Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 021 Self-Knowledge

"Ding: You killed the giant black earthworm, and you got 50 kill points."

After the death of the black earthworm, a silvery key fell on the ground. With the bonus of the domination rule, there are a large number of keys dropped after the death of the corpse brother, but experience tells Lin Xiao, never believe that anything good can be opened in it...

Lin Xiao picked up the key, stared at the dog men and women enviously, and summoned a silver treasure chest:

"Ding: You got 200 points."

Ding: You got a piece of black earthworm dried meat, which is carefully cooked from black earthworm flesh essence. It has a unique taste and a sour taste. There is a 50% chance of randomly increasing 2 attribute values after eating, and can restore 40% of the maximum health value within 5 minutes.

"Ding: You have obtained the essence of flesh and blood. The specific method of use of blood containing strong qi and blood is unknown. Please explore it by yourself.

The reward given by the master this time is really rich. Together, the things opened are worth 2,000 points.

Taking the dried black earthworm meat, Lin Xiao walked to the dog man and woman and said with a smile:

"Well, let's talk about your stay now."

"What do you want to do?" The faces of the wild mandarin ducks changed and quickly retreated.

"Don't be afraid, I mean no harm to you." Lin Xiao grinned, and his expression was quite pure and innocent, but he moved his feet to block the way of the wild mandarin ducks leaving. He said leisurely, "It's just that you led the monster. Let's make a free shield for a while. Can't this happen?"

Lin Xiao's eyes are slanted, the corners of his mouth are up, and his right index finger and thumb are gently rubbed, and his attitude is very obvious...

"It should be." The man who prostitute sweated coldly on his forehead and said with a smile, "If you don't fight, you won't know each other! Thanks to the care of my brothers this time, I took out 5,000 points here, and I have the right to take it as a little intention..."

"Go away!" Old Huang stared and said in a muffled voice, "We don't care about your little profit?"

"That's, that's right, a few points will definitely not get into everyone's eyes~~"


"I won't talk nonsense with you," Lin Xiao shook her head, raised her hand and threw the dried black earthworm meat that no one wanted. "This thing is for you. Take us to see your big brother."

There was a trace of vigilance on the face of the male prostitute, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Xiaoyin smiled and said, "Naturally it is a great thing~~"

It is naturally impossible to kill from beginning to end in a three-day 72-hour carnival time. After all, people are not machines, and proper rest is still necessary. Otherwise, the wild mandarin ducks would not have run to the street so boldly.

Under Lin Xiao's "coercion and lure", the male prostitute finally agreed and found the captain of the alliance team in a high-end hotel. It is a calm middle-aged man who looks about 30 years old and has the momentum of iron-blooded killing. President of the Alliance, Chu Yuntian.

People are divided into three or six or nine, and things are priorities. As long as there are people, there is class. Since the alliance can be regarded as a top team, it has some strong background.

Surprisingly, after Lin Xiao saw Chu Yuntian, the two hugged like old friends they hadn't seen for many years, and then walked into a high-end suite hand in hand and secretly discussed for dozens of minutes... The gossip said that the fat man who has been promoted to three difficulties seems to have some fateful friendship with Chu Yuntian of the alliance...

At the end of the secret discussion, Lin Xiao came out with a spring breeze, greeted the other members of the alliance, led his teammates out of the hotel and disappeared into the night.

"Some relationships can't be exposed for the time being, but I also got a lot of news from Chu Yuntian." On the way, Lin Xiao rubbed her forehead and said tiredly, "Everyone is tired after being busy for so long. First, find a casual place to rest for a while, refresh yourself and then continue to act. Don't miss the wood work of sharpening the knife.

There was nothing to say overnight. At 6 a.m. the next morning, several people of the God team left the hiding place and strode towards the morning sun.

"It is confirmed that the downtown library where the big boss is located in the original plot is 45 kilometers away from us. If we don't consider the sudden battle along the way, it will only take two hours to get there at our speed. Xu Le took out the mini handheld computer and crackled it, and turned out the nearby map, "What should we do next?"

"Of course it's time to kill people." Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly, "It's the stupidest thing to stand still standing still and foolishly facing the enemy, knowing that the danger is ahead. There is a saying that it's better to do it first, and then suffer..."

