Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 015 Storm

If you don't agree, draw a knife to kill!

In this awkward time and place, the sudden meeting of two groups of people means that only one party can go out alive, because only the dead can keep the secret...

"Ghost cut!"

Facing the body that rushed out of the knight, a thick man also jumped up without showing weakness. The whole person formed a head-to-foot posture in mid-air, stretched his hands forward, and then quickly rotated. In his hand, he still held eight cold curved machetes, just in the blink of an eye. A thrilling rotating knife wheel was formed in mid-air, cutting out a harsh noise in the air and strangling the knight brother!


The two collided with each other a second later. With the harsh sound of gold and iron and splashing Mars, a fierce wind that made their skin hurt overflowed. The durability of the knight's silver shield slipped rapidly, and finally there was no light, "click" and broke into a piece of scrap iron.

And the strangulation of the thick man has not stopped!

At the moment of death, Li Daniu was shocked and angry, and shouted suddenly. A necklace on his chest lit up slightly, and there was a faint surging sound in the air. A sparkling water shield appeared in front of him in an instant. The water escape was one meter square, and the color looked extremely blue, and there were even The layers of folds blown by the breeze on the surface of the water are extremely real!

The rapidly rotating whirlwind hit the blue water shield. The thick man's originally rapidly rotating figure actually slowed down in the blink of an eye. Just now, he could not even see the man's appearance clearly, but at this time, he could already clearly see the slightest of the corner of the guy's mouth. Letter and surprise.

At the moment when the thick man was blocked by the water shield summoned by Li Daniu, a small dagger stabbed out like a poisonous snake and plunged into his abdomen fiercely!

Li Daniu snorted in pain, and his face suddenly turned extremely red. The water shield he tried to maintain in front of him was suddenly broken. Then, the strangulation storm violently formed by the ghost cut penetrated the already unstable water shield and cut it fiercely on the knight's chest!

click! A clear sound of broken bones sounded, Li Daniu howled, and the clothes on his chest suddenly shattered, and the blade was deeply cut into flesh and blood!

Blood and broken flesh flew around, and his chest suddenly blurred his flesh and blood, and even the crisscrossing knife marks appeared on his bones, and he could even see the heart inside!

When he saw the scene, Lin Xiao's heart suddenly sank.

Perfect cooperation!

Compared with the three of us, the other party is obviously a tacit team, and the cooperation between them is wonderful. Even Lin Xiao didn't find the assassin's sneak attack just now... On the opposite side are five adventurers, and there has always been an assassin hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move.

The air was slightly distorted, and the assassin who severely damaged the knight also showed his body, but she was a white-haired and red-eyed girl, pursed her lips and her eyes were cold.

No wonder the other party dares to launch a fierce offensive without hesitation. It seems that not only relies on the advantage of the number of people, but also someone on the other side must also have some kind of detection ability to get the general attribute information of the three people. Knowing that Lin Xiao and the fat man are "scum", so they will instantly gather fire to hit the knight brother and crush this biggest The threat is removed, and the remaining two guys are not just fish on the cutting board, but also slaughtered by others?

The situation is critical.

The little fat man's forehead has been covered with a layer of fine sweat, and the fat on his face is trembling, but he has not stepped back half a step. Because he knows that he has no way out at all... No matter what the other party's purpose is, at least he has seen the means of placing civilians into the insurance vault. Twenty people die and 500 points will be deducted. If all of them die, I'm afraid there will be only one way to be erased waiting for him.

"Brother, I'm afraid we're going to kneel this time," Xiao Pang smiled bitterly and suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, I'll block them. You seize the opportunity to rush out! Keep the green mountains without worrying about firewood!..."

Lin Xiao's expression was calm and he could not see any panic. He seemed to be deaf to Xiao Pang's heart. He just raised the silver left wheel in his hand and did three things.

With a soft bang, the muzzle of the gun flashed, and the bullet rubbed against a hot wind in the air, so that the middle-aged man's skin felt the heat, and then stuck on the fire extinguisher more than ten meters behind him. With a loud bang, the fire extinguishers exploded one after another, choking The smell filled the air, the visibility became extremely low, and a large amount of dry powder and foam filled the air. And the loud noise caused by the explosion attracted the attention of the wandering zombies, and roared one after another.

"Damn it!" The middle-aged man's face darkened, "Let's fight quickly, and I won't let go of one!"

