Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 026 Both lose

Lin Xiao's choice of timing was very tricky. It happened to be the moment when Leng Feng fell into the stiff attack, he raised his hand and shot. The action was strange, without warning, and even the crystal ball was not displayed at all!

Heart attack + revolver + armor-piercing bullet + enchanted flame piercing!

As Lin Xiao's most commonly used long-range attack consumption method, the basic damage of the silver left wheel is not high, but the collateral damage that can be hit is absolutely not low! It seemed that a ferocious beast broke out of the cage and roared in silence in the dark.

In just a moment, the burning bullet shot in front of the cold phoenix and hit an automatically blocked Force shield.

clicked, and there was a bursting sound as if the glass had been smashed. This Force shield was centered on the position embedded in the bullet, and the dense cracks spread crazily, as if the ice surface was hit by a stone. After a moment of stagnation, it was colorfully broken and turned into pieces all over the sky and scattered down!

It was not until then that the woman Leng Fenghuang woke up. After a moment, she exclaimed:

"This is impossible! How could you have cheated my crystal? You should have hit it directly!"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes disdainfully and mocked:

Have you seen the 'Butterfly Effect'? According to the theory of multiple worlds, the world is infinitely possible. Only at this point in time, I am me. Since the future can be predicted, it can also be changed. Your crystal ball prediction is at most just a situation that can only happen.

"No! How did you lie to my perception!" Leng Fenghuang frowned and shook his head and said coldly, "Tell me!"

"Do you want to know?" Lin Xiao curled his lips and said, "Sing me a song 'Conquest' first." Kneel down and sing to conquer, old meme~~)

"You want to die!"

Noise! Shut up!" Lin Xiao's eyes were cold, and he rushed out with a knife again. He was full of black hair in the morning wind, and the storm Goniz-style priest's robe hunted and hunted, which was indescribably elegant and chic.

The cold phoenix subconsciously wiped the crystal ball again and then looked at it. But this time, even her expression couldn't help moving, because there was an extremely strange scene in the crystal ball, and the whole four Lin Xiao rushed straight to her from four places in the southeast and northwest! And it's more fierce and resolute than the last time! That feeling, people in front, knives behind, completely have a kind of madness to die together!

After seeing this strange scene, the color of the cold phoenix suddenly became solemn, and a hexagonal crystal around her body suddenly burst, turning into a little crystal light and added into her body. This time, the cold phoenix only stretched out one finger and pointed straight to the sky!

It can be seen immediately that the infinite suction began to appear in her front, back and left and right, and then a whole four-sided Force barrier formed around her.

Obviously, Lin Xiao can't have four, and three of them must be illusions!

So when most people face this situation, they have to do multiple-choice questions, that is, to find the real body from the four Lin Xiao! But the time to do the questions is less than two seconds.

But Leng Fenghuang didn't do the question. Her way to deal with it was to directly tear off the test paper given by the questioner! Violent cracking.

The four-sided transparent force barrier · The collision is aimed in four directions. No matter where Lin Xiao comes from, he will be hit again! Force barrier · high-frequency shock!

Wang Lin, who watched the battle, frowned slightly:

"Phoenix is very cautious today. He would rather consume a little more mental energy than to get close to this guy. It seems that this guy has also put a lot of pressure on her..."

However, at this time, Lin Xiao suddenly threw two*. In a bang, a large mass of white smoke rose up, covering all the vision of the cold phoenix. And Lin Xiao had already carried a knife and rushed in brazenly.

Cold Phoenix frowned and patted the force shield rotating around his body in the four directions he had just seen. Force barrier · high-frequency shock!

Storage... Start!

The wide invisible barrier swept out and hit the four directions shown in the crystal ball, but...but! The four Force walls seemed to sink into the sea, but there was no feeling of any obstacles at all.

"Are they all there?" Leng Fenghuang frowned, but did not want to believe that the crystal ball's prediction of the future was wrong again.

So where is the ontology?

Her front, left and right directions were swept by the powerful Force barrier, so the only possible threat... is in the air!

Not bad! Lin Xiao was like a predatory eagle, diving down directly!

