Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 039 Shooting

Several people were awe-inspiring and no longer delaying the time. They killed the chasing special forces soldiers back. Of course, this is not a brainless charge... What is the biggest difference between adventurers and ordinary people? It's not physical fitness! In the early and middle period, the power of hot weapons could not be underestimated, and anyone who was destroyed and did not die in the last round will have to get pregnant.

What really gives adventurers absolute advantage is the sight and means! After experiencing more than a dozen adventure worlds, special props, strange methods and so on emerge one after another. Ghosts, ghosts, spiritual hallucinations, attacks from the magic side and ghost side, how can a soldier who thrives under old horseism fight back? The unknown is often the greatest fear, and once you mess up, it will be a massacre to welcome them.

"Coconut split..."

"The touch of Sadako Yamamura..."

"The kiss of the rotten mermaid in the sewer..."

"The skull of the demon knight..."


The battle is imminent.

...... Facing the attack of two soldiers at close range, Lin Xiao did not panic at all. He suddenly kicked the lower abdomen of the approaching right soldier. The guy immediately staggered back several steps and bent down to breathe in pain. At the same time, Lin Xiao's right hand with a gun crossed an arc in the air, and the muzzle sprayed two sparks without any stagnation at all.

Two soldiers who rushed in from the corner were hit at the same time, fell to the ground and died. The shot was still the only throat exposed to the bulletproof suit!

The so-called shooting, in addition to the long-practiced feel, the grasp of the environment, the analysis of the surrounding enemies, the control of its own most subtle forces, etc., all determine whether a person has the potential of a sharpshooter. Lin Xiao doesn't think he is a sharpshooter, but his physical quality, which is much stronger than ordinary people, gives him absolute control over his body and surroundings - for example, when Lin Xiao shoots, his dynamic vision is like the bullet time of the Matrix Reino. Although it is not so exaggerated, these special forces are in Lin Xiao. In the eyes, the movement is indeed "very slow".

In the pool of blood, several bodies slowly fell to the ground, and the hem of Lin Xiao's black tweed coat did not even fall. This scene really had a bloody and elegant beauty.

But Lin Xiao's expression was very indifferent, as if he had just killed two people, but trampled two ants. There was a rapid running sound in the darkness. Obviously, reinforcement soldiers were coming, but Lin Xiao looked calm and began to put bullets on the police tricycle in his hand. Until the footsteps outside approached. Then he slowly raised his hand and began to aim.

The strange thing is that he actually aimed at the empty wall opposite!


Lin Xiao fired four shots in a row with a blank face, and pink dust and smoke splashed everywhere. Without exception, these four shots shot shallow pits on the opposite wall, but there was a dull sound of "dong" falling to the ground and screaming from the outside corridor. He suddenly used angle reflection to shoot the wall, but the bullet he shot has refracted into the corridor, successfully killing the soldiers outside!

Lin Xiao naturally did not have this ability before, but don't forget that during the bank encounter, Lin Xiao and the three of them annihilated all five people and got a full four trophies. Among them is an LV3 gun master scroll. This scroll finally fell into Lin Xiao's hands. After learning at this time, he jumped into the forest of top gunmen...

Lin Xiao slowly walked to a dead soldier and picked up the fallen key from the pool of blood. As soon as he stopped, a fist quickly expanded in front of his eyes, and then hit him heavily on the cheek!

This punch was not only powerful, but also very abrupt, completely unexpected. His first thought in the panic was naturally to get out of the distance immediately. But how could the long-lurking enemy give him this opportunity? A beast-like low roar came from his throat. His strong arms had been hugged, and Lin Xiao was hugged to death, and then a mallet hit the bridge of his nose violently!

The frontal bone was originally one of the hardest parts of the human body. This collision made a tragic momentum like Mars hitting the earth. In this moment of severe pain, Lin Xiao even heard the sound of fragments of his nose bone fragmentation and nosebleed ejected. He hummed in a low voice, snot tears and a lot of blood. It gushed out autonomously, and there was a blur and pain in front of me. And the strong and tall white man was even more powerful. He suddenly circled behind Lin Xiao and shook him to the ground. His right hand had grabbed Lin Xiao's reversed arm, and his left hand waved his fist fiercely, aiming at the back of the enemy's head!

Kurt believes that with his punch that can smash the thick snowfield silver fir in the mouth of the bowl, no matter what evolved human beings and super warriors he is, he will all go to see God! This is the confidence that I came out of the Siberian training camp and killed seven snowfield wolves with bare hands on the snowfield!

As for prisoners alive or something, go to hell! No one can stay in the battle, either live or die! Even if he kills him, the employer must have nothing to say. This is a default tradition...

