Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 055 Paranoid Madness

Even as an enemy, Zeng Yi has to admire the arrangement of the other party.

From the beginning, a big situation has been set up, grasping the weaknesses of human nature, cleverly taking advantage of the opportunity, breaking them separately, gradually encroaching, and swallowing a huge team. In the end, he subdued the soldiers without fighting. It only cost a few or two mouthfuls of water to make the crisis invisible. Everyone is a pawn, and every step has a back move, interlocked and connected. In the end, the net will be closed. This method is amazing.

I was defeated and convinced that I had nothing to say.

10 to 5, exactly twice the number of people on your side. There is no chance of winning the battle. He could already foresee his death.

But what he can't tolerate than the upcoming death is the complete crushing of IQ.

Obviously, I did so much and arranged it for so long, but it was understated by the other party?!

I'm not willing...

"However, I didn't lose all of them..." Thinking of this, Zeng Yi suddenly sneered and looked up, "I admit that I'm not as good as you in wisdom. But the final winner of this battle is still me!"

"What if you can block me? Human barriers still need to be broken, and we still can't escape the fate of extinction!"

"Our mission is roughly the opposite. I guess you should defend the last barrier for 30 minutes, right? All of them will come to attack us regardless of danger... It's a pity that you still have to lose in the end!"

"Well, the last three minutes, that's enough..."

Lao Huang said disdainfully, "You mean that rat-like obscene guy, right? Unfortunately, that boy is too dead to die."

"I know." Zeng Yi smiled and said, "I can see the scene of his death clearly from the telescope. But who stipulates that there is only one move for this thing?

"Hm?" Several people's eyes narrowed slightly and filled with murderous intent.

"Haha, that's right, you guessed right..." Zeng Yi laughed and his face was twisted and crazy. "Well, let's welcome the last feast!!"

He opened his hands and took a deep breath, as if to hug the blue sky. There were two red lights in his eyes, showing extreme danger.

"I'm so tired. It's finally this day. Think about it, this small nuclear bomb implanted in the heart should destroy the whole wall..."

Zeng Yi sighed and looked at the enchanting woman of the reverse blade team, with a trace of tenderness in his eyes:

"Hey, long time no see..."

Zeng Yi was diagnosed with a rare genetic defect when he was still in his mother's womb. His symptoms were extremely weak, he could hardly walk with his own strength, and he couldn't even crawl!

For more than 20 years after the age of three, he has been sick**.

(Before the age of three, of course, I crawled through it, idiot.)

Sometimes, he even resented why his parents were so rich and chose to give birth to this damn world.

Resentment, cursing, crying, and even threatening suicide, Zeng Yi finally retreated in front of the great maternal love and fatherly love, continuing to lie ** day after day, watching his muscles no longer continue to atrophy.

Happy families are similar, but unhappy lives are different.

Finally, with the advent of that day, this day is over...

My father was designed by the enemy and went bankrupt overnight. He changed from a multimillionaire to a poor man. His mother, who was over 40, quickly remarried and he was thrown out of the senior nursing ward like garbage. The human condition is cold and warm, and the world is cold...

That rainy night, my father swallowed a gun and committed suicide in front of him.

What happens when a 7.62mm rifle bullet penetrates the human body at a speed of 850 meters per second?

First of all, he will leave a small mouth with a diameter of less than 1 cm on the skin at the frontal injection point, and the huge force formed by the warhead when passing through the body will shake the organs, and then penetrate the human body at a speed of 570 meters per second. The diameter of the bullet wound formed by the shock wave may reach more than 12 cm! If it is hit on the head, the wound will be even more terrible. It will lift 1/3 of your skull. U.S. President Kennedy died in this way, as you can see in the live video.

And then? If the warhead happens to break through the artery, the blood can be sprayed 10 meters away under the strong pressure of 83.3 ml/s pumped by the heart. If it is in the room, it becomes troublesome to clean up the scene. You have to clean all the blood stains on the walls, furniture and ceiling and some dirt brought out by the warhead.

When it was shot and fell to the ground, there were about 4,000 milliliters of blood in the human body. In the next few seconds, the amount of bleeding quickly reached 1000 ml. A person who was bright, lively and thoughtful a few seconds ago is now on the verge of death, which refers to women. If it is a male, 400ml is enough. This concept can be transformed into perceptual experience through the measuring cylinder in the chemical laboratory.

After losing consciousness, the body muscles relax, including *. The victim has incontinence, which means that in addition to blood stains, you will also get dirty with your own excrement. After that, the human body began to cool down, because the room temperature (constant 25°C) is often lower than the body temperature (constant 36°C), and the skin is a bad conductor of heat, so the originally healthy and elastic human body finally feels like meat food clearly marked on the chopping board.

If the body is not quickly disposed of after death, but left aside like in the game, it will not automatically turn into a small pool of blood and a few red POLYGONs, but lie there all the time and appear some rare characteristics in daily life.

Visually, you feel scared. In addition to a large amount of blood, you will also see body fluids oozing from the wound, overflowing internal organs and yellow subcutaneous fat. Due to blood loss, the deceased's skin was blue-yellow and had some brown bleeding spots. Then the human body began to swell strangely, and the skin color gradually turned dark brown, especially the dead in the tropics. From the sense of smell, the wound began to emit a strong odor. At first, it was just a fresh visceral smell, and then gradually became a stench that could stab the brain nerves.

With this intersection of vision and hearing, an insect began to give birth to its own white cub in a fertile corpse...

Zeng Yi lay in the dark alleyway, surrounded by a rotten and smelly body quickly occupied by fly maggots, who was his former father. It was not until three days later that I was found by a cleaner...

Then, Zeng Yi entered the urban homeless shelter. Where did he know her...

"Oh, if only I had stopped that day?"

One day, at the intersection of the city's Second Ring Road, a runaway truck caused a major traffic accident, and a man and a woman were seriously injured and did not know who they were. At present, the owner of the accident has driven away, and the police are using a large number of police to investigate and search...

There is no if in the world. When death comes, Zeng Yi is very calm, but why did he implict her?

Life has no fairy tales, and angels have no tears——

Zeng Yi could only accept everything in silence.

But he has never felt any sense of security.

So, he transformed himself into a biochemical robot. Or a "pseudo-lich" with a biochemical robot body.

The body that can be changed at will, which is difficult to find, which gives him a strong sense of security.

However, since he came to this world, his heart has been wrapped in unspeakable fear!

More than 20 years of hospital bed experience has created a man with a mind**, taciturn and paranoid. In this crazy world, the soil that breeds evil is extremely fertile. In a mission, he made a mistake and pushed all his teammates to death. Then he turned around and ran away alone.

To this day, he can't forget the unwilling, desperate, resentful and resentful eyes of his teammates. And the sadness and desolation in her eyes.

The pain is like a flame, eating away at his cold and ruthless heart all the time.

There are too many things that I can't help but do, and there are too many dilemma choices... It's really tiring to live!

Zeng Yi sank...

Looking up at the sky, there are cold raindrops falling, cold and salty:

"It's time, it's over..."

A silver card suddenly threw out, and his whole body appeared under the wall in an instant, with two dangerous red rays in his eyes. The tyrannical factor spread wildly in the air.

A few seconds later... Boom!!