Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 05 Encounter at the Staircase

Chapter 05 Encounter at the Stairway

In the empty corridor, the light is bright but deadly silent. Everyone knows that under this silence, it is actually a terror that is ready to move.

"Let's go, we have to find a way to survive."


The three walked quietly through the corridor. The light overhead suddenly dimmed, and then the darkness shrouded several times.

Under the sunlight of an unknown cold light source, Lin Xiao could see clearly that the originally clean and white walls were like burned paper, quickly peeling off and melting, replaced by black and rotten floors, mottled cobwebs, thick dust, cement peeling walls, and thick mildew full of the tip of the nose. Taste...

"Be careful." Lin Xiao's face was a little solemn.

With the invasion of darkness, the whole passage changed in an instant, as if hell had come to the world. A deep and heavy gasp came from the depths of the dark floor, which made people unconsciously feel a little cold. You know, several people are just stronger ordinary people now. They are still a little power to deal with monsters in the dark when they can't use any skills and props.

Xu Le took out the long-prepared flashlight and pushed away the button. It should have been a bright and warm incandescent light, but it also became gloomy on this dark floor, shining like ghost fire.

"Cree, creak", suddenly there was a twisted sound of bed wire in a row of dark rooms on the left, which echoed clearly in the dark.

The three looked at each other and whispered, "The strange noise suddenly in the dark is often a precursor to the appearance of monsters in horror movies, but for us, what we need now is exactly the variables. Only enough clues can be used to infer the path of birth. Moreover, ghosts and so on... It's really nothing."

Xu Le followed the sound and walked outside the house. His right hand holding the flashlight trembled inadvertently, as if the scene in the room made him afraid. Lin Xiao and Feng Xiaoxi came to the door and looked in. They saw that a double bed was folded into two like a lotus leaf cake. The head and end of the bed were closed together like a giant clip, and the beautiful body of a young man on the upper body was sandwiched in the middle of the bed, but the teenager's buttocks were next to him at this time. On the back of my head...

Such a strange death style did not attract the complaints of the two people, but a depressing silence. Because the teenager who was folded into two sections did not stop moving, and his exposed hands were still pulling and holding his wire, even if his ten fingers had been blurred by the flesh and blood, and his bones were...

"What the hell, how can this guy not be dead yet..." Xu Le muttered, with an unbelievable face. Except for the dark monsters, there is only a group of ordinary people left in this building. With such a serious injury that the spine was broken, ordinary people should have burp long ago. And how can this teenager still move, and looking at the injury on his hands, this self-harm lasted for at least dozens of minutes, otherwise it is impossible to expose his finger bones.

Lin Xiao and others did not stay here. Although the scene in front of them was shocking and terrible, it was more gloomy and weird. A strange survivor appeared in the empty ward, which was a death trap.

Even Lin Xiao was unwilling to act rashly before he was sure.

However, many times, the more you escape, the faster the danger will come to you...

At the door of the stairs on the fifth floor, they found a man...

An American teenager wearing a baseball cap and about 16 or 17 years old still had a little acne on his face. Of course, Lin Xiao did not complain about the young man's interest in the pig's face. The reason why he stopped was that the American young man was inside and outside the door respectively...

Yes, it's a difference, because his lower body stayed in the door, dyeing a large area of the floor, and his upper body is slowly crawling on the stairs outside the door at this time...

As we all know, a person who is quickly cut in half will not die in a short time, so the shocking traces of blood, mixed with some internal organs, continue for several meters...

Several bloody large intestines dragged five or six meters away, dragging out several shocking traces in the dusty corridor, which undoubtedly gives people a huge visual impact.

After the "pie" teenager, during the short journey of dozens of meters, this was the second unknown creature that Lin Xiao and the three met who was supposed to die but still survive like cockroaches.

But this time, Lin Xiao and the others are obviously not so lucky.

The "half-body" teenager who crawled up slowly alone, quickly turned his head after hearing the footsteps of Lin Xiao and the others, and suddenly burst into a wolf-like green light in his dark eyes. The corners of his mouth opened, revealing a thin file-like teeth, which was extremely horrible under the dim flashlight.

Lin Xiao curled her lips and complained unscrupulously, "I poked it. What a novel method, which has long been used by major directors, okay? Moreover, since you are a monster, don't show your face, okay? Obviously, he is a young European and American * young man, which completely destroys the atmosphere! Especially the acne on the face that is having a fierce battle, which makes people feel very appetizing!"

"Well, I think we'd better leave." Xu Le shrank his neck.

At this moment, the flashlight flashed several times and suddenly went out. Suddenly, the surroundings were shrouded in absolute darkness.

"Daw! Drop the chain at the critical moment!" Xu Le roared angrily and hurriedly took out a new flashlight from his backpack.

When all abilities are limited, even the eyesight is greatly weakened. In this dark that can't be melted, it is almost out of reach.

While in a hurry, a new voice stopped the three people's movements and suddenly chilled behind their backs.

That's the sound of something crawling on the ground, but it's not like a real creature. It sounds lighter. On top of this sound, there are some purulent sounds.

"Pa", the flashlight was finally turned on, and the dark light shone out again.

In front of the three people, the upper part of the body of the acne teenager is undergoing disgusting and terrible deformation.

A large amount of fishy black blood oozed from the dusty half of the body, as if it were a faucet with the gate open, sprayed out as if it were free. In the blink of an eye, it flowed to the feet of the three people. What's more horrible is that the large intestines dragged on the ground began to crawl like snakes...

The surface of these intestines is constantly penetrating a large amount of yellow-green pus, which makes the sound made when the intestines swim on the ground very low.

Without eyes and no facial features, these intestines are still extending, as if they have got rid of physical restrictions and swam at the feet of Lin Xiao and the others.

The sudden flow of blood, the strange half of the body, and the intestines incarnated as a snake are all like a funny comedy, which is creepy.

The slight trance made the one look slow, but the actual speed was very amazing. The intestines unconsciously approached Lin Xiao.

When Lin Xiao didn't know, the intestine suddenly cracked a big opening at the front end and bit Lin Xiao's heel.

The long-term dangerous intuition made him subconsciously lift his legs, making the whole mouth full of gloomy and small teeth bite empty.

This action seemed to make the intestine very dissatisfied. It slowly raised the front end, and then the upper layer of the front end split into two cracks. When the crack was completely opened, a slightly red eyeball reappeared in front of Lin Xiao.

"Your sister, what the hell is this!" The more strange changes made people's scalp numb, and Xu Le couldn't help cursing. Then, the three took action at the same time.

is still a scalpel, alcohol lamp and steel pipe. In the case of unable to use skills and props, the attack methods are too limited.

"Dang", two scalpels were nailed into the two moving large intestines on the ground one after another, and a handful of yellow-green juice splashed everywhere, and those large intestines actually made insect-squealing squealing.

At the same time, Feng Xiaoxi also smashed the alcohol lamp, and a faint green flame suddenly rose.

"ho~~" The black blood flowing from the chest of the half-body teenager was like oil, which was ignited by flames and burned, burning the whole corridor into a sea of fire.

At the same time, the sound of "kakaka" seemed to encroach on mulberry leaves. The tops turned into sharp-toothed intestines, and they actually opened their mouths and swallowed the scalpels little by little...

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao's face was gloomy. He turned around and ran away: "I can't beat it. Let's go quickly!"

For this kind of detached undead monster, Lin Xiao, who has become ordinary people, is really helpless and can only make 36 tricks.