Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 016 Group Kill 1

"Wow~~ha." Everyone was relieved to successfully kill the giant crocodile and completed the regional task released by the master.

Someone quickly turned away without saying a word. The reason is very simple - with the end of the task, the previous agreement has been invalidated, and no one can guarantee whether he will be stabbed in the back... Compared with unreliable teammates, it is more reassuring to act alone.

This task was completed smoothly. If it hadn't been for those unlucky people, everyone might have been able to achieve a "perfect killing".

The temporary team of dozens of people was suddenly disbanded, and the adventurers quickly integrated into the vast night to find their own opportunities. The huge beach suddenly calmed down.

The captain of the blood-colored Thunder team came over and said with a cheerful smile:

"Brother Lin Xiao, this cooperation is very pleasant. I hope we can fight together next time!"

"Haha, Brother Lin Xiao, let's say goodbye!"

The captains of other adventurer teams also came to say goodbye to Lin Xiao and others, and then left silently.

These people are arrogant and unwilling to succumb to others easily, and there is also some desire to compare with each other. However, the greeting on the scene still needs to be played, at least if you are familiar with it, and it may help a little at the critical moment.

In addition, it was not that there was no team to propose to act together, but it was rejected by Lin Xiao with a smile. Although this urban carnival is not as bloody as the killing competition, it is still based on competition. People who are not from the same team will certainly not have a bowl of water in the distribution of benefits. It is better to act alone.

"Okay, let's go, too." Lin Xiao said hello, and everyone returned to the road and headed for the city center.

On the way, Xu Le asked:

"Our current situation is not optimistic. We worked hard to complete a regional task, but we were overtaken by a large group of people."

Lao Huang drove the car and said:

"This really doesn't work. One kill comes too slowly. Shouldn't we use some 'special means'?"

Lin Xiao lay in a chair and said comfortably:

"According to past experience, the best way to deal with such a large number of small monsters is to use some map gun weapons. For example, *ah, *ah and so on... But on the one hand, we don't have nuclear bombs, and on the other hand, we control the use of this large-scale weapon.

"Do you remember the tactics we used in the 'zombie world war'?" Lin Xiao suddenly said.

Hearing Lin Xiao's mention, the eyes of Huang Qin and others suddenly lit up, but they remembered the scoring method a long time ago. Use the food, noise, light sources, etc. that the zombies are interested in as bait to lure a large group of zombies near the gas station, and finally create a brilliant fireworks... Although such means are obvious scoring behavior, they are not out of the scope of the dominant judgment rules, so they can still get a lot of points.

"What are we still doing?" Lao Huang asked.

"The corpse brothers here are very strong, and ordinary explosions do not kill them." Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "But we are not a difficult rookie. The plan can also make a little change... Turn left and then left at the front intersection. 300 meters away, at the intersection of the bustling avenue, let's test the possibility of scoring there first!"

Five minutes later, two Hummer Land Rovers stopped in the center of the intersection of the bustling Avenue. The cold night wind blew and the chill hit people.

Lin Xiao looked around and nodded with satisfaction, "That's it!"

"First of all, the information we know now is that the IQ of the corpse brother is very low, so it is unlikely that we can see through the trap. In addition, because of the needs of evolution, their demand for flesh and blood energy is extremely strong. Finally, it is conservatively estimated that hundreds of thousands of brothers are wandering in this H city. We should be prepared to be beaten by hundreds of corpses.

Xu Le smiled and said, "I've been ready for a long time. For the ranking, I must fight!"

"Well, let's make the first arrangement first." Lin Xiao quickly said, "The construction of the perimeter defense circle, the setting of the ground minefield, and the choice of retreat when being defended..."

While talking, he took out the magic scorpion bracelet and handed it to Feng Xiaoxi. "In terms of everyone's current energy value, summoning the lion-headed Death Guard will not affect the outbreak in the battle, and nothing is more suitable as a meat shield than a Death Guard."

Feng Xiaoxi nodded obediently, put on the death bracelet, the elf ability input, the low horn sounded, and a whirlwind blew on the flat ground. In the yellow sand, a three-meter-long, dog-headed bodyguard with a huge long axe came out silently, like a reef in the dark, standing firmly beside Feng Xiaoxi. .

"Scorpion King Bracelet: the certificate to control the army of death. Because the adventurer does not trigger the mission in the Year of the Scorpion, the number of Reaper troops summoned is limited. The maximum limit is 500. There are two summoning methods, one is to consume energy, such as magic, power, etc., and the other is to spend points to summon a death guard for every 50 points. Call without cooling. The source of the item is "Legend of Ghosts", which can be exchanged for 4,000 points in the city.