If this blow is corrected by Kurt, the unlucky Lin Xiao is at least severe concussion and coma. If he is unlucky, he may even be killed by one punch. However, at this time, Lin Xiao had recovered from the initial panic and became calm and tough again. He turned his elbow* to Kurt's face, accompanied by a crisp muffled sound! You know, his right hand was cut behind by a white man at this time, and such a big move can only lead to one end: his right arm was broken from the joint!

Kurt didn't expect Lin Xiao to be so crazy. He snorted and was hit by his elbow! You know, Lin Xiao's current strength is still 20 points under the bonus of various titles. This elbow is a little weaker than the claws of the coniferous grizzly bear!

You can even see Kurt's suddenly crooked mouth and bloody teeth thrown out of his mouth...

Following the opportunity to jump forward and get out of Kurt's clamping, Lin Xiao rolled around when he fell in the air. In the state of losing balance, his left hand could pull out the silver left wheel and aim coldly and fiercely!

Kurt himself is not agile, far from being able to successfully avoid bullets. On the one hand, it is a matter of the accuracy of shooting, and on the other hand, it is the prediction of action. Of course, the most Important or indispensable luck... But in the face of Lin Xiao's shooting, it does not mean that he will not do anything. The life-and-death instinct that has been sharpened on the edge of danger for a long time made this man make the right remedy at a critical moment... He did not hesitate to slide to the right, kicked a soldier up with one leg, and ruthlessly blocked his student Shang Wen's body in front of him!

A shot! The soldier with a slightly young face had a blood hole on his forehead, while the skull of the back of his head was directly turned over to a bowl-sized black hole. The brain and blood splashed all over Kurt. The warm and cruel feeling was really unforgettable, but the tall and strong man like a polar bear was unaware of it at all. He let the warm blood and brain plasma slide down his cheeks, and his eyes were as sharp as knives. He held the body and strode closer to Lin Xiao.

Bang, the moment the body landed, Kurt leaned out like an angry tiger, and he just put his right hand in front of his face - since the trick didn't work, then attack head-on!

In the old oriental saying, it is: the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road... Whoever is a coward is a grandson!

In the face of a gunman trying to distance himself, you are still stupid to run back. Don't be too dead! After the struggle just now, he has roughly figured out Lin Xiao's "bottom details". Even if he is better than himself, he is not much better. As long as he is close, his fist will tell him what extreme violent aesthetics is!

"Bah! I'm going to blow this boy's egg!" Kurt thought viciously. If he was still on a mission in the Middle East, most of the people who offended Kurt were cut off their hamstrings and thrown into the desert and died in the sun. I still remember that the most tenacious guy was exposed to the last breath after being exposed to the sun for three days. Originally, the man of more than 200 catties of man wailed for three days, and the sunned man only died for more than 20 days. Weight!

At this time, he saw that the boy in front of him had no intention of dodging and running away, but calmly raised the simple and elegant silver revolver, and a faint halo rippled on the gun, filled with smoke. Kurt felt that there seemed to be an invisible huge pressure in his right eye. Come on, it almost made him unable to breathe. At this time, he had understood that his sharpened dangerous instinct was working, herding that his right eye was about to suffer a terrible attack. He immediately jumped back with his feet vigorously, and tried his best to bend his right arm in front of him!

A muffled sound came. The sound was not loud, but full of indescribable penetration, as if the mood of the person who heard it and even the internal organs would tremble with the sound. Kurt felt numb in his right arm in an instant, and then his forehead seemed to be hit hard by something extremely hard. His eyes darkened and he could no longer wake up...

It turns out that no matter how high the kung fu is, he is afraid of the kitchen knife~~ Even Kurt, a guy who has almost reached the peak of human physical fitness by extreme training alone, can't eat a few guns. Under the double critical strike of Lin Xiao's heart attack + revolver, he hit more than 200 points of damage in an instant! Kurt's head exploded like a watermelon, and there was no chance to cheat the corpse again.

"Ding: You killed the Siberian training camp instructor Kurt, and you got 100 points."

Lin Xiao moved his right arm, otherwise he sighed that he could not be careless at any time, so he picked up the key that Kurt dropped and summoned a treasure chest.

"You got the m500 rotary pistol." Status: General)

Ow: United States. Smith. Wesson Company."

"Equip rarity: white."

"Attack power 25~55."

"Material: titanium steel stamping, the outer surface is shot peening and phosphating."

Additional device: stii type*. Wooden butt and strap.

"Ammunition can be used: 0.50 Magnum powerful pistol bullets."

"Effective range of bullets: 100 meters."

"Weight: 2.1 kg."

"The whole gun is 450mm long."

"Bam box capacity (2 rounds) (to be repaired)"

"Equip conditions: strength must reach more than 7 points."

"Attack speed: 8 seconds/fire, very slow, reloading speed very slow: 15 seconds. ( To be repaired"

"Evaluation: This is one of Kurt's father's relics. With this gun, Kurt successfully walked out of the Siberian wilderness. Kurt cherished it more than his own life.