Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 04 Task Analysis

While talking, several people have rushed out of the main teaching building. Outside, there is a bloody purgatory. A middle school student with a rotten smell, or his chest was torn open, a bloody intestine was exposed from the abdominal cavity, dragged on the ground, or his face was torn, and a pair of eyes directly turned into two bloody black holes, with a bloody mouth open, wandering aimlessly on the playground...

As Lin Xiao's group of people rushed out, the zombies immediately opened their mouths and made a meaningless roar. They rushed over, seeing that the speed was one point faster than the 100-meter sprint of ordinary people.

Just at a glance, Lin Xiao judged that he couldn't fight hard!

In front of the Bishop's Building is a student playground with an area of about 400 square meters. It can be imagined that at the time of the change, countless students rushed out of the campus. Under the dense flow of people, this playground is definitely purgatory on earth.

On this playground, there are actually zombies standing in the dark! Looking at that number, I'm afraid there are thousands!

So many zombies are surging, and everyone can't stop it anyway. When the number reaches a certain level, the so-called number is just a meaningless character.

"Turn right! Go 300 meters and then turn left, and then turn right at the second fork! You can get to the place where the school bus is parked on campus," Lin Xiao shouted in a low voice, turned his hand, took out two high-explosive* directly from the storage bag, and threw them out at the most dense place of zombies!


Two huge fires suddenly exploded, and in the huge wave, countless zombies were like villains made of soil, directly fragmented into a bloody rain. There was even a piece of intestine that was blown up on the neck of a young man with glasses. The pungent smell and slippery feeling suddenly scared the 16-year-old boy to scream.

"Number E4532, you killed an ordinary zombie, and you got 1 point..."

"Number E4532, you killed an ordinary zombie, and you got 1 point..."

"Number E4532, you killed an ordinary zombie, and you got 1 point..."


For a moment, the prompts of rewards suddenly sounded in Lin Xiao's ears.

The zombies transformed by ordinary people are also very fragile. Lin Xiao threw out two high-explosive * and killed at least 40 or 50 zombies, but the reward is not directly proportional to the payment...

He hummed, and Zhang Yang didn't look good. He looked at the three stunned junior high school students and shouted, "Why don't you run! Can't you stay and feed the zombies?!"

One sentence suddenly brought the three people back to their senses and ran forward in a hurry.

There are too many zombies gathered outside the building. If you want to kill a bloody road with a pistol, it is simply a dream. You know, the speed of these zombies is no different from that of ordinary people, not the slow moving target. Even if everyone is skilled in shooting, they will never kill a few, and they will be surrounded. What's worse is that these zombies obviously carry a mysterious virus. If they are accidentally caught, it will be really sad... Therefore, Lin Xiao had to throw two * to relieve the siege. Although this * is produced by the arsenal of its own home world, it is still not enough. Looking at the people who were secretly having fun in front of him, Lin Xiao secretly vowed never to do such a loss-making business again.

What Lin Xiao didn't expect was that the young boy with his neck wrapped around his intestines shouted like a madman. His face was twisted and ferocious, and his nerves were obviously broken by this fear.

Looking at the teenager silently, Lin Xiao shook his head and turned around to chase the crowd.

(This is not heaven, but hell! If you don't have the courage to live, then... I can't save you either.)

This young man has been scared to death. Even if Lin Xiao can take him out of here, with this personality, it will only be a burden in the next task. Here, there is not much kindness, not so much morality, and everything is for myself to live.

It's better to use his death to prove something than to waste time saving a passer-by...

After a while, Lin Xiao had caught up with everyone. After all, there was a mission to protect civilians. In order to take care of the two high school students, Land Rover and others did not move forward very fast. When Lin Xiao caught up, several people happened to come outside the garage.

Seeing Lin Xiao running alone, the faces of the two high school students turned white. After a moment of silence, the girl named Jia'er finally bit her lips and asked, "Where's Ping Youjun? Why are you alone?!"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said as if nothing had happened: "... I can't save him."

Hearing Lin Xiao's answer, the two high school students were also silent. Obviously, they are not children of their age who know nothing. At least they also know that ordinary animation enthusiasts can't carry * and * at will.