In fact, the physical quality of these summoned death guards is only about three times that of ordinary people, but they absolutely follow orders and are not afraid of death/immortal bodies. This kind of helper is dispensable in a one-on-one battle, and the two long legs can't catch up with the enemy. But in large-scale group fighting, a certain number of death guards can be used as a force to subvert the war...

A war is about intelligence, ambush, logistics and morale, but the most fundamental thing is soldiers. Even if you have the talent and the ability to strategize, if you don't even have a big leader, you still fart. It's better to go home and take a shower early to coax your wife~~

Hundreds of death guards stood silently into four phalanxes, blocking the four intersections of the bustling avenue.

On the other side, Lin Xiao was not idle. He opened the Bible of the Dead and began to summon the mummy guards.

This short and slain mummy bodyguard is worse than the death bodyguard, and its physical quality is comparable to that of ordinary people. In the eyes of current adventurers, it can be slapped to death. Therefore, Lin Xiao summons this kind of cannon fodder less and less. Even if it is occasionally summoned, it is only a carrier for waist bombs to make a suicide charge.

But this time, Lin Xiao can really use these mummy guards.

He opened the team's public space and shook out a lot of semi-automatic firearms, AK47, Red Dragon, Bayi Hanyang, Uzi submachine gun, and even a simple version of the rocket launcher... There is everything. The most powerful weapon is the refined rocket carried by two flesh and blood butchers.

These 160cm long killers reflect the cold luster under the light, which is shocking.

"Astrous I launcher, Russia's national strategic military industry, we found two rockets with a caliber of 200 mm to 300 mm. Now it seems that the range should be able to be fired to 20 kilometers away, and the accuracy is extremely high. THE ROCKET CANNON IS DIVIDED INTO MOTHER BOMBS AND SBOMBS. THE MOTHER BOMBS CAN INSTANTLY CONJECT ALL SPACE WITHIN 50 METERS INTO A SEA OF FIRE. EVEN ROCKS WILL BEGIN TO MEL AT THIS TEMPERATURE. THERE ARE MORE THAN 200 BOMBS IN EACH ROCKET GUN, WHICH CAN PENETRATE 100MM THICK STEEL plates. "

"Owderland: World of Legend of Ghosts, Chaisrold Ordnance Company, second assembly line manufacturing."

As the first home world of the God Team, the world of Legend of Ghosts is naturally the most comprehensive world operated and developed by everyone. A group of adventurers who master high-end technology, magical magic power, come and go without a trace, have unpredictable means, and are extremely far-sighted. If they can't secretly influence and control a low-end technology world, they can really buy a piece of tofu and die.

Lin Xiao then controlled dozens of mummi guards to pick up these automatic rifles, wrapped around their waists, fully armed, and stood in four rows murderous.

Although these mummie guards have no IQ, they can still do things like simply pulling the trigger. In this way, Lin Xiao got a fully armed team of hundreds of people.

...... Preliminary preparation is completed.

The first defense built with used cars has also been simply completed, the Death Guard is also guarded aside, and the mummy warrior has also picked up arms... Everything is ready, only the east wind.

"Well, let's get started." Lin Xiao took a deep breath, smiled slightly, and took out a shining fist-sized thing from his pocket. At first glance... This thing is more than enough to make jewelry for the most selected ladies, but in fact, this thing in Lin Xiao's hand is like a gemstone, but It's a piece of meat...

The meat of gems......

From the world of food captives, the ingredients that Lin Xiao specially ran to three difficulties and spent more than 5,000 points to buy. The specialty of the Ligalu mammoth in the world of "Captives of Food", the meat of evolution...

In the body of the Ligaru mammoth, which is as big as a super-giant aircraft carrier, there is a piece of raw meat that includes both tenderloin, kidney meat and other visceral parts, heart and liver, and integrates the deliciousness of all parts of the whole body...

It got its name because this piece of meat will shine like a gem. In ancient times, the strongest warriors often used the meat of gems as a love token and gave it to their favorite objects, which shows the charm of the gem meat...

And the attribute of this gem meat is also very simple. After swallowing, in addition to enjoying the ultimate delicious enjoyment in the world, you can also instantly fill up the health value. Finally, you will get the effect of randomly adding two permanent basic attributes... The reason why Lin Xiao took out this gem meat was to serve as a bait.

This is one of the benefits obtained after Lin Xiao's military rank was raised. Getting the information of the next adventure world an hour in advance is definitely better than a black rush. In many cases, the mastery of intelligence determines success or failure!