His rush was very fierce, and the wind that came to his face was also fierce and fierce, blowing his hair, his coat and his cloak back together. Lin Xiao raised his hands at this time, and the outline of the muscles on his arms were clearly visible because of the wind, which made his whole body emit a It's so sharp that it's flying against the wind!

At this time, a dagger about 40 centimeters long appeared in Lin Xiao's hand. This dagger looks like a very demon and evil feeling, like the tusks of a giant beast. The blade flashes with a cold light, with spiritual corrosion and blood burning, which is quite effective against spiritual experts. The prototype is similar to the "Blade of Ashes" in an online game.

A line of dents was left in the center of the knife body, and a dark red color appeared slightly at the blade, which was probably the reason why it was soaked by blood during the long-term killing. The handle of the knife showed white teeth and the hand was clenched, but it was one of Lin Xiao's trophies from killing more and more in the world, the bloody blade. At this time, he was taken out by Lin Xiao and made a guest appearance.

Lin Xiao's five fingers were bent like hooks and held the handle of the dagger hard. When he entered the attack range, a light flashed in his eyes and clenched it hard. The red flame burned directly on the dagger, but the edge of the flame was covered with a layer of ash and black, which looked red. Black intersection, weird and evil.

At this time, Leng Feng was in the middle of releasing her ability. It was too late to avoid it. She saw the dagger with red and black flames stabbed straight at her neck, but closed her eyes without hurry.

The last two hexagonal force crystals floating around immediately flew away, drawing two mysterious arcs to protect her throat. At the same time, she also activated the rhinoceros shield. The blue barrier suddenly enveloped her body.

But at this time, Lin Xiao's wrist suddenly tilted and pierced the cold phoenix's neck. The demonic bone dagger was sandwiched with red and black flames and stabbed straight into the dark blue crystal ball.

At this moment, time seems to freeze.

It can be felt that there are two indescribable forces between the bone dagger and the crystal ball, which produced an extremely fierce impact collision. The violent explosion occurred in an instant, and the dazzling light shined the whole audience. The crystal ball burst into thousands of pieces of debris. Flying everywhere, it looks as if there is ice and rain falling in an instant, unparalleled dream!

Lin Xiao's goal is actually the crystal ball prop that can predict the enemy's movements! From the beginning, his fierce attack was just a cover!

In the face of such an accident, Leng Fenghuang's face suddenly turned pale. A burning anger suddenly burned in her eyes, and her left hand suddenly clenched her fist, and a little colorless light fell from the gap between her five fingers. The light quickly slid forward and gathered at Lin Xiao's feet.

At this time, Lin Xiao was wiping the dagger horizontally, but Leng Fenghuang waved his hand at this time. Suddenly, Lin Xiao fell directly into the distance. The bone dagger drew a red and black remnant from less than ten centimeters in front of her face, but could only reluctantly fall into the distance.

The Force Converges and Falls!

After Lin Xiao was thrown out, then, the two eyes of the cold phoenix shined indescribably, like the cold light on the blade of the sharp weapon. This is the sign of her powerful control and damage skills, the force acupuncture and explosion... At this time, ordinary If the dangerous person is hit by the most powerful attack of the cold phoenix, it is estimated that even if he does not fall into a state of dizziness, he must have entered a state of near death.

Unfortunately, there is an immortal body. As long as Lin Xiao can't be erased, Lin Xiao will not be taken seriously by this attack. Just like a child who grew up in the mountains and forests, he will definitely not cry to find his mother if he breaks his arm...

So at this time, Lin Xiao, who fell out, raised his head and laughed. His right hand holding the demon bone dagger suddenly made an action, a violent throw forward!

While Lin Xiao was hit by the Force's acupuncture and explosion, his demonic bone dagger had drawn a diagonal arc to rotate and flew, deeply plunged into the cold phoenix's lower abdomen, and the blood light splashed, and both sides were injured!

"Phoenix!" Wang Lin's roar came, and the man who was entangled by Qin Yujie again went straight into a state of rampage. A huge sand gourd condensed behind him. The fine and rough gravel quickly crawled over his whole body and instantly covered him into a four-meter-high sand giant, which was strange and powerful.

Lord of Yellow Sand, come!