Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 07 Devil Snake

kicked open the iron door and entered the corridor. In the dull footsteps, the induction lamp overhead sprinkled a white light.

This office building has long been empty, and only scattered paper documents have been randomly discarded in the corridor. There is a huge claw mark on the wall on the left. The blood on the ground has just dried up, and a mass of blood and suspected internal organs was found in the corner... Obviously, there has been a "monster cannibal" scene here, and it seems to be just a while ago.

Six people looked at each other, and Lin Xiao whispered:

"Action in pairs, pay attention to vigilance, safety first!"

Searching through the rooms, people soon found a dead brother in the conference hall in the corner.

This is a female corpse brother. The virus made her neck grow old and lay on the roof like a snake, intending to sneak attack Lao Huang and Faduo who came in.

"How dare you!" Lao Huang laughed and slapped it out. The super fast speed even made a dull gas explosion in the air. Before the corpse brother could react, a slap had fallen on its face. With a bang, the more than 100 pounds of meat rolled backwards and flew out, flying backwards at a faster speed like a football shot by a violent shot, and crashed into the wall. The walls made of cement and lime have knocked out a huge pit, and the dense cracks burst and radiated, and the smoke and dust choked.

The corpse brother was beaten hard. He lay on the ground and twitched for more than ten seconds before he came to his senses. Half of his cheeks were swollen like a pig's head. As soon as he looked up, he saw a group of people surrounded it indifferently...

Five minutes later, Lin Xiao took off his blood-stained gloves, washed his hands with water, and said lightly:

"From the data obtained from the anatomy, it can be seen that this kind of first-class corpse muscle tissue has a strong ability to absorb damage. Well, it is basically equivalent to the tight difference between fish and beef. In addition, their hearts and stomachs have more than doubled, while other organs such as lungs and kidneys have withered and degenerated much... This can also be explained: a strong stomach gives them a strong digestive ability, so that they can absorb enough energy to support physical activities. Well, it seems that this corpse brother can also ruminate like an old cow, swallow undigested food, and spit it out when he is hungry..."

Ignoring the stiff smiles of others, Lin Xiao continued:

"This corpse brother has a certain response to external stimuli such as light, smell and pain, and even retains simple wisdom - when a piece of shit and a piece of meat are placed in front of it at the same time, it makes a wiser choice. Even when the knife was cut just now, it showed a certain fear reaction..."

With a slight breath of turbidity, Lin Xiao concluded:

"There is no doubt that this is a monster that is more advanced than the zombies in the biochemical crisis. They are not zombies, but a new species - with basic life needs, certain emotional activities, and the possibility of intelligence growth."

"Strong physical fitness and abnormal recovery ability, to some extent, these corpses are more perfect creatures than human evolution."

"Is it okay to throw away the head in your hand before saying this?" Xu Le wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "You must have done this many times, right? Such a skillful dismemberment of a corpse brother into pieces, and his face is still talking and laughing freely, what a nerve is like this!"

“...... By the way, I began to be skeptical for the first time.

I simply got some information. Everyone continued to act and killed several first-class corpses that jumped out of their eyes one after another. Soon they found a map in an office. There is a two-day gap between the time displayed in the computer cloud and the watch on the wall.

"That is to say, did this 'evolution' appear two days ago?" Lin Xiao silently thought about the meaning.

As we all know, these corpse brothers can evolve and become powerful by devouring the corpses of their peers. Even black ants have become long and thick. How powerful can the more advanced corpse brothers be? And as time goes by, what will happen to the dead brothers in three days?

When several members of the Tianshen team walked out of the office building, Lin Xiao shook the map in his hand and said:

"Our current location is the eastern part of H City, near the East China Sea, which is the famous Oriental TV Tower in the East District, which is about 40 kilometers away from the city center... If there is no task for the time being, let's move towards the city center.

The ordinary people in H City have escaped from death. The wide asphalt road is clean and smells like an empty alley. Although there were several car accidents at this time, it was still passable.

Xu Le walked to a large truck in the middle of the road, raised his hand to open the door, got in and pounded it twice, then started the car, rushed back to the crowd, and grinned:

"I think that my old Dou often drove my own truck to travel north and south. When I was 13 years old, I was able to drive this kind of car. Don't believe it. Once I fell asleep and drove the car home in a daze..."

"If you don't die, you won't die."

"Do you know that you made your old Dou like this?"


The car drove quickly towards the city center, and the streets were empty and there was no ghost. Unspeakable feelings linger in my heart.

However, in an instant, this mood became worse again. Xu Le, driving the big truck in front of him, suddenly turned around and suddenly stopped, but even so, the big truck fell into a huge pit in front of him. Several cars behind also stopped alertly and found that the ground suddenly turned up, and a round mouth full of two meters wide suddenly rose from the ground, and its sharp teeth kept grinding and rotating.

Looking at the strange and ferocious monster in front of them, everyone was dumbfounded.

What the fuck is this! How can you be so ugly!

Even the most lady girl is expected to scold in her heart at this time.

Several people quickly left the vehicle. Lin Xiao took out the zombie strategy reward obtained by the last world and scanned the huge monster.

"Demon snake - snake, corpse brother virus and earthworm gene fusion, probably still a mutant. 28 meters long, the head is a big round mouth, with countless fangs in it, which looks like a meat grinder. And around the head, there are generally several tentacles, also a mouth, and a micro-photosensitive organ that can detect the existence of organisms.

Feng Xiaoxi took a deep breath, "This monster doesn't look weak, at least it should be at the level of a third-level corpse brother, right?"

"Nanther, 3728, just cut his mother!" Lao Huang pulled out a bloody axe and was murderous.

At this time, Xu Le also escaped from the big truck and said in a cold sweat, "I'm scared. I didn't play like this. I finally found a nostalgic car!"

The demon snake, which drilled out of its head from the ground, bit the truck with a big mouth, and the circle of dense teeth directly tore the iron sheet and chewed it up, swallowed the truck like a snake swallowing prey!

The eyes of several people were straight, and they had to laugh dryly: "The teeth are good and have a good appetite. It's delicious to eat~~"

At this time, the cute demon snake finally found the existence of Lin Xiao's group and stretched out a tentacle directly from his mouth.

is said to be a tentacle, but at least there is a thickness of the bowl mouth, some smaller tentacles on it, and the front end also has a large mouth with saliva.

Several people suddenly rushed out around, and the tentacle shot down from behind them. The hard ground is penetrated like tofu, and cement stones are splashed everywhere, like a dry riverbed in the dry season in the north. The tentacle's head penetrated and came up again, biting Xu Le fiercely.

"Your sister, why are you staring at me!" Xu Le wanted to cry without tears and rolled his eyes.

Xu Le also became fierce at this time. When the tentacle stretched out again, he suddenly turned around and grabbed the bone chopping knife with both hands and cut it fiercely. With a click, the bone chopping knife was only cut in less than five centimeters, and a thick and smelly earth-like blood gushed out, splashing Xu Le's face. And this action made the demon snake very angry and made a harsh hiss. At the same time, the real big mouth of the demon snake suddenly raised from the other direction and bit down at everyone.

Xu Le can clearly see the flesh and blood of the unlucky man in the big mouth, and the closed fangs...!