The closer to the city center, the more traffic will be blocked on the road. In the later stage, it will be dark and there will be no empty feet. Everyone had to give up the idea of driving and walk instead. Xu Le wanted to drive a tank over, but it was too noisy and not very safe.

"Wait, there is movement ahead!" The old yellow who walked in the front frowned.

A series of heavy footsteps and heavy gasps sounded from the other end of the street. More than ten seconds later, a man and a woman ran from the corner and ran this way. Behind them were a team of eight American soldiers wearing green berets and several adventurers who were chasing them.

The two people who were hunted down were already scarred, especially the fat man's abdomen, which was cut with a two-finger-long wound with a sharp blade, and greasy blood flowers appeared on the wound, giving people a feeling that a compost intestine would flow out the next moment.

At this time, it is the darkest moment before dawn, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and when people are killed and set on fire~~ There is no doubt that this is a big fish eating small fish-style black.

This kind of thing is normal in the city. If you don't agree, you can kill people. If you see wealth, you will be greedy, etc. If you are sure of killing, you will be killed.

It's just that when Lin Xiao saw the fleeing man and woman clearly, his eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth were gently squeezed, and his eyes were as sharp as knives.

The small team of American soldiers rushed forward, and the standard m4A1 in their hands kept opening fire. The harsh fire tongue cut through the darkness and had high combat literacy.

At this time, the pursuers also found the existence of Lin Xiao and others. After a little hesitation, someone shouted:

"Listen to the people ahead! I'm Wang Lin, the deputy captain of the Wind Team. Help me stop those two. Thank you very much later!"

"Ha ha, hand~~" Lin Xiao smiled, raised his hand, raised his gun, aimed, and completed it in one breath. With a bang, a hot bullet cut through the sky and flew away.

A summoned American soldier was shot in the arm, chest and thigh. He was about to roar, and a bullet with flame flew in front of him in an instant!!!

Lin Xiao's bullet roared, shot from the American soldier's face bone into the bottom of his brain, and then broke the skull and flew straight out. Because the kinetic energy attached to the bullet was too large, he directly lifted the whole back of his head.

So from the front, this guy's expression shows a horrible distortion, but if you go around behind him, you can see the deep black hole the size of a bowl behind his head and the wall smeared by blood and brain!

"How dare you!"

Wang Lin's voice immediately became cold, and he quickly summoned the remaining American soldiers to his side. Naturally, it is okay for these summoning soldiers to chase and kill two homeless adventurers, but when they meet a team of adventurers with unknown strength, they can't rush forward foolishly.

Although the value of cannon fodder is sacrificed, meaningless sacrifices are absolutely intolerable. This is a man who knows his weaknesses and strengths very well.

"You are determined to do the right with my Wind Team, right?" Wang Lin's voice came coldly, "I advise you to be self-aknowledge!"

Lin Xiao stood still with a blank face and ignored it. On the contrary, a man and a woman who were hunted down ran to Lin Xiao's side breathlessly, which was quite a joy of survival. The tall fat man hugged Lin Xiao's thigh and cried loudly:

"Brother, brother! You finally came, and I thought I would never see you again..."


Its voice is sad, like crying, like cuckoo crying blood, melodious. The excitement and intimation made everyone present couldn't help shivering.

This man and woman are the elf archer silently and the little fat brother.

After the last world passed, Xiao Pang, Silence and Knight Brother formed a small group to seek life conscientiously. This urban carnival also participated. I don't want to be proud of the world, but I want to make a lot of money. But unfortunately, I met the Wind Team and others again.

Judging from the previous information, the Cavalier's previous team seems to have been destroyed in the hands of the Wind Team, and coupled with the existence of this woman's silence, it can be described as deep hatred and hatred.

However, the two sides were enemies on a narrow road, which coincidentally met at the intersection. So, the little fat ones are unlucky... For the Wind Team, the Silent Knights are just jumping clowns, and they usually can't see them. At this time, they hit the muzzle of the gun, how can they not kill them?

"Brother, you have to make the decision for us!" Xiao Pang complained with tears and snot, "Who have we provoked? Why fight without saying a word! In order to help us buy time to escape, Da Niu's life and death are still uncertain now..."

"I'll take care of this." Lin Xiao said in a low voice.