Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 7 Sins Curse

Chapter 027 Curse of Seven Sins

V is the most elegant killer, monster, warrior and avenger in the world.

He is familiar with Shakespeare and loves Tchaikovsky. Every time he watches Monte Cristo's Revenge, he will be moved. He knows how to cook, nostalgia, and plays old songs on the record player.

He does not belong to the world he is in. He seems to have gone to the wrong time and space exiled nobles and enjoy himself, but live away from the crowd.

He is very romantic, and there are even a lot of fireworks mixed in the explosives he used to destroy the Capitol. At this moment, the city was shocked and everyone looked up. In this gloomy world, there was a fire tree and silver flowers. He turned revenge into a festival. He brings light.

For no reason, V always reminds me of the gray walls full of ivy in the old city of London, the rainy Thames, the Victorian street lights in the thick fog, and all the old, beautiful and dim things.

"So can I guess that under this mask is a fanatical, pious, shouting, unrestrained person who is in darkness but yearns for light and longs for freedom?"

"Generally, such people are young, but they always like to pretend to be mature. At first glance, they are quite aristocratic, but they are rebellious and smart (kill Matt) in their bones. Sao Nian, don't think you can pretend to be an adult by suppressing your voice. Excuse me, do you have long hair?"

V's breath suddenly became confused, and the murderous intention rose.

Lin Xiao didn't care at all and continued:

"In addition, when I was identified, there was an extra murderous intention in your voice... That is to say, we didn't know each other before, but for some reason, you remembered me, and obviously, this is an attitude labeled 'hatred'.

"Well, let me guess what makes an unknown man hate another man? Is it because I am more handsome than you? Haha." Lin Xiao complained and said lightly, "... I'm sorry for Julia's death, brother. There is no grass in the world. Why do you fall in love with a flower? And she is also a woman with a tendency to self-abuse and destruction..."

Adam shook his head, "I said, this guy is difficult to deal with."

Lin Xiao is very modest: "I'm flattered."

The face of the V mask couldn't see the expression clearly. After a while, the man sighed, "That woman is too confident."

Lin Xiao said, "It's just that swimmers drown in water."

Adam nodded and motioned, "Please sit down?"

Lin Xiao was not polite. He strode to the sofa where he sat and sat down.

Adam got up and poured him a glass of red wine and said, "I'm very interested in you. In fact, we can be friends."

Lin Xiao took the glass and looked at the red wine in the glass: "I killed your people, don't you care at all?"

"If I can be killed by a guy like you, I will die. Anyway, I'm not interested in avenging a ball of rotten meat."

"This is very appealing to my appetite... There are many ways for many friends. I also hope to have a friend like you instead of an opponent, so that I can justly hug my thighs.

V narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that I still underestimate you!"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and put the wine glass on the table and said, "Although red wine is good, it entertains virtuous guests. It seems that bad guests like me should not be entertained."

Adam smiled and said, "You're wrong! Our Angel Alliance now needs aspiring people to go to the great cause together. How can an interesting guy like you be a villain!? If you are willing to join, you will not be blamed for everything in the past! How about it?"

Lin Xiao shook her head and got up, pointed to V and said, "I really want to believe you, but it's a pity that guy's resentment is too clear, and the haze formed almost covers the sky and the sun. How can I rest assured?"

"So... There is nothing to talk about." Adam sighed slightly. On the other side, V had stood up. This man in a straight black suit, wearing a V mask, holding a golden-trimmed etiquette stick in his hand, overflowing with a noble style from the outside to the inside. His voice was hoarse and low: "In the name of my father, I will give you death!"

A shadow of an angel with a chain and a blurred face appeared behind him. The shadow waved his hand and cut off his head with the burning sword of judgment.

A great sense of danger surged into her heart, and Lin Xiao flew out without thinking about it and rushed straight to the map. At the same time, two incendiary rockets were fired from the depths of the corridor and roared into the room.

A loud laugh came from the depths of the corridor: "Two European and American foreign devils, what kind of aristocratic style are you? Let's talk about it after eating your grandfather!"

The inner room was originally small, and the two rockets exploded like this, and the flames and smoke immediately filled the whole room.

On the other side, although Lin Xiao rushed out in an instant, the sword of judgment of the fallen angel seemed to cross time and space and cut behind Lin Xiao without hindrance.

