Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 019 The debut of Lieutenant General-level combat power

At the beginning of the melee, adventurers broke through the strongest steel barrier in the propulsion city with nano-worm bombs, destroyed the power lifting device, and successfully broke into the propulsion city.

For a while, adventurers, the navy, prison guards, pirates, and the four forces were in a mess.

The whole prison has turned into a vegetable market, roaring endlessly, swords and shadows, and flesh and blood flying.


Lin Xiao naturally refused to participate in this kind of melee without eyes and ruthless action. Easily avoiding the sight of the two lieutenant generals, Lin Xiao took out the special mobile phone for the local tycoon with the eyes of titanium alloy:

"Are you in?"

"Ye�, we have rushed in with the local boss."

The speaker is a little white-faced vampire. This guy has heard that Lin Xiao is a new adventurer who has severely cheated Yuntao's team, and he can't help but be a little more awed. This is how the world is. Whoever has a big fist is the boss.

"Then let's meet and talk about it."

"Well, the GPS positioning and navigation system has been turned on, and it will be there in two minutes!"

This operation has been planned for a long time. At the suggestion of the chief consultant of the reverse blade team, all the adventurers involved in this big event are divided into three to four action teams. In this way, it can not only ensure the flexibility of the team, but also have a care of each other, so that they will not be easily killed because of loneliness. .

Luo Xiaobei and the three were introduced by Lin Xiao, so the fat man acquiesced to the team identity of several of them. Although adventurers in the same camp will not get drops and rewards when they kill each other, it is always more comfortable for acquaintances to act together.

”...... I won't say more about the general plan of this operation. Someone should have explained it to you. After several people successfully met, Lin Xiao did not greet him and asked directly, "So, has the main task changed?"

"Yes, there is a main task two." The little white face answered honestly, "Let's kill the prison chief Magellan and get the venom organization on Magellan while destroying the advancing city and releasing the imprisoned pirates."

"Because this is an area similar to the nature of a game copy..." Lin Xiao thought secretly and then said, "Although he broke through the steel barrier by violent means, there is not much time left for us. After all, it is not far from the naval headquarters and Justice Island. From the news to the arrival of support, we only have 12 hours at most, so speed up.

"Well, follow Boss Lin."

"There is meat to eat!"


The four formed an action team. Under the leadership of Lin Xiao, they quickly avoided the center of the melee and walked to the inside.

Just after turning a corner, several people collided head-on with a team of prison guards. The group of guards carrying primitive Okinawa* immediately shouted:

"You have been surrounded! Put down your weapons and surrender!

Several people looked at each other and said, "Why does this sound so familiar?"

Luo Xiaobei ate a chocolate bar: "In the Xiangjiang police film, it seems that the police said so to the robbers."

Lin Xiao said, "Little girl... Why do you say this as if you are very experienced?"

"Because I occasionally have no money, I will rob the bank."

"I actually admitted that there is at least a navy standing next to you."

While the two were chatting, this group of guards had rushed forward fiercely and rampant in this prison all year round, with a bloody atmosphere on their bodies. Their exposed skin was full of muscles, and with their dark complexion, it was also tough.

The leading man is the tallest. He held a large caliber* and said angrily, "Traitor, you are a disgrace to the navy!"

Lin Xiao pointed to himself: "Is the traitor talking about me? First of all, I play Infernal Affairs..."

The man's face showed anger and contempt. Without saying a word, he raised his hand to Lin Xiao with a bullet.

"You want human life when you come up... Don't even give me a chance to explain?"

Lin Xiao touched the bullet embedded in the yellow sand armor on his chest and said, "Isn't that too much?"

The sand armor learned from the high priest Imutton is quite strong. This old-fashioned * bullet shot at Lin Xiao's chest at a speed of 100 meters per second, but it did not even shoot through the skin, and it is naturally more unlikely to happen when pregnant.

The guard leader was shocked and jumped back and said, "The devil's fruit ability?!"

"What are you doing with your surprise?" Lin Xiao curled her lips and said, "Isn't it strange to meet a man with fruit ability these days?"

"Well, what about the fruit ability? Brothers, go!" The man waved his hand, and more than a dozen prison guards behind him quickly pulled out a black iron rope from his waist.

"Hailou stone chain?"

"Fight, kill them!"

At the moment the guards rushed up, a red flame pillar with a diameter of one meter gushed out of the ground.

"Real. Flame fountain!"

"Gaga, delicious food, I haven't smoked fresh blood for a long time!" The little white face smiled, and his face was instantly elongated and deformed. Two snow-white fangs stretched straight to his chin. In the squeaky and noisy screams, he suddenly jumped in front of a guard, opened his blood basin and bit his head.

The werewolf brother also turned into a two-meter-high upright blue-black upright wolf, with black claws more than ten centimeters long dancing out a cold light and running along the wall, setting off a bloody storm.

Among these people, Lori Xiaobei was unwilling to raise her hand and throw out the dirty teddy bear in her hand. In a roar, a dark bear with burning flames fell from the sky and sat a prison guard into a meat pier...

