Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 016 Foodie spokesperson

The light in the basement is bright, but it is a burning cold light source such as white phosphorus, which adds a little gloomy atmosphere.

In the middle of the room, several tables were put together, and a fat man with a harmless face was sitting on a chair and eating happily.

"Are you here?" The fat man raised his head, wiped the greasy corners of his mouth, and looked at Lin Xiao with a smile.

The voice is mellow and low, full of the charm of a successful man. Obviously, the big fat man in front of him is the leader of this behind-the-scenes action.

"Come on, sit down! You can eat whatever you want. You're welcome!" The fat man was extremely enthusiastic, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Juantu. Thanks to everyone's kindness, I have tried my best to be the leader of this action..."

"Ring earth?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, "Captain of the 'Reverse Blade Team', one of the three strong teams of the second difficulty?"

"Ha ha, it's just everyone's words of love. I'm just a reckless man, and I can't stand on the table." The fat man was modest, but his face was smiling. Obviously, he was quite satisfied with his popularity.

Lin Xiao's face was a little serious. The three strong teams of the second difficulty can stand up and have a reputation. Naturally, he has real kung fu. And the fat man in front of him is obviously not simple to be the core captain of the team.

The fat man smiled and said, "If I guess correctly, you are Lin Xiao, the captain of the God Team, right?"

Lin Xiao nodded. As the Yuntao team was killed by Lin Xiao's group in Attack on Titan, it is no exaggeration to say that the God team is now celebrities.

"Little brother is good at it! I have been unhappy with the bastards of Yuntao's team for a long time. However, the relationship is quite complicated, and it's not easy for me to do it... Now that the Lin Xiao brothers have taught them a lesson, I don't know that the bullied people clap their hands and cheered!"

The fat man was extremely talkative and devalued the Yuntao team in a few words. By the way, he said some unnutritious scenes and suddenly brought the distance between the two a lot closer.

"Since ancient times, heroes have come out of youth." The fat man sighed, and then asked casually, "What about your other teammates? Why don't you come and have a big meal together?"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders, "Unfortunately, I came in by special means this time, so I'm just alone."

"Haha, the city is extremely mysterious, and it's not surprising what means there are." The fat man laughed and said enthusiastically, "Brother Lin, I don't know if you can guess my old-fashioned real work?"


"What do you say?"

Lin Xiao complained, "As the saying goes, he has a big head and a thick neck. He is either a cook or a husband."

"Ha ha, Brother Lin has good eyesight." The fat man didn't care about Lin Xiao's ridicules and sighed, "I have no other hobbies in my life, but I can't control this mouth. I often think that if people live for a lifetime, if they don't even eat as they want, what's the point? After being a cook for more than 20 years, I have eaten all over the country. I thought it would be like this in my life, but I didn't expect that there would be another day to enter this world.

"Hey, I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, I don't care about the legends of destruction, overturning the world, or immortality in the space. What I'm really happy about is that I can eat all kinds of delicious food, and it's the kind of the whole universe!" With that, the fat man showed signs of drooling again. He pulled Lin Xiao to sit down, pointed to a table of dishes with different shapes, and said proudly:

"Tofu made from mung beans is drizzled with special sweet soy sauce. This inconspicuous appetizer is actually very rare. This is a delicacy produced from Heroes. You should know that the mung bean dragon is an extremely dangerous creature, which is usually kept on the top of the mountain in the demon world. If you want to harvest the mung beans on his back, you must dispatch nearly 100 five-level arms to get it... This small dish alone cost me 1000 points, but I'm a jerk. As long as I eat well, what's the price! Get out of his grandma's ball!"

“...... And this, bitter lemon blood gall soup! The color of the soup is dark red, like blood. After stirring a little, a small rainbow color will appear on the soup noodles. This is a delicacy produced by Diablo. It is necessary to cut off the two heads of the three-headed snake, catch the blood spewed from the carotid before it regenerates, and then mix it with the herbs to maintain such a color. The bitter lemon was originally a magic crop. It was transplanted to the continent of Azeroth by a hard-working agricultural master. When planted under the ground, it will drill out the land of wail skeleton worms (a kind of insect with a bone structure on its head, which is similar to earthworms, and its breeding method is unknown). The lemon tastes fragrant and bitter, and will float from the depths of the throat after eating it. The aroma can be added to the blood gallbladder soup to increase the sense of layering. The gallbladder is taken from the snake-tailed goose and marinated with the oil of the snake-tailed goose. The soup is slightly hot when it is about to be served, keeping its own flavor. A little more dead peel was sprinkled on the soup. Guests can also add fly eyes from the demon world according to their own taste~~ Tut, that taste is really delicious in the world. In order to eat, the points are a piece of hair!"