A sharp pain deep into the soul came from behind, as if the whole soul was burning. Lin Xiao snorted and fell directly to the ground.

"Ding: You have been hit by the flames of the fallen angel Morgana's soul, taking 30 points of damage per second. The damage ignores defense and lasts for 3 seconds!"

"Ding: You have been cursed by corruption, and you will be randomly cursed in the next seven hours!"

"Depravity is the greatest curse of mankind! They are greedy, *, overeating, laziness... Seven deadly sins!!!"

In the smoke, the hoarse and low voice of V came.

"Hmm, boy, take your time and enjoy the suffering. I look forward to the day when you fall into hell!"

The severe pain is like a tide, spreading to the soul, and a wave of pain twitches. Lin Xiao frowned and slowly stood up. His eyes were cold and gloomy. Several figures ran to Lin Xiao through the smoke, but it was the Lori trio:

"Are you all right? The two foreign devils ran away and didn't know where they hid.

The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, and his face was surprisingly cold and stiff. He didn't say anything. He bumped away the werewolf and walked straight out.

Just as several people wanted to speak, they were so scared that they closed their mouths when they looked at the tyrannical and fierce eyes.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know... That look is as if there is a soul burned by anger, emitting a terrible murderous feeling of devouring and destroying everything.


Lin Xiao walked alone in the messy passage, step by step, heavy and firm.

(This feeling of wanting to tear everything, destroy everything, bury all the good things, and bring ugliness and fear into the world is... Angry?)

At the moment when he was beheaded by the fallen angel, Lin Xiao used healing, but unfortunately it was useless. This strange curse is deeply implanted in the soul and cannot be eliminated or undamed. At least, Lin Xiao has no means to lift the curse now.

Lin Xiao has an intuition in his heart: "If you can't control yourself and are eroded by these cursed forces, then..."

"eat", "greed", "lazy", "jealousy", "pride", [*], "anger" are the seven deadly sins of human nature referred to in Catholic doctrine. Lin Xiao suppressed his anger and has quickly thought about the relevant information in his head.

Greed: Uncontrolled desire is the focus of the seven deadly sins. Other sins are just a supplement to unreasonable desires.

Sexual desire: physical desire generally refers to excessive greed for happiness.

Gluttony: greedy desire, wasting food or excessive indulgence in appetite, excessive greed for pleasure are all crimes of gluttony.

Jealousy: The desire for property is resentful because the other party has more assets than himself.

Laziness: The loss caused by the desire to escape, laziness and waste is the product of the crime of laziness.

Arrogance: Excellent desire, self-fatuation caused by excessive self-confidence, and feel that you are superior and arrogant everywhere.

Angry: The desire for revenge comes from the irritability, hatred and anger at the bottom of the heart, leading to emotional out of control and a strong desire for revenge.

The seven deadly sins are interlocked, and any step of loss may make Lin Xiao fall into hell and become an extremely emotional person. So as to destroy yourself.

I have to say that Lin Xiao is an extremely self-control person. Even though his chest has been burned with unprovoked anger, he still has not vented. By the time he walked out of the fortress, the battle outside was coming to an end. After paying a lot of price, the pirate gangs successfully occupied the fortress.

"Successfully captured the fortress, 13 blind guys hung up!"

"There is a lot of food and drink in the basement. What a pity! I'm about to forget the smell of rum!"


More than a dozen people died in a team of more than 40 pirates, and more than a dozen others were injured, which can be said to have suffered heavy casualties. But it is an animal that eats on the tip of the knife. Who will pay attention to these things?

Dead, that's your bad life! Don't blame others!

When you come out, you always have to pay it back. Without this awareness, what a pirate!

A group of people drank rum and danced wildly in this smoky and corpse-covered steel fortress.

Lin Xiao said in a low voice, "20 minutes of rest. If you don't want to be sent to the gallows, follow up and continue to act. Only leaving the deep-sea prison can be a real escape... In a word, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades need to work hard!"

A group of people responded and began a gluttonous feast of eating meat and drinking.

Lin Xiao sat in the corner and stared silently at the distance. Her eyes were sometimes calm and sometimes tyrannical, which made people afraid to approach. In front of him is a fine prison map, but the helpless thing is that it only marks the current area of Warcraft Hell...

Twenty minutes later, Lin Xiao stood up and said, "Let's go!"

A group of desperado stood up and walked silently to the distance.