Poor these guards are just ordinary people, and they don't even have the ability to bear fruit. How can they stop an inhuman creature like an adventurer just by their flesh and blood?

In just two minutes, more than a dozen guards were turned to the ground. Some were sucked to death, some were torn to pieces alive, and some were burned into coke by Lin Xiao's flame fountain and patted into meat cakes by the shadow flame bear...

Little Lori pouted and looked unhappy:

"What a stingy door! One person gives five points, which is not enough for me to buy a 'true taste' chocolate bar!"

4VS13, Lin Xiao and the four defeated the prison guards.

The guard captain's chest was torn open, revealing a bloody heart that was still beating, looking at Lin Xiao and others angrily:

"You devils who deserve to go to hell! Your excellency will tear you all to pieces!' The 'iron dragon' can incarnate a 15-meter-long steel dragon, and a mouthful of steel dragon will raze half of the town to the ground; the 'pink murderer' is said to have reached the speed of light; the 'war angel' in his hands can kill people and save people; 'primitive ice' can freeze half of the sea; you Some dirty devils, wait for the sanctions of justice..."

The werewolf roared, grabbed the beating heart, threw it into his mouth and chewed it. Blood and minced meat flowed along the corners of the mouth, which looked ferocious and ferocious.

"You're dead, and there's so much nonsense. I'll give you reincarnation!"

To solve this team of miscellaneous soldiers, the four of them continued to move forward in the direction of the guards. This large undersea prison is built in a three-dimensional style, and the area is actually extremely wide. Because there is no detailed internal map, the four people can only shuttle through this four-way steel channel.

"There is a situation ahead!" The werewolf stopped and said in a low voice, "I smelled a smell of animal feces~~"

"Warcraft Hell?!"

"It should be."

This action is to release as many imprisoned pirate prisoners as possible. In short, the greater the noise, the more prestigious the world will eventually be gained. For the sake of profit, everyone had to bravely go down.

The four people followed the smell through a long and gloomy corridor and stopped outside a corridor that was obviously leading to the underground.

This corridor is about 100 meters long and is obliquely inserted into the ground. At the end is a corner road, which must lead to the ground in the shape of a straight spiral.

This kind of arrangement is very common. Instead of using an elevator, it turns to a straight spiral corridor. It only needs to set up cameras and other sensing devices at intervals. It is difficult for people outside to go inside or people inside to get out. The biggest use of the corridor is to increase the distance of two distance. There is enough time to calmly deploy troops according to the number of invaders or defectors.

The reason why he did not break in directly is that Lin Xiao "scorned" a tall bald man in the middle of the 100-meter corridor.

The man wears sunglasses, a navy uniform, and a wide cloak behind him. At least he looks at the level of lieutenant general.

In the induction of the spiritual network, this man is not like a human at all, but more like a huge beast that spreads its wings and breaks through the earth. Even if he stands there, it is like a difficult peak to climb and blocks the whole corridor. What's more, he did not spare his pressure field. Standing under the thick gravity field wrapped in a strong metal storm, it seemed to be covered with a dark black abyss iron curtain within 30 or 40 meters behind him, making people unable to breathe.

This person must be the "iron dragon" who is one of the strong people in prison. Judging from the intelligence, he should be a superhuman metal fruit ability.

You should know that any lieutenant-level existence is honed in the bloody wind and cannot be underestimated. These people are terrified and are the backbone of the naval forces.

Although the four can work together to defeat the enemy in front of them, they may immediately attract strong onlookers from countless prison guards. On the contrary, the gains outweigh the losses.

Lin Xiao briefly explained the situation and then said his plan. Several people nodded and left quickly.

Every time, a team of prison guards came crying and howling, and they couldn't help but escape, because behind them, there was a huge monster that looked ferocious and ugly, flowing yellow-green and disgusting mucus all over! The monster was covered with tentacles, and the yellow-green mucus on its body was sprinkled, and the steel ground immediately sounded with "sneer" corrosion.

A guard ran slowly and was pulled by the tentacle. His clothes were suddenly corroded like paper paste. In the sad roar, he was broken from his waist and turned into a pool of flesh and blood with a foul smell.

Seeing this scene, the other guards ran faster.

They are guards and work to guard prisoners. It's not in the face of this irresistible horrible beast. The shocking way of death corroded into two companions lying on the ground and howling is a bloody example. Who dares to go up!

The iron dragon raised its brim, revealing a pair of sharp and bright eyes and the horrible beast chasing behind them.

Seeing that his men were ruthlessly slaughtered and slaughtered by this monster, the tall admiral suddenly became angry, roared boldly, and rushed over.

However, at the moment he passed by the prison guards, the dozen guards who were panicked like bereaved dogs were shocked and suddenly stopped, stared at a pair of red eyes, and suddenly pounced on the Iron Dragon!

These guards were stiff, but they acted like the wind, and there was a beast-like roar in their throats, which was not like human beings. The Iron Dragon was shocked and angry, but also understood that these guards had become controlled puppets. Immediately without saying a word, his left hand condensed into a sharp silver-gray metal sword, which did not hesitate to pierce the head of a recent guard!

No toxic husband!