Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 027 White Mouse

People in the world can't help themselves.

In order to survive, you have to do something you have to do. If you shrink back because of danger, you might as well die. Because there has never been a 100% safe thing in the world, you may be hit by a car, choked to death when eating, and even hiding at home may be killed by an earthquake...

Seek wealth and fear in danger, support the timid to death, and starve the timid to death.

For the antidote, for survival, for points... There is no other way but to work hard.

Xiao Pang had such an idea in his heart. According to Lin Xiao's instructions, he suppressed his fear and worked hard to perform in front of a large group of people. He successfully attracted the attention of researchers with his "special" and was escorted to a special armored vehicle by four heavily armed researchers.

As soon as he got on the car, a white coat who had been prepared opened a silver suitcase and took out a tube of light blue injections.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Pang asked angrily, but without waiting for him to struggle to resist, four black holes pointed at his head without hesitation.

"Mr. Guan Gu, please cooperate. This is just a conventional tranquilizer. Don't worry, we have no malice." A middle-aged white coat with slightly fanatical eyes took the injection and personally injected the medicine into the little fat body.

The fat man resisted the impulse to smash this middle-aged man with bad breath, but he cried loudly in his heart: "Brother, don't fool me, or my little life will be explained here. This is the rhythm of me as a mouse."

The medicine quickly flowed all over the body along the blood. Xiao Pang only felt dizzy, and his eyelids seemed to weigh 10,000 pounds. The usual bite the tip of the tongue had no effect at all. After holding on for a moment, he finally fell asleep with his head crooked.

Seeing this "special mutant" sleeping, a group of people in the car were relieved, and a researcher whispered:

"This guy is really in good health! That tube of medicine is a special sleeping pill that can put down an adult Asian elephant in a minute. It's incredible that he lasted more than a minute more than an elephant..."

When Xiao Pang woke up, he suddenly found himself naked, lying on an operating table, his limbs and neck were firmly locked by metal rings, and he could not break free at all.

"Huh? You woke up!" A white coat's face showed surprise, "What a powerful body immunity, the anesthetic that can make an elephant sleep for a day can only make you unconscious for a long time. It seems that the previous direction of thinking has been wrong..."

When I opened my eyes, I saw the white coat standing in a circle around me staring at me like a mouse. Xiao Pang suddenly trembled with fear, and the fat on his face trembled and shouted:

"Who are you? Why tie me up! Is there any human rights? Is there any royal law?"

A middle-aged man in a suit quickly walked to Xiao Pang, took out a document to publicize it, and said:

"This is a statement jointly signed by the heads of various departments of the municipal government... Mr. Guan Gu, you are the first beneficial evolutionary individual infected by the virus. Please contribute to the greatest cause of all mankind and actively cooperate with researchers to make results. People will remember you!"

"Daesn, I didn't sign it. Why did you tie me up? Have you ever heard that life is equal and free, sacred and inviolable? I want to complain about the illegal abuse of you people!"

The secretary's face was so old that he didn't even blink his eyes. The ghost retreated into the distance, and his voice drifted leisurely:

"You can complain to your superiors at any time, but before that, please cooperate with researchers to conduct research..."

And those white coats did not stop, ignoring Xiao Pang's loud protest, and still doing various experiments with Xiao Pang in an orderly manner.

"Have you done the MRI scan?"

"I have done it. The proportion of metal in the body is less than 1.8%, which is normal."

"Have the DNA analysis data come out?"

"I'll be there soon."

"The development of the front lobe of the brain is 8% more than that of ordinary people. The specific reason is unknown. Further research and analysis are not recommended for the time being. Anatomical research is not recommended.

These white coats wear masks, only revealing a pair of ruthless eyes, and carry out various experiments on the little fat body, such as using needles to measure the degree of pain, cutting wounds with scalpels to observe the rapid cell growth, and some people use tubes to insert tubes into the fat man's mouth to help him wash his stomach, and inject all kinds of ming**......

Little fat burst into tears, looked at the incandescent lamp above his head, and remembered the frog dissected in high school biology class in a trance. He couldn't help raising a faint sadness of the same disease and howled in his heart: "Brother, I can't stand it anymore. Come on~~


At this time, the next night has come. Lin Xiao and the knight followed the feeling of the contract and came to the secret place where Xiao Pang was "researched"...

Super science fiction underground research hall!

Under this municipal hall, the ground has been hollowed out, and it is a huge underground building covering an area of several mu and hundreds of meters vertical depth!

On this day, the two were not idle and made various response arrangements. After dark, he took off the clothes of the two stunned guards and handed over the walkie-talkie to play silently. Finally, under the "leading" of the two researchers, he temporarily controlled the two guards through charm and finally successfully invaded the underground building. There is no need to repeat all kinds of labor.

"Bear by the way, how are you sure there is such a building underground?" After solving the two unlucky guys casually, the knight asked puzzled, "Why didn't I see it?"

"..." Lin Xiao blinked her eyes and explained, "In the original plot, the beginning of the story is the outbreak of the virus, and there is no explanation for the back/scape of the incident. So, here comes the problem... First, how did this horrible biochemical virus break out? Is it an accident or man-made? Second, in the original work, the homeowner's city built a large sea parking airport on the seashore. The geographical advantages there are absolutely incomparable, and none of these government officials have withdrawn. There must be some reason why they are reluctant to leave. As for everything for the citizens, it's all bullshit! Third: It is still an outbreak of the virus. In the original work, the virus infection was all bitten by the infected body. As a result, a question of 'chicken and egg' appeared - how did the first virus infection appear? Fourth, and last doubt, if the outbreak of the biochemical crisis is sudden, then in the face of this disaster, natural people are equal, but have you found any municipal government officials turning into zombies? How could they react so quickly? How can the response be so timely?"

Comrade Li Daniel thought for a moment, then suddenly took a cold breath and said with wide eyes:

You mean that this disaster was deliberately caused by someone? In fact, senior officials everywhere have already received the news?"

"Maybe." Lin Xiao didn't want to talk much about this issue and knocked on the explosion-proof shield. "Let's save the fat man quickly. I'm afraid he's going crazy~~"