air, they actually made a sound of breaking the air. It can be said that the blood-colored vine rhizome directly hit the human body at such a speed, even compared with High-strength bullets have a greater lethal effect on the human body.

Moreover, if you are pierced by this bloody vine rhizophre and in this difficult crack, it is equivalent to completely becoming the fish on the cutting board waiting to be ** by the other party.

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold, and the light in front of him flashed. Suddenly, a silent, dog-headed monster appeared.

Death Guard!

The death guard was more than two meters tall. As soon as he appeared, he blocked the passage tightly. Naturally, the bloody vine has no function of knowing people. After piercing the bodyguard of death, they drag it directly back.

Lin Xiao gently curled the corners of his mouth and turned away. Ten seconds later, the whole wall trembled, and a thick ball of juice rushed straight to the sky!

"Two high-explosive* were used... Easy to handle!"