"This, chopped pepper fish, is also a legendary delicacy. Avatar, the place of origin, cuts the wild fresh multi-legged fish into thick fish slices and cooks them on the fire. Eighteen feet like chicken claws were cut off, the bones were slightly cracked, soaked in spice wine for 20 days to remove the fishy smell, and then soaked in the saliva of the petrified lizard for a month, making the bones as crispy as biscuits. Put on the cooked fish fillet, and the sweet saliva is stained on the fish fillet and bitten together with the fish feet. The tightness and elasticity of the fish's feet bring double enjoyment. Because fish and fish feet take different times to make, the fish and fish feet of the same dish do not come from the same fish. The highlight after eating the fish fillet is the fish cheek meat. The head of the multi-legged fish accounts for half of the body length. The cheek meat is roasted with the whole fish head over high heat. After being dug down and eaten immediately, the outside is slightly hot and the inside is still a little cold. * The delicious taste does not need additional seasoning at all... Try it, make sure you can eat your tongue! This dish is not expensive, but it takes too long, but as long as you have money, everything is easy to say.

The fat man looked intoxicated, and then pointed to a large plate of steaming mutton slices.

"This is also a rather difficult ingredient to obtain, produced from the advanced magic plane World of Warcraft. This kind of warcraft only appears when lightning causes a forest fire. Once the fire is extinguished, they will also disappear. It looks like a lamb on fire. Its appearance is not necessarily, but it must not be a local breed. It must be a person who is familiar with the species of the place to identify which is a fire sheep from the fleeing animals. Fire sheep are also ** to hunters. If they accidentally hit the wrong prey, all fire sheep will disappear immediately. The meat of the fire sheep is always hot. Never let it touch the flames, otherwise it will disappear. There is a pot of ice water next to the fire mutton on the table. Before eating, rink it in ice water and 'boil' it with ice water to the degree you want before eating. The taste of ice and fire bursts in your mouth. Believe me, it will definitely make you have an endless aftertaste!

The shape of a dish is difficult for Lin Xiao to understand. It looks like a pile of black and white triangular towers piled together, forming a delicate balance that will collapse as long as one of them is removed. The fat man explained: "Those triangular towers are jelly made of needle nuts. If you rub the seeds with water, something like Aiyu will appear, using that thing as the inner layer. The outer layer is to cut the peel of the needle to pieces and then boil it. The frozen matter produced is hard at room temperature to protect the soft inner layer and support the appearance of the triangle tower. The needle fruit itself has no taste, but it has the effect of locking the taste. The inner layer is covered with various fillings, including stomach-warming lava pork, refreshing human-faced asparagus, fat ghost clams... The reason why the stacking method is so dangerous is that people should take it from the top and taste the delicious food one by one according to the order arranged by the chef.

There is a large pottery pot containing black sticky hungry ghost face grass root mud. This special human weed species is very thin and has no meat. It will take hundreds of plants in such a pot, but it must be grown in extremely fertile soil. Once I planted the land of hungry ghost-faced grass, I could only grow green manure such as rape flowers in the next five years. A demon crocodile head, which may be a substitute for the fish head, came out from inside. The pot of mud exudes a strange mixed grass fragrance. As soon as I smelled it, I began to feel a sweet taste, and after a while, there was a cool feeling that made people feel that the whole respiratory tract had become smooth.

The fat man carefully took out a delicate wine pot, and the ** color poured out was like pink diamonds, and the strong fruity fragrance filled the house, causing people to vortex.

poured a small cup to Lin Xiao and said, "This adventurer who has not strengthened food cells can drink it directly. Don't worry, there will be no side effects. Especially for you to taste fresh food. The magic world special wine is alcohol-free and contains 40% drunkenness extracted from the alcoholic's head.

"..." Lin Xiao, "You have always been showing off your wealth!!"

stared at the cup for five seconds, and finally the curiosity won, and Lin Xiao drank it. The taste is complicated and not bad, but it is also not good. It's not like something you can drink, but it's sweet and fragrant. If there is a choice, Lin Xiao should use it as a fragrance. He didn't feel the feeling of drunkenness, but began to see dwarfs with glow-green black hats on their heads, cheering each other with beer glasses about the size of their bodies. Fortunately, this illusion lasted for a long time and disappeared after they toasted each other in the fourth round of wine.

In order to apologize, the fat man specially ordered a plate of local specialty seafood noodles with rich ingredients, which were full of prawns, clams, mussels and minced fish.

The two chatted while eating.