Lin Xiao stepped back and avoided the flying knife passing by. With one finger, a white beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped the knight.

"The treatment is launched... Trigger the special effect 'Praise for Life' and restore an additional 100 health points.

The instant recovery of 400 points of health made the dying Comrade Li Daniu resurrect in place and became fierce again.

The third thing, the mental scan is launched to open the first hidden card...

The thick man who seriously injured Comrade Li Daniu was the first to rush out of the smoke and saw Lin Xiao running forward. His eyes flashed, but he heard Lin Xiao say:

"Knight, this short man is up to you. The little fat and I will help you block the people behind you!" Yes

The razor hesitated a little, but still did not choose Du Linxiao to take action, but snorted coldly, "It's just a waste like a weak chicken!" While talking, the two passed by and ran to their opponents, as if they were strangers.

In fact, he really wanted to pinch Lin Xiao to death, but the knight who was almost resurrected made him have to defend himself. Judging from the attributes alone, this guy is the most powerful. He failed to kill him with the strength of his three, but he could not give him a chance to rush into his own camp... As for the two clowns jumping by? He has strong confidence in his teammates.

With this calculation in their hearts, the two sides passed by, but suddenly heard a huge roar in the thick smoke behind them, as if some huge thing fell to the ground, and then...


A harsh sound wave suddenly spread, and under the collision of the large wrench, it made a sound similar to countless nails scratching the glass, covering everyone in it! The middle-aged Chinese character's eyes were stunned, and two dark red blood winding like a small snake flowed out of his nose.

"The howl of death releases and stimulates its resentment through the collision of the wrench, emits the sound of destroying everything, and can attack the enemy directly from the inside. The basic damage value is 100 points. It is determined by the distance and the strength of the enemy's mental strength, and the difference of each point of mental strength is additional pursuit. Add 20 points of damage, coverage, 30 meters. It takes 3 points of mental strength to start. After starting, it falls into a weak state. The cooling time is 15 minutes.

"It's a special evolutionary zombie!" The four people were shocked and angry.

All four people who were caught off guard failed to avoid this range attack. Everyone only felt a needle-like pain in their head, and their Chinese face unfortunately fell into a state of dizziness.

"Roar~~" with a bloody smile and slapped the fainted Guozi face. The poison of these zombies has long been known, and it can almost be said that they are dying. The companions of the Guozi face did not dare to neglect him and rolled away in an instant.

On the other side, Lin Xiao, who had already worn a golden mask, did not stop and rushed straight to the last "nannie".

A trace of sarcasm flashed in the girl's eyes with green eyes and pointed elf ears. She took a step back, and the black ring in her left hand flashed, and a skeleton completely condensed from black gas roared out and rushed straight to Lin Xiao... She has seen a lot of this kind of battle. Seeing that she was a wet nurse, she rushed over desperately. Humph, do you really think she is a soft persimmon? Don't you know that the biggest economy of the team is actually concentrated on yourself?

"And with a weak clown like you, you also want to pose a threat to me?" The attributes of Lin Xiao and others happened to be detected by the elf girl, so he knew the details of Lin Xiao. This beautiful teenager was just bluffing...

On her finger, a black ring was shining dazzlingly, and then a faint black skull rushed out and bit Lin Xiao!

is equipped with its own skills!

Horrible! The automatically locked black skeleton will cause the enemy to fall into a state of fear and stagnate for 2 seconds. This skill cannot be avoided.

This prop turned out to be a gold ring that Lin Xiao has seen many times: the ghost ring!

The black skull of the girl's horror has flown in front of Lin Xiao's face in an instant. There is a winning smile on her face, and she is not even too lazy to put on a defensive posture... Because she knew that her teammates would not disappoint, two seconds was enough for them to rotate the thin young man a hundred times.

However, life is always full of accidents, and there are often many episodes in the script. Just as the black skeleton gas jumped in front of Lin Xiao, the colorless golden mask suddenly flashed, and a small whirlpool appeared in his mouth, which directly absorbed and swallowed the black skeleton gas.

"How is that possible?" There was a trace of shock and badness in the girl's eyes. Just as she was about to move, the corner of her eyes caught a glimpse of the man raising his hand at herself!

There is also a black ring flashing on his finger! Then... A pale black skull flew out and rushed straight over!

"...bastard! Is this boy also a spiritual expert? Why does he have this ring too!" The elf girl scolded in her heart, but she couldn't avoid it.