Several people looked at each other and quietly exchanged, "The master just reminded us that 500 points were deducted because of the death of that student?"

"It should be like this," Lin Xiao shrugged her shoulders. "The unlucky child was scared by a intestine. Sorry, I can't save him."

"It's okay. It's just life and death. It seems that we can't save people at will next."


At this time, the long archer, who had been silent, said silently: "... Let me introduce the specific content of this short animation to you first.

Bed owner city: the stage of the story, a local city with a population of 1 million in the Pacific Ocean. It has a large airport built on the sea, referring to the local customs of Hokkaido and Kyushu in Japan as its prototype. In the original work, these zombies can't swim, and Japan is a country with high and low sides in the middle of the terrain. There are many short and rapid rivers flowing from the central uplift mountains to the Pacific Ocean and the North Gulf. Therefore, if you want to hide, you can row a boat downstream into the ocean.

"The plot mainly takes place in Japan, which is one of the rare zombie-type animations. Although the content is yellow and violent, and the length is extreme, it does not hinder the composition of a complete world system..."

This is a real world, and there will be no protagonist's dead, alive and dead plot, and there will be no brain-damaged cramp opponents. Take the "Campus Apocalypse" as an example, it is a mission scene where a zombie virus invades the world. In this world, you will die if you are infected with the virus, there will be troops to clean up, zombies will attack you and so on... For the simplest example, this is like a free exploration ARPG stand-alone game. You can discover the plot in it. Based on this point, we can determine that there are actually many tasks..."

paused, and the long archer said silently again: "I have experienced a similar biochemical crisis world, so it is certain that the origin and rescue method of this biochemical disaster is definitely the ultimate task hidden in the world, and completion must be a rich reward. ..... I don't know if everyone is interested in doing a big job together?

The ultimate hidden task, although it sounds tempting, you have to spend your life... What responded to her was the silence of the crowd. Everyone knows how capable they are. It is also a tragic way to die when they are full.

A trace of disappointment flashed in the silent eyes of the female elf, "So everyone is going to choose the second way? Look for safe and strong bunkers, hunt zombies in the dark, and wait for the return deadline, hehe..."

"Can this task be completed easily?" Lin Xiao suddenly said, "A zombie is rewarded with 1 point and 50 points for a mutant zombie. That is to say, if you want to reach the 2,000 points required by the task, you have to kill at least thousands of zombies. Even if you queue up to cut it, you will be soft, right? And the rewards of these zombies cannot be shared, that is to say, if we all complete the task, I'm afraid we must kill more than 10,000 zombies in total... Do you still think we have plenty of time?"

"..." Everyone looked pale and scolded themselves for being a little ambitious, and the problems in front of them had not been solved.

"Of course, this problem is also easy to solve," Lin Xiao smiled slightly and then pointed to the two junior high school students behind him. "The solution lies in them. If they operate properly, they may make a lot of money."

Everyone's eyes flashed, but they heard Lin Xiao say again:

"Then I will roughly talk about the three dangers that exist... First of all, it is the fatality of biochemical viruses, which I think Xiao Pang must have a deep understanding of this. Secondly, the speed of zombie mutation, when did the crisis start? How is the transmission method? What is the rate and rate of mutation of mutant zombies? Will there be a possibility of mutant zombies all over the city within three days?

Hearing this, everyone's faces turned white. Lin Xiao looked at everyone's reaction silently and continued, "But don't worry too much. When I just passed by the office, I took the latest version of the newspaper. The date was November 21. No special news report was found, which means that the biochemical crisis should have broken out on that day."

"In addition, listen to this," Lin Xiao took out a small radio from his pocket. After a rustling sound, a mellow middle-aged man suddenly sounded:

"I'm Jieichi Uemura, the commander of the North Sea Command. Our city is suffering from a sudden disaster. Please go home as soon as possible and wait for the rescue of the government army!"

"I'm Jieichi Uemura, the commander of the North Sea Command. Our city is suffering from a sudden disaster. Please go home as soon as possible and wait for the rescue of the government army!"


This message is obviously the military's requisition of the channel, and maybe the same content is being broadcast on TV and the Internet.

"It can be seen from this... There should be many survivors hiding at home. If they can be sent to the army's protected area, most of the escort mission should be completed... What do you think?