Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 027 Find your own way to die?

"What I asked you to do is..."

"Become my pet's food. Dodge doesn't like dead people. There's nothing he can do but to invite you."

The corners of their mouths immediately twitched and looked at Duke Hammons murderously one by one. They believed that if they hadn't found a way to attack, the goods would have been torn to pieces by the furious adventurers.

No one spoke and replaced the answer with silence. It's impossible to feed the monster in vain. At worst, it's just a fight to the death.

The room remembered the sound of the rope rubbing the wooden wheel. Lin Xiao stared at the slowly rising rope and wanted to know what would be pulled up by Hammons.

A piece of rotten meat, you can't tell the rotten meat at the beginning and end. Looking at the upper half of the rope without the upper body and lower body, only the mutilated limbs at the waist, many people felt sick and uncomfortable. That's a living person. After being put in for a short time, there was only this little thing left.

No matter what the pet Dodge in Count Hammons' mouth is, the big guy is sure that the thing in the black hole is eating alive.

The strange and disgusting things in the room continued. Duke Hammons carefully put the pulled limbs on the ground, took a silver bowl to collect the strange pale yellow** on the limbs, and quickly filled a bowl. Some of them remained on the edge of the bowl were stained by his fingers. He moved slowly and carefully, as if these ** He was particularly precious, and then elegantly drank the bowl of ** taken from the dead body.

"Wo..." This time, someone really vomited. I've seen disgusting, and I've never seen such a metamorphosis.

"Stupid human beings." Hammons sneered and said, "It's really ignorant to appreciate such delicious food."

Then the second person was put down, and there was only one mutilated left. Duke Hammons collected a bowl of pale yellow ** on it. He took an elegant step, pushed open the seventh jar by the wall and lifted the lid on it. There was no one in it. You could see that half of the jar was slowly the same as the bowl. The lustful **, everyone was shocked. One person can only collect one bowl to fill such a large jar...

I don't dare to think about how many people need to change the half jar**.

"So, let's discuss it. Who will go down to feed my little pet Dodge?" Duke Hammons's voice was cold.

No one speaks, and the lesson of the previous car is in front of us. There are definitely some amazing monsters in the black hole. Whoever goes down will die.

Listen to Hammons slowly:

"I'll give you three minutes to think about it. I only need three 'human sausages', and I won't take action for the others."

As soon as he said this, the big guy's eyes immediately changed. Just now, it was a desperate situation, so I have the determination to burn the jade. If I don't want to live, I will bite you to death! But now only three people need food, and the rest of the people still have a way to live... People are like this. As long as there is a way out, the determination to fight to the death will be a little weaker.

Hamons' short sentence may be sincere or hypocritical. Sharp nails were buried directly in the originally united team, making the team dishearts.

(This feeling of everything is under control, it's really wonderful...)

(a little trick, playing with people between applause...)

Looking at the people who were wary of each other's hostility, the smile at the corners of Duke Hammons's mouth became more and more obvious.

At this time, a gentle male voice suddenly sounded with interest:

"I like pets the most. Why don't I explore the way for you?"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even Duke Hammons did not smile for the first time and squinted at Lin Xiao.

This man, the man who can catch the screaming queen with just one camera... Did he find anything?

Xu Le was anxious, " boss, are you stupid?"

Feng Xiaoxi also looked anxious and pulled the corner of Lin Xiao's clothes tightly, "Lin Xiao, don't do this..."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth were still the calm smile, and he didn't seem to realize the horror ahead at all. He was just as simple as discussing what to eat for dinner.

Other adventurers all looked at Lin Xiao with different expressions. Or contempt, disdain, or mock, or indifferent... In fact, big guys are people from all over the world, and even their gender, age, appearance and so on are fake. Lin Xiao's death doesn't matter their relationship.

Tiger, a man with a Chinese face, changed his face for a while and came forward, "Brother, if you can leave here, I will accept your love! I will protect your companion! As long as I, Tiger, don't die, I will never let them be hurt."

Lin Xiao nodded, "Thank you, brother."


"Since you want to die, I will do it." Hammons looked at the deep black hole next to him and said coldly.

"I keep my word. You are the first one. You can go down."

Lin Xiao stared at the bottomless hole, remembering the two mutilated limbs pulled up by Hammons just now, and her body couldn't help shaking. That feeling is like standing at the top of a 300-meter-high skyscraper, looking down, trembling with excitement.

(Am I crazy? No, of course I am...)

Hamons' voice was slightly cold and stiff: "I want to remind you that Dodge has a bad temper."

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It doesn't matter whether you have a bad temper or not. Come on, let's start quickly."

With that, in the eyes of others looking like idiots, he tied the rope to his waist, smiled, and cried Feng Xiaoxi and said:

"Anla, don't worry! It will be all right."

Hamons pulled the other end of the rope, and Lin Xiao slowly fell into the depths of the cave. It smells like Dong Cunrui's sacrifice and fried bunker,

Lin Xiao's face is calm and he can't see his expression clearly. When I was down-to-earth, my fingertips actually lit a red flame out of thin air...

If someone sees it, they will be surprised to death. You know, under the circumstance that the domination has limited all his ability, what Lin Xiao is doing now is simply against the sky...

Under the light of fire, Lin Xiao saw clearly the situation around her. A few steps forward is a spacious cave, which is facing the smell of rotten and fishy, surrounded by scattered bones and the blood of the two people who were fed just now.

There is also an invisible hole in the cave, and there is water in many wet places below.

"Ha, it's a typical horror film rendering method, isn't it?" Lin Xiao smiled indifferently.


The heavy horn sound came from the mouth of the cave, which echoed very clearly in the cave below. Hammons also blew the horn when the two fell down, so it must be the sound of summoning the pet Dodge. It's like "clucking" calling chickens, but in fact, the principle is the same.

Suddenly, there was a sound of something rubbing against the ground from the invisible hole. Lin Xiao's palm came out of his hand and looked at the hole attentively.

When the pet Dodge crawled out of the hole, Lin Xiao suddenly hissed.

Silkworm-shaped, golden and transparent, with eyes, seven pieces of the body, round and convex head with double jaws, eight legs and wings on the back.

For the specific image, please refer to the image of the big bug after the liberation of the mask man in Death...

"I thought it was a dog. Well, it seems that the prepared meat buns are useless." Lin Xiao retreated and complained loudly.

This monster is much bigger than expected. At least Lin Xiao needs to look up to see it. I don't know how many years he has lived, or it is a huge*.

The little pet "Dodge" slowly crawled towards Lin Xiao, and he could smell the fishy smell every time he breathed.

Lin Xiao shook the flame in his hand to try to push the pet back, but the closer the fire was to it, the more transparent it became. Lin Xiao took out a bottle from behind, which was the alcohol he had put before he came down. He hit the Dodge's head and saw the oil flowing out. A little fire light quickly ejected out, and the oil burned in the fire.

In ordinary people's common sense, anything that has life is afraid of fire, but this monster has obviously got rid of this law. The flame burned above his head, and the little pet ignored it at all.

When the little pet was on fire, Lin Xiao could even see the yellow blood flowing in its body. Lin Xiao's behavior seemed to completely anger the guy. Three sections in front of a total of his body stood up. This was the posture to attack. In front of such a huge monster, the seven-foot man looked so small.

If this guy rushes over like this and crushes Lin Xiao alive without its attack. Imagine what it will be like when a bloated train hits you in the tunnel.

The little pet Dodge slowly moved his dark yellow raised head, and his two huge eyes stared at Lin Xiao, as if choosing where to go.

(This product belongs to the type of "cherry mouth"~~)