Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 024 Art Collection

Knocking the wooden door, a group of people panicked like a homeless dog and hit it out. Another scene appeared in front of everyone.

The gloomy hall, the sound of ticking water, the air roots of plants growing above the head, emitting green fluorescence in the dark, giving people a dreamlike feeling, as if they were in a dream.

"All passengers... Welcome to my art collection!"

Before everyone came to their senses, the deep, hoarse and charming voice suddenly sounded. A man in a black windbreaker and a gentleman's round hat slowly walked out of the darkness with elegant steps. Under the low brim of the hat, he saw the black scum and the mysterious smile slightly raised at the corners of his mouth.

"Who is it?"

"Nonsense, it must be Boss."

When they saw the mysterious man that suddenly appeared, everyone was stunned, and then they were overjoyed. A nervous man who had been tortured by this strange environment laughed, strode out and punched the gentleman's head.

He is even considering the attack method that this seemingly harmless guy may make, as well as the 18 counterattack methods he secretly prepared... However, the mysterious gentleman just stood there silently, neither doing anything nor defending. Then I saw the adventurer who did it straight through the body of the gentleman in the windbreaker and disappeared into the air.

" his~~"

Everyone took a cold breath, and a big living man disappeared out of his eyes. How can it not be shocking? And from the glimpse just now, it can be found that this product does not seem to be an entity or has the ability to blur. This method is simply an insoluble monster for adventurers.

"The annoying bug has gone to where it should go, so... Next, please allow me to introduce myself. The windbreaker man gently lowered his brim, showed a mysterious smile on the corners of his mouth, and bent down to perform an impeccable European medieval aristocratic etiquette. "Duke Hammons, please allow me to introduce my collection to you."

A voice sounded: "Collection? That is to say, this is a museum."

Hammons smiled and said, "Of course, in a sense, you can understand it this way. And I am the owner here... I have spent a lot of painstakingly collecting works of art. I hope you like it.

"Well, please visit with me. If you can't restrain yourself from doing something stupid, something bad will happen."

After saying that, he did not wait for everyone to answer. He turned around and took an elegant step and took the lead forward.

"What should I do? Can we do it?"

"Don't drag me down if you want to die!"

"Let's wait and see what this guy plays first."

With trembling... Everyone followed Duke Hammons and strolled in the strange and gloomy castle corridor...

When we finally reached the end of the corridor, the depressed atmosphere suddenly made the people present nervous. Duke Hammons glanced at the crowd, and the sarcasm in his eyes was self-evident. He pushed open the door of a room and said, "Welcome to my collection and invite you to visit my first proud collection..."


After seeing this named, distorted collection, everyone couldn't help gasting at the same time...

This thing is spiral-shaped, and one person is tall. It looks like a huge screw or a conch. At first glance, it has nothing to do with human beings, but when people look carefully, they finally see what it is..."

This is suddenly a human being twisted like a towel...

There is still a mysterious smile under the brim of Duke Hammons, explaining in a gentleman's tone:

"In the middle of the ocean, there is a barbaric and powerful subhuman giant species living in the middle of the ocean. They have a very interesting habit of living, which is to untighten the captured prey like a towel" and process it with a special process that has not yet been explained, and then Save it for the dried meat. The Duke looked at the collection obsessively and muttered his origin to the crowd..."


"The biological corpses processed by this process are not only very hard and dry, but also will not rot even after hundreds of years. In order to get this collection, I personally went to Popularity Island to kill all the savage giants there and find this flawless from their food pantry. The collection..." Duke Hammons said with a proud face and a charming smile.

But even so, this body art collection still caused panic among the "guests", and the remaining plot characters have already held their heads and trembled.

Of course, the psychological quality of adventurers is undoubtedly superior. In the face of this precious "work of art", although there was a small disturbance, no one made any extreme action... In fact, many people have more or less experienced the killing of enemies.

He curled his lips and seemed to be dissatisfied with everyone's reaction. Duke Hammons opened a room again and appeared in front of everyone a book with an evil and strange atmosphere, and the paper was delicate.

"... The highest sacred object that once appeared in the pan... Legend has it is that the skin of 99 pure virgins is made of paper, the bones of the heinous blasphemer as a pen, the blood of the mother of the Son of God is used as ink, and the highest scripture ceremony written by the 'Son of God' himself... Legend has it is that the person who opened this book , will have the blessing of the Son of God and become the luckiest person in the world, and any wish can be fulfilled.

But after fulfilling the wish, it will be the most vicious curse of ninety-nine girls and a blasphemer's soul. While reaching the highest achievement of life, he will die tragically in an incomparable way..."

This kind of introduction is really creepy, and Lin Xiao has even begun his own brain tonic process.

The slender blade fell gently, and bright red blood beads appeared on the white and flawless jade body. Their skin was extremely rectangular pieces, and the blood in their bodies was forcibly pulled out, and the whole spine bone was straightened and compressed into a ferocious dipping pen, stained with blood condensed into a ball in the air, and began to write crazily on human skin paper...

In less than a few minutes, a completely new book was released, but unlike their prototype code, the content written above is not a religious scripture, but a biography of the prototype character of the code, which records the tragic figure in detail. For the life experience before the book...

In fact, Lin Xiao even heard the sound of someone swallowing saliva. This kind of powerful prop can be regarded as an A-level magic prop. It can realize all your wishes, tsk...

Then, everyone saw a "vegetative beautiful girl..."

It is "planted" in a huge flower pot, and her feet are completely fused with the rhizomes of the plant. Her skin is grassy green, her hair is like rattan flower stems, and there are a few green leaves and flowers growing all over her body...

Like the jungle goddess standing there, it is as sad and beautiful...

"In the deepest part of the swamp, there is a strange parasitic plant that can parasitize on humans or other organisms and achieve perfect symbiosis with this creature. The parasitic people will not age, nor do they need to eat and water, and can live forever like a plant. Always stay beautiful, of course, it costs the loss of freedom... I carefully selected the best one from 74 candidates, and then planted the seeds of the hard-won parasitic plants on her to have this beautiful art treasure in front of you..."

Before Duke Hammons finished speaking, the plant girl suddenly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of beautiful dark green eyes...

She glanced at the people in front of her at a very slow speed. When she saw the Duke of Hammons, the resentment and fear in her eyes were clearly visible, and when she saw others, her eyes were full of hope...

Then she stretched out an arm to the crowd at a slow and pitiful speed, and her little mouth slowly closed, as if sending them a message for help...

But her feet always merge with the plant rhizomes in the giant flower pot, which is inseparable from this place, and the distress signal she sent out with all her best can naturally be a futile struggle...

With a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, Duke Hammons smiled, "It seems that these collections do not arouse everyone's interest. So, follow me, and there are still works that are still in production waiting for